Christian Idols: Stop Serving Falsehoods
Christian Idols is about how we serve idols and self-constructions instead of God. Recognize, Remove, and Replace idols and self-constructions. Live free today!
Christian Idols Now Available As an Audiobook
Christian & Religious Idols
- This book reveals how religions serve idols instead of God.
- This book challenges Christians to give up their idols for Christ.
- You will finally understand what idols are.
- You will understand why idols hurt you mentally and spiritually.
- You will face the problems of self-constructions in all of life.
- You will understand how Christians, Buddhists, and Islamists use idols.
Self-Constructions Are the Underlying Problem
- This book focuses on idols existing in the form of self-constructions.
- Another focus is on evil and sin existing as self-constructions.
- The actions of sin are considered the acceptance, sharing, and promotion of self-constructions.
- Your most important spiritual task is to end your self-constructions about yourself and others.
Now End All Self-Constructions
- End self-constructions and be happier and healthier.
- End self-constructions, and you can also help others become free of the ego.
- End self-constructions because the ego keeps us separate from God.
- Reduce and remove self-constructions and live sanely in an insane world run by the ego.
Read More
- To develop your spiritual skills, read Life Skills: 10 Spiritual Skills and Spiritual Surrender’s Seven Steps.
- To rediscover the Christian life, read The Seventh Way, Second Edition.
- To understand Christian scripture, read Christian Scripture.
Read More to Feed Your Soul
7 Spiritual Books Recommended for Insight
- Self: Who Am I?
- The Story of Life
- Spiritual Surrender’s Seven Steps
- Buddha Failed: 25 Reasons
- Life Skills: 10 Spiritual Skills
- The Seventh Way, Second Edition
- Sinners Anonymous: Group Rules, Second Edition
7 Christian Books Recommended for Following Christ
- Christian Sex
- Christian Scripture
- Sinners Anonymous: Group Rules, Second Edition
- The Seventh Way, Second Edition
- Spiritual Surrender’s Seven Steps
- The Story of Life
- Self: Who Am I?
Religious Idols Destroy Spirituality

Table of Contents Christian Idols
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- Contents are based on the paperback version.
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
- Ebook ISBN: 978-1-878693-61-7
- Paperback ISBN: 979-8-393892-98-2
- Hardback ISBN: 979-8-393893-41-5
Religious Idols Destroy Spirituality
Christian Idols
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Religious Idols Destroy Spirituality
Related Pages of Free Information
- 5 Main Spiritual Failures
- Christian Idols: Contents
- Christian Idols: Fast-Facts
- Christian Scripture: Contents
- Fast-Facts: Christian Scripture
- Fast-Facts: Life Skills: 10 Spiritual Skills
- Fast-Facts: Spirituality
- Fast-Facts: The Seventh Way, 2nd
- Life Skills: 10 Mental Skills
- Life Skills: 10 Spiritual Skills
- Praying & Prayer: List Pages
- Scripture Topic: List Pages
- Table Contents: The Seventh Way, 2nd