Games Ego Plays
Games Ego Plays is about the psychological or ego games people play with each other in private and social relationships. Knowledge is power.
Now Available As an Audiobook

- Maps & Diagrams of how people manipulate your heart and mind.
- How To Win at Social Games
- How To End & Exit Social Games
- How To Relate Without Social Games
- How To Map Social Games & Strategies
- How To Know Game Players & Their Moves
- Over 40 Diagrams Make it Easy
- Find a counselor to interpret your issues as ego games, or do it yourself.
Psychological Games in Your Life Shown: Games Ego Plays
- Games Ego Plays is about the psychological or ego games people play with each other in private and social relationships.
- Wouldn't it be great to get out of ego games without conflict when others intend to play them at your expense?
- Wouldn't it be great to be able to recognize an ego game from the start so that you might either healthily redirect the interaction or avoid being locked into a stressful and unproductive ego game?
- Wouldn't it be great to learn ways of relating that don't involve ego games, even though we are all conditioned and trained to play psychological games?
Be Aware of Games in Your Life: Games Ego Plays
- Once you understand the structure and style of ego games, you will find them clear and straightforward enough to see in everyday life.
- You will discover psychological games' fundamental roles, moves, and motives.
- You will become aware of how to play ego games so everyone wins, how to get out of ego games, and how to avoid playing ego games.
- Don't you want to become more aware when you are in an ego game?
- Don't you want to see the motives of others who engage you in ego games?
- Don't you want to learn to avoid entering or starting an ego game?
- Instead of wondering what happened in an uncomfortable interaction, you can learn to analyze the ego game and better prepare for it the next time it rears its ugly head.
Live Game Free: Read Games Ego Plays
- Games Ego Plays will stimulate, enlighten, and challenge you to live ego-game-free.
- Discover how to identify ego games before they suck you in, why people play them, who plays them, and when they play them.
- It's not just the people you love, hate, or know who play these ego games; you'll find that you do, too.
- And you'll learn how to free yourself of your favorite ego games to be more effective and authentic in your relationships and career.
Beyond Pride & Shame from Social Games: Games Ego Plays
- While exposing the foolish ego games of another person brings pride, there is also shame in detecting your ego games.
- Part of Games Ego Plays aims to get you beyond the pride and shame of playing ego games.
- This book also presents another style defined as "Cooperation" as a way to relate without ego games.
- Games Ego Plays includes some materials from a counselor-training workshop previously presented by this author.
- Read That Book To Have the Advantage—
- The benefit of Using the Map of Social Games & Strategies
- The Benefit of Knowing the Players & Roles in Games
- The benefit of Knowing the Rules of Games & Strategies
- The benefit of Knowing the Agenda, Intentions, Motives & Payoffs
- While this book is designed to stand alone, you might find it more easily digested if you first read FitzMaurice's Mind Your Ego.
Answer these Questions for Yourself:
- How can I avoid or end social games?
- How can I get out of a game?
- How can I keep from losing at games?
- How can I play games to win?
- How do I handle people's games?
- How do I know if I am in a game?
- How do I stop games?
- How do I stop playing games?
- What are social games?
- What are the payoffs for social games?
- What are the rules of social games?
- What social games do people play?
- Why do people play games?
Change Does Not Come from Revolutions or Social Movements
- Revolutions and social movements are about changing who is supposed to be good and who is supposed to be bad.
- Changing the categories for games does not change the games.
- Changing the names of games does not change the games.
- Change requires an end to games.
- One way to end games is to provide a new structure for relationships and power.
- An example of a new way to relate can be found in How to Govern Anything.
"So-called revolutions and social movements are based on enforcing new categories of good and bad self-constructions. No fundamental changes are made to the social games or structure of human relationships." —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
You Can't Play to Win Without Knowing the Rules

Table of Contents for Games Ego Plays, Revised Edition
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- Contents are based on the paperback version.
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
- Ebook ISBN: 978-1-878693-36-5
- Paperback ISBN: 978-1520655-99-4
- Hardback ISBN: 979-8506118-60-2
You Can’t Play to Win Without Knowing the Rules
Games Ego Plays, Revised Edition
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You Can’t Play to Win Without Knowing the Rules
Related Pages of Free Information
- Article Online about Main Diagram
- Mind Your Ego
- REBT Diagram of Counseling Game
- Table of Contents: Games Ego Plays