Twitter Quotation Postings: 2015

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Daily Posts of Kevin’s Quotations to Twitter (2015)

Twitter quotations from 2015 based on Daily Dose of Discernment, which are the daily quotation postings of the author.

  • Ego will help you to recognize, remove, and replace your ego: a.k.a. self-esteem.
  • Twitter postings of quotations from Daily Dose of Discernment by Kevin Everett FitzMaurice, from his website, on topics such as psychology!

Note on This Collection of Twitter Quotations 2015

  • This page was started on 2015-06-05.
  • It is a chronological list of quotation postings to Twitter, based upon Daily Dose of Discernment: 2015, with some occasional slight variations.
  • The author quit Twitter when it became undeniable that freedom of speech, diversity of opinion, and discussion of ideas were against the political aims of Twitter.

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.


#Excuses #Failure: 2015-06-05 Excuses are the friends of failure. Excuses are your biggest obstacle. More:

#Walking #Medicine: 2015-06-06 Walking is the way to thinking. Walking is the way to pray in nature. More:

#Zeal #Success: 2015-06-07 Zeal is success. Zeal is the best friend of all great artists. More:

#Live #Within: 2015-06-08 Live within or live without life. Live within or live without self. More:

#Pleasure #Pain: 2015-06-09 Pleasure ensures pain. Pleasure provides pain. Pleasure is not worth its pains. More:

#Peace #Space: 2015-06-10 Peace is trustful flow. Peace is the heart and mind as space. More:

#Inner #Accept: 2015-06-11 If you want inner peace, then accept, not expect. More:

#God #Smart: 2015-06-12 God is smart enough to say what He means. God is smart enough to mean what He says. More:

#Decision #Life: 2015-06-13 Decisions produce your life, not others. More:

#Decisions #Regret: 2015-06-14 Decisions have consequences, but still remain choices. More:

#Ability #Enough: 2015-06-15 Ability is not enough, because without motivation you will not apply your ability More:

#Advice #Unwanted: 2015-06-16 Advice is only as credible as its source. Advice is easy from the outside. More:

#Nationalism #: 2015-06-17 Nationalism is glorified selfishness. Nationalism is a persistent mental disorder. More:

#Adversity #Virtue: 2015-06-18 Adversity is the trial of character. Adversity is the call to gain greater virtue. More:

#Abundance #Gratitude: 2015-06-19 Abundance is life in the Spirit. Abundance is the gift of gratitude. More:

#Acceptance #Beginning: 2015-06-20 Acceptance is the beginning. Acceptance is the only road open. More:

#Achievement #Unknown: 2015-06-21 Achievement is delusion. Achievement is vainglory. More:

#Split #Claim: 2015-06-22 The claim of knowing by yourself is next claimed by the image of knowing as your self. More:

#Pain #Faced: 2015-06-23 Pain should be faced out, not sought or encouraged. More:

#Surrender #First: 2015-06-24 You must first accept your pain before you can turn it over to God. More:

#Choice #Action: 2015-06-25 You are the victim or hero of your choices. More:

#Love #Hate: 2015-06-26 Stop finding excuses to hate and start finding excuses to love. More:

#Conditioned #Conditioning: 2015-06-27 The conditioned mind cannot un-condition itself. More:

#Age #Perspective: 2015-06-28 Age provides experience which can be used to make better judgments. More:

#Taste #Words: 2015-06-29 Taste your words before you ask others to taste your words. More:

#Brain #Drain: 2015-06-30 Your brain is your rain. Your brain is your pain. More:

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.


#Response #Control: 2015-07-01 Rule needs to be controlled by response. More:

#Expression #Free: 2015-07-02 Expression that is not free is not true. More:

#Claiming #Trying: 2015-07-03 Expression must be free of claiming. Expression must be free of attachment. More:

#Anger #Limitation: 2015-07-04 Anger limits your data, facts, and information. More:

#Appearance #Judge: 2015-07-05 Appearance is reality to the world and delusion to God. More:

#Adjust #Adapt: 2015-07-06 Adjust and adapt or whine, worry, and fail. More:

#Inside #Speaking: 2015-07-07 Who inside you is speaking? Who inside you speaks for you? More:

#Self #Verbal: 2015-07-08 Have you lost touch with your non-verbal self because of fake verbal selves? More:

#Uncarved #Unshaped: 2015-07-09 Will there be anything left of your unhewn self when you finish hewing it up? More:

#Anger #Self-defeating: 2015-07-10 Anger is self-punishment for the sins of others. More:

#Disturb #Self-disturb: 2015-07-11 Do you disturb yourself for the right to be a victim? More:

#Feelings #Disturbed: 2015-07-12 No one can disturb you more than you. More:

#Complain #Critical: 2015-07-13 Admit it, you are most critical with yourself. More:

#Action #Proof: 2015-07-14 Action is the proof of faith. Action is the proof of belief. More:

#Argument #Right: 2015-07-15 If the point of your argument is to be right, then you are wrong. More:

#Slave #Self-esteem: 2015-07-16 Are you free to be the host for your thoughts or a slave to being self-esteem? More:

#Energy #Form: 2015-07-17 Are you free to serve energy or a slave to form? More:

#Path #Peace: 2015-07-18 There is no peace on the path of form. More:

#Adversity #Test: 2015-07-19 Adversity is a call to nobility. More:

#Transceivers #Signals: 2015-07-20 Ego claims humans are signals instead of transceivers. More:

#Thinker #Thought: 2015-07-21 Ego defines you as thoughts, but there is no you as thoughts because that is ego. More:

#Self-image #Ego: 2015-07-22 The thinker is a thought, not a thinker. More:

#Doing #Being: 2015-07-23 Being is not thinking and self-esteem is only thinking. More:

#Something #Hurt: 2015-07-24 To be hurt as something, you must accept that you are a thought or a thing. More:

#Belief #Facts: 2015-07-25 A belief is not what it is about. A belief does not contain what it is about. More:

#Politically #Correct: 2015-07-26 Politically correct beliefs abstain from reality testing to avoid disappearing. More:

#Flow #Zone: 2015-07-27 Being in the flow is an energy-based reality, not a thinking-based reality. More:

#Energy #Thought: 2015-07-28 Doing comes from energy, not thought; self-esteem lies that images do anything. More:

#Happiness #Sorrow 2015-07-29 What prevents happiness? Holding onto sorrows What prevents letting go of sorrows? More:

#Form #Death: 2015-07-30 Follow forms, images, laws, things, thoughts and guided by darkness, death, destruction. More:

#Good #Reasons: 2015-07-31 Evil will always hide behind good reasons. More:

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.


#Concern #Worry: 2015-08-01 Concern is useful, not worry. Annoyance is useful, not anger. More:

#Self-esteem #Self: 2015-08-02 Self-esteem is the idiocy that the label is the labeled. More:

#Identity #Stolen: 2015-08-03 Self-esteem is about imposters stealing your identity. More:

#Protection #Instruction: 2015-08-04 Instruction should not be an excuse to verbally abuse yourself or others. More:

#Emotional #Wounds: 2015-08-05 Stop picking at your emotional wounds and let them heal. More:

#Suffering #Pain: 2015-08-06 Suffering is a response to pain. Weakness is a response to suffering. More:

#Mask #Wall: 2015-08-07 Disguise your self with self-esteem and lose your self. More:

#Deconstruct #Discover: 2015-08-08 Deconstruct self-esteem and discover it is just a new name for ego. More:

#Postmodernism #Constructivism: 2015-08-09 Postmodernism Constructivism other modern fashions rehashed Idealism. More:

#Self-talk #Mental health: 2015-08-10 When you deconstruct your ego, then you can rediscover your self. More:

#Ambition #Desire: 2015-08-11 Ambition to be something is ambition to be dead. More:

#Beliefs #Rights: 2015-08-12 Claim right know what’s in your mind/heart controlling and directing your beliefs. More:

#Apologies #Remedy: 2015-08-13 Apologies are like pleasantries–of little value or meaning. More:

#Appearances #Covering: 2015-08-14 Appearances of culture are what societies demand in place of crude realities. More:

#Ego #Blame: 2015-08-15 Ego overpowers knowledge and facts, but instincts take the blame. More:

#Superior #Forgive: 2015-08-16 You don’t forgive because of your ego’s need to feel superior. More:

#Appreciation #Care: 2015-08-17 Appreciation is an expression of care, encouragement, and support. More:

#Art #Affect: 2015-08-18 Art is that which affects you. Art is that which seeks to affect you. More:

#Attitude #Affects: 2015-08-19 Your attitude affects you more than anything else. More:

#Argue #Argument: 2015-08-20 Arguments are not discussions. Arguments are not explorations. More:

#Assumption #Guess: 2015-08-21 Assumptions and guesses are necessary without sufficient information or facts. More:

#Self-image #Self-concept 2015-08-22 Does your thinking about what self-images you are or aren’t lead to peace? More:

#Past #Hurt: 2015-08-23 How is it possible for the past to hurt if it is past? More:

#Beauty #Desire: 2015-08-24 Beauty is at the core of pleasure therefore we cover our negative desires in beauty. More:

#Beginning #End: 2015-08-25 That which needs to be done first needs to begun. More:

#Atheism #Ignorance: 2015-08-26 Atheism is the primitive duality of outer existence versus inner existence. More:

#Behavior #Belief: 2015-08-27 Behavior is that which must adjust and adapt or become foolish. More:

#Committees #Plans: 2015-08-28 Committees, plans, procedures, and rules cannot produce art. More:

#Self-image #Self-concept: 2015-08-29 Your self-images and self-concepts never do anything. More:

#Ego #Self-esteem: 2015-08-30 Your self-images and self-concepts are walls protecting your ego. More:

#Know #Pride: 2015-08-31 Being better than others: pride in the power to destroy images & concepts of others. More:

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.


#Payoffs #Rewards: 2015-09-01 Are the negative attitudes, emotions, and stressors worth the ego payoffs? More:

#Mental #Health: 2015-09-02 People’s negative attitudes impact negatively, respond positive improve situation. More:

#Body #Self: 2015-09-03 If body was self then you wouldn’t be able to detach from the experiences of your body. More:

#Bold #Truth: 2015-09-04 Be bold to hold to your experience, not your ego. More:

#Books #Share: 2015-09-05 Books share knowledge, not wisdom. Books can hypnotize and put you into a trance. More:

#Brevity #Clarity: 2015-09-06 Brevity allows clarity Brevity allows intuiting Brevity allows space for thinking. More:

#Self-righteous #Feel: 2015-09-07 Self-righteously, you feel angry about their anger. More:

#Invent #Make: 2015-09-08 You play god making others out of your self-images and self-concepts. More:

#Bravery #Conviction: 2015-09-09 Bravery is holding to your deepest convictions despite persecutions. More:

#Walmart #Corporation: 2015-09-10 Walmart too stupid to take care of employees to take care of customers. More:

#Tragedy #Suffer: 2015-09-11 Tragedies will come, let the surprise be in how well you respond to them. More:

#Corporation #Science: 2015-09-12 Corporation is a device for avoiding liability for raping the environment. More:

#Certain #Ideal: 2015-09-13 The number of certain things is equal to number of perfect truths. More:

#Change #Variation: 2015-09-14 Change is transformation, not accommodation, adaptation, or adjustment. More:

#Speaker #Listener: 2015-09-15 Who is the speaker in your head and who is the listener? More:

#Inner #Thought: 2015-09-16 Is the inner speaker only thought, only an idea that claims it is speaking? More:

#Character #Remains: 2015-09-17 Character is what remains under extreme stress or duress. More:

#Movies #Promote: 2015-09-18 Movies have always promoted points of view through story and script. More:

#City #Car: 2015-09-19 Cities without great public transportation are just clogs that chafe with combative cars. More:

#Civilization #Virtue 2015-09-20 Civilization isn’t measured by monuments to itself but by children’s character. More:

#Clothing #Modesty: 2015-09-21 Clothing needs to offer career, craft, or employment functions and modesty. More:

#College #Conditioning 2015-09-22 College where you go to get a degree saying you can do what you’ve never done. More:

#Committees #Enemies: 2015-09-23 Committees are what you wish upon your enemies. More:

#Community #Disintegration: 2015-09-24 Community is what government desires to be but only destroys. More:

#Thinking #Banal: 2015-09-25 How did your adult mind develop so it’s identified addicted to its own gibberish? More:

#Complain #Solution: 2015-09-26 Complaining helpful – done right time and place with right attitude and advice. More:

#Compliment #Encourage: 2015-09-27 Compliments can feed ego or fortify virtue. More:

#Receive #Create: 2015-09-28 Focus on something to receive it, not to create it. More:

#Confidence #Failure: 2015-09-29 Confidence in habit is rational but confidence in self is irrational. More:

#Conform #Habit: 2015-09-30 Everyone conforms and then calls it natural or normal. More:

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.


#Country #War: 2015-10-01 What is a country but a fence around private property? More:

#One #Own: 2015-10-02 No one has feelings of their own. More:

#World #Ego: 2015-10-03 We see the world as a projection of our inner virtual-reality world, not as it is. More:

#Umbilical #Attach 2015-10-04 Capitalists want air, water, food, clothing and shelter to come from capitalists. More:

#Courage #True: 2015-10-05 Courage is facing fear and moving forward. More:

#Criticism #Advice: 2015-10-06 Criticism is not advice. Criticism is not correct. Criticism is not counsel. More:

#Images #Concepts: 2015-10-07 You imagine you’re images of concepts but you never find yourself living as them. More:

#Aggressive #Passive: 2015-10-08 Neither passive nor aggressive urges work well alone. More:

#Mud #Throw: 2015-10-09 Use the mud they throw at you to build a garden upon their rocks. More:

#Curious #Intelligence: 2015-10-10 Curious to discover psychological intentions, motivations, and ego payoffs? More:

#Thought #Feeling: 2015-10-11 Your ideas, images, and thoughts are part of your ego, not you. More:

#Selves #Count: 2015-10-12 How is it that you can exist as so many things and still not know your self? More:

#Understand #React: 2015-10-13 Your understanding of others is based upon your understanding of your ego. More:

#Reality #Claim: 2015-10-14 How many ideas, images, and thoughts did you claim were reality today? More:

#Violent #Destructive: 2015-10-15 To claim an idea or image as your experience violates your experience. More:

#Curiosity #Learning: 2015-10-16 Curiosity is what everyone should encourage, but few are willing to tolerate. More:

#Curious #Intelligence: 2015-10-17 Curiosity is to intelligence what intuition is to art. More:

#Charity #Afford: 2015-10-18 Charity is a basic virtue which no virtuous person can neglect. More:

#Forgive #Detach: 2015-10-19 How do you forgive? You become emotionally responsible. More:

#Where #When: 2015-10-20 When you are in pain, ask yourself, from what place are you relating to that pain? More:

#Space #Place: 2015-10-21 Find the space and place inside that your thoughts pass through, that is your self. More:

#Comes #Goes: 2015-10-22 What remains inside you when all your thoughts are gone? More:

#Intention #Expectation: 2015-10-23 Pray and hope for the best, but expect and plan for the worst. More:

#Cheerful #Uplift: 2015-10-24 The cheerful are sunny days while the whiners are dark winter days. More:

#Choice #Belief 2015-10-25 What’s choice but the lack of direction? What’s choice but the conflict of beliefs? More:

#Clever #Cute: 2015-10-26 Clever is social, not spiritual. Clever is cute, not competent. More:

#Commonsense #Uncommon: 2015-10-27 Commonsense is the most uncommon sense. More:

#Communication #Education: 2015-10-28 Communication is a form of contact that is required to sustain life. More:

#Compassion #Profit: 2015-10-29 You cannot put both nature and profit first. More:

#Profit #God: 2015-10-30 God is dead, long live Profit. Truth is dead, long live Profit. More:

#Feed #Fears: 2015-10-31 Feed your fears or feed your goals. More:

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.


#Compromise #Lukewarm: 2015-11-01 Life is the compromise between the ideal and the real. More:

#Enemies #Swords: 2015-11-02 Use your enemies to sharpen your swords. More:

#Start #Continue: 2015-11-03 Success requires only two virtues: the will to start and the will keep going. More:

#Thought #Itch: 2015-11-04 How did it come about that all your thoughts act as your master? More:

#Self #Exists: 2015-11-05 Your self hides behind roles to function in the environment of its body. More:

#Attitude #Weapon: 2015-11-06 Your attitude is the first weapon to sharpen. More:

#Choose #Control: 2015-11-07 Isn’t it what you have faith hope charity for that affects controls you the most? More:

#Respect #Care: 2015-11-08 Not choosing to appreciate this mundane moment is why it’s mundane. More:

#Never #Wrong: 2015-11-09 I am never wrong, but I can have wrong beliefs, ideas, opinions, or thoughts. More:

#Fail #Fast: 2015-11-10 To fail fast, always whine, blame, and damn instead of problem-solving or coping. More:

#Image #Self: 2015-11-11 The image of self is a “what” claiming to be “that” which is imagining it. More:

#Concept #Self: 2015-11-12 The concept of self is a “what” claiming to be the “where” that it exists within. More:

#What #How: 2015-11-13 How did a concept or image of “what” you are become “what” you are being? More:

#Precedence #Control: 2015-11-14 How did a concept or image of what you are take control of your heart soul mind? More:

#Complaints #Care: 2015-11-15 Hard to care about the hole you are in while you continue to dig it deeper. More:

#Thinking #Working: 2015-11-16 Thinking trying to work on thinking will only result in negative stress. More:

#Think #Doing: 2015-11-17 What does thinking think it is doing? When has thinking ever managed thinking? More:

#Thinking #Demands: 2015-11-18 Why invest identity and emotions in endless fruitless battles between thoughts? More:

#Inner #Fights: 2015-11-19 I am not thoughts struggling, but I sometimes foolishly feed them. More:

#Best #Make: 2015-11-20 If you want the best, then make the best of what happens. More:

#Permission #Succeed: 2015-11-21 If everyone gives you permission to succeed but you then you will not succeed. More:

#Tasks #Goals: 2015-11-22 All is lost to those who do not believe in the power of completing mundane tasks. More:

#Slavery #Things: 2015-11-23 External stimulation can be exciting, but only internal stimulation is fulfilling. More:

#Life #Important: 2015-11-24 Make your life matter, learn a profession that you can use to serve a charity. More:

#Sailboat #Wind: 2015-11-25 A sailboat that worries about the wind never leaves port. More:

#Gratitude #Attitude: 2015-11-26 Gratitude is the attitude of quietude. Gratitude is the attitude of hardihood. More:

#Best #Better: 2015-11-27 Doing your best today prepares you for doing better tomorrow. More:

#Clouds #Rain: 2015-11-28 When someone brings you clouds, poke a few holes in them. More:

#Chance #Wait: 2015-11-29 To wait for your chance is to dream about a dream. More:

#Science #Pollution: 2015-11-30 Air pollution does not signify a lack of science. More:

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.


#Stupid #Know: 2015-12-01 Trying not to be stupid focuses you on knowing, doing, and being stupid. More:

#Excellence #Perfection 2015-12-02 Excellence is pursuit of perfection with acceptance that perfection doesn’t exist. More:

#Religious #Smarter 2015-12-03 Religious are smarter than God because they know better than God what He meant to say. More:

#Religious #Good: 2015-12-04 The religious are too good to be true. The religious are too good to be good. More:

#Listen #Think: 2015-12-05 People listen to their thinking more than to you, then blame you for not communicating. More:

#Enemy #You: 2015-12-06 You are the enemy that you seek to challenge, change, contain, and control. More:

#Mind #Garbage: 2015-12-07 Use your mind to store garbage, your mind turns into garbage, who are you going to blame? More:

#Space #Place: 2015-12-08 No person can take my inner space and place; therefore, I fear no person. More:

#Knowing #Reality: 2015-12-09 Knowing is not sensing or experiencing. Knowing is dying to reality. More:

#Sufferer #Suffering: 2015-12-10 If you are separate from your suffering, then your suffering is bearable. More:

#Outside #Inside: 2015-12-11 Energy and Spirit found within, death, deception, and destruction found without. More:

#Distress #Relief: 2015-12-12 The inner voice that demands relief of suffering is suffering. More:

#Self-talk #End: 2015-12-13 Self-talk you say that you want to end suffering but you are the cause of suffering. More:

#Misery #Company: 2015-12-14 Misery is miserable and to think it can become something else is only to feed it. More:

#Knowing #Kills: 2015-12-15 What does your knowing leave unexamined, unexplored, and unquestioned? More:

#Complain #Energy: 2015-12-16 Take the energy you invest in complaining and invest it in creating solutions. More:

#Wait #Nondoing: 2015-12-17 For any issue demanding internal action let your action be waiting on God to do it. More:

#Spend #Life: 2015-12-18 To spend a life trying to become somebody or something is to spend a life dying. More:

#Action #Wait: 2015-12-19 My doing is to enjoy, host, praise, rest, share, and wait upon God. More:

#Being #Self: 2015-12-20 Being self is enjoying, hosting, praising, resting, sharing, and waiting on God. More:

#Nondoing #Complain: 2015-12-21 Complaining about having to do something makes no sense when you can do nothing. More:

#Thinking #Source: 2015-12-22 Thinking is not the source of logic. Thinking is not the source of knowing. More:

#Thought #Limitation: 2015-12-23 Thinking is not the source of discernment, enlightenment, sagacity, or wisdom. More:

#Focus #Strength 2015-12-24 Focus negative past to strengthen its hold or focus positive future to encourage it. More:

#Mankind #Saved: 2015-12-25 Mankind has used religion as an excuse to do evil and not to have to do good. More:

#Sanity #Waiting: 2015-12-26 Sanity is when waiting has the attention and awareness of your soul. More:

#More #Less: 2015-12-27 The more people you let into your life, the more time wasters you let into your life. More:

#Friendship #Loyalty: 2015-12-28 Spend your time with those who inspire, motivate, and help you to do better. More:

#Agreement #Majority 2015-12-29 Agreement with the majority means time to check your critical-thinking ability. More:

#Waiting #God: 2015-12-30 Ego is a lie; there is no self, there is only waiting. More:

#Self #Exists: 2015-12-31 Underneath your concepts and images of your self there exists the actions of a being More:

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress. Twitter Quotations from Daily Dose of Discernment 2015

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  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress. Twitter Quotations from Daily Dose of Discernment 2015

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