World Within: The Inner Life
World Within is Available as an Audiobook
World Within: The Inner Life will help you discover how to make your heart, soul, and mind work for you, not against you or each other.
“Life is in ourselves and not in the external.” —Fyodor Dostoevsky

- So You Thought You Were Smart?
- How To Understand Duality
- How To Move Beyond Duality to Triality
- How To Make Dialectics Work for You
- How To Use the 5 Thinking Positions for Sanity
Live Within Explained: Read World Within
- This book is about discovering the world within your physical body.
- Please read it to discover your inner life and how to enjoy a productive and purposeful inner life.
- For example, you will discover what an inner life consists of, how it works, how it fails, how to get working again, and how to keep it working.
- Read this book to discover how to make your heart, soul, and mind work for you, not against you or each other.
- Read and discover the first new psychology of the mind to be revealed in decades.
Inner Life & Dialectics: Read World Within
- World Within presents a model of inner life based on dialectics.
- Dialectics can be understood as an internal dialogue between a set of dualities, a pair of opposites, or a yin and yang dichotomy.
- Dialectics is explained and explored at length to provide awareness and insight into the nature of attention, internal processes, and thinking.
- Our model for dialectics is called Ping-Pack-Pong (P-P-P).
- This model covers the middle ground and process of dialectics, as well as the dichotomies themselves that are the two opposites.
- The P-P-P model effectively analyzes and understands how internal dialectics work or fail depending on how they are organized, processed, structured, and used.
- The P-P-P model could be used to produce advanced AI.
- Many chapters also address various identity issues.
Chapters: World Within
- The first chapter explores the parts and components of your inner life, stressing the importance of having an inner life and understanding its purpose and function.
- The first chapter also examines the nature of self, your internal conversations and dialogue, your three internal attentions, and how they function, relate, and work together or at cross purposes.
- The second chapter explains dialectics as the means and mechanism of thought.
- The third chapter focuses on how inner dialectics are beneficial and how they can work effectively and efficiently.
- The fourth chapter focuses on how to be aware of, explore, and map your inner dialectics using the Ping-Pack-Pong paradigm.
- The fifth chapter focuses on the problem and the issue of Complex Ping-Pack-Pongs.
- The sixth chapter focuses on solutions that fail to help the problems of dysfunctional dialectics.
- The seventh chapter focuses on the problems of “not-ing” (of trying to undo P-P-Ps).
- The eighth chapter focuses on solutions that work to get dialectics functioning properly and constructively again.
- The ninth chapter applies some of the book’s understanding of dialectics to the problem of addiction.
- The tenth and final chapter of the main text provides spiritual solutions to problematic dialectics and a spiritual understanding of dialectical processes.
End of Book: World Within
- The book’s back matter or end matter contains information about the author, recommendations for more of the author’s books according to their intended usage, books listed as references and recommendations for further study, and a link for information on how to read ebooks on various devices.
- Read and Enjoy!
The Inner Life

Table of Contents for World Within
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- Contents are based on the paperback version.
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
- Ebook ISBN: 978-1-878693-41-9
- Paperback ISBN: 978-1-976813-69-6
- Hardback ISBN: 979-8-508242-05-3
The Inner Life
Related Pages of Free Information
- Beyond Duality to Continuum Theory
- Discovery Demands 5TP
- New Diagram of Triality
- Table of Contents: World Within