What’s Your Story?
Now Available As an Audiobook
What’s Your Story? is about understanding the power and control of an ego story over your definition of self and your self-talk.

- You are not the main character in life.
- How To Recognize Ego-Story
- How To Remove Ego-Story
- How To Replace Ego-Story
- How To Use the 3Rs for Freedom from Ego
- How To live authentically in a phony world.
How Story Shapes Ego: What’s Your Story?
- This book is about how story shapes, defines, and guides the self.
- This book is about understanding the power and control the story has over your definition of self, your mental life of self-talk, and how you respond to life.
- By discovering how story manipulates and controls your life, you will learn how to live free of ego-story.
- Make the story work for you, and to stop controlling you now.
Ego Is Your Problem: What’s Your Story?
- The ego is the underlying problem in both personal and social plights.
- Learning to see your ego as your real problem is the beginning of your journey to sanity.
- Solving your problems by reducing your ego until it is eliminated is the practice of sanity.
- Helping others do the same is love, compassion, and kindness.
Purpose of Book & Chapters: What’s Your Story?
- The story or purpose of this book is to explain the relationships between story, self-talk, and ego.
- Such understanding is necessary to realize the book’s goal: to help people discover how to live free of ego-story.
- The first two chapters explore the nature and structure of the story to help you achieve the goal of freedom from ego.
- The following chapter explores the ego’s relationship to self-talk and story.
- Together, these lead to the most important chapter that explores the means and methods for living free of ego-story.
Books Expose and Reduce Ego: What’s Your Story?
- In Ego, FitzMaurice introduced self-talk as the workings of the ego.
- In Games Ego Plays, FitzMaurice introduced social and psychological relationship issues as ego games.
- In What’s Your Story?, FitzMaurice introduces the human obsession with story as the human obsession with ego.
- The more you recognize the ego, the more ways you have to begin reducing and eliminating the ego from your life.
Uproot Ego and Uproot Misery: What’s Your Story?
- Once you recognize your ego, you begin to remove and replace your ego.
- Most of the books written by FitzMaurice provide insights and tools to help you Recognize, Remove, and Replace (3Rs) your ego.
- While not prerequisites for reading this book, most readers would do well to read both Garden and Ego before reading What’s Your Story?
- Garden will teach you how to track, process, and improve your thinking, feelings, and reactions.
- Ego will teach you to focus on your thinking as self-talk that exists to maintain your ego.
- Stop being a slave and victim of your ego.
- Take charge now of how ego-story controls you and your life.
- Choose freedom and authenticity now over ego.
- Read and Enjoy Now!
Understand the Importance of Story

Table of Contents for What’s Your Story?
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- Contents are based on the paperback version.
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
- Ebook ISBN: 978-1-878693-40-2
- Paperback ISBN: 978-1-976820-65-6
- Hardback ISBN: 979-8-508781-46-0
Understand the Importance of Story
What’s Your Story?
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Understand the Importance of Story
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