Discover the Spiritual System for Surrender
Now Available As an Audiobook
Spiritual Surrenders Seven Steps teaches the ancient and always new system of how to surrender to God & avoid spiritual ego simultaneously.

Spiritual Surrenders Seven Steps
- Stop Trying & Start Living
- How To Surrender to God
- How To Understand Surrender
- How To Avoid Spiritual Ego
- How To Use the Seven Steps for Freedom
- How to Find Help to Surrender
Seven-Step System Spiritual Surrenders Seven Steps
- This book presents the seven-step system of surrender to God.
- The seven-step system is an accurate and reliable map of how surrender to God takes place.
Map of Surrender
- You can use the map to prepare yourself for the appearance of the seven steps in situations in which they do not yet exist within you.
- You can use the map of the seven steps to understand if you have surrendered to God.
Become Aware of Surrender
- Using this map, you can become aware of when you are already following the seven steps.
- Yes, when you have success and healing, the seven steps are already occurring in you.
Understand Surrender Spiritual Surrenders Seven Steps
- We will first explain the seven steps and then provide additional information toward complete understanding.
- Further chapters delve deep into some individual steps before providing helpful practices for becoming aware of the seven steps in yourself.
More Help with Surrender
- Related concepts and issues are also explored in order to provide you with a comprehensive understanding and context for opening yourself up to the seven steps.
Chapter One: Spiritual Surrenders Seven Steps
- This chapter presents the book's main focus: the seven steps to surrender.
- However, you will need the information in the chapters that follow in order to understand the seven steps and some of their concepts, practices, and terms, so you’ll likely want to return to this chapter later.
- Initially, a brief outline of the seven steps is provided, followed by a more developed outline, and then the same seven steps are presented in two different ways.
- Finally, at the end of the chapter, you will find a table outlining the seven steps.
Chapter Two Spiritual Surrenders Seven Steps
- This chapter provides a deeper and more complete understanding of the seven steps of spiritual surrender.
- Each step is explained in greater detail.
Chapter Three Spiritual Surrenders Seven Steps
- This chapter provides more detailed information about the parts and processes of the seven steps that were only mentioned or briefly covered in the previous two chapters.
- Relevant concepts, such as our two awarenesses and natures, are introduced and expanded upon.
Chapter Four Spiritual Surrenders Seven Steps
- This chapter first provides some more information about the intricate workings of the seven steps, then goes deeper into steps two, three, and six.
Chapter Five Spiritual Surrenders Seven Steps
- This chapter is about practices you can use to help bring you closer to experiencing and living in the seven steps.
- You can also use these practices to increase your awareness of the seven steps as they naturally occur or have occurred in your life.
Chapter Six Spiritual Surrender’s Seven Steps
- This chapter is about topics related to the seven steps. Information in chapter six is not crucial for understanding the seven steps; however, the information collected there can help you discover the seven steps.
Chapter Seven Spiritual Surrender’s Seven Steps
- This chapter is about whether or not you can do the seven steps.
- If you are the type of person who prefers to have the information necessary to understand a model before being presented with the model, then we suggest that you read chapters three, two, and one in that order. Enjoy!
Discover the Spiritual System for Surrender

Table of Contents for Spiritual Surrender’s Seven Steps
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- Contents are based on the paperback version.
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
- Ebook ISBN: 978-1-878693-48-8
- Paperback ISBN: 979-8-666650-27-1
- Hardback ISBN: 979-8-507967-17-9
Discover the Spiritual System for Surrender
Spiritual Surrender’s Seven Steps
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Discover the Spiritual System for Surrender
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