HealingDiscussion of ExerciseFirst StepSecond StepResults of StepsRelated Pages6 Groups of Topics10 Skills & Topics
5TP Relationship Healing Exercise
- Warning: This exercise requires maturity.
- And since maturity is not taught at churches, homes, or schools—yours might be lacking.
- If you want to know what maturity is and how to develop it, read Secret of Maturity, 4th Ed..
5TP Relationship Healing is an exercise that requires a degree of maturity and responsibility that some might not be ready for.
5TP Relationship Healing: Disclaimer
- This page contains an advanced method (5TP Relationship Healing) that requires personal responsibility, insight, self-awareness, and the ability to bear psychological discomfort.
- You are advised to consult with your doctor or any treating health practitioner before using the information on this page.
- The responsibility for using this technique (5TP Relationship Healing), and any techniques presented on this website, rests solely on the person who uses it and not on the publisher, writer, website host, or website owner.
- This information (5TP Relationship Healing) is provided for insight only.
- Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.
5TP Relationship Healing Exercise Discussion
- This exercise is designed to heal conflicted or problematic relationships.
- It is specifically designed to work on relationships where the basis of the conflict or problem comes from the fact that the people involved hold opposite viewpoints on important issues (money, morality, politics, religion, and social issues).
- However, this same exercise can be used for other related problems with some modifications.
One Person
- Only one person must perform this exercise to heal or repair the broken relationship.
- This exercise does require a commitment by that person to self-examination and personal responsibility for the exercise to be effective and lasting.
- Feel free to get help with this exercise from a caring and understanding friend, but do not attempt it with someone else involved in the conflict.
- (Note, this exercise was originally developed to solve a problem for someone on https://simbi.com/kevin-fitzmaurice/welcome)
Steps of 5TP Relationship Healing
- The exercise involves a two-step process.
Two Main Steps
- The first step, the 5TP, is applied to the opinions or viewpoints on the main topic of conflict. Alternatively, you can perform this step on several of the conflictual topics.
- The second step, the 5TP, is applied to your viewpoint of the person or persons you are in conflict with.
More Information
- For a complete understanding of the 5TP, please read Discovery Demands 5TP.
- For free examples and explanations for the 5TP, visit https://kevinfitzmaurice.com/lists-and-links/5-thinking-positions/
- Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.
First Step: 5TP Relationship Healing
1. Simplistic Viewpoint
- Admit your simplistic or one-sided position on the topic.
2. Dualistic Viewpoint
- Admit the conflict that must come from each side holding opposite viewpoints.
- Think yin and yang. Think stuck in the battle of the opposites.
- Think of living in polarization as reality.
3. Trialistic Viewpoint
- Find the middle ground or commonality between the duality or the opposite viewpoints.
- Ideally, triality is about achieving a synthesis (merging into a new viewpoint) of the opposing viewpoints, but that is unnecessary.
- Triality also works through processes like arbitration, compromise, mediation, and negotiation to find an acceptable understanding of both sides that is neither side.
4. 5TP Viewpoint
- Find the middle ground between one opposite viewpoint (left or right side) and the middle viewpoint.
- Then find the middle ground between the other opposite viewpoint and the middle viewpoint.
- Now you should have five distinct viewpoints instead of just the two polarized viewpoints you began with.
- Next, work to find yourself and the other person in one of these new two middle grounds.
- You will be in opposite middle-ground viewpoints, but those are less conflictual and frictional viewpoints. Hence, you will be coming from a better place.
Make Mild
- The point is not to end the conflict but to make it milder and more understandable.
- You will remove emotional violence from the equation by making it more human and understandable.
- And it is the emotional violence that is the actual problem.
- Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.
Second Step: 5TP Relationship Healing
1. Simplistic Viewpoint
- Admit your simplistic or one-sided viewpoint of the other person.
2. Dualistic Viewpoint
- Admit the conflict that must come from each side holding opposite negative viewpoints of each other.
- Think yin and yang. Think stuck in the battle of the opposites.
- Think of living in polarization as reality.
3. Trialistic Viewpoint
- Find the middle ground or commonality between the duality or the opposite viewpoints.
- Ideally, triality is about achieving a synthesis (merging into a new viewpoint) of the opposing viewpoints, but that is unnecessary.
- Triality also works through processes like arbitration, compromise, mediation, and negotiation to find an acceptable understanding of both sides that is neither side.
4. 5TP Viewpoint
- Find the middle ground between one opposite viewpoint (left or right side) and the middle viewpoint.
- Then find the middle ground between the other opposite viewpoint and the middle viewpoint.
- Now you should have five distinct viewpoints instead of just the two polarized viewpoints you began with.
- Next, work to find yourself and the other person in one of these new two middle grounds.
- You will be in opposite middle-ground viewpoints, but those are less conflictual and frictional viewpoints. Hence, you will be coming from a better place.
Change Perspective
- The point is not to end the conflict but to make it milder and more understandable.
- Making it more human and understandable will remove most of your ego from the equation.
- And your ego is the cause and continuer of the problem.
- Ego will gladly sacrifice relationships to feel superior to others.
- For more on ego, read Ego or read the free information here: https://kevinfitzmaurice.com/self-esteem/ego-issues/
- Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.
Results Step One: 5TP Relationship Healing
- You have a more balanced view of your position and the other person’s.
- You accept more of their reality and embrace more of your reality for a more holistic view of the problem and life.
- By facing and understanding the problem from more perspectives, you are empowered to help more and to stop being a part of the cycle (duality) of the problem.
- You might even become aware of how the media and politicians thrive on and exploit people they manage to trap in dualities (cycles of conflict based on polarization).
Results Step Two: 5TP Relationship Healing
- You become more accepting of another person and so more accepting of yourself.
- By refusing to demonize and dehumanize another human being, you refuse to demonize and dehumanize yourself.
- As often happens, when you start to treat another person better and kinder, they eventually take notice and treat you better and kinder too.
- But this secondary benefit is neither guaranteed nor the goal of the exercise.
- When you give others the benefit of the doubt that there is good inside of them, you often find that you are given the same benefit of the doubt more often.
- While we might all give ourselves the benefit of the doubt, it is nicer to give and receive it.
- You might become ever more aware of how the media and politicians want us to be ego-based so that they can easily manipulate and exploit us.
- Ego games are often the basis of social interactions and society. (For more information on social ego games, read Games Ego Plays.)
- You might even begin to walk the path where we are all the same human beings.
- For supportive quotations from around the world that share this point of view, see https://kevinfitzmaurice.com/lists-and-links/quotations-topics/quotations-one-human-nature/
Great Job: 5TP Relationship Healing
- Congratulations on your willingness to fix the problem in yourself instead of externalizing it as the world wants.
- You are now a bigger and better person.
- Yes, a bigger person because you took the high ground; you went for the bigger picture and chose peace over blaming, damning, and whining.
- Yes, a better person because you made the better choice to end the conflict and to seek acceptance, compassion, and understanding.
- Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.
5TP Relationship Healing: Related Pages
- Communication Skills: Free Help
- Dispute Thinking: Use 5TP
- Exercises & Techniques: List Pages
- List of Pages on 5TP
- New Star Diagram: The 5TP
- Quotations: Emotional Responsibility
- Contents: Discovery Demands 5TP
- Triality: Move Beyond Duality
- World Within: The Inner Life
- Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people control and manipulate you.
- Read and master the life skill of acceptance using the best combination of CBT, REBT, & Stoicism.
- Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.
5TP Relationship Healing: 6 Groups of Topics Menu
- 1. Pages by Topic
- 2. Fast-Facts by Topic
- 3. Quotations by Topic
- 4. Poems by Topic
- 5. Scripture by Topic
- 6. Websites by Topic
- Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.
- Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.
- Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.
5TP Relationship Healing: 9 Skills & Topics Menu
- 1. Anger Skills & Topics
- 2. Blame Skills & Topics
- 3. Communication Skills & Topics
- 4. Coping Skills & Topics
- 5. Counseling Skills & Topics
- 6. Praying Skills & Topics
- 7. Recovery Skills & Topics
- 8. Responsibility Skills & Topics
- 9. Thinking Skills & Topics
- Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.
- Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.
- Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.