Buddha Failed 25 Reasons: Discover How
Buddha Failed 25 Reasons: Now Available As an Audiobook
Buddha Failed 25 Reasons. Learn and discover why and how Buddha Failed. Explore how Buddhism can be harmful in spiritual areas.
Buddha Failed 25 Reasons
- Expose Buddha’s self-esteem games and strategies.
- Discern the difference between material and spiritual ego.
- Explore how Buddhism can be harmful in spiritual areas.
- Recognize how merit alone cannot save you.
- Understand the true cause of suffering.
Buddha Failed 25 Reasons: Path of Superiority
- One can make the case that the primary purpose of Buddha’s legends, myths, and stories is to present Buddha as superior to others.
- Other considerations, such as teaching, are secondary.
- We do not care about Buddha or his reputation one way or the other.
- However, we care if people take the false path of putting spiritual ego over material ego.
- The main contribution of Buddha was to be an example of a supreme or perfect ego based on spirituality, not materiality.
Buddha Failed 25 Reasons: Spiritual Ego
- Learn not to make the spiritual mistakes that Buddha made.
- The book’s message is simple: use Buddhism to help get rid of your material ego and reject the false path of spiritual ego that Buddhism promotes.
Buddha Failed 25 Reasons: True Path to Enlightenment
- See how Buddhism can be helpful in material areas.
- We suggest you take the need for getting rid of the material ego from Buddhism and the need for getting rid of the spiritual ego from Taoism and Christianity.
- Combine the two, and you will be close to the right spiritual path.
Much More Available: Buddha Failed 25 Reasons
- Uncover and examine Buddha’s contradictions.
- Avoid five spiritual failures.
- Avoid false spirituality.
- Find true humility, goodness, and spirituality.
- Learn about the right path and how to stay on it.
- Explore how self-esteem will lead you astray as it did Buddha.
- Learn to commit to non-doing instead of claiming.
- Refuse to worship Buddha in any way or form.
- Refuse to follow Buddha’s bad example.
- Recognize why God is important, and pantheism is to be rejected.
- Recognize that Buddha was about spiritual self-esteem and pride.
- Discover your true and false human natures.
- Discover more than twenty-five reasons why Buddha failed.
- Finally, understand idols and idolatry.
- Finally, understand oneness and how it exists in life.
- Don’t Fail at Life As Buddha Failed!
Buddha Failed: Miscellaneous
- Buddha left his son to be raised without a father.
- Buddha abandoned his wife and child to seek his own desires.
- Buddha would be arrested for not paying child support by today’s standards.
- Buddha was a deadbeat dad, according to parental laws in the United States of America.
- Buddha thought it was better and higher to be reborn a man than a woman.
- Buddha failed to apprehend the true cause of suffering, which is ego and not desire.
- Buddha adopted much of Hindu philosophy but presented it as his own philosophy.
- Buddha failed to create a new religion because he adopted so much of Hinduism that Buddhism is just a Hindu sect.
- Buddha failed to be honest about his method to end any internal conflict, which made most of his followers unable to achieve what Buddha achieved.
- This is understandable because Buddha was unlikely to admit to himself that his method was to end the material ego and accept the spiritual ego.
True Path to Enlightenment

Table of Contents for Buddha Failed: 25 Reasons
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- Contents are based on the paperback version.
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
- Ebook ISBN: 978-1-878693-53-2
- Paperback ISBN: 979-8-530222-45-0
- Hardback ISBN: 979-8-530220-73-9
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Buddha Failed: 25 Reasons
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Related Pages of Free Information
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- 5 Main Spiritual Failures
- Attachment & Detachment
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- Buddha Failed: Oneness Facts
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- Buddhism & Personality Styles
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