I am a living mirror
I reflect all
I attend to
Like a lake
the moon
I cannot
the source of
what I reflect
I cannot
the source of
what I reflect
Like a lake
the moon
I can
the image
of the source
I can
the image
of the source
Like a lake
the moon
I can reflect
what is greater
than I
I can reflect
what is stronger
than I
I can reflect
what is better
than I
Like a lake
the moon
My heat
does not
heat the source
My cold
does not
cool the source
My hardness
does not
harden the source
My dullness
does not
dull the source
Like a lake
the moon
I am not
by the size of
what I reflect
I am not
weighed down
by the weight of
what I reflect
Like a lake
the moon
I am not
what I reflect
I am not
the source of
what I reflect
I am not
thoughts or
feelings about
my reflections
Like a lake
the moon
I become
what I reflect
My reflections
change with
the calmness
or roughness
of my surface
Like a lake
the moon
I cannot own
my reflections
I cannot claim
my reflections
I cannot become
my reflections
I need
light to reflect
what I reflect
I am a living mirror
—Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
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