Garden Your Mind & Discover Happiness
Now Available As an Audiobook
In Garden Your Mind, you use CBT & REBT to overcome your anxiety and depression. Clean your own house first and then help others.

- Use the best CBT self-help system in the world.
- How To Feel Better and Get Better
- How To Brighten Your Mind and Heart with CBT
- How To Practice CBT Self-Help
- How To Practice Guided Self-Help with CBT
- How To Improve Your Mood and Responses
Garden for a Healthy Mind: Garden Your Mind
- In a garden, you grow food, herbs to nourish and heal, and flowers to please and inspire.
- A garden is where you protect and care for plants that give you multiple benefits.
- A garden is where you continually uproot the weeds, interfering with the health and growth of your plants, herbs, and flowers.
- Gardening is caring for plants so they might be healthy enough to produce value–flowers, vegetables, herbs, and fruits.
Garden Your Mind: Plant for a Healthy Mind
- Your mind is the soil in which sensations, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes take root.
- Whatever takes root in your conscious or unconscious mind produces fruit or results.
- Your conscious mind is the part of your garden you admit to having.
- Your unconscious mind is the part of your garden that you hide in darkness because you do not want the weeds you grow there to be found and shame you.
Pull Weeds for a Healthy: Garden Your Mind
- Be warned; you will get your hands dirty when you garden.
- You will see unpleasant weeds in your garden, and you will get scratched and cut, pulling out your weeds.
- Suffering is unavoidable. Choose to suffer well.
- Understand that you will suffer from your weeds or suffer from pulling out your weeds.
- The suffering from your weeds is suffering badly, as it leads to a sicker garden.
- The suffering from pulling out your weeds is suffering well, as it leads to a healthier garden.
Practice Gardening for a Healthy Mind: Garden Your Mind
- You now have a clear and practical way to improve your life: the garden-your-mind analogy.
- By gardening your mind, you will improve your thoughts.
- By improving your thoughts, you will improve your feelings.
- By improving your feelings, you will improve your behaviors.
- And since your thoughts, feelings, and actions are interconnected, you help improve the rest anytime you improve one.
- Synergistically, your mental, emotional, and behavioral health will enhance each other, all of which will enhance your relationships, peacefulness, focus, and life.
- Enjoy!
Clear Your Head

Contents by Chapter
Chapter 1
- Mind
- Mind as Garden
- What is a Garden?
Chapter 2
Recognize Two Things
- Plants
- Weeds
- Challenge
Chapter 3
Positive versus Negative
- Negative
- Positive
- Absolute
- Both And
Chapter 4
Remove Weeds: Weeding
- Disadvantages of Weeds
- Avoid and Discourage Weeds
Chapter 5
Replace with Plants: Planting
- Advantages of Plants
- Find and Nurture Plants
Chapter 6
3Rs and Gardening
1R. Recognize
- Recognize Example: WWBADD Weeds
- Recognize Example: The Four Covering Methods
- Recognize Example: 9 Detection Methods for Weeds
- Recognize Example: Weeds to Uproot from AA
- Recognize Example: Self-defeating Thinking
2R. Remove
- Example Remove: 3Ps
- Example Remove: Help or Hurt
- Example Remove: Make Allergic
- Example Remove: 6Ps
- Example Remove: 6 Tests
- Example Remove: Stop Self-Damning
3R. Replace
- Replace Example: Replace REBT’s irrational beliefs (iBs) with REBT type rational beliefs (rBs)
- Replace Example: Detachment Coping Statements
- Replace Example: Three Part Self-Talk
- Replace Example: Replace in Three Stages—Rehearsal, Safe Practice, Risk Taking
- Replace Example: Detachment Reasoning
- Replace Example: Plants to Promote from AA
- Replace Example: Replace Self-Defeating Thinking with Effective Thinking
4R. Repetition
Chapter 7
3Rs Examples
- 3Rs Example: Three Steps
- 3Rs Example: Six Steps
- 3Rs Example: 5Qs
- 3Rs Habit Change Table
- 3Rs and Channel Switching Table
Chapter 8
3Rs Meta-theory
Chapter 9
Garden Inventory
- Compost
- Suffer Well
- Garden Your Own Mind
Chapter 10
General Garden Advice
Chapter 11
Under versus Trying
Chapter 12
- End Notes
- Scripture on Gardening
- Conscious and Unconscious
- Results
- Plant
- Garden
- Suggested Readings
- Advertisement
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
- Ebook ISBN: 978-1-878693-15-0
- Paperback ISBN: 978-1-976953-24-8
Clear Your Head
Related Pages of Free Information
- 3Rs: Tables Displayed
- CBT, CT, & REBT: Quotations
- CBT & REBT: Fast-Facts
- Emotional Responsibility: Quotations
- Garden Your Mind Or Lose Your Mind
- Table of Contents: Garden Your Mind