Discover this System & Develop a Stoic Mind
Now Available As an Audiobook
Stiffer: This book is designed to stiffen your mind to injuries and insults to learn to be psychologically free from them.

- How CBT, REBT, & Stoicism Evolved into One System
- Master the Life Skill of Acceptance in the Best Way
- Master Gaining Your Stoic Mind
- How To Remove a Weak Mind
- How To Replace a Weak Mind with a Stiff-Mind
- How To Use the 3Rs for Freedom from Ego & Weakness
- How to Use the 5TP for Perspective & Balance
- Use the Best System Combining REBT, CBT, & Stoicism
Stiffen Your Mind: Stiffer: Stoic Mind
- Stiffer is designed to stiffen your mind to injuries and insults so that you can learn to be psychologically free from them.
- The wisdom of the Stoics can be understood as, in practice, acquiring a stiff mind, mental attitude, or outlook.
- A stiff mind results in a stoic calm and leaves one free to serve virtue despite hardships and struggles that distract and disturb minds that are not stiff or Stoic.
End Emotional Manipulation: Stiffer: Stoic Mind
- Won’t it be great to finally be able to ignore those who intend to hurt you to manipulate or punish you?
- Won’t it be great to have such a stiff outlook that nothing unimportant or useless can distract you from your chosen course?
- Yes, you can learn to bear the criticism, and, more importantly, you can learn to stand your trials and tribulations to focus on and achieve your dreams.
Revolutionary System: Stiffer: Stoic Mind
- We will be developing and exploring a revolutionary new paradigm, STPHFR, that will help you to map your mind in unheard-of productive ways.
- This new paradigm is an evolutionary development, and that evolution will be traced through this book.
- STPHFR works better than other mind-mapping methods because it provides a mapping structure (variables, sequence, impact) that better fits the workings of your mind.
- The structure of this paradigm is neither too simplistic for reality nor too complicated for application.
- Moreover, it works more effectively and efficiently than other paradigms when adequately applied, implemented, and practiced.
Understand Emotions: Stiffer: Stoic Mind
- Stiffer explains how human emotions arise, are caused, and are chosen.
- Understanding emotions will help you in every area of your life.
- Taking responsibility for your emotions is the most empowering psychological viewpoint you can choose and use.
- This book will provide a new and more in-depth understanding of emotions.
- You will be shown how ego feelings are always unreal (about your ego, not your self), while natural or non-ego feelings are often real (about your self, not your ego).
- The difference between unreal and real feelings will become clear from understanding the dynamics and mechanics of how emotions and feelings rise and fall.
- We will now define unreal feelings as feelings based on delusions or illusions and real feelings as feelings based on reality or verifiable experiences.
- One of the main mottoes of the book is: Feel for Real!
Increase Positive & Productive Feelings: Stiffer: Stoic Mind
- By learning to increase your real feelings and decrease your unreal feelings, you will also increase your authentic self and decrease your delusional self based on self-esteem.
- Self-esteem, ego, is about no one and nobody, so the feelings it produces aren’t real.
- To feel for real is to live in life instead of being lost in the delusions of thought and story worlds.
- If you are living in life instead of living in ego, then you see reality as it is, not through the lens of some story your ego has built.
- You aren’t lost in concepts and images as if they were the realities that, at best, they could only point to, indicate, or describe.
Many Benefits: Stiffer: Stoic Mind
- The book offers many other benefits, including insights into how your attention system works, how your survival system motivates you, and how you can best manage your internal life (sensations, feelings, thoughts) to have a happier and more productive life.
- Additional information is provided on how expectations cause suffering, common feelings and superstitions to avoid, and the three human superpowers. Enjoy!
Page Devoted to Handouts: Stiffer: Stoic Mind
- The link below collects all 17 Fast-Facts from Stiffer onto one website for convenience, easy reference, and size-adjustable viewing.
- All 17 are provided in the scalable PGN format.
- Documents and handouts in PGN format.
Revolutionary System to Develop Your Stoic Mind

Table of Contents for Stiffer
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- Contents are based on the paperback version.
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
- Ebook ISBN: 978-1-878693-04-4
- Paperback ISBN: 978-1-079769-38-8
- Hardback ISBN: 979-8-508066-50-5
Revolutionary System to Develop Your Stoic Mind
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Revolutionary System to Develop Your Stoic Mind
Related Pages of Free Information
- Quotations on Stoicism from Stoics
- S-R Thinking (Stimulus-Response)
- Stiffer: Handouts in PDF Format
- Stiffer: Handouts in PGN Format
- Stiffer: Contents
- Stimulus Responsibility Before & After
- STPHFR Infographic
- STPHFR Model Explains Feelings
- STPHFR Insights on Emotions