Rediscover Optimal Performance
Now Available As an Audiobook
Rocket-Mind (R-M) is for rediscovering your optimal way of performing today.
Rocket-Mind (R-M)
- R-M is an action-oriented book.
- Start practicing R-M principles immediately.
- Discover how you work best using R-M.
- Discover how to get yourself working optimally again using R-M.
- You will feel like you’re riding a rocket to your destination.
The R-M Model
- R-M is a model for understanding high and optimal performance.
- Follow R-M principles and perform at your best.
- Rocket-Mind teaches the right order and structure for your inner life.
- Understand what works and what does not for living at your best.
- Living at your best is best for everyone because your best does the best.
The R-M Order
- R-M teaches the right order, emphasis, and structure for your inner life.
- Rocket-Mind can be substituted for various ways of describing or naming right functioning.
- R-M helps you to be aligned, centered, and congruent and experience effortless work.
- Rocket-Mind provides integrity, living in the flow, no-mind, non-interference, one-pointedness, and living under virtue.
R-M Has Three Parts
- Your inner life consists of three parts: heart, soul, and mind.
- You can also think of these three parts as your life force or energy, sensing or experiencing, and naming or thinking.
- The three parts are always working as intended.
- Only when you focus on this right functioning will you do your best.
- You will do poorly when you focus on the three parts in the wrong order or priority.
- Each part has its right time and place.
- Each part has one function or role to play.
- Each part has a proper relationship with the other parts.
- No part can substitute for another part.
R-M Depends on You
- R-M systems can only direct your functioning according to the intention and focus you provide.
- Your intention and focus are under your direct control.
- No matter how naturally perfect R-M is, you can disrupt it and cause it to fail.
R-M’s First Two Goals
- The first goal is to have the right intention for each R-M.
- The second goal is to be aware of all three parts in proper alignment, like the three stages of a rocket.
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Do Your Best All the Time
- If this book does not change your life, you are already dead. Discover how you work best and how to get yourself working optimally again.
- This is an action-oriented book. We want you to start practicing R-M principles immediately. There is more theory and philosophy to R-M than what is included in this book. Notes on various aspects of R-M will be used for a follow-up book.
- R-M is a model for understanding high and optimal performance. When you follow R-M principles, you will perform at your best, whatever the task requires. You will feel like you are riding a rocket to your destination.
- R-M teaches the right order and structure for your inner life. Using the model of R-M, you will understand what works and what does not for living at your best. Living at your best is best for everyone because your best does the best.
Rocket-Mind (R-M) Contents
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- Contents are based on the paperback version.
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
- Ebook ISBN: 978-1-878693-58-7
- Paperback ISBN: 979-8-378649-23-5
- Hardback ISBN: 979-8-378649-79-2
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Rocket-Mind (R-M)
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