Acid Test & Enjoy Insights
Now Available As an Audiobook
Acid Test: the first chapter consists of sayings related to both right & wrong thinking patterns. Use for reminders to stay sane in an insane world.
Acid Test
- How To Improve Your Creativity
- How To Improve Your Flexibility
- How To Improve Your Openness
- How To Improve Your Mental Perception
Counseling Posters: Acid Test
- This book is a compilation of posters from the author’s counseling practice.
- Some posters were designed to hang in the office, some in the waiting room, and some for clients to take home.
- Additional sayings have been added, and many posters have been rewritten and modified.
Chapter Contents for 1–3: Acid Test
- The first chapter contains sayings related to both right and wrong thinking patterns.
- You are helped to discover how thinking can easily lead to misperception.
- You are encouraged not to make thinking the screen between you and life.
- Thought can be a wall or a door, depending on your use.
- Chapter Two contains sayings that help make the difference between being a container and being the contents of a container.
- You are helped to rediscover your inner child nature as a container in favor of your adult nature as contents.
- Understanding the nature of self makes it easier to live in authentic moments.
- The third chapter gathers sayings that help point to what is and what is not the genuine self.
- You are helped to discover and live in self instead of in ego.
Chapter Contents for 4–8: Acid Test
- Chapter Four mainly concerns how and why you are responsible for your feelings.
- You are helped to become more mature by owning and accepting responsibility for your feelings.
- Owning your feelings is necessary for awareness and honesty.
- Being responsible for your feelings is necessary for leading an empowered life.
- The fifth chapter collects sayings that did not easily fit into one of the first four chapters.
- Most of those sayings continue the ideas presented in the previous chapters.
- You will discover as much meaning as your ego defenses will allow.
- Chapters 1–5 contain 365 sayings, making them suitable for daily reflection or a calendar.
- Chapter Six consists of longer posters that could and should not be reduced to sayings.
- The seventh chapter consists of poems related to the ideas of the book.
- Chapter Eight is the final chapter, which includes end matter, such as a recommended reading list.
Benefit from Aphorisms: Acid Test
- Pithy sayings can be either instantly helpful or meaningless.
- Often, the best results from sayings or aphorisms come after they have grown slowly in the garden of your mind.
- Ideas you may reject at first can come to have more meaning in time.
- Aphorisms that make no sense today can suddenly reveal themselves to you years later.
- Some sayings can follow and teach you for a lifetime. For example, “Drink from your own well” has taught the author repeatedly for many years.
- Making yourself contemplate a saying you do not understand can reveal much about your thinking style.
- Is it the saying or your lack of openness that is cold?
- The best approach is to feel your way to the inside meat of a saying.
Sayings Bring Stillness: Acid Test
- Focus on the sayings that bring stillness.
- Listen beyond the words.
- Feel, rather than think, the sayings through.
- Sense, rather than think, the music behind the words.
- Manage to touch the energy behind the words, and your heart will be touched.
- If you are interested in quotations, please visit the author’s website.
- There, you will find lists of quotations organized by topic.
- If you find quotations intriguing but not fulfilling, please examine some of the author’s other works listed at the end of the book.
- Read and enjoy!
Guides for Better Living

Chapter 0
- Title
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Description
Chapter 1: Sayings 1–87
- Think Right or Think Wrong
Chapter 2: Sayings 88–142
- Container vs. Contents
Chapter 3: Sayings 143–238
- To Be or Not to Be
Chapter 4: Sayings 239–280
- Feelings and Emotions
Chapter 5: Sayings 281–365
- Miscellaneous Sayings
Chapter 6
Expanded Posters
- 3 Types of Guilt
- 4 Primary Irrational Beliefs
- 4 Should Problems
- 5 Ways I Try to Escape and Avoid Self-Damning
- 6 Personality Types
- 12 Steps of Emotional Disturbance
- 12 Steps of Ending Ego Pain
- Boss or Leader?
- Container Not Contents
- FIDOC and Attention
- Help for Me to Stop Rating Myself
- Meditation and Memory
- Practice Right Thinking
- Self-Talk Matrix
- Seven Steps of Spiritual Surrender
- The 3Rs of Therapy
- The Delusion Triad
- The Care Continuum
- Whatever You Hear Is Never What Was Said
Chapter 7
- Be Me
- Be Nothing
- Be The Bottle
- Be Your Self
- Can’t
- Conflict Motivation
- Container
- Container Self
- Detachment
- Easily Difficult
- Empty Self
- Emptying Self
- Experiencer
- Identify
- Identify
- Identifying
- In Touch
- Just Me
- Know, Do, Be Self
- Meaning’s Path
- Meditate
- Meditation
- Messenger
- Mirroring
- Poverty
- Reflections
- Secret Agent
- Seeing by Not Seeing
- The Container
- Thought
- Thoughts
- Transceiver
- Wanderer
- Words
Chapter 8
- Recommended Readings
- Book Advertisements
- How to End Ego
- How to Stop Failing
- How to Clean Your Mind
- How to Achieve Coherence
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
- Ebook ISBN: 978-1-878693-21-1
Guides for Better Living
Related Pages of Free Information
- Alternative Meanings for Keywords
- Table of Contents for Acid Test
- Quotations: Emotional Responsibility