Coherence Is the Goal

CoherenceCenteringBreathe Well6 Groups of Topics9 Skills & Topics

Coherence Is the Goal: Centeredness & Alignment

Coherence is the goal because coherence means you’re centered & all your minds work together. When your minds are split, you have problems.

  • For a complete system to achieve and maintain coherence, discover Breathe.
  • Breath has been considered a psychological part of the mind by both Aristotle and yoga.
  • It is easy to see the breath as related to life since breath is the first thing we need to live.

Coherence Is the Goal

  • Click for the book on Mind-Move (M-M).

Coherence Is the Goal: 10 Benefits from Practicing Mind-Move

  • Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.

Breathe Your Mind

Coherence Is the Goal That Will Improve Your Life

  • Coherence is centering, and centering is wholeness.
  • Coherence improves health, happiness & performance.
  • Coherence improves work by helping you to tap into creativity.
  • Coherence improves sanity by helping you to stop self-esteem games.
  • Coherence improves relationships by helping you to respond with kindness.

Coherence Is the Goal

Pick Descriptions That Work for You

  1. Hot
  2. Rest
  3. Flow
  4. Ease
  5. Alive
  6. On fire
  7. Whole
  8. Balance
  9. No-mind
  10. Serenity
  11. Centered
  12. Quietude
  13. Returning
  14. Surrender
  15. Meditation
  16. Non-doing
  17. Equanimity
  18. In the zone
  19. Egolessness
  20. Carried along
  21. Out of the way
  22. Being here now
  23. Along for the ride
  24. Passive awareness
  25. Floating downstream

  • Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.

Breathe Your Mind

Coherence Is the Goal in the book Breathe

  • Coherence means your six brains are synchronized.
  • Coherence is a state of readiness, relaxation, and reinvigoration.
  • Coherence means all your systems are harmoniously working together.
  • Coherence means your physical, psychological, and spiritual systems are in tune.
  • If your six brains are coherent, you are proactive, contemplative, responsive, and not reactive.

Coherence Is the Goal: Because Coherence Reduces—

stress, reactivity, negative attitudes, anxiety, anger, thinking errors, being stuck in unproductive cycles, and being stuck in self-defeating cycles.

Coherence Is the Goal: Because Coherence Increases—

acceptance, alertness, appreciation, attitude, calmness, caring, cognitive functioning, compassion, coordination, coping, decision-making, ease of response, emotional functioning, flexibility, focus, gratitude, hormonal balance, immune system response, inner ease, inner relations, peace, problem-solving, reaction times, relating, resiliency, sense of well-being, sharing, sleep, understanding.

Coherence Is the Goal: Discover Coherence Read Breathe

“Coherence is the desired state of living.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

  • Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.

Breathe Your Mind

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


Coherence Is the Goal: 6 Groups of Topics Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.

on Acceptance

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.

on Acceptance

Coherence Is the Goal: 9 Skills & Topics Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.

on Acceptance

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.

on Acceptance