Carl Rogers, Control Freak Understand Best Technique
Now Available As an Audiobook
Carl Rogers, Control Freak is not about the life of Carl Rogers but focuses on understanding the best counseling technique that Rogers invented.

- Master the best technique in counseling.
- How To Use the Rogerian Method
- How To Save the Work of Carl Rogers
- How To Save Counseling’s Greatest Technique
- How To Use Roger’s Technique
The Work of Carl Rogers: Carl Rogers, Control Freak
- This book is about Carl Rogers’s work, not Carl’s life.
- Carl Rogers’s problems with alcohol and marriage have nothing to do with his counseling method.
- This short book focuses on the method of counseling that Rogers invented.
- The messenger is not the message.
- The distinction means that if Carl Rogers’s method is to be evaluated, it should be evaluated separately from his life.
- Was Rogers a wounded healer? Perhaps so.
Methods Are Not Theories: Carl Rogers, Control Freak
- Method and technique are not to be confused with counseling theory.
- A counseling theory is a set of guiding principles that structure the counseling course.
- A method or technique is a strategy for eliciting a response from a client.
- Therefore, counseling theories provide general directions for achieving specific goals, while methods or techniques are particular strategies for promoting a change or curative response from a client.
Greatest Counseling Method: Carl Rogers, Control Freak
- Carl Rogers gave the counseling world its most effective, efficient, and advanced method.
- Unfortunately, Rogers feared to face the true nature of his method and buried it under false philosophy and theory that diametrically opposed it.
- Rogers’ betrayal of his method has led to a corruption of his method, causing it to be diluted, at best, and in many cases lost.
- We must separate Carl Rogers’s theory from Carl Rogers’s method to resurrect and preserve his superior method.
Save the Rogerian Method: Carl Rogers, Control Freak
- Rogers was a unique genius who provided the counseling world with its best method, and he and his theory are rightly honored and valued.
- His theory is simply humanism and self-actualization applied to counseling, which others have done before and after Rogers.
- Rogers was an idealist, and most of his expounded ideals are noble and helpful.
- For instance, Rogers wanted teachers to be facilitators and resource persons for the discovery process rather than merely a series of audio recordings.
Reexamine the Method: Carl Rogers, Control Freak
- Both the method of Rogers and the theory of Rogers are valuable in their own right.
- Please re-experience the Rogerian Method in light of this book, and leave the rest to dust.
- If we could present the method as our own or something new, we would; but that would be a lie.
- Save counseling’s greatest method for future generations.
- Let us increase the odds that more than just the lucky few can find a counselor proficient in the Rogerian Method.
Rediscover the Rogerian Method in Carl Rogers, Control Freak
- This book will help you discover the true nature of the method.
- But ultimately, you must work this out for yourself.
- You must again watch the videos of Rogers at work.
- You must again analyze his method.
- You must experiment and test until you are confident, from your own examination, what the nature of the method is.
Practice the Method As Rogers Did: Carl Rogers, Control Freak
- You are missing the point if you wish to debate Rogers’ theories.
- The Rogerian Method works wonders and needs to be salvaged and seen for what it is, separate from all theory and philosophy.
- Those who continue to banter about philosophies after reading this book are those incapable of performing the method.
- You can have any theoretical orientation you like and still use the Rogerian Method effectively as long as you understand the method for what it is.
- Putting the method into a new context, a new theory of understanding—frees it for future exploration.
- Once the method is free and alive, you can make up any philosophies or theories you want or need.
- The method will have been saved.
The Best Counseling Technique

- Title
- Carl Rogers, Control Freak
- Copyright
- Copyright © 2012 by Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- ISBN 978-1-878693-26-6
- Dedication
- Description
Rogers Was Skillful
- Rogers Was Accepting
- Rogers Was Empathic
- Rogers Was Intuitive
- Rogers Was Patient
- Rogers Was Present
- Rogers Was Reflective
- Rogers Was Socratic
- Rogers Used Silence
- Rogers Meditated Clients
- Rogers Increased Cognitive Dissonance
- 4 Ways Rogers Acted Like a Journalist
- Rogers Was Controlling
- Rogers Was Directive
- 6 Ways Rogers Was Directive
- Rogers Was Not Genuine
- 10 Ways Rogers Was Not Genuine
- Rogers Was Superior
- 8 Ways Rogers Was Superior
Misinterpretations of Rogerian Method
- Misinterpreted as Beginning Counseling
- Misinterpreted as Active Listening
- Misinterpreted as Questioning
Rogerian Method: Practices
- Goals for the Rogerian Method
- 3 Goals for Rogerian Method
- Disclose the Method
- Increase Cognitive Dissonance
- Seek the Inner Conflict
- Conflict about Conflict
- Direct Focus to Inner Conflict
- Redirect Focus to the Conflict
- Deflect Back
- Redirect Focus to the Client
- Stay Present with the Conflict
- Accept the Conflict as Your Own
- Mirror the Inner Person
- Silently Listen to The Client’s Self-talk
- Trust the Client for Resolution
Rogerian-Method Foils
- Rogerian-Method Protection
- Rogerian Method: Not for All Situations
- Requires Self-Awareness
- Rogerian Method: Not for…
Conflict Resolution
- Meta Counseling Theory
- 8 Suggested Study Groups for CCM
- Effective Conflict Resolution
- 29 Ways to Accept or Reject Conflict:
- Ineffective Conflict Resolution
- 17 Ways to Mishandle Conflict
- Recommended Books, Alphabetically by Author
- How to Read FitzMaurice’s Books
- FitzMaurice’s Books
- Book Descriptions
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- How to Have a Super Attitude
- How to End Ego
- How to Stop Failing
- How to Clean Your Mind
- How to Achieve Coherence
- Enjoy!
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
- Ebook ISBN: 978-1-878693-26-6
- Paperback ISBN: 978-1-977044-40-2
The Best Counseling Technique
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The Best Counseling Technique
Related Pages of Free Information
- Rogers’s Technique & Client Disclosure
- Table of Contents: Carl Rogers
- Step Out: Using Rogers’s Technique
- Quotations: CBT, CT, & REBT
- Quotations: CBT & REBT Fast-Facts
- Quotations: Communication & Listening
- Quotations: Communication Fast-Facts