Anything Goes & Silence
Now Available As an Audiobook
Anything Goes an attempt to provide Zen-like koans to drive you to drop your metalness for silence and peace now. Breakthrough today!
- How To Discover Insight Using Sayings
- How To Exercise and Improve Your Thinking
- How To Increase Your Mental Capability Using Sayings
Collection of Sayings: Anything Goes
- This book is a compilation of sayings useful in understanding Eastern thought and General Semantics.
- The agreement between General Semantics and Eastern philosophy is profound, illuminating, and deepening the understanding of both.
- For instance, the expressions “The description is not the described” and “The thought is not the thing” are found in Eastern philosophy and General Semantics.
- Both systems perceive reality as nonverbal, silent, and beyond comprehension with thought.
- This is even though one is spiritual and one is atheistic.
- Two entirely different approaches to reaching the same ultimate conclusions are exciting and enlightening.
Zen Koans & Aphorisms: Read Anything Goes
- You will find the sayings herein amusing, engaging, exciting, helpful, and thought-provoking.
- Many sayings are like Zen koans; if you sit with them, they reveal the other side without words.
- Many of the sayings are open to multiple interpretations and meanings.
- New meanings will arrive on different journeys through the book.
- The same insight shared in different ways helps you not to miss deeper felt experiences for simple surface meanings.
- A slight change in wording often allows someone to drop their mind long enough to hear something fresh.
- One person’s “that’s obvious” is another person’s “ah-ha” moment.
Eastern Thought: Read Anything Goes
- Let the sayings pass that don’t open to you now.
- Let sayings percolate and seep until you are ready for them.
- Focus on the sayings that bring stillness.
- Listen beyond the words.
- Feel, rather than think, the sayings through.
- Sense, rather than think, the music behind the words.
The word “Nothing” Meaning: Anything Goes
- If you are unfamiliar with Eastern thought, “nothing” can have a profoundly positive meaning.
- For instance, “nothing” can mean the unknowable creative source of everything.
- Eastern philosophy has two major divisions; one with gods and one with a void instead of gods.
- The word “nothing” in this book often refers to this invisible, unfathomable, and all-powerful Eastern void.
- The word “void” is also considered positive in Eastern philosophy.
- Perhaps, because of the negative connotations of the words “void” or “nothing,” the Western mind would do better to think of “positive pure energy” in place of void and nothing.
- The word “nothing” in this book can have many meanings other than zero: emptiness, empty space, formless energy, God, invisible power, no thing, no things as referents, no thoughts, no thoughts as referents, no thoughts being what they only represent, not thinging, self as space, the creative source, the ineffable, the life force, the nature of being, the positive Eastern void, the way of life.
- Try considering “nothing” as a shortened form of the two words “not thinging!”
Words Anything & Everything: Anything Goes
- The words “everything” and “anything” in this book mainly refer to conceptualizing, concretizing, ideas, images, labels, making thoughts into reality, names, objectifying, reification, some thought, some thought-thing, terms, thingifying, thought as delusion, thought as an illusion, thought pretending to be the real, thoughts as what they represent, thought-things, treating thoughts as things.
- Try considering “everything” as a shortened form of the two words “every thought-thing!”
- Try considering “anything” as a shortened form of the two words “any thought-thing!”
2 Reading Suggestions: Anything Goes
- One, you will understand more if you read “nothing” as two words, “no thing” or “not thing,” “everything” as two words, “every thing” or “every thought-thing,” and “anything” as two words “any thing” or “any thought-thing.”
- Two, always consider the word “nothing” to be implied even if it is not stated.
- “Nothing” is the constant counterpoint to “everything” and “anything.”
- The words “nothing,” “everything,” and “anything” have lost some of their original meaning through repetition and usage.
- , you will find that “nothing” and “everything” or “anything” often have opposite or contrasting meanings in the sayings.
More or Less Is More: Anything Goes
- More could be said, but less is often more helpful.
- Find what you will.
- Take what you want and leave the rest to leaven.
- If you are interested in quotations, please visit the author’s website.
- There you will find lists of quotations organized by topic.
- If you find quotations intriguing but not fulfilling, please examine some of the author’s other works listed at the end of the book.
- Yes, you can discover Insight by practicing the discernment of sayings.
- You can exercise and improve your mind for greater openness, flexibility, and creativity.
- Yes, you can increase your mental capability by increasing your capacity for understanding, perception, and wisdom.
- Yes, puzzlement and curiosity are your friends.
Something for Nothing: Anything Goes
- Some of the sayings are variations on sayings from Something For Nothing
- The style of sayings in this book is generally more direct than in Something For Nothing.
- The sayings sometimes use the concept of “thought-things.”
- Thought-things is the author’s term for reified thoughts and reified thinking.
- The sayings often use “I” and “my” instead of indirect pronouns.
- This personalizing assists you in applying the sayings and in making them useful for mantras, prayers, and coping statements.
- Please make use of the sayings you find fruitful and uplifting.
Discover No-Mind

Chapter 0
- Begin
- Title
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Description
Chapter 1
- Quotations
Chapter 2
- Sayings 1–50
Chapter 3
- Sayings 51–100
Chapter 4
- Sayings 101–150
Chapter 5
- Sayings 151–200
Chapter 6
- Sayings 201–250
Chapter 7
- Sayings 251–300
Chapter 8
- Sayings 301–365
Chapter 9
- End
- Final Comments
- Recommended Readings
- Book Advertisements
- How to End Ego
- How to Stop Failing
- How to Clean Your Mind
- How to Achieve Coherence
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
- Ebook ISBN: 978-1-878693-20-4