Islam Quotations: A-F Authors

Quotations Islam 1Authors A–FRelated Pages6 Groups of Topics10 Skills & Topics

Quotations Islam 1: A-F Authors in Meme Format (45)

Quotations Islam 1. This is one of three pages that collects quotations on Islam. This page is for authors whose last name begins with the letter A thru the letter F.

“Either the majority of Muslims are liars because they actually approve of 14th-century Islam, or they are cowards because they don’t reform it.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

Quotations Islam 1: Introduction

  • This page collects memes of quotations about Islam.
  • Quotations came from
  • At the above source website, you will find references to the sources for each quotation.


  • You are free to copy and paste these memes or poster pictures wherever you think they might do the best.

  • Read for the best understanding of why the human race remains insane.


Quotations Islam 1.








Arabs never invented anything

Arabs stole and plagiarized

Arabs were and are parasites

Arabs were slavers

Arabs corrupt others with evil

Islam has multiple problems

Islam is intolerant of humor

Koran tiresome reading

Quran preaches stupidity and evil

Quran based on lies and deception

Islam causes fanaticism or apathy

Islam stops social development

Islam is barbaric

Islam is religious madness

Islam is anti-civilization

Islam is jihad

Islam jihad is war

Islam not hijacked

Islam deserves criticism

Islam is a great evil

Islam treated too nice

Hijab and burka repulsive

Islam is anti-science

Islam is deadly to mankind

Muhammad is a false prophet

Islam's genocide in India

Islam ruins childhood

Islam history lied about


Islam is destroying Europe

Islam causes loss of freedom

Islam hides behind fear

Islam corrupts governments

Islam is about murder

Islam causes barbarism

Islam is deceptive

Islam destroys culture

Islam is a horror

Islam in the way of good

  • Read for the best understanding of why the human race remains insane.


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  • Read for the best understanding of why the human race remains insane.


6 Groups of Topics Menu

  • Read for the best understanding of why the human race remains insane.