How to Govern Anything: Synopsis

Synopsis GovernRate SystemsHow Is It Different?What Is Better?Related Pages6 Groups of Topics10 Skills & Topics

Synopsis: “How To Govern Anything”

How to Govern Anything Synopsis: Here is more information on what type of government it is and is not. Finally, we have a better way to live.

“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” —Winston S. Churchill (quoting someone else)

“Somebody has to go sit in the British Museum again like Marx and figure out a new system, a new blueprint. Another century has gone, technology has changed everything completely, so it’s time for a new utopian system.” —Allen Ginsberg

“The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them.” —Albert Einstein

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” —Dan Millman

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” —Buckminster Fuller

This is a synopsis for the book How to Govern Anything that provides more information on what type of government it is and is not.

  • Read to discover the best system of government ever invented.

Synopsis: How To Govern Anything book cover

Synopsis: How To Quickly Rate & Understand Different Systems of Government

  • The essential factor for rating and understanding different forms of human systems of government is to ask how many people affect decisions by sending their wishes upstream.
  • You can then ask how many higher levels the lower levels of social input can affect in tangible ways.
  • It turns out that Democratic systems allow more influence by the people than do Socialistic systems, which allow more influence by the people than do Communistic systems.
  • The Ocean Government system allows for the highest possible influence by the people on decisions at all levels of government, and no other system comes close.
  • Experiment with the Ocean Government system if you care about people influencing government instead of corporations, entrenched bureaucracies, special-interest groups, millionaire and professional politicians, billionaires, and other elites.
  • People gain fame and fortune from focusing on social problems more often than on social solutions.
  • Getting people to experiment with a new solution is challenging because people are too busy profiting from dealing with current problems. Act different.

  • Read to discover the best system of government ever invented.

How To Govern Anything book cover

Synopsis: What Does Not Exist in Ocean Government Systems

  • There are no politicians.
  • There is no profession of a politician.
  • There are no political leaders.
  • There are no political parties.
  • There are no lobbyists.
  • There are no elected officials in office.
  • There are no terms of office.
  • There are no campaigns for elections.
  • There are no corporate donations to candidates.
  • There is no political advertising.
  • There is no political fundraising.

Synopsis: Unique Hierarchy of Ocean Government Systems

  • The Ocean Government System is a hierarchical system that differs from every known form of a hierarchical system in that all positions along the hierarchy are designed to be easily and quickly replaced and changed by the lower levels.
  • The hierarchy also differs in the length of time any one person is in any position on the hierarchy.
  • In as little as one day, positions can change over the hierarchy.
  • The hierarchy is not fixed or held by anyone.
  • No one owns the hierarchy.

Synopsis: Positions Not Owned in the Ocean Government System

  • There is no ownership of any position or office on the hierarchy.
  • There is no guaranteed time to have any position on the hierarchy.
  • There is no allowance for any privilege to hold any place on the hierarchy.
  • Rather, the most efficient and effective leaders and representatives move up the hierarchy fluidly and rapidly.
  • The system accounts for movement among the levels so that all levels are filled even though all levels might be in a constant state of flux.

  • Read to discover the best system of government ever invented.

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Synopsis: Free Flow of Ideas in Ocean Government Systems

  • Ideas move up and down the hierarchy in the same rapid fashion as can and do the organization’s members.
  • For example, someone with a superior way of organizing and developing solar energy might rise to the top of the hierarchy to implement that idea.
  • However, once that idea has become a reality and an everyday process, this leader of solar energy methods will be replaced on the top by someone else focusing, for example, on the best way to recycle and replace oil-based plastics.

Synopsis: Neural Networks of Ocean Government Systems

  • The Ocean Government System functions similarly to a network of neurons.
  • Information is received and passed along rapidly for processing and development.
  • Nodes of neurons become important based on usage.
  • Pathways for neurons are developed based on the repetition of need.
  • Some functions become routine and habit, so they are relegated to lower or automatic processing systems.

Synopsis: Order, Change, & Creativity in Ocean Government Systems

  • One purpose is to have order, change, and creativity all at the same time.
  • The order comes from people being in charge of a function.
  • Change comes from people easily and rapidly being replaced by positions of authority and power that control a function.
  • Creativity comes from the free flow of ideas in all directions within the system.
  • Creativity is encouraged by promoting in the hierarchy those with ideas that need to be implemented to benefit the whole system and its society.
  • Creativity is encouraged by moving down in the hierarchy of the caretakers for ideas that have become formal parts of the system and therefore require little time and attention from the government.

Synopsis: Unique Democratic System in Ocean Government

  • It is a democratic system.
  • But there are never secret ballots or votes.
  • All voting is open and is required to be made public and accessible.
  • Neither a simple majority nor a consensus is needed.
  • Rather, a substantial majority is required, such as a two-thirds majority.
  • The hierarchy is run by open democratic voting.
  • Every competent adult is a member of the government system and has voting privileges, rights, and responsibilities.

Synopsis: More than One Position

  • A person can function on multiple levels of the government hierarchy at a time within set limits.
  • As someone moves up the hierarchy, someone else moves down the hierarchy; however, since a person can function at more than one level of a hierarchy at a time, moving down in one area of service does not preclude a simultaneous move up in another area of service.
  • A move down in one stream of the hierarchy may facilitate a move up in another stream.

“Anarchy is not a solution because successful anarchy is a return to rule by gangs and tribes.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

  • For more information on the Ocean Government system, click here.

Synopsis: Table Summarizing Advantages of the Ocean Government System

  • Click for the book with the best system of government ever invented.

Synopsis: How to Govern Anything Features

  • Read to discover the best system of government ever invented.

How To Govern Anything book cover


  1. Cultures of Success Qualities
  2. How Destroy Western World: External
  3. How to Govern Anything: The Book
  4. How to Govern Anything: Extras
  5. How to Govern Anything: How to Change or Save the World
  6. How to Govern Anything: How to Help or Save the Poor

  • Read to discover the best system of government ever invented.

How To Govern Anything book cover

  • Read and master the life skill of acceptance using the best combination of CBT, REBT, & Stoicism.


Synopsis: 6 Groups of Topics Menu

  • Read and master the life skill of acceptance using the best combination of CBT, REBT, & Stoicism.


  • Read to discover the best system of government ever invented.

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Synopsis: 9 Skills & Topics Menu

  • Read and master the life skill of acceptance using the best combination of CBT, REBT, & Stoicism.


  • Read to discover the best system of government ever invented.

How To Govern Anything book cover