The Story of Life: Contents

Story of LifePDF ContentsContents Listed6 Groups of Topics10 Skills & Topics

Table of Contents: The Story of Life

  • Garden will teach you an easy and effective Cognitive Behavioral Therapy system (CBT & REBT) system.
  • Not will help REBT practitioners to update their practice for greater effectiveness & efficiency.
  • Ego will help you to live sane in an insane world of competing ego stories.

“Those who are able to see beyond the shadow and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.” —Plato

Notes on this Table of Contents for The Story of Life

  • This table of contents also serves as an index and outline for the book.
  • This table of contents is based on the print version. The ebook version will have different page numbers.

  • Read for the best and most complete understanding of the story of life.

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  • Read for the best and most complete understanding of the story of life.

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The Story of Life: Contents

  • C0: Begin 7
  • 7
  • The Story of Life 7
  • Copyright 7
  • ISBN 7
  • Dedication 9
  • Description 10
  • Author on Punctuation 10
  • 10 Approaches to Sanity 11

C1: In the Beginning 15

  • God Was Alone 15
  • Evil & Triality 17

C2: Adding to Perfection 19

  • Time Begins 19
  • Three Definitions 20
  • God Doubles 23
  • The Host of Heaven 25

C3: Life Within the Son 29

  • Life Within Life 29
  • Life from Outside 31
  • The Purpose of Life 33
  • Truth Demands Knowledge 34

C4: The Timeline 39

  • God 39
  • Life Within God 39
  • The Universe 40
  • Noah’s Ark 43
  • The Chosen People 44
  • Jesus the Son of Man 45
  • False Armageddon 51
  • Saints Persecuted 54
  • Two Prophets of God 56
  • Satan Cast Out of Heaven 57
  • Battle of Armageddon 58
  • Anti-Christ Cast into Second Death 60
  • Jesus Rules Earth for 1,000 Years 61
  • Satan Cast into Second Death 63
  • The New Jerusalem 64
  • The Last Judgment 64

C5: Biblical Quotations 71

  • Old Testament 72
  • New Testament 80

C6: Book of Revelation 105

  • Book 66 Revelation 109

CX: End 167

  • About the Author 167
  • Table: Books for 7 Steps to Sanity 171
  • Step 1: Practice Emotional Responsibility 171
  • Step 2: Upgrade Coping & Problem-Solving 172
  • Step 3. Discover & Reduce Ego Control 173
  • Step 4. Rediscover Authentic Self 174
  • Step 5. Upgrade Thinking Skills 174
  • Step 6: More Responsibility & Less Ego 176
  • Step 7: Improve World & Communication 176
  • Other Languages than English 177
  • Life Within Life 29
  • Other Languages than English 177
  • Recommended Books by Author 178
  • How to Read FitzMaurice’s Books 194
  • FitzMaurice’s Books 194
  • Descriptions 194
  • 99¢ Books 194
  • How to Change the World 195
  • How to Live Maturely 195
  • How to Make Stress Work for You 195
  • How to Have a Super Attitude 195
  • How to End Ego 196
  • How to Live a Positive Life 196
  • How to Use CBT for Self-Help 196
  • How to Practice Instant Yoga 196
  • Enjoy! 197

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  • Read for the best and most complete understanding of the story of life.

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  • Read and master the life skill of acceptance using the best combination of CBT, REBT, & Stoicism.


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  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.


  • Read for the best and most complete understanding of the story of life.

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  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.


  • Read for the best and most complete understanding of the story of life.

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