AnimatedDoingEmotionalThoughtsVirtualMore Information6 Groups of Topics10 Skills & Topics
Animated & Emotionalized Thoughts Are Unreal Thoughts
- Ego will help you to recognize, remove, and replace your ego: a.k.a. self-esteem.
“The cause of all sins in every case lies in the person’s excessive love of self.” —Plato, Laws
Animated & Emotionalized Thoughts Explored
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
Doing Defined
- Doing is more than action.
- “Doing” includes intent or motivation.
- Doing is the performance of an action with a goal or a purpose.
- It might look like the hammer pounded the nail, but the hammer was only a vehicle for doing.
Doing Interpreted
- Doing is interpreted and thought to exist based upon different forms of evidence or experience.
- Most agree that movement indicates doing and in many cases also life. However, movement is not sufficient evidence for life.
- Most falsely believe that sentience indicates not just life but also doing.
- Most falsely consider talking inside (self-talk) or outside the mind (with others) to be a form of doing.
- Most falsely consider talking to talking inside the mind (self-talk to itself) to be a form of doing.
- Most falsely believe that if you are like others in a similar space and time now or in the past that then you are probably doing something if they are or were doing something.
- Belief in doing can occupy a space with inhabitants in time, but this is a fantasy that exists only in the imagination.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
Emotional Defined
- Emotion is active, animated, or energized sensations.
- Emotion or feeling is an interpretation of sensations as energies.
- The interpretation is that the sensations indicate positive, neutral, or negative energies.
- We mainly care about these energies when they are about us, those we identify with, or those we work against.
- Positive energies are usually sought, negative usually fought, and neutral is usually ignored or tolerated.
- Emotions and feelings direct survival instincts, intentions, motivations, goals, and common physical responses and reactions.
Sensations Defined
- Sensations are not forms.
- Sensations are not pure energy.
- Sensations exist in-between form and energy.
- Sensations can be experienced but not described.
- When your hand touches a hot stove then you have sensations of heat. You might then say, “That burns,” but no one else will have your sensations or even an accurate description of them.
- Sensations are experience.
- Thoughts, names, and words are not experience.
- All reliable experience is of sensations, not thoughts.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
Thoughts Are Neutral
- Naturally occurring thoughts, or thoughts that are not affected by other processes, are neutral.
- A cynical or negative interpretation of neutral is as apathy or lethargy.
- A positive interpretation of neutral is as objective or rational.
- An emotional interpretation of neutral is as acceptance.
- Neutral can also be considered as uncaring, unconcerned, uninvolved, or uninterested.
- Neutral can also be considered as detached or distanced.
- Thoughts are of two basic kinds: thoughts that name objects or forms and thoughts that name sensations.
- Naming forms and objects come before naming sensations or it is backward.
- Female thoughts name forms and male thoughts name sensations.
Thoughts & Their Contents Are Naturally Static
- Thoughts are static containers.
- The contents of thought containers are static.
- Both the thoughts and their contents are static or still.
- If thoughts or their contents are not static, then those thoughts are animated or emotionalized.
Thoughts Are Not Naturally Animate or Emotional
- Thoughts are not naturally animate or active.
- Thought is naturally static or still.
- Thoughts are not naturally emotional or moved by feelings.
- Thought is naturally dull and empty.
- Think of the true nature of thoughts as containers, placeholders, or variables, not entities.
Animated Thoughts
- How are thoughts animated?
- To animate a thought, you give heart energy to thoughts about forms or objects.
- When you imbue thoughts (that are names for some objects of experience) with life force, then they become animated.
- Thoughts filled with life force appear as objects, spirits, or life forms inside our minds and bodies.
- Animated thoughts have direction, motion, a vector, and are often enlarged.
- Technically, it is not the thoughts themselves that are animated but only their contents.
Emotionalized Thoughts
- How are thoughts emotionalized?
- To emotionalize a thought, you give some of your heart energy to thoughts about sensations.
- When you imbue thoughts (that are names for sensations of experience) with life force, then they become emotionalized thoughts.
- Sensations of experience are generally neutral unless survival issues are involved.
- Once sensations are filled with energy, they will be emotionally positive, neutral, or negative.
- Neutral emotions are universal and typically not regarded as emotional despite being emotional.
- Technically, it is not the thoughts themselves that are emotionalized but only their contents.
How Is Energy Transferred to Thoughts
- Energy can be transferred to thoughts to either animate or emotionalize thoughts.
- Energy is transferred by identifying with the thought.
- Your identity receives energy from your heart.
- Thoughts about sensations can be emotionalized.
- Thoughts about names and forms can be animated.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
Virtual World As Actual World
- Animating and emotionalizing thoughts create a virtual world that is imposed over the physical world as if it was the accurate version of reality.
- Animated and emotional thoughts represent both the physical and social worlds.
- These animated and emotional thoughts come to be regarded as that world which they are about and only poorly represent.
Virtual Self As Actual Self
- Animating and emotionalizing thoughts create a virtual world that is imposed over the self as if it was the accurate version of the self.
- Animated and emotional thoughts represent both the physical and social worlds of the self.
- These animated and emotional thoughts come to be regarded as that self which they are about and only poorly represent.
Interactional Animated & Emotional Thoughts
- Animated thoughts come before emotionalized thoughts.
- Thoughts that have become animated have contact and interactions with other animated thoughts.
- These contacts and interactions are made using emotionalized thoughts.
- An animated thought will claim another animated thought is like some emotionalized thought or causing some emotionalized thought.
- Emotionalized thoughts feed and cause animated thoughts to continue by giving the animated thoughts an excuse to continue talking.
Ego & Self-Esteem Are Animated & Emotionalized Thoughts
- Ego and self-esteem are composed of animated and emotionalized thoughts.
- Starve animated and emotionalized thoughts to reduce your ego and self-esteem slavery.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
Animated & Emotional Thoughts Feeding
- Animated thoughts are fed by repetition.
- Emotionalized thoughts are fed by their own sensations.
- Emotionalized thoughts are the snake eating its own tail.
- Emotionalized thoughts send out their sensations to animated thoughts only to get them back: boomerang.
Various Notes on Animated & Emotional Thoughts
- “I see what you are saying,” is how animated and emotional thoughts interact. It is backward. Instead, name what you are seeing.
- Animated thoughts (name, term, label thoughts) cannot accept sensations from emotional thoughts.
- Sensations going to name is backward. Animated or name thoughts should go to sensations.
- Animated and emotionalized thoughts seek to continue, and they will say whatever it takes to keep going.
- Thoughts are containers or hosts and when they are given energy that energy goes to what they host.
- Giving energy to thoughts that name forms will produce animated forms.
- Giving energy to thoughts that name sensations will produce emotionalized sensations or sensations that are active.
- Animated and emotionalized thoughts pretend to be a part of the solution but they are the problem.
- Animated and emotionalized thoughts pretend to be serving the good but they only serve evil (death, darkness, destruction).
3 Tests that Prove Self-Esteem Is Insane
- Click for more information.
- Read and master the life skill of acceptance using the best combination of CBT, REBT, & Stoicism.
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- Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.
- Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
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- 9. Thinking Skills & Topics
- Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.
- Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.