Christian Meditation Practice
- The Secret of Maturity, 3rd Ed. For 99¢, I will teach you how to own the power of emotional responsibility.
Christian meditation is developed as the best form of meditation practice. It is supported with scripture to encourage its practice and acceptance!
“Dwell always at the silent level.” —Alfred Korzybski
“‘I’ do not bring anything to the Light to be revealed; rather, I host the Light, I turn to the Light, and I wait on the Light to do its work on what is inside me.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
“Mediation is being a host and nothing else.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
“Whatever you do to meditate is not meditation.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
“You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you cannot afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.” —James Stockdale
- Read for a complete understanding of spiritual surrender.
Christian Meditation: Definition of Meditation
- Meditation is the practice of watching your thoughts from the perspective of being their host rather than from the perspective of being a participant.
Christian Meditation: 4 Premises of Meditation
- Thoughts will reveal their true nature when in the light of awareness.
- This light of awareness can only exist when you are not attached to your thoughts.
- This light will drive out and away thoughts that do not serve Good or Energy because they cannot stand the light.
- This light will strengthen and reinforce thoughts that serve the Good or Energy because they love the light.
Christian Mediation: Scripture As Meditation
“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” —2 Corinthians 10:5
- 2 Corinthians 10:5 is used as directions on how to meditate.
- Jesus Christ is the Light of God.
- Bringing everything to the Light is meditation.
- Having the Light rule everything is meditation.
- Trusting the Light to take charge of everything is meditation.
- Keeping everything under the Light is meditation.
Christian Meditation: Freedom & Acceptance
“A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory.” —Matthew 12:20
- For everything to be in the Light, there must be freedom for everything to be allowed in consciousness.
- This freedom for and unconditional acceptance of all content has been considered to be meditation by some, for example, J. Krishnamurti.
- Freedom to hear every thought only works when every thought is required to remain in the Light.
- Suppression and repression are always part of the wrong way, no matter what they claim.
Christian Meditation: Translation
- Casting down imaginations and every high thing is casting down mental idols, pride, claiming, and ego.
- Bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ is to make all thoughts subject to the Light.
Christian Meditation: Captivity
“But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.” —Ephesians 5:13
- Captivity means to hold the thinking under the Light and not to let the thinking be suppressed into darkness.
- Captivity means nothing is allowed to escape the Light.
- Captivity means all must be before the Light.
- Captivity means absolute freedom for all content in your mind as it is held before the Light.
- Bring all suppression and repression desires and forces into captivity before the Light.
Christian Meditation: Obedience
- Obedience means that the thoughts must follow the Light or be under the Light, so under its way and direction.
- Obedience means that thoughts must conform to the Light.
- Obedience means that the thoughts must listen to the Light.
Christian Meditation: Suppression Versus Captivity
“For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.” —John 3:20
- Never suppress. Never repress.
- Bring all suppression and repression before the Light.
- Do not allow anything to run from or leave the presence of the Light.
- Bear all things in the Light, and the Light will always win.
- Never fear for or doubt the power of the Light to rule anything brought before it.
- Never believe the God of Light wants you to serve darkness by suppressing or repressing your thoughts or desires.
Christian Meditation: More on Suppression
- Suppression is an act of power and pride.
- We derive ego pleasure from exercising the power of the flesh to murder something and then hide it in darkness as that thing.
- Suppression is “should-not-be,” we take pleasure in knowing better, doing better, and being better by suppressing.
- Repression is the opposite of captivity.
- Repression serves darkness, and captivity serves the Light.
- A powerful way to overcome the desire to suppress to gain ego pleasure is to practice unconditional acceptance.
- Suppression is a form of no-ting. For more on the problem of no-ting, read Not.
Christian Meditation
3D: Daily Dose: 2019
#Being #Present: 2019-06-21
1. Being present is hosting where you are hosting.
2. Being present is reflecting when you are reflecting.
3. Being present is amplifying what you are amplifying.
4. Being present is being who you are as the host of what is present to you.
5. Being present is how you are creative, skilled, talented, and perform well because when you are present, you host and thereby are out of the way of intelligence and power.
Christian Meditation: Related Pages of Free Information
- Ego will help you to recognize, remove, and replace your ego: a.k.a. self-esteem.
- Journal Journey from Ego will help you to recognize, remove, and replace your ego.
- Games Ego Plays will help you to recognize, remove, and replace the social expression of your ego.
- The Secret of Maturity, Third Edition for 99¢, will teach you how to own the power of emotional responsibility.
- 5 Keys to Right Meditation
- Coping Skills: Free Help
- Meditation: List Pages
- Meditation Simplified
- Right Meditation
- Three Kinds of Meditation But Many Practices
- Universality (one human nature): Way of Peace
- Yoga Practice Points
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.