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Journal Journey from Ego

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Journal Journey from Ego Discover Ego Freedom

Now Available As an Audiobook

Journal Journey from Ego: This is a book about how to journal to improve counseling outcomes, gains, and results. Start today!
Journal Journey from Ego promotion
  • Your best journaling system to reduce and remove your ego.
  • Journal Your Way to Freedom
  • How To Recognize Ego Processes
  • How To Remove Ego Processes
  • How To Replace Ego Processes
  • How To Journal for Freedom from Ego
  • 32 Charts Available to Help You

Journal to Freedom: Journal Journey from Ego

  • This book is about journaling to improve counseling outcomes, gains, and results.
  • The journaling methods described in this book can be used with any counseling theory.
  • However, this book is designed to be used by people in counseling who work to reduce and eliminate their egos.
  • Such persons will have become aware that the ego must be removed first despite strong intentions to remove the underlying factors that cause and maintain problems.
  • Specifically, this book best suits those using Mind Your Ego or Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) to reduce and remove their ego from their lives.

15 Questions to Repeatedly Ask Yourself: Journal Journey from Ego

  • This journaling system is based on your following and processing 15 Questions related to the nature of self and ego.
  • Included are explanations and examples of the 15 Questions and how to practice them.
  • Most of your journaling practice will record your understanding and application of these 15 Questions.
  • In using the system, you will emphasize some questions more than others, and which questions you emphasize will vary and change at different times.
  • You may also rewrite, adapt, and modify the questions to suit your particular issues and needs.

More on Ego Creation: Journal Journey from Ego

This book also includes information on scripting and how scripting is used to form ego identities.
  • The chapter after scripting covers ways that we maintain our ego identities.
  • Further chapters help with the three processes of recognizing, removing, and replacing ego identities.
  • Some discussion follows those chapters on the nature of positive ego and spiritual pride.
  • Finally, there is more information in the Appendixes on such topics as the 3Rs, defense mechanisms, and basic fundamental skills.

Check with Your Counselor: Journal Journey from Ego

  • Consult with your counselor to see if you and your counselor can benefit from this book.
  • Your counselor may have an approach not mentioned that is entirely compatible with this book, or your counselor may perceive this book as a distraction or a hindrance to the work you are currently engaged in.

Companion to Mind Your Ego: Journal Journey from Ego

  • You can consider this book a companion piece to Mind Your Ego, which is also by Kevin Everett FitzMaurice.
  • Mind Your Ego provides a system with specific plans to Recognize, Remove, and Replace (3Rs) your ego.
  • This book provides a system to journal your progress in recognizing, removing, and replacing your ego.
  • The more you reduce the ego in your life, the more you will reduce negative stress, unneeded problems, and ego-created problems and conflicts.

Benefits of JournalingJournal Journey from Ego

  1. Increases clarity.
  2. Reduces negative stress.
  3. Strengthens your memory.
  4. Improves your perspective.
  5. Stores information for review.
  6. Focuses your time and energy.
  7. Improves your insight and reasoning.
  8. Disrupts thought looping (ruminating).
  9. Increases accountability and responsibility.
  10. Disrupts overthinking and waiting for perfection.
  11. Recognize, remove, and replace destructive emotions.
  12. Recognize, remove, and replace destructive thoughts.
  13. Recognize, remove, and replace destructive behaviors.
  14. It helps create a sense of purpose and meaning in your life.

Ego Reduction & Freedom

Journal Journey from Ego book cover
Table of Contents for Journal Journey from Ego
  • Will Open in a New PDF Window
  • Contents are based on the paperback version.

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)

  • Ebook ISBN: 978-1-878693-37-2
  • Paperback ISBN: 979-8-671714-36-4
  • Hardback ISBN: 979-8-509266-71-3

Ego Reduction & Freedom

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Journal Journey from Ego
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Ego Reduction & Freedom

Journal Journey from Ego book cover