The Story of Life Is Clear
The Story of Life: Audiobook
The Story of Life explains life from beginning to end, thoroughly revealing the meaning and purpose of life. Make peace with life today.

The Story of Life
- Ready for the Answers?
- Why & How Life Exists
- The Meaning & Purpose of Life
- Why & When Life Will End
- What You Need to Do Now
- Why & How Eternal Life Exists
- Take action based on truth.
- Live for the highest and ignore the rest.
- Make every day count.
The Story of Life Is About—
- This book explains the story of life from beginning to end, thoroughly revealing the meaning and purpose of life.
- Moreover, a timeline is provided for the major events that compose the story of life.
- This author has been aware of the story of life for about forty years and shared it only a few times during that period.
- While this author still feels unworthy of sharing the story of life, the story of life has been revealed to him, and he is now at an age where any more delay in sharing the story of life might mean that he never publicly shares it.
- Please do not confuse the messenger with the message.
- Examine the story of life on its own merits.
- Test the story all you can and prove it to yourself.
- When you discover the truth firsthand, you must commit to living according to it.
- Honor the reality we all share and focus on the highest goals.
Chapter One
- It starts before time begins.
- God was alone.
- Shares some of the nature of God.
- Shares some of the nature of evil.
- It shares some of the nature of reality
Chapter Two
- Shares how God planned to add to Himself.
- Shares how, when, and why time began.
- Shares how God doubled Himself.
- Shares information on the Host of Heaven.
Chapter Three
- Shares about the Son of God.
- Shares about life within life.
- Shares about life from outside life.
- The purpose of life.
- Truth demands knowledge.
Chapter Four
- The timeline of life.
- Life exists within God.
- The nature of the universe.
- Adam and Eve.
- Noah’s Ark.
- The chosen people of God.
- Jesus, the Son of Man.
- The false Armageddon.
- Saints and believers will be persecuted.
- The two prophets of God.
- Satan will be cast out of Heaven.
- Battle of Armageddon.
- Anti-Christ cast into the Second Death.
- Jesus rules the Earth for 1,000 years.
- Satan returns and is defeated.
- Satan is cast into the Second Death.
- The New Jerusalem.
- The Last Judgement.
Chapter Five
- Related Biblical quotations.
- From the Old Testament.
- From the New Testament.
Chapter Six
- This book was written in Jerusalem, Israel, in 2018.
- Details are still being revealed, and some updates will be necessary; however, the basics are reliable and true and have not changed for many years.
“Those who are able to see beyond the shadow and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.” —Plato
The Meaning & Purpose of Life

Table of Contents for The Story of Life
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- Contents are based on the paperback version.
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
- Ebook ISBN: 978-1-878693-46-4
- Paperback ISBN: 978-1-790369-34-8
- Hardback ISBN: 979-8-508072-61-2
The Meaning & Purpose of Life
The Story of Life
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The Meaning & Purpose of Life
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