Twitter Quotation Postings: 2016

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Daily Posts of Kevin’s Quotations to Twitter (2016)

Twitter postings of quotations by Kevin Everett FitzMaurice, from his website, on topics such as counseling, self-esteem, & spirituality.

  • Ego will help you to recognize, remove, and replace your ego: a.k.a. self-esteem.

Note on This Collection

  • This page is a list of quotation postings to Twitter, based upon Daily Dose of Discernment: 2016.
  • The author quit Twitter when it became undeniable that freedom of speech, diversity of opinion, and discussion of ideas were against the political aims of Twitter.

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.

to self-esteem

#Soul #Focus: 2016-12-31 Focus on your soul, because that is where the good can enter. More:

#Reason #Unique: 2016-12-30 Humans should specialize in the quality unique to humans: reasoning. More:

#Suppress #Negative: 2016-12-29 Ego defenses are a cover for suppressing negative desires or intentions. More:

#Absent #Past: 2016-12-28 What is present but the present? More:

#Every #Peace: 2016-12-27 Peace in every thought. More:

#Ego #Grudge: 2016-12-26 To forgive is to act against your ego. More:

#Faith #Light: 2016-12-25 Have faith in the Light to dissolve anything and everything ugly inside you. More:

#Primary #Principle: 2016-12-24 The primary principle of virtue is affinity. More:

#Safe #Inside: 2016-12-23 If you are safe inside, then who can anger you? More:

#Rebel #Incorporate: 2016-12-22 Rebellion incorporates what it hates in order to fight it. More:

#Unreal #Pain: 2016-12-21 Something might be emotionally painful, but that alone doesn’t make it real. More:

#Exist #Ideas: 2016-12-20 Can you exist without attaching to thoughts? More:

#Idea #Self: 2016-12-19 Your idea of self as trying to do something is not a human being. More:

#Manage #Relationships: 2016-12-18 Relationships are often about trying to manage someone to manage yourself. More:

#Useful #Useless: 2016-12-17 Is what you desire useful or useless for your values and virtues? More:

#Relationship #Issues: 2016-12-16 Is self-talk critical? then you’ll have relationship issues about criticism. More:

#Get #Hate: 2016-12-15 If you hate mean people, then your self-talk is mean to you. More:

#Listen #Loser: 2016-12-14 Is listening to your self-talk like listening to nagging then switch to motivating More:

#Switch #Self-Talk: 2016-12-13 Is listening to self-talk like listening to bad TV shows then switch stations. More:

#Advice #Circumstance: 2016-12-12 Advice is reason guiding despite ego demanding that problems continue. More:

#Weigh #Cost: 2016-12-11 Weigh the cost when you spend money but do you weigh the cost when you spend feeling? More:

#Trust #Energy: 2016-12-10 Do you trust your conditioning and opinions or Energy? More:

#Feed #Thought: 2016-12-09 Do you feed self-images or your original nature? More:

#Great #Wisdom: 2016-12-08 The greatest gain comes from finding and reclaiming your original nature. More:

#Greatest #Stupidity: 2016-12-07 The greatest loss comes from wasting your life on self-esteem. More:

#Growth #Spirit: 2016-12-06 The ego develops and grows, not the human self. More:

#Energy #Logic: 2016-12-05 Reason is energy directing thought into orderly forms. More:

#Dispute #Challenge 2016-12-04 3Ps of Disputing: it is not personal; it is not practical; it is not productive More:

#Bear #Ugly: 2016-12-03 Bearing your inner ugliness takes courage, honesty, and a love of virtue. More:

#Virtue #Reasons: 2016-12-02 Virtue is to reason as light is to goodness. More:

#Reason #Pure: 2016-12-01 Reason is the highest passion. More:

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.

to self-esteem

#Internal #External: 2016-11-30 All valuable possessions are internal possessions. More:

#Think #About: 2016-11-29 Thinking trying to control thinking for the purpose of coping is failing to think. More:

#Person #Host: 2016-11-28 Instead of asking “What concept or image am I now?” ask, “Whose vessel am I?” More:

#Wherever #Go 2016-11-27 If wherever you go you’re anxious or depressed you’re secretly safeguarding & serving More

#Overcome #Warrior: 2016-11-26 It’s a gift to receive the energy & passion to overcome lower desires & urges. More:

#Self-Govern #Child: 2016-11-25 If you do not self-govern, then you are emotionally immature. More:

#Give #Thanks: 2016-11-24 Let’s give thanks not with gluttony, but with acts of charity. More:

#Snake #Tail: 2016-11-23 Self-talk motivates the emotions that drive it. More:

#Ultimate #Cause: 2016-11-22 Self-talk is the ultimate conditioner. More:

#Pull #Push: 2016-11-21 The ego calls pushing and pulling on thoughts about the self–self-awareness. More:

#Consider #Ego: 2016-11-20 The ego considers giving attention to others a form of robbery or sacrifice. More:

#Claim #Know: 2016-11-19 Ego’s concepts & images of self are about trying to be one self & not be its opposite More:

#Desire #Lies: 2016-11-18 Desire claims that the desired object will make you happy forever. More:

#Prize #Empty: 2016-11-17 Do you prize what is truly valuable? More:

#Care #Free 2016-11-16 The more desires you have the more care & unhappiness you have to fulfill your desires More:

#Happiness #Nothing: 2016-11-15 Nothing grants happiness cause happiness is lack of care for things & thoughts More:

#Own #Self: 2016-11-14 Own your self rather than self-esteem. More:

#Immoral #Dissatisfied: 2016-11-13 Why punish the immoral when their life is punishment enough? More:

#Shame #Social: 2016-11-12 Shame works positively like a sense of humility does unless it is ego-based shame. More:

#Mind #Everything: 2016-11-11 Your mind is everything you think it is. More:

#Know #Measurement: 2016-11-10 Measurements are not forms of knowing. More:

#Past #Present: 2016-11-09 Let them live in your past without you. More:

#Make #Stupid: 2016-11-08 Acting stupidly doesn’t make me stupid it makes the thinking I was following stupid More:

#Dogs #Bark: 2016-11-07 Dogs and humans bark for attention and contact. More:

#Cannot #Overstudy: 2016-11-06 Integrity cannot be overstudied or over-learned. More:

#Exposure #Accountability: 2016-11-05 Improve which beliefs you choose to feed, imagine broadcast on social media. More:

#Switch #Higher: 2016-11-04 Switch to higher desire. More:

#Problem #Increase 2016-11-03 We seek to end problems with problems and wonder why there’s no end of problems More:

#Face #One: 2016-11-02 You fear to face many feelings, but you can choose to face one feeling at a time. More:

#Choose #Responsibility: 2016-11-01 Who will see to your emotional maturity if you do not? More:

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.

to self-esteem

#Leading #Cause: 2016-10-31 Compassion is a leading cause of positive actions. More:

#Die #Death: 2016-10-30 When your body dies, it is only your last death. More:

#Feed #Feelings: 2016-10-29 To be ashamed of shame is to feed shame. More:

#Fear #Owns: 2016-10-28 The fear of worry is its own worry. More:

#Pride #Anger: 2016-10-27 Worry is about worry, not the object of worry. More:

#Unhappy #Future: 2016-10-26 To be unhappy now, because you might be unhappy in the future is not to live now. More:

#Live #Now: 2016-10-25 The idea or plan to live prevents living. More:

#Experience #Reaction: 2016-10-24 Experiences and events cause reactions in dead things, not adult humans. More:

#Ego #Self-esteem: 2016-10-23 Don’t be self-esteem, be your natural self. More:

#Universe #Choice: 2016-10-22 Change or variation cannot be created by neutral universe: neutral is no choice. More:

#Control #Experience: 2016-10-21 Experience cannot change experience. More:

#Experience #Source: 2016-10-20 Experience is not the cause of experience. More:

#Pride #Payoff: 2016-10-19 Is the pride payoff from being right worth its mental and relationship miseries? More:

Problem #Problems: 2016-10-18 The problem is the problem, because you seek and turn to the problem. More:

#Mind #Problem: 2016-10-17 The mind can make health into more of a problem than sickness. More:

#Focus #Experiences: 2016-10-16 Focusing on changing existing experiences causes problems not solves problems. More:

#Communicate #Caring: 2016-10-15 You communicate when the other person views you as caring. More:

#Admit #Mistake: 2016-10-14 Admitting a mistake is better than making an excuse for a mistake. More:

#Capitalism #Government: 2016-10-13 Capitalism puts profit first, focuses on benefits to economy over other benefits

#Happiness #Unhappiness: 2016-10-12 Unhappiness is valuing what you have as not enough. More:

#Integrity #Stress: 2016-10-11 Integrity means holding together under stress so you do the right thing anyway. More:

#Reasons #Excuses: 2016-10-10 Excuses serve ego while reasons serve understanding and acceptance. More:

#Alone #Present: 2016-10-09 Can you experience the present alone or only with the past or future? More:

#Be #Yourself: 2016-10-08 You need to accept that society wants you to be anyone but yourself. More:

#Imitate #Talent: 2016-10-07 When you imitate the talented you become the mediocre. More:

#Faith #Acceptance: 2016-10-06 Do you live in revenge or forgiveness? More:

#Live #Possibility: 2016-10-05 Do you live in probability or possibility? More:

#Nothing #Hurt: 2016-10-04 No one can hurt you if you are no one. More:

#Rich #Profit: 2016-10-03 Profit without principles will ruin. More:

#Health # Wealth: 2016-10-02 Health is practiced or lost. More:

#Responsibility #Necessary: 2016-10-01 Responsibility is necessary for an owned life. More:

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.

to self-esteem

#Friendship #Shared: 2016-09-30 It is not friendship until it is a responsibility. More:

#Whine #Blame: 2016-09-29 Whiners are not accepting, problem solving, or understanding problems. More:

#Pain #Owns: 2016-09-28 Are you your pain or does pain own you? More:

#Claim #Pain: 2016-09-27 How is your pain driving, intending, and motivating itself? More:

#Reattach #Curiosity: 2016-09-26 Detach from knowing and reattach to curiosity. More:

#Detach #Disconnect: 2016-09-25 Detachment is not disconnection. More:

#Contact #Self: 2016-09-24 Contact another person’s self with your self, and contact yourself. More:

#Don’t #Suppress: 2016-09-23 Let the destructive go while following its opposite to fruition. More:

#Stories #Sell: 2016-09-22 You have no self or story, but only ego, fantasies, and delusions. More:

#Thinking #Turns: 2016-09-21 Thinking hills are mountains will not turn hills into mountains. More:

#Way #Thought: 2016-09-20 The way cannot be taught with thought. More:

#Profit #First: 2016-09-19 Lizard logic is profit-first logic. More:

#Seek #Smart: 2016-09-18 Smart is seeking peace, not advantage. More:

#Repeat #Magic: 2016-09-17 Repeating thoughts does not magically give them power to change reality. More:

#Pain #Strain: 2016-09-16 Degree of strain important or unimportant by how you feel or think about strain. More:

#Reflect #Sanity: 2016-09-15 Drama about reflections (thoughts) is meaningless noise. More:

#Problem #Solve: 2016-09-14 Worrying about a problem is not problem solving. More:

#Mistake #Mind: 2016-09-13 Do you mistake a radio for music? Then why do you mistake your mind for thinking? More:

#Teach #Value: 2016-09-12 Parent’s value comes from what they teach their child to do for themselves. More:

#See #Hear: 2016-09-11 The eye can see color, but the eye cannot see the cause or source of color. More:

#Silence #Teach: 2016-09-10 What is silence but the great companion. More:

#Understand #Comprehend: 2016-09-09 Comprehension is not of words even when of words. More:

#Battle #War: 2016-09-08 Peace is not a battle that a wise person will enter. More:

#Peace #First: 2016-09-07 Peace in your thoughts and feeling or war in your relationships. More:

#Find #Inside: 2016-09-06 Find inside the one who does not speak and remember when that was you. More:

#Responsible #Irresponsible: 2016-09-05 Responsible people problem solve while irresponsible people whine. More:

#Ideal #Failure: 2016-09-04 For ideal failure, treat thought as the means of insight, intelligence and wisdom. More:

#Fail #Perfectly: 2016-09-03 To fail perfectly, treat thought as the source of ability, capability, and talent. More:

#Forget #Convenience: 2016-09-02 We learn to forget to cook and eat together from fast food. More:

#Comment #Being: 2016-09-01 There is no history or story for a human being other than being a human being. More:

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.

to self-esteem

#Talking #Thoughts: 2016-08-31 Thoughts talking about thoughts are not you talking about you. More:

#Think #Receive: 2016-08-30 You don’t think thoughts, you entertain thoughts. More:

#Thought #Intention: 2016-08-29 It is important to understand the intention of your thoughts & act accordingly. More:

#Free #Mind: 2016-08-28 Break all bonds on your mind’s liberty. More:

#Work #Rest: 2016-08-27 Work to rest. Serve to rule. More:

#Wrong #Right: 2016-08-26 What are you willing to continue to sacrifice to your being right? More:

#Value #Valueless: 2016-08-25 Can you value the utility of human futility? More:

#Thinking #Reasoning: 2016-08-24 Why call it thinking when it is not a rational process but only ego feeding? More:

#Explain #Teach: 2016-08-23 Wisdom cannot be discerned explained or taught because it’s of Energy not thought. More:

#Intelligence #Verbal: 2016-08-22 Verbal intelligence cannot compete with feeling intelligence. More:

#Method #Death 2016-08-21 Methods reinforce thought as your life making all methods against your life as host More:

#Living #Dead: 2016-08-20 Either your thoughts are eating energy or your being as a vessel is. More:

#Pay #Attention 2016-08-19 If you’re not paying attention to what you’re doing what’re you paying attention to? More

#Opinion #Other: 2016-08-18 Concerned with others’ opinions, yours become what you imagine theirs to be. More:

#Sensations #Feed: 2016-08-17 Be the sensations of the functioning of your host nature because that’s your life More:

#Object #Feel: 2016-08-16 You must take out inner objects. More:

#Compose #Invent: 2016-08-15 Create and invent from energy, not thought. More:

#Energy #State: 2016-08-14 Genius and intelligence are energy states, not thinking states. More:

#Seek #Sleep: 2016-08-13 More people seek to be asleep than seek to be awake. More:

#Knowledge #Wisdom: 2016-08-12 Words, books, and instruction manuals cannot make you learn to love or hate. More:

#Taking #Sides: 2016-08-11 Take a side in a dialectics and lose awareness of what that dialectic reveals. More:

#Emotional #Disturbance: 2016-08-10 Ego pain is a lack of faith in Energy. More:

#Arrested #Disfigured: 2016-08-09 Arrested by anything nothing remains Arrested by anything lost to everything More:

#Self #Space: 2016-08-08 Self is host, not awareness, consciousness, energy, light, or power. More:

#Hold #Own: 2016-08-07 Insults doesn’t hold you, you hold insults. More:

#Drama #Trouble: 2016-08-06 People pursue suffering like a lion pursues its prey. More:

#Social #Order: 2016-08-05 Self-esteem enslaves by having you seek the prizes of your social structure. More:

#Genius #Skill: 2016-08-04 Bliss, joy, genius, skill, and talent all require freedom. More:

#Return #Start: 2016-08-03 To go far is to return to where you started. More:

#Human #Not: 2016-08-02 Human beings are not self-esteem. More:

#Enlightenment #Non-Doing: 2016-08-01 You are never in the way because you are nothing that can be in the way. More:

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.

to self-esteem

#Sky #Water: 2016-07-31 Rushing water cannot reflect the sky. More:

#Straight #Crooked: 2016-07-30 Tell the hill or a rock that it is not round. More:

#Media #Control 2016-07-29 Media tells you what to think about an event by limiting & organizing the information More:

#Hold #Accountable: 2016-07-28 Hold your self-talk accountable for the style, tone, and words that it uses. More:

#Aware #Awake: 2016-07-27 Awake is awareness free of attachments to thought. More:

#Ignore #People 2016-07-26 People say they don’t like to be ignored but no one ignores them more than themselves More:

#Discontent #Dissatisfied: 2016-07-25 Desire is unease and unhappiness or it could not exist. More:

#Desire #Ambition: 2016-07-24 Ambition cannot be satisfied or it would not be ambition. More:

#Clouds #Pass: 2016-07-23 The clouds passing upon the lake do not change or color the lake. More:

#Sky #Lake: 2016-07-22 The sky on the lake neither increases nor decreases the lake. More:

#Without #Within: 2016-07-21 Neither chasing nor running from the within it reveals itself in the Light. More:

#Self-Talk #Care: 2016-07-20 Self-talk what intention or purpose makes it necessary for me to listen to you? More:

#Inside #Look: 2016-07-19 Inside, look at whatever is looking at you. More:

#Aware #Increase: 2016-07-18 It’s absurd to try to be aware because you cannot increase or decrease awareness. More:

#Host #See: 2016-07-17 The host as experiencer does experience but not as thought. More:

#Experience #Non-Verbal: 2016-07-16 The experiencer experiences itself as thought. More:

#Experiencer #Experienced: 2016-07-15 The experiencer cannot experience experience. More:

#Solitude #Absorbing: 2016-07-14 You’re in solitude when you’re not there & only the movie or music is there. More:

#Angry #Hurt: 2016-07-13 Do you get angry at kindness or virtue? Do you get angry at compassion or love? More:

#Light #Right: 2016-07-12 Peaceful Light makes all right. More:

#Lost #Possession: 2016-07-11 To have been lost, something must have been possessed. More:

#Attachment #Delusion: 2016-07-10 Who is the attacher but a concept or an image so an unreality? More:

#Understand #Wait: 2016-07-09 By allowing things to unfold, you allow them to reveal themselves. More:

#Way #Up: 2016-07-08 The way up is down. The way forward is backward. More:

#Memories #Defused: 2016-07-07 Memories that have identity issues can be de-powered and disembodied. More:

#Fix #Work: 2016-07-06 Rest, there is nothing to change, control, or undo about your self. More:

#Play #Part: 2016-07-05 Are you good at playing your part or being part of the human race? More:

#Serve #Solutions: 2016-07-04 Do you spread problems or solutions? More:

#Running #Prey: 2016-07-03 Running from problems makes you their prey. More:

#Power #Detach: 2016-07-02 The power of my problems comes from my making them about me. More:

#Problem #Solution: 2016-07-01 What will you do to keep the problem from taking over again? More:

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.

to self-esteem

#Over #Thru: 2016-06-30 To get over it, go thru it. To go thru it, get in it. More:

#Burden #Tangle: 2016-06-29 Disencumber your self from self-esteem. Disentangle your self from self-esteem. More:

#Race #Religion: 2016-06-28 It’s unsane to believe or say people are a race as if a person could be a race. More:

#Inner #Outer: 2016-06-27 Thinking from your center (subjective) to your outer (objective) keeps you whole. More:

#Awareness #Past: 2016-06-26 Self-esteem is self-awareness as past self-constructs. More:

#Feel #Fear: 2016-06-25 Guilt feels the fear of more guilt. Anger feels the fear of more anger. More:

#Thought #Contribution: 2016-06-24 Ask your thoughts what they are contributing to your peace of mind? More:

#People #Coming: 2016-06-23 When people see you coming, do they regret it or look forward to it? More:

#Language #Grammar: 2016-06-22 Thinking became so full of itself that it needed nothing but language. More:

#Standard #System: 2016-06-21 Self-esteem has and uses no standards of measurement. More:

#Stories #People: 2016-06-20 People talk about others’ lives, but it is really their ego-stories. More:

#Talk #Ego: 2016-06-19 People talk about their ego, and imagine they are talking about other people. More:

#Construct #Relate: 2016-06-18 Your perception of me is your construct of yourself. More:

#Curiosity #Learning: 2016-06-17 Knowing is the end of curiosity. Curiosity is the child of intelligence. More:

#Surrender #Energy: 2016-06-16 Surrender one thought to another thought and you double your trouble. More:

#Listen #Communicate: 2016-06-15 People listen for parts to use to prove they’re superior, not to your meaning More:

#Materialism #Pursuit: 2016-06-14 Self-esteem is the materialistic pursuit of things for the self. More:

#Self-image #Self-concept: 2016-06-13 Self-images, self-concepts, and self-constructs are prisons for the self More:

#Quality #Wholeness: 2016-06-12 Quality is not to be found in the parts of something but only in its wholeness More:

#Right #Demand: 2016-06-11 How is your demand to be right creating peace in your relationships? More:

#Thought #Control: 2016-06-10 Are you thinking your thoughts or are your thoughts thinking you? More:

#Personal #Dignity: 2016-06-09 Personal dignity is about personal integrity. More:

#Suffer #Suffering: 2016-06-08 The fear of suffering is suffering. The escape from suffering is suffering. More:

#Help #Works: 2016-06-07 What works?—focus on and do more of that. More:

#Wait #God: 2016-06-06 I will wait on God to uproot it. I will wait on God to expose it. More:

#Choose #Resist: 2016-06-05 I will fast from it. I will resist hosting it. More:

#Research #Useless: 2016-06-04 Eyes are useless when you already see with your opinions. More:

#Invent #Self: 2016-06-03 Self-esteem is the mummification of the self. More:

#Self-esteem #Kills: 2016-06-02 In order to rate the self, self-esteem first kills the self by analyzing it. More:

#Control #Mind: 2016-06-01 You control your mind right? For one minute make it quiet. More:

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.

to self-esteem

#Next #Right: 2016-05-31 Focus on what you can contribute now. Do the next right thing that you can do now. More:

#Thought #Change: 2016-05-30 How many thoughts does it take to lose your self to thinking? More:

#Pride #Pleasure: 2016-05-29 Pride provides ego pleasure. Ego pleasure provides excuses for every passion. More:

#Live #Die: 2016-05-28 If you live for self-esteem, then you will die for self-esteem. More:

#Return #Fast: 2016-05-27 The way to be is to fast. The way to be is to return. More:

#Way #Be: 2016-05-26 The way to be is to rest. The way to be is to host. More:

#Self-esteem #Trouble: 2016-05-25 Nothing in this world can trouble you more than self-esteem noise. More:

#Serious #Less: 2016-05-24 The less you find serious, the more you will find comical. More:

#Detachment #Taking: 2016-05-23 Detachment can be taking something less seriously. More:

#Healing #Requires: 2016-05-22 Healing requires new energy, not just more energy. More:

#Problem #Power: 2016-05-21 The power of problems comes from thinking they are about you. More:

#Lao Tzu #Right: 2016-05-20 Lao Tzu is example of the spiritual journey arriving at the surrender of all claims. More:

#Buddha #Wrong: 2016-05-19 Buddha is an example of the spiritual journey arriving at spiritual ego. More:

#Should #Could: 2016-05-18 Self is not a thought pattern. Self is not thoughts about who or what you are. More:

#Self #Pattern: 2016-05-17 Self is not thought. Self is not thought thinking. More:

#Ego #Reduction: 2016-05-16 You can serve ego less, but you cannot make ego less ego. More:

#Management #Graveyard: 2016-05-15 Self-esteem is how to make the best acting and looking Frankenstein monster More:

#Corpse #Drag: 2016-05-14 Stop dragging around the corpses of self-esteem. More:

#Stop #Start: 2016-05-13 Stop believing in self-esteem and self-talk and start believing in self. More:

#Self-esteem #Inferior: 2016-05-12 If you serve self-esteem, then you are what you hate before you hate it. More:

#Hate #Rebel: 2016-05-11 Hate too much and you become what you hate. More:

#Habit #Power: 2016-05-10 Habit is your power. Habit is your best friend and worst enemy. More:

#Work #Quality: 2016-05-09 Some think they are too good to work, so do poor work. More:

#Self-Esteem #Fascist: 2016-05-08 Self-esteem is fascist by design. Self-esteem is fascist by self-talk. More:

#Power #Space: 2016-05-07 The space of power. The silence of power. The stillness of power. More:

#Decrease #Increase: 2016-05-06 Decrease self-images to increase cooperation. More:

#Stop #Start: 2016-05-05 Stop damning, start doing. Stop whining, start working. More:

#Mistake #Choice 2016-05-04 Assume you know that what you’re about to do is a mistake now what will you do instead? More:

#Still #Silence: 2016-05-03 Feel into quiet. Enter into quiet. Float into quiet. More:

#Quiet #Silent: 2016-05-02 Think quiet. Hear quiet. See quiet. More:

#Act #Host: 2016-05-01 Act without actor. Act without claim. Act without grasping. More:

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.

to self-esteem

#Grasp #Claiming: 2016-04-30 Claiming and grasping are the life of the actor and the death of action. More:

#Action #Acting: 2016-04-29 Serve action by not acting. Serve action by eliminating the actor. More:

#Actor #Claim: 2016-04-28 The actor acting is mental noise, not action. More:

#Science #Evolution: 2016-04-27 Evolution is the excuse and rationale for scientific exploitation and de-evolution. More:

#Name #Designate: 2016-04-26 You can call a cat a bird, but that won’t enable the cat to fly like a bird. More:

#Government #Purpose: 2016-04-25 The purpose of government is to know who the liars, murderers, and thieves are. More:

#Meaning #Making: 2016-04-24 Choose, find, and make meaning by encouraging and supporting others. More:

#Learn #Think: 2016-04-23 Humans cannot learn anything. Humans cannot think anything. More:

#Meaning #Existence: 2016-04-22 How might knowing the meaning of existence change or improve your life? More:

#Will #Pleasure: 2016-04-21 The will to power is ego. The will to superiority is self-esteem. More:

#Contentment #Allows: 2016-04-20 Contentment allows you to focus on spirituality instead of on materialism. More:

#Cheat #Dreams: 2016-04-19 The person who lies to protect their ego, pride, or self-esteem is rewarded with snakes. More:

#Character #Reputation: 2016-04-18 You are not your character even though it determines your life story. More:

#Self-awareness #Consciousness: 2016-04-17 Self-awareness is awareness of self as a host, not as concepts or images. More:

#Ego #Self: 2016-04-16 There is no ego or self-esteem self that is not a composited fabrication. More:

#Suppress #Repression: 2016-04-15 Repressing those who repress means they won. More:

#Should #Unpleasant: 2016-04-14 “I should not have to wait,” is annoying, not waiting. More:

#Mean #Intolerant: 2016-04-13 Acting intolerant of intolerant people makes you one of them. More:

#Dumb #Focus: 2016-04-12 It is as dumb as it is common to focus on problems instead of solutions. More:

#Solutions #Remain: 2016-04-11 Solutions are directional focused on a path or linear and neither loop nor get stuck. More:

#Solution #Serve: 2016-04-10 Solutions serve goals and purposes, not themselves. More:

#Solutions #Outside: 2016-04-09 Solutions aren’t reactions to or about problems since solutions are about solutions. More:

#Trying #Fixing: 2016-04-08 Trying to change or control problems feeds problems and adds new problems. More:

#Problem #Focus: 2016-04-07 Problems focused on the self or the identity of a person cause more problems. More:

#Problems #Serve: 2016-04-06 Problems are self-fulfilling, self-proving, and self-supporting. More:

#Truth #Examine: 2016-04-05 The truth can take a beating, but lies cannot. More:

#Nurture #Another: 2016-04-04 Nurture another, nurture yourself. More:

#Right #Person: 2016-04-03 The right person for you is not the person you are most physically attracted to. More:

#See #Energy: 2016-04-02 Become more aware of your self as a host for energy, sensation, and thought. More:

#Stop #Thought: 2016-04-01 Stop trying to control thought. Stop believing thought is in charge. More:

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#Attribute #Power: 2016-03-31 Attribute power and control to energy, not thought. More:

#Happiness #Inside: 2016-03-30 Happiness is found inside of you, not inside someone or something else. More:

#Meditation #Redirect: 2016-03-29 Meditation redirects attention from thinking to the energy guiding thinking. More:

#Follow #Control: 2016-03-28 Thought is to be heard out, not avoided, changed, edited, or suppressed. More:

#Problem #Control: 2016-03-27 Your problem is that you try to control your problem. More:

#Important #Contribute: 2016-03-26 What is more important to your health than energy? More:

#Energy #Aware: 2016-03-25 What energy are you serving? Why are you more aware of things than energy? More:

#Control #Behavior: 2016-03-24 Try to control yourself by your behavior and fail; control what energy you are under. More:

#Coloring #Book: 2016-03-23 You cary a coloring book in your head of your self for yourself and imagined others. More:

#Drop #Ego: 2016-03-22 Drop the ego and drop the hurt. More:

#Definition #Defined: 2016-03-21 The definition is not the defined. More:

#Think #Instead: 2016-03-20 Thinking instead of acting is a common problem. More:

#Ego #Root: 2016-03-19 Ego is the root of the problem in inequality, injustice, poverty, and racism. More:

#Pride #Begets: 2016-03-18 Pride begets sorrow and suffering. More:

#Focus #Gratitude: 2016-03-17 Focus either on helps or handicaps and see how it changes your feelings and life. More:

#Confession #Clear: 2016-03-16 Confession clears confusion. More:

#Nurture #Heart: 2016-03-15 How have you nurtured your heart, soul, and mind today? More:

#Intolerant #Tolerant: 2016-03-14 The intolerant are tolerant of political correctness. More:

#Closed #Opinion: 2016-03-13 The brainwashed believe everyone else is brainwashed. More:

#Hold #Against: 2016-03-12 Whatever friction you feel with another, you feel with yourself. More:

#Wound #Wisdom: 2016-03-11 Wallow in your wounds or turn your wounds into wisdom. More:

#Encourage #Discourage: 2016-03-10 Trying to help using discouragement will never succeed as well as encouragement. More:

#Open #Face: 2016-03-09 Reason cannot make someone tune in and see a channel they do not want to see. More:

#Inspire #Intention: 2016-03-08 Hope inspires intention and intention inspires hope. More:

#Hope #Keep: 2016-03-07 Hope keeps you focused on your goal. More:

#Understand #Ready: 2016-03-06 No amount of facts can make you hear what you refuse to hear. More:

#Words #Cannot: 2016-03-05 Words cannot transfer or create awareness, intelligence, or understanding. More:

#Teacher #Look 2016-03-04 A teacher can tell you where to look & what to look for but a teacher cannot look for you. More:

#Taking #Sides: 2016-03-03 Take a side in a dialectic, and you move the dialectic from discovering to waring. More:

#Arrested #Anything: 2016-03-02 Arrested by anything, destroyed by everything. More:

#Invest #Where: 2016-03-01 If you want physical toughness, then in what will you invest softness? More:

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#Hard #Soft: 2016-02-29 There is no hardness without softness. More:

#Compassion #Required: 2016-02-28 Compassion requires equality. More:

#Imbalance #Motivates: 2016-02-27 Imbalance is as necessary as the balance it seeks. More:

#Detach #Drag: 2016-02-26 Detach or be desensitized. More:

#Measure #Thought: 2016-02-25 The judgment of any thought is a part of that thought, not outside of it. More:

#Wait #State: 2016-02-24 Wait is your ready state. More:

#Follow #End: 2016-02-23 When the heart mirrors a problem exactly, then that problem disintegrates. More:

#Try #Repeat: 2016-02-22 My heart trying to fix the conflict or struggle just repeats the problem. More:

#Convince #Heart: 2016-02-21 Heart cannot convince conflict or struggle not to exist, my heart must detach from it. More:

#Live #Heart: 2016-02-20 I will live as my heart, not as the thoughts of my mind. More:

#Heart #Exist: 2016-02-19 I refuse to surrender my heart for mental noise. More:

#Moderation #Excess: 2016-02-18 Moderation in food, excess in faith. More:

#Meditation #Listen: 2016-02-17 Meditation is following the attention wherever and whenever it goes. More:

#Suffering #Meaning: 2016-02-16 Suffering is without meaning beyond pain. More:

#Resentment #Poison: 2016-02-15 Resentment is the best way to poison yourself. More:

#Undo #Existence: 2016-02-14 Trying to undo (not-ing) the existence of a problem becomes another problem. More:

#Education #Nurtures: 2016-02-13 Education nurtures conformity, not creativity. More:

#Direction #Destination: 2016-02-12 Discipline requires direction. Determination requires direction. More:

#Conflict #Within: 2016-02-11 The conflict you have with others is the conflict that you have with your ego. More:

#Attack #Faith 2016-02-10 “An attack on one form of music is an attack on all forms of music” is utterly untrue. More:

#Skill #Receive: 2016-02-09 We have the skill of following and all of our senses depend upon this skill. More:

#Worry #Better: 2016-02-08 The best way to worry is to hope for the best and to prepare for the worst. More:

#Blame #Best: 2016-02-07 The best way to blame is to confess and make amends. More:

#Complain #Better: 2016-02-06 The best way to complain is to implement improvements. More:

#Patience #Required: 2016-02-05 The development of abilities, habits, skills, and success requires patience. More:

#Insight #Dogma: 2016-02-04 Do you dare to have insight into origins and intentions of your desires or dreams? More:

#Sincere #Dilemma: 2016-02-03 Sincerity is only appreciated by the sincere. More:

#Exercise #Reason: 2016-02-02 You exercise your body, but do you exercise your mind with the laws of logic? More:

#Exercise #Heart: 2016-02-01 You know to exercise your body, but do you exercise your heart with humility? More:

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.

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#Intrinsic #Behavior: 2016-01-31 Self is its intrinsic behaviors, not the social roles or games it plays. More:

#Sexist #Seduction 2016-01-30 Using makeup to indicate you are fertile or ovulating is not exploitive or sexist. More:

#Attack #Wrong: 2016-01-29 Invariably, people attack you for what they are doing wrong. More:

#Relationship #Self: 2016-01-28 Your self-images do not have a relationship with your body, but you do. More:

#Mind #Contents: 2016-01-27 If you are your concepts and images of self who is having your concepts and images? More:

#Forget #Mistake: 2016-01-26 It is not your apology that matters, it is how you make amends that matters. More:

#Before #Now: 2016-01-25 It is not what you have done wrong, it is what you start now and continue to do. More:

#Distance #Detach: 2016-01-24 All trying to control, change or undo a problem is the problem exercising itself More:

#Talk #Itself: 2016-01-23 Let the problem try to change, control, and undo itself all by itself. More:

#Problem #Solution: 2016-01-22 Make the problem about the problem, not you. More:

#Who #Thinking: 2016-01-21 Who you are and who you think you are, not the same thing because you’re not a thing. More:

#Ego #Thought: 2016-01-20 Ego is mistaking thoughts about the self for being the self. More:

#Revolution #Thoughts: 2016-01-19 Only revolution is overthrow the thoughts that want you to become something. More:

#Resist #Ego: 2016-01-18 Ego resists change, because change causes a loss of the past that ego inhabits. More:

#Who’s #Talking: 2016-01-17 How do you know if the person talking in your head claiming to be you is you? More:

#Will #Suffer: 2016-01-16 Am I willing to let a part of me die if that part is separating me from God? More:

#Test #Thoughts: 2016-01-15 Is this thought, feeling, or impulse serving my ideals and values? More:

#Only #Way: 2016-01-14 The only way to be alive is to be internally open and free to host anything. More:

#Honor #Received: 2016-01-13 People honor people for what they give to people. More:

#External #Internal: 2016-01-12 If your inner world seems crowded or small, then you are seeing ego with ego. More:

#Unwanted #Thoughts: 2016-01-11 Unwanted thoughts have 2 choices—leave or die—I won’t maintain with my identity. More:

#Dream #Dreams: 2016-01-10 Dream about your dreams and find and talk to those who encourage and support them. More:

#Who #Makes: 2016-01-09 Who makes you obsesses about garbage with your heart, soul, or mind but you? More:

#Garbage #Collect 2016-01-08 People cannot use your mind or heart as their garbage dump without your permission. More:

#Service #Receive: 2016-01-07 The more good that you do for others, the more good that comes in and through you. More:

#Inward #Way: 2016-01-06 Any external direction that does not point you inward is false direction. More:

#Women #Equal: 2016-01-05 Women are too equal to have to be responsible too. More:

#Compassion #Sorry: 2016-01-04 Compassion is not feeling sorry for someone but seeing them as yourself. More:

#Light #Source: 2016-01-03 There is no life source but God. There is no love source but God. More:

#Pride #Profit: 2016-01-02 You profit your pride at the expense of your career wonder why your career is stuck. More:

#Mind #Noise: 2016-01-01 Below the noise of your mind lives your being, rejected in favor of becoming things. More:

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  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.

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  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.

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