Fast-Facts: Semantics book cover.

Fast-Facts: Semantics

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Fast-Facts: Semantics

Fast-Facts Semantics will put life into proper perspective. Own your semantics; own your life.

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Fast-Facts Semantics Contents and Benefits

Fast-Facts Semantics

Book Benefits

    • Discover the Root Cause of Failure
    • Discover the Root Cause of Success
    • Discover the Root Cause of Mistakes
    • Discover the Root Cause of Accidents
    • Discover the Root Cause of Victory
    • Discover the Root Cause of Depression
    • Discover the Root Cause of Anxiety
    • Discover the Root Cause of Recovery
    • Discover the Root Cause of Stupidity
    • Discover the Root Cause of Dogmatism
    • Discover the Root Cause of Creativity

Fast-Facts Semantics

Fast-Fact Tables

  • This book is a collection of tables that provide fast information regarding semantics and thinking.
  • Traditional semantics is about understanding how language and meaning work for and against each other.
  • We focus on semantics as understanding how your mind helps or hinders your success in life.
  • If you don’t control your semantics systems, they control you.
  • Discover how to understand and use your semantics to the fullest extent.
  • This collection also includes information on thinking skills.
  • You will find a repetition of concepts and insights because repetition and practice are the paths to mastery.
  • Additionally, hearing the same thing in a different way has often proved invaluable for most individuals’ understanding.

Fast-Facts Semantics

    • Exciting New Book Genre: Fast-Facts
    • Unique Format: Each Page Stands Alone
    • One Page Can Equal One Book
    • Read One Page a Day for Inspiration
    • Read One Page a Day to Change Your Life
    • Information Tables Compose the Book
    • This Fast-Facts Book Focuses on Semantics
    • Semantics Are Your Friend or Foe
    • Master Your Semantics, Master Your Mind
    • Ignore Your Semantics, Ignore Your Success
    • Semantics Build or Ruin Relationships
    • Handle Semantics to Win or Lose
    • Learn More in this Book than in a Library
    • One Page Worth the Price of the Book

Fast-Facts Semantics

Semantics Will Help

  • The author’s interest in semantics goes back to studying Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) because it mentioned Alfred Korzybski as a major influence.
  • This interest led to a master's-level course on General Semantics, which required a thorough report on the book referenced immediately below.
  • Korzybski, Alfred. Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics, Fifth Edition. The International Non-Aristotelian Library Publishing Company, Lakeville, CT. 1958. Charlotte Schuchardt Read.
  • Zen Buddhism, for example, Zen stories and koans, was another source for understanding semantics as being in the way of reality.
  • Additionally, the Eastern philosopher J. Krishnamurti was instrumental in this regard.
  • This book will be just another semantic exercise unless you bring your sensations to bear on it.
  • The semantics tables explain how semantics control, destroy and distort meaning.
  • They provide information to help you recognize how semantics take over your identity, feelings, intentions, and thoughts. Discover the disastrous results of putting semantics in charge.

Fast-Facts Semantics

  • Please challenge everything we tell you.
  • You must test these insights to realize them.
  • You must apply the book’s insights to your life to prove them useful.

Fast-Facts Semantics

More & Better Skills

  • The tables provide information on AI, attachment, categories, choices, coping, creativity, ego, failure, General Semantics, how to think, how to use words, intelligence, knowing, materialism, meaning, nature of thought, objectification, perception, performance, perspective, reification, self-talk, simulations, success, thought-things, and much more.
  • This book teaches about semantics and thinking in an accessible and condensed format. Its purpose is to help people understand and manage their feelings, intentions, thoughts, and lives more positively, productively, and skillfully.
  • The practice of these new semantic skills will lead to greater understanding and peace in the world.
  • Many tables were originally published on our website at this link:
  • There, you can find Fast-Facts on many topics. The website link for this Fast-Facts series (semantics) now points to this book. This book contains old and new insights.
  • The original format has been changed. The original tables have been subject to being added to, edited, discontinued, improved, reformatted, renamed, revised, rewritten, and updated. There were thirty-nine entries in the website version. Now, there are ninety-six tables. The number of tables is the result of the writing process.
  • Many tables are original creations for this book. Other new tables are based on 3D: Daily Dose of Discernment collections from 2022, 2023, and 2024. Some 3D: Daily Dose of Discernment entries in 2024 have been inspired by this book. The entry title in the table of contents comes from the title inside the table. Because of the space limitations imposed by the table format, sometimes the wording choices are not the first choices.
  • Like in the original version, this version is organized alphabetically. This book will not be available as an audiobook because it consists of tables of information that are visually orientated, difficult to represent verbally, and impossible to read grammatically without change.

Fast-Facts Semantics

Sensation Objects

  • This book focuses on semantic objects as the root problem in human affairs. However, there also exist sensation objects. Sensation objects occur when a nonverbal or sensation memory points to itself instead of to something else, such as a response to a stimulus. The dynamics of sensation objects are the same as semantic objects: self-referential (closed system, fixated, looping).
  • Sensation objects are memories of sensations without linguistic, semantic, or verbal content. Sensation objects can be formed during early childhood abuse or trauma when the child is preverbal and uses sensations to understand everything.
  • A recommended approach to releasing sensation objects is to practice systematic desensitization therapy in a professional setting. For example, often post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in adults has components of semantic objects and sensation objects that need to be released (cleared, discharged, freed) for a full recovery. Mind-Moving (M-M) can help with releasing sensation objects and semantic objects.
  • Please read Breathe or Mind-Moving (M-M): Healing’s Unifying Principle for more information.
  • Some spirituality and religion are included in a few tables. However, they are optional for understanding or implementing the helpful insights, suggestions, and solutions provided. You can learn from any source you choose. Wisdom should be accepted wherever it is found.

Fast-Facts Semantics

One should accept the truth from whatever source it proceeds. —Maimonides Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. —Philippians 4:8 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. —1 Thessalonians 5:21
  • All of the information in our books progresses over time. If you find conflicting information, please regard the most current information as the most correct, as is the practice of science and the Quran. Thank you for understanding our human failings and limitations.
  • Please let us know what single pages you found to be worth the price of the book. Thank you for sharing them.

Fast-Facts Semantics

Fast-Facts: Semantics book cover.
Table of Contents Fast-Facts: Semantics
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  • Contents are based on the paperback version.

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)

  • Ebook ISBN: 978-1-878693-79-2
  • Paperback ISBN: 979-8-341048-19-5
  • Hardback ISBN: 979-8-341048-52-2

Fast-Facts Semantics Sanity

Fast-Facts: Semantics book cover.

Fast-Facts Semantics Contents and Benefits

Fast-Facts: Semantics
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Fast-Facts Semantics Sanity

Fast-Facts: Semantics book cover.

Fast-Facts Semantics Contents and Benefits