#Get #Hate: 2016-12-15

• If you hate whiners, then your self-talk whines.
• If you hate critical people, then your self-talk is critical.
• If you hate mean people, then your self-talk is mean to you.
• If you hate stupid people, then your self-talk tells you that you are stupid.

• If you hate inferior people, then your self-talk tells you that you are inferior.


#Listen #Loser: 2016-12-14

• Is listening to your self-talk like listening to a nagging husband or wife, then re-choose to listen to a motivational speaker.
• Is listening to your self-talk like listening to a bratty or whining child, then re-choose to listen to something positive and uplifting.
• Is listening to your self-talk like listening to a critical coach or teacher, then re-choose to listen to something encouraging and uplifting.
• Is listening to your self-talk like listening to a downer, loser, or pessimist, then re-choose to listen to something motivating and positive.

• Is listening to your self-talk like listening to a judgmental and negative boss, then re-choose to listen to something heartening and uplifting.


#Switch #Self-Talk: 2016-12-13

• Is listening to your self-talk like listening to bad TV shows, then choose to switch TV stations.
• Is listening to your self-talk like reading a bad play script, then choose to switch to a better script.
• Is listening to your self-talk like listening to a bad audio book, then choose to switch audio books.
• Is listening to your self-talk like listening to a bad radio talkshow, then choose to switch to a better show.

• Is listening to your self-talk like reading bad dialogue in a novel or short story, then choose to switch to hearing better dialogue.


#Advice #Circumstance: 2016-12-12

• Advice is reason guiding despite ego demanding that problems continue.
• Advice is practical and useful and oblivious to the whining of self-esteem.
• Advice is a rational proposal to make the best of the worst or the good better.
• Advice is reason proposing solutions to problems that emotion would prefer to keep.

• Advice is dependent upon circumstances such that good advice for one is bad advice for another.


#Weigh #Cost: 2016-12-11

• You weigh the cost when you spend money, but do you weigh the cost when you spend feeling?
• You weigh the cost when you spend money, but do you weigh the cost when you spend thinking?
• You weigh the cost when you spend money, but do you weigh the cost when you spend yourself?
• You weigh the cost when you spend money, but do you weigh the cost when you spend relationships?

• You weigh the cost when you spend money, but do you weigh the cost when you spend values and virtues?


#Trust #Energy: 2016-12-10

• Do you trust thought or Energy?
• Do you trust self-images or Energy?
• Do you trust self-concepts or Energy?
• Do you trust beliefs and ideas or Energy?

• Do you trust your conditioning and opinions or Energy?


#Feed #Thought: 2016-12-09

• Do you feed thoughts or your vessel?
• Do you feed self-concepts or your personhood?
• Do you feed self-images or your original nature?
• Do you feed beliefs and ideas or your authentic self?

• Do you feed your conditioning and opinions or your essence, natural self, and egoless self?


#Great #Wisdom: 2016-12-08

• The greatest success comes from starting and persisting.
• The greatest gain comes from finding and reclaiming your original nature.
• The greatest gratitude comes from making the most of your talents.
• The greatest happiness comes from emotional responsibility and a focus on the inner life.

• The greatest wisdom comes from examining and questioning all sources of information and choosing the reliable ones.


#Greatest #Stupidity: 2016-12-07

• The greatest failure comes from not starting.
• The greatest loss comes from wasting your life on self-esteem.
• The greatest regret comes from not following your dreams and talents.
• The greatest misery comes from believing that others control your feelings.

• The greatest stupidity comes from not proving beliefs, ideas, opinions, and theories against all sources of information.


#Growth #Spirit: 2016-12-06

• To grow in spirit is to grow your reliance on Spirit instead of on thought.
• There is no human growth except for the physical body; however, you can increase the time you are under Spirit instead of under thought.
• The ego develops and grows, not the human self.
• Watch and learn when you rely on Energy instead of on thought and observe how much better things work out.

• Discover what you do now and what you can do in the future to rely on Energy more and thought less while still valuing and using thought for what it is best for: categorizing, differentiating, indicating, labeling, matching, naming, recording, reminding, sorting.
