Coherence Is the Goal: Centeredness & Alignment
Coherence is the goal because coherence means you’re centered & all your minds work together. When your minds are split, you have problems.
- For a complete system to achieve and maintain coherence, discover Breathe.
- Breath has been considered a psychological part of the mind by both Aristotle and yoga.
- It is easy to see the breath as related to life since breath is the first thing we need to live.
Coherence Is the Goal
- Click for the book on Mind-Move (M-M).
- Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.
Coherence Is the Goal That Will Improve Your Life
- Coherence is centering, and centering is wholeness.
- Coherence improves health, happiness & performance.
- Coherence improves work by helping you to tap into creativity.
- Coherence improves sanity by helping you to stop self-esteem games.
- Coherence improves relationships by helping you to respond with kindness.
Coherence Is the Goal
Pick Descriptions That Work for You
- Hot
- Rest
- Flow
- Ease
- Alive
- On fire
- Whole
- Balance
- No-mind
- Serenity
- Centered
- Quietude
- Returning
- Surrender
- Meditation
- Non-doing
- Equanimity
- In the zone
- Egolessness
- Carried along
- Out of the way
- Being here now
- Along for the ride
- Passive awareness
- Floating downstream
- Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.
Coherence Is the Goal in the book Breathe
- Coherence means your six brains are synchronized.
- Coherence is a state of readiness, relaxation, and reinvigoration.
- Coherence means all your systems are harmoniously working together.
- Coherence means your physical, psychological, and spiritual systems are in tune.
- If your six brains are coherent, you are proactive, contemplative, responsive, and not reactive.
Coherence Is the Goal: Because Coherence Reduces—
stress, reactivity, negative attitudes, anxiety, anger, thinking errors, being stuck in unproductive cycles, and being stuck in self-defeating cycles.
Coherence Is the Goal: Because Coherence Increases—
acceptance, alertness, appreciation, attitude, calmness, caring, cognitive functioning, compassion, coordination, coping, decision-making, ease of response, emotional functioning, flexibility, focus, gratitude, hormonal balance, immune system response, inner ease, inner relations, peace, problem-solving, reaction times, relating, resiliency, sense of well-being, sharing, sleep, understanding.
Coherence Is the Goal: Discover Coherence Read Breathe
- Coherence can be learned and practiced by following the directions in the ebook Breathe.
- Link for description & buying information for Breathe.
“Coherence is the desired state of living.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.
- Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.
Coherence Is the Goal: 6 Groups of Topics Menu
- 1. Pages by Topic
- 2. Fast-Facts by Topic
- 3. Quotations by Topic
- 4. Poems by Topic
- 5. Scripture by Topic
- 6. Websites by Topic
- Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.
- Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.
Coherence Is the Goal: 9 Skills & Topics Menu
- 1. Anger Skills & Topics
- 2. Blame Skills & Topics
- 3. Communication Skills & Topics
- 4. Coping Skills & Topics
- 5. Counseling Skills & Topics
- 6. Praying Skills & Topics
- 7. Recovery Skills & Topics
- 8. Responsibility Skills & Topics
- 9. Thinking Skills & Topics
- Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.
- Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.