Ukraine System: 4 Thinking Errors

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Ukraine System for Simplified CBT

“Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Let reason go before every enterprise, and counsel before every action.” —Ecclesiasticus 38:33

  • Read for more information on the Ukraine System.

Ukraine System: 4 Thinking Errors

Ukraine System Name

  • This is known as the Ukraine System because it was developed while the author was visiting Ukraine.

4 Thinking Errors

Focus on these 4 thinking errors using the 3Rs and overcome most problems.

  1. Expanding Thoughts
  2. Racing Thoughts
  3. Looping Thoughts
  4. Attached Thoughts

(1) Expanding Thoughts

Thoughts in your mind that are too big to process.

  • Such thoughts are too large, oversized, and expand to fill up and overwhelm your mind.
  • Thoughts that are too big for your mind overwhelm your mind and prevent rational processing.
  • Their large size gives them undue importance and power.
  • They are too big to handle.

Federal Case

  1. When you make a big deal of something, you literally have thoughts about it that are too big to handle.
  2. When you over-blow problems, you literally have thoughts of them that are too big to manage.
  3. Oversized thoughts can cloud your mind and judgment.
  4. Huge thoughts are a burden that weighs you down.
  • Expanding thoughts are the opposite of letting things go or of not making mountains out of molehills.

(2) Racing Thoughts

Thoughts in your mind that race, run, and never slow down.

  • Thoughts that are too fast for your mind overwhelm your mind and prevent rational processing.
  • Their speed gives them undue importance and power. They are too fast.

Too Fast

  1. When you have racing thoughts, you cannot keep up with them and often wind up anxious as a result.
  2. When you try to force your thoughts to speed up, you stop being able to follow them and hear them out.
  3. Racing thoughts are like when you try to do everything at once and wind up doing nothing well.
  4. When you rush your thinking you get bad results just like when you rush your work.
  5. When you think too fast, you miss a lot of important details.
  • Racing thoughts are the opposite of having a peaceful or still mind.

(3) Looping Thoughts

Thoughts in your mind that feed on themselves.

  • Such thoughts loop on themselves, and just keep repeating over and over again like a broken record.
  • They are recursive thoughts because they recall themselves.
  • Thoughts that you repeat too frequently overwhelm your mind and prevent rational processing.
  • Their repetition gives them undue importance and power.
  • They happen too often because they allow no space in between them, no break for processing.

Dwelling Is Failing

  1. When you ruminate on thoughts, you wind up obsessed with them instead of coping with or problem-solving what they are about.
  2. When you over-consume or overeat thoughts, you wind up bloated, stuffed, and tend to seek some form of escape, numbness, or sleep.
  3. When you obsessively think about something, you often deny your attention and time for more important matters or even daily tasks.
  4. When you go over the same thing again and again without any new answers or insights, then you are likely punishing yourself by rubbing your nose in your failures.
  5. Repeating thoughts feed shame and guilt more than any other emotion. Looping is not coping.
  • Looping thoughts are the opposite of internal quietness, of having a quiet mind.

(4) Attaching Thoughts

Thoughts that claim your identity or story.

  • Thoughts that are regarded as your self overwhelm your mind and prevent rational processing.
  • Their identification as self gives them undue importance and power.
  • They are too personal to ignore.

Owning Thoughts Is Failing

  1. When you are identified with your thoughts, your survival instincts also become attached to them so that you try to protect those thoughts by fighting or fleeing.
  2. When you are identified with your thoughts, your thoughts cannot pass or fade into memory, because their death is your death.
  3. When you attach to your thoughts, you cannot rationally or reasonably examine them without great effort.
  4. When you are your thoughts, you lose touch with your authentic self and become things.
  • Attaching thoughts are the opposite state of mind from having a free mind or having a childlike nature.

Mental Space Needed

  • The more expanding, racing, looping, and attaching thoughts that you have, the less space you will have for your self.
  • Can you breathe inside? Why not?
  • Can you have quiet inside? Why not?
  • Can you have stillness inside? Why not?

4 Solutions for 4 Thinking Errors

  1. Shrink
  2. Slow
  3. Stop
  4. Separate

1. Shrink Expanding Thoughts

  • Get perspective, distance, space, balance, objectivity, the big picture.
  • Revalue or reframe so it’s no big deal. Find new views, outlooks, or models.
  • Find the humor in it. Stop trying. Accept with humility. Stop carrying the world upon your shoulders.
  • Lighten your load. Don’t carry too much baggage. Lighten up. Take a break. Laugh.
  • Climb a mountain. Look down upon instead of up at your thoughts. Unload your thoughts.
  • Pack up your thoughts. Put on the shelf. Put in a box. Write them out and then burn the page.

2. Slow Racing Thoughts

  • Relax. Meditate. Pray. Get a massage. Visit nature. Find a quiet place. Listen to calm music.
  • Sit in a warm bath, sauna, or hot tub. Simplify. Be here now: mindfulness. Inch by inch it’s a cinch.
  • Watch choicelessly. Passive awareness.
  • Analyze. Introspection. Live simply. Organize. Find order. Create order. Take it easy. Easy does it.
  • ake baby steps. Chunk it down. Start. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
  • Put one foot in front of the other. Care.
  • Practice self-care. Together we can. Break it down into manageable tasks. Delegate.

3. Stop Looping Thoughts

  • Distract. Exercise. Work. Change my environment. Resist. Dispute. Switch to other channels.
  • Prove foolish and ineffective. Keep my mind on positive things. Kick it out of my inner house.
  • Occupy my mind with other things. Use the time to accomplish tasks.
  • Practice thought-stopping techniques. Redirect your attention. Repeat coping statements.
  • Repeat prayers. Engage in crafts that involve repetitive tasks. Repeat poetry or wise sayings.
  • Distract yourself with positive or productive physical activities.

4. Separate from Attaching Thoughts

  • Don’t own it. Attach to the container, not the contents.
  • Switch back to self. Self is safe. Self is secure. Resist attaching. Disown it. Divorce it. Let it go. Turn it over.
  • Prove it is not about you. Humility. Differentiate. Disentangle. Disengage. Get past it. Put it behind you.
  • Wash it away. Be cleansed of. Find self as the vessel. Be self as the place and space inside.
  • I am a being not a doing, becoming, thinking, or feeling.
  • I am the host, not the hosted. I am the mind, not the things in mind.
  • Don’t own, believe, or identify with it and it can’t hurt. No one can make me anything, damage me, or change who I am.
  • Role failure is not self failure. Be the container, not the contents.
  • I am a being, not a thought or thing. I am the sensor, not the sensed. I am the chooser, not the choice.
  • I am the experiencer, not the experienced. My self is in no immediate danger. My self is not at risk from people at any time or place.

  • Read for more information on the Ukraine System.

Ukraine System: 4 Thinking Errors

Make that 5 Thinking Errors!

Daily Dose of Discernment 2018

  • #Process #Thinking: 2018-03-23
  1. Thinking that is too fast is too hard to process.
  2. Thinking that is too large is too hard to process.
  3. Thinking that is too frequent is too hard to process.
  4. Thinking that is too personal is too hard to process.
  5. Thinking that is too disconnected or messy is too hard to process.

5 Errors: Unlinked Thinking

  • The above Daily Dose adds the fifth error to the Ukraine System.
  • The fifth kind of error is trying to process disorganized or unlinked thoughts or thinking.
  • Consider the problem of trying to make sense of multiple thoughts at the same time, none of which are linked to other thoughts.
  • Understanding on a thinking level requires linked thoughts.
  • This need for thought linking can be understood using a computer database because a computer database needs to sort (link) data in order to store and recall it (understand it).
  • Yes, you can process one or two unliked thoughts and often do, but several at once will overwhelm even trained intellects.

  • Read for more information on the Ukraine System.


Ukraine System’s 4 Thinking Errors

Ukraine System of 4 Thinking Errors

Ukraine System Expanded into 7 Errors

  • This list of 7 thinking errors was added on 07-08-2018.

Refuse Thinking that Is Too Hard

  • Read for more information on the Ukraine System.


25 Related Coping Statements

  1. Easy does it.
  2. Give it a rest.
  3. Give it time.
  4. Give yourself a break.
  5. It’s no thing.
  6. It’s no big deal.
  7. It’s no big thing.
  8. It’s nothing.
  9. Learn what is serious and laugh at the rest.
  10. Least said, soonest mended.
  11. Let it be.
  12. Let it go in one ear and out the other.
  13. Let it go.
  14. Lighten up.
  15. Like it or lump it.
  16. Live and let live.
  17. Oh well.
  18. See it from their point of view.
  19. Sleep on it.
  20. Stay flexible.
  21. Stay open.
  22. That’s the way it is—too bad.
  23. That’s the way the cookie crumbles.
  24. This is temporary.
  25. This too will pass.