Fast-Facts: Feelings
Fast-Facts Feelings will put feelings into proper perspective. Own your feelings, own your life.
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Fast-Facts Feelings: Short Points
- Exciting New Book Genre: Fast-Facts
- Unique Format: Each Page Stands Alone
- One Page Can Equal One Book
- Read One Page a Day for Inspiration
- Read One Page a Day to Change Your Life
- Information Tables Compose the Book
- This Fast-Facts Book Focuses on Feelings
- Feelings Are Your Friend or Foe
- Master Your Feelings, Master Your Future
- Ignore Your Feelings, Ignore Your Success
- Feelings Build or Ruin Relationships
- How You Handle Feelings Is Winning or Losing
- Learn More in this Book than in a Library
Fast-Facts Feelings: Information Tables
- This book is a collection of tables that provide fast information regarding positive, neutral, and negative feelings.
- The tables are about understanding and making the best use of your feelings.
- This collection also includes information on coping (acclimating, accommodating, adapting, and adjusting).
- The feeling tables provide information on feelings, such as detachment, diagrams of emotions, diagrams of responses, emotional maturity, emotional skills, emotional superstitions, emotional violence, emotions and sensations, feeding feelings, how feelings are formed, how feelings control you, how the mind works, how to control feelings, overcoming anger, overcoming anxiety, what are the results of feelings, what kinds of feelings there are, and where feelings come from.
- The coping tables provide information on coping, such as attachment, attitudes, basic choices, calculating results of choices, coping statements, desires, effective coping strategies, energy imbalances, fast ways to misery, higher intentions, how to fail faster, intentions, looping, making life choices, negative energies, positive and effective choices, problem-solving, suffering, switching, and the secret of life.
Fast-Facts Feelings: Function & Purpose
- The function of this book is to teach about feelings and coping in an accessible and condensed format. Its purpose is to help people understand and manage their feelings and lives more positively, productively, and skillfully.
- The practice of these new skills will lead to greater understanding and peace in the world.
- Most tables were originally published on our website at this link:
- There, you can find Fast-Facts on many topics. The website link for this Fast-Facts series (feelings, coping) now points to this book. We added a few tables showing the contents of some of our books without raising the book price. Please consider them as free extra tables of information.
- The original format has been changed. The original tables have been subject to being added to, edited, discontinued, improved, reformatted, renamed, revised, rewritten, and updated. And new and original tables have been added. Typically, the entry title in the table of contents comes from the title in the table; however, there are some exceptions because of space constraints, formatting considerations, or naming preferences.
- Like in the original version, this version is organized alphabetically. This book will not be available as an audiobook because it consists of tables of information that are visually orientated, difficult to represent verbally, and impossible to read grammatically without change.
Fast-Facts Feelings: Function & Purpose
- Some spirituality and religion are included in a few tables. However, they are optional for understanding or implementing the helpful insights, suggestions, and solutions provided. You can learn from any source you choose. Wisdom should be accepted wherever it is found.
- All of the information in our books progresses over time. If you find conflicting information, please regard the most current information as the most correct, as is the practice with science.
- Thank you for understanding our human failings and limitations.
Fast-Facts Feelings: Collection of Tables
- This book is a collection of tables that provide fast information regarding feelings and coping.
- Feelings and coping are separate topics but are mainly interrelated in practice.
Fast-Facts Feelings: Not All Tables Created Equal
- You will favor and respond to some tables more than others.
- Some tables have enough content to deserve a book; others only fill themselves.
- Focus on the ones that help you the most.
- Come back later and reread the book for deeper insights, more connections (neural links), and new relevant tables.
- The repetition of ideas in the tables will help you deepen your understanding by networking the ideas and applying them to new circumstances.
- Some spirituality and religion are included in some tables.
- However, they are optional for understanding or implementing the helpful insights, suggestions, and solutions provided.
- You can learn from any source you choose.
- Wisdom should be accepted wherever it is found.
Fast-Facts Feelings: 3 Quotations
- "One should accept the truth from whatever source it proceeds." —Maimonides
- "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." —Philippians 4:8
- "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." —1 Thessalonians 5:21
Fast-Facts Feelings Wisdom

Table of Contents Fast-Facts: Feelings
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- Contents are based on the paperback version.
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
- Ebook ISBN: 978-1-878693-78-5
- Paperback ISBN: 979-8-336838-79-4
- Hardback ISBN: 979-8-336839-12-8
Fast-Facts Feelings Wisdom
Fast-Facts: Feelings
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Fast-Facts Feelings Wisdom
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