Quotations Islam 2: G-O Authors

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Quotations Islam 2: G-O Authors

Quotations Islam 2: Quotations by famous or notable people are provided for copying & pasting to social media.

This is one of three pages that collects quotations on the Quran and Islam. This page is for authors whose last name begins with the letter G thru the letter O. Please feel free to copy and paste them where you think they might help. Thank you.

“Either the majority of Muslims are liars because they actually approve of 14th-century Islam, or they are cowards because they don’t reform it.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

Islam Quotations 2: G-O Introduction

  • This page collects more memes or poster pictures of quotations about Islam from many sources.
  • Quotations came from https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Main_Page
  • At the above source website, you will find references to the sources for each quotation.

Islam Quotations 2: Permissions

  • You are free to copy and paste these memes or poster pictures wherever you think they will do the most to spread the truth.

  • Read for the best understanding of why the human race remains insane.


Islam Quotations 2. This is one of three pages that collects quotations on the Quran and Islam. This page is for authors whose last name begins with the letter G thru the letter O. Please feel free to copy and paste these memes where you think they might help people to examine their beliefs more closely. Thank you.

Quotations Islam 2

Quran poorly written

Quran covers its own lies

Quran is accursed book

Muhammad is a fake

Islam is terrorism

Islam leads to terrorism

Islam is about conquest

Islam is about killing others

Islam is a death cult

Islam is intolerant of others

Islam preaches religious hatred

Islam murders those who leave

Islamophobia does not exist

Muhammad incited others to murder

Islam is protected by lies

Islam makes false claims

Muhammad taught immorality

Isalm practices slavery

Islam extremism is Islam

Islam is against free speech

Islam is like nazism

Muhammad based upon false claims

Islam is violent in family life

Islam is the enemy of freedom

Islam murders for cartoons

Islam brings war to the Jews

Islam is hate

Isam is beneath all other ideologies

Islam is a religion of violence

Islam is the enemy of civilization

Islam cannot be reformed

Islam maintains evils

Islam is trapped in the past

Quran is uninteresting rubbish

Muhammad was a pedophile

Islam destroying Africa

Islam destroys wherever it goes

Islam ruins all it touches

  • Read for the best understanding of why the human race remains insane.


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  • Read for the best understanding of why the human race remains insane.


6 Groups of Topics Menu

  • Read for the best understanding of why the human race remains insane.