Attitude Is All You Need! 2nd Ed.
Now Available As an Audiobook
Attitude Is All You Need! Do you know, How to choose your Attitude? This book will help you to understand. Start your new life today!
Attitude Is All You Need!
- The best understanding of attitudes anywhere.
- Master your attitudes & master your life.
- What Are Winning Attitudes?
- How to Choose Your Attitude
- How to Regain Your Attitude Power
- Rules to Use to Rule Your Attitudes
Attitude Power Is Yours Now: Attitude Is All You Need! 2nd Ed.
- Attitude Is All You Need! is about Attitude Power (AP).
- You will discover how to increase your Attitude Power and decrease your attitudinal deficiencies and weaknesses from reading it.
- Don’t you think the time and energy spent on improving your attitude is worth the benefits to your relationships and career?
Rules for Managing Attitudes: Attitude Is All You Need! 2nd Ed.
- Are you willing to learn rules for your sanity?
- Are you willing to learn rules for the management of your attitudes?
- You will learn many rules for managing your attitude.
- You learned a lot of rules in school for science and math.
- If you have a trade or profession, then you learned a lot of rules to be in that trade or profession.
- You may have learned rules in many areas, such as consulting, design, documentation, efficiency, ethics, handling, legal, materials, methods, processing, record keeping, safety, skill, tools, and various special procedures.
- Don’t you think the time and energy spent on improving your mental health is worth the benefits to your relationships and career?
4 Features & 4 Benefits: Attitude Is All You Need! 2nd Ed.
- Your methods of coping with stress can be used to understand some of the features and benefits of this book.
- You can obtain the following benefits by practicing the Attitude Power teachings.
Feature #1: Attitude Is All You Need!
- Attitude Power helps you to become more aware of your attitudes and the effects your attitudes have on you, your competence, relationships, and stress.
Benefit #1: Attitude Is All You Need!
- Your awareness of your attitudes allows you to switch from ineffective or damaging attitudes to effective or helpful ones.
- Attitude Power can be used to lower your stress by helping you to choose a less stressful attitude.
Feature #2: Attitude Is All You Need!
- Attitude Power helps you to become responsible for your attitudes and stress.
- Responsibility regains control lost to victimhood.
Benefit #2: Attitude Is All You Need!
- Your responsibility for your attitudes allows you to regain your personal power and take charge of your attitudes.
- When stressed, you are more likely to look for internal methods of dealing with stress than to blame uncontrollable external sources; hence, you are better able to lower your stress.
Feature #3: Attitude Is All You Need!
- Attitude Power helps you to choose the most effective attitude for the situation.
- You also learn to choose again after testing the results of your attitude choices.
Benefit #3: Attitude Is All You Need!
- You can cope more effectively because your attitude not only does not get in the way of your coping but also helps you deal effectively with the situation (a double win).
- Your stress is lower as you are more effective.
- You achieve more of what you want to accomplish by choosing the attitude that will help you the most.
Feature #4: Attitude Is All You Need!
- Attitude Power teaches the practice of acceptance when you cannot change things for the better.
- Acceptance overcomes stress.
Benefit #4: Attitude Is All You Need!
- You are free of harmful stress.
- You do not let lousy stress get worked out on your body, which leads to medical problems.
- You allow good stress to get things done.
- You switch from bad stress to prevent apathy, burnout, conflicts, cynicism, disease, fights, and illness.
Training Seminar for Counselors: Attitude Is All You Need! Second Edition
- Attitude Is All You Need! was initially used for a training seminar for counselors and therapists.
- Some of the original's formatting and brevity resulted from being designed around presentation overheads.
- This 2011 version is a revised, updated, and expanded version of the original.
- The book sometimes addresses and talks to therapists and counselors and at other times talks to the general public or potential clients.
- Please excuse this multiplicity of audiences due to the origins of the work.
Answer These Questions for Yourself: Attitude Is All You Need! 2nd Ed.
- How can I change my attitude?
- How can I control my attitude?
- How can I have a better attitude?
- How can I improve my attitude?
- How can I restrain my attitude?
- How can I rule my attitude?
- How do I improve my attitude?
- What is the right attitude?
Review by Albert Ellis, Ph.D.: Attitude Is All You Need! 2nd Ed.
“He is an independent thinker, and I would advise you to read some of his books, particularly Attitude Is All You Need! It will help you control your anxiety and overcome other emotional problems” —Albert Ellis, Ph.D.- Albert Ellis was the founder of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT).
- Albert Ellis was voted the second most influential psychologist of all time by the American Psychological Association (APA).
- Dr. Ellis devoted a chapter to Attitude Is All You Need! in his book How to Control Your Anxiety Before It Controls You.
Improve Your Attitude, Improve Everything

Table of Contents for Attitude Is All You Need! Second Edition
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- Contents are based on the paperback version.
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
- Ebook ISBN: 978-1-878693-22-8
- Paperback ISBN: 978-1-977034-19-9
- Hardback ISBN: 979-8-510855-98-2
Improve Your Attitude, Improve Everything
Attitude Is All You Need! Second Edition
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Improve Your Attitude, Improve Everything
Related Pages of Free Information
- Attitude Is All You Need! 2nd: Contents
- Attitude Power Is Real Power
- New Cycle of Motivation Diagram
- Quotations: Emotional Responsibility