Politics and Government Quotations: from the Author
Politics and Government Quotations help us understand the problems and solutions for forming societies that serve everyone.
- Ego will help you to recognize, remove, and replace your ego: a.k.a. self-esteem.
“Happiness does not come from having much but from being attached to little.” —Master Cheng Yen
“When man’s attachments are deep, then divine endowments are shallow.” —Chung Tzu
- Read to discover the best system of government ever invented.
- Read for the best breathing exercise in the world for your feelings and stress.
Politics and Government: Truth
“When the government is small, everything runs smoothly. When the government is intrusive, the people push back.” —Marshall Davis, The Tao of Christ
- A vote for Donald J. Trump was against mainstream news media hatters and liars.
- Vote for results, not appearances.
- End the Democratic elite history of rich Democrats getting richer and poor Democrats getting poorer because of failed Democrat policies based upon misapplied and misguided slogans.
- Empty the swamp.
- It is sad that the Democrat Party has become so unhinged that they make the Republican Party look good when both were equally evil in the past.
- “A country can be independent, have a good form of government, have natural resources, have good trade access and routes, and everything necessary for success; however, if the people do not have a culture of success, then that country will not be successful.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “A highly skilled and popular politician will serve his own interests, those of his supporters and contributors, those of his party, and those he prefers—all before those of the voters—because promises mean nothing once you are elected and out of reach.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “A leftie or woke-brained person is someone who has called many ‘nazis’ in the past for inconsequential social slights but who refuses to call real terrorist nazis trying to commit racial genocide nazis.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither. A society that puts freedom before equality will get a high degree of both.” —Milton Friedman
- “According to the mad alt-left, victimhood now equals privilege-hood.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Also, he [Hitler] has grasped the falsity of the hedonistic attitude to life. Nearly all Western thought since the last war, certainly all ‘progressive’ thought, has assumed tacitly that human beings desire nothing beyond ease, security, and avoidance of pain. In such a view of life, there is no room, for instance, for patriotism and the military virtues.” —George Orwell
- “Anarchy is not a solution because successful anarchy is a return to rule by gangs and tribes.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “As a rule, men do wrong to others whenever they have the power to do it.” —Aristotle, Rhetoric
- “Anything the private sector can do, the government can do worse and for more money.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Because men are driven by passions as well as reason, the temptation to violate the rights of others is always present, especially in the strong over the weak.” —Michael Anton
- “Buddhism is entirely based on merit. You must accrue merit using Buddhist practices to be worthy of any benefits in the present and future. Therefore, Buddhism is against DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion). Therefore, Buddhism must be far-right, fascist, homophobic, misogynist, racist, right-wing, sexist, white supremacist, and anti-progressive. Therefore, Buddhism must be condemned, and Buddhists must be canceled and silenced.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “California is a return to the lawless west.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Child sacrifice is the goal of the Democrat party. Murder your children for the Gods of career and corporate profit. Murder your children because women are not responsible for their actions. Murder your children to help the replacement of your race.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Communism exists to make people slaves of the state. Socialism exists to make people slaves of taxes. Capitalism exists to make people slaves of profit.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Communism and socialism surrender all values for the one value of economic equality. Communism and socialism can never deliver economic equality because they are necessarily preoccupied with party power, which requires economic rewards (elites and inequality). Communism and socialism alone can never provide a prosperous and robust economy because they lack the economic incentives of a system like capitalism. People can never be happy with communism or socialism because people are always concerned with more and greater values than simply economic equality.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” —Winston S. Churchill (quoting someone else)
- “Democrats and Leftists are afraid to see, hear, and experience. Democrats and Leftists fear reality because it does not match their verbal realities. Democrats and Leftists would rather suppress and damn others than listen to them. Democrats and Leftists have made themselves the enemies of reason and science because reason and science require openness to information, dialogue, discussion, and examining all available data.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Democrats are the poverty-industry party.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Democrats believe in the government. Republicans believe in the people.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Democrats (democrats) have made it undeniable that they support evil first and foremost by their support of the most blatantly evil group to have ever existed: Hamas. —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7GAg8sWDpI
- “Democrats profess to believe in many gods, but the god the democrats serve first is the god of power. Democrats serve the god of power above all others to the point of sacrificing the primary function of government to protect the people and their property for a chance to grab power. Never trust people to make decisions for you who don’t live with you and experience and suffer what you do: democrat liberals and politicians live in protected communities away from those they want to suffer for their power grab.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Democrats secretly believe that the ends (political goals for power) justify the means (destruction of the system). Democrats publicly believe that the means (failing social policies) justify the ends (worsened conditions for the poor and downtrodden). In other words, Democrats want it both ways without any responsibility for either way.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Democrats will never be for evidence-based laws and policies because democrats are for laws and policies based on verbal realities and hate.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Democrats: ‘We must ignore the feelings, rights, and speech of the majority to protect the feelings, rights, and speech of some minority.’” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Diversity, inclusion, and equity (DIE) as the highest value means you will not have a shared culture or system, but a Tower of Babel, forcing your society or system to break in pieces.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Either the majority of Muslims are liars because they actually approve of 14th-century Islam, or they are cowards because they don’t reform it.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “End your biases and prejudices against white men and conservatives before asking others to end their biases and prejudices.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Every race has an evil past. Good luck getting an honest history of the atrocities and genocides committed by each race. You will never develop a balanced and fair rating system of how the history of each race can be compared.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Every valuable human being must be a radical and a rebel, for what he must aim at is to make things better than they are.” —Niels Bohr
- “Feminists are negative, unhappy, and hell-bent on destruction.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Government intervention in economics is a Socialist attempt to control chances that are predetermined to fail because removing options and possibilities to try to control outcomes removes opportunities and potentials, harming more than it helps.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Globalism and Progressivism do not value the individual, let alone the unborn or children. Why? Globalism and Progressivism work to destroy society, family, culture, and traditional values in order to replace them with the morality and values of governments and corporations; thereby making humans a commodity to be exploited without fear or consequence.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Hip-hop is when a destructive motivational speaker comes to the Black community to destroy it by repeating poisonous ideas in lyrics while hiding behind the music and pop culture.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “How you begin is how you end, and Islam began with violence, continues with violence, and will end with violence.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.” —Richard Feynman (Noble Prize in Physics 1965)
- “Ideology is not identity.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “If you are not factually correct, you cannot be morally correct.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “If you can’t stand debate, then you can’t stand democracy.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Inflammatory is not incitement.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Islam is desperate to hide the story of Muhammad’s life because he is the worst example; while Christianity is eager to share the life of Jesus because He is the best example.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “It is a well-known fact that revolutions are not conducted from below by the people, but from above, in the name of the people, by an aspiring elite.” —Roger Scruton
- “It is cheaper for corporations to pay for abortions than it is to pay for maternity leave.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” —Upton Sinclair
- “It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.” —George Washington, A Life of Washington, Vol. 2
- “It would not matter what kind of society and government a country had if people of virtue were running it.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Journalism is the practice of twisting words, facts, and events to promote a favored agenda.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Journalists have become mockers and scoffers instead of reporters.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Know them by their fruits. Islamic=terrorism, injustice, poverty, corruption, and all manner of social ills.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Liberal elites claim they pay penance to climate change causes, giving them the right to have multiple houses, storage spaces, garages, cars, boats, planes, collections, and servants.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Liberals and the woke are demonstrably against recovery, redemption, and rehabilitation because they prefer cancel culture for anyone who disagrees with their narratives no matter how well they have turned their lives around.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Liberals believe in the government. Conservatives believe in the people.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Like gambling houses fixing the dice, Socialists try to fix the outcomes in markets. This leads to less healthy and productive markets because of less freedom (choices, options), which hurts everyone.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Many politicians promote and say anything that gets, keeps, and increases power without regard to actual outcomes for the population they subject.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media” —Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky
- “Markets thrive in freedom because they are self-balancing. Their inherent give-and-take nature is in constant flux when free from regulations and unnecessary burdens.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies, and feminine democracies give way to tyranny.” —Aristotle
- “Misinformation is the new name for dissent.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Modern journalists are selectors of facts, not reporters of facts.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good.” —Thomas Sowell
- “No government can lead its people to success if the people do not have a culture of success.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Nothing will work unless you do.” —Maya Angelou
- “Now I see that going out into the testing ground of men, it is the tongue and not the deed that wins the day.” —Sophocles, Philoctetes
- “One of the most important reasons for studying history is that virtually every stupid idea that is in vogue today has been tried before and proved disastrous before, time and again.” —Thomas Sowell
- “People often vote either for their wallet (financial interests) or for their self-image (voting this way makes me look good), not for the best candidate or most important policies.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “People who promote white hate also covet white products, not Arab or Muslim products.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Political correctness (PC) is when you have an excuse for endless emotional abuse and violence to induce feelings of superiority, and you won’t let facts, fairness, or reason deter you.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Politicians and activists are often part of the problem, not the solution, because they spout slogans that hide the manifold causes and roots of problems.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Politicians bail out financial systems and let the people pay the price by, for example, home foreclosures, higher interest rates, higher taxes, bankruptcy, small business failures, inflation, and unemployment. Politicians do this without having to consult the people, all the while claiming that they serve a democratic form of government.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Politicians exploit tragedy to increase hate and fear in order to increase governmental control, power, and size.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Politicians serve donors, not citizens.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Politics is when you rely on idiotic dualities to make extremist points of view appear rational. For example, politicians say, ‘Whoever is not a globalist is a fascist,’ when it is the globalists who enact fascist laws and put fascist limitations on free speech.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Professors and college administrators are successful; therefore, they must have exploited someone and should be taken down under the social-justice model of everyone being either an oppressor or an oppressed.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Progressive is the new name for regressive fascism.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Progressive politics creates and exploits victims for the sake of wealth and power because it keeps creating millionaire democrats and poorer poor people.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Progressives and Globalists are focused on increasing issues, not on increasing solutions.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Progressives attack, ban, and cancel liberals all the while taking credit for the achievements that liberals, not progressives, made in the past.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Progressivism and Globalism do not value the individual, let alone the unborn or children. Why? Globalism and Progressivism work to destroy society, family, culture, and traditional values in order to replace them with the morality and values of governments and corporations; thereby making humans a commodity to be exploited without fear or consequence.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Progressivism and Globalism encourage victimhood because they can use victimhood to destroy and replace current systems; however, those they use as victims will remain victims of Progressivism and Globalism.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Progressivism and Globalism seek to dehumanize people in order to make people into exploitable widgets for corporate-government interests. People are dehumanized by removing their identity as a fetus, gender, family member, nation member, and traditional-value member.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Regarding nothing as too light/ To need his utmost skill,/ All Difficulties fade from sight,/ And he attains his will.” —Lao Tzu, Tao of Lao Tsze, page 63
- “Revolutions devour their own children first.” —Aphorism
- “Scientific facts about biology and genes will never deter those who wish to believe in the impossible as if it was real.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “‘Since it is right to murder someone murdering your child, then all murder is right.’ This is how the left takes exception to make a false rule.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Somebody has to go sit in the British Museum again like Marx and figure out a new system, a new blueprint. Another century has gone, technology has changed everything completely, so it’s time for a new utopian system.” —Allen Ginsberg
- “Speech you hate is not hate speech no matter how hateful your speech is about it.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Speech you hate is not hate speech no matter how hatefully you speak about it.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “The hand of Vengeance found the Bed To which the Purple Tyrant fled The iron hand crush’d the tyrant’s head And became Tyrant in his stead.” —William Blake
- “The amount of government spending equals the amount of government power.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “The argument against free speech is the argument that power must rule, not reason.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but all groups.” —Henry Hazlitt. https://mises.org/profile/henry-hazlitt
- “The best weapon of a dictatorship is secrecy, but the best weapon of a democracy should be the weapon of openness.” —Niels Bohr
- “The bigger the government, the smaller the individual.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “The Cancel Culture in the USA certainly does not believe in second chances, recovery, redemption, or rehabilitation. Determinists might believe people never change, but anyone who has spent time in recovery groups sees a total change on a regular basis. Some mental health professionals are in the game for pride and want to maintain their status as superior to their clients. One way these fakes (sell change but don’t believe it is possible) do this is to recite, ‘The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.’ Yes, without change, you can bet a known thief will steal again. But with a spiritual change or a personality change, people can be totally different than they previously were. Those who do not have hope for their clients should quit the mental health field.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “The CIA cannot get to the bottom of anything they are at the bottom of.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “The definition of a stupid person is a person who considers insults and name-calling to be the same thing as presenting facts, providing reasons, or having an intelligent reply.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “The difference between forms of government is who and how many get to be greedy.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “The liberal elites live as if physical realities only concern themselves, while the rest of humanity must live like the verbal realities of the elites are physical realities (a verbal reality for thee and a physical reality for me).” —Kevin Everett
- “The liberal mind believes in verbal realities until physical realities become personal; however, they never learn empathy or compassion for the physical realities of others over the same verbal realities. Hence, liberals are in favor of what never touches their lives despite it harming the lives of others such as open borders.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “The most hateful, lying, and miserable people are woke. Perhaps they got something wrong.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “The older one is, the more one can base their understanding on experience instead of verbal realities; hence, politicians prefer the young whom false verbal realities can more easily lead.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “The only ones to progress under Progressive policies are the political and elite progressives. What to be a millionaire? Become a Progressive politician promoting Progressive policies that get rich democrats richer and poor democrats poorer. Never check results. Never see how Progressives ruin whatever city they govern. Never look at facts. Focus only on promises and slogans that sound right but do wrong when executed. Stop the lies. End Progressive destruction of the poor for the wealth of the elite and the pride of the politicians.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “The only thing worse than having a government is not having one.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it. [These words are also inscribed upon his grave]” —Karl Marx, Eleven Theses on Feuerbach
- “The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them.” —Albert Einstein
- “The Progressive and Globalist goal is to destroy society and replace it with government-corporations; thereby, making humans a commodity to be exploited.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “The purpose of the Democratic party is to prove the saying that ‘the road to hell is paved with good intentions’ and bad results.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” —Dan Millman
- “The State is not the solution. The State is the problem.” —Javier Malay
- “The trouble with Eichmann was precisely that so many were like him and that the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly normal. From the viewpoint of our legal institutions and of our moral standards of judgment, this normality was much more terrifying than all the atrocities put together.” —Hanna Arendt
- “The UN and the world consider the Jews and Israel to be a nobler and higher people and nation because they always hold the Jews & Israel to higher standards than the rest of the peoples and nations of the world. Standards none come close to following.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “The vacuum created by the Postmodernist denial of truth and morality has left people scrambling for any port in a storm. PC is now a major religion and one that has more similarities to Islam than it does to Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, or Jainism. For example, note the extreme intolerance, control of speech, denial of history, victimhood, and forced propaganda of both PC and Islam.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “The wise man knows that it is better to sit on the banks of a remote mountain stream than to be emperor of the whole world.” —Zhuangzi (Chuang-tzu)
- “There is only one human race; however, there are many cultural differences between humans.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “There will be no end to the troubles of the state or indeed of humanity until philosophers become kings or until those we now call kings really and truly become philosophers.” —Plato
- “Thinkers think, and doers do. But until the thinkers do and the doers think, progress will be just another word in the already overburdened vocabulary by sense.” ―Francois de La Rochefoucauld
- “We are surrounded by Xerox news-media with few so-called news organizations gathering first-hand information.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “We at BLM offer you the opportunity to feel good about yourselves by supporting beliefs that everyone should support and by being against beliefs that everyone should be against. You are Democrats; you know not to look at the results of policies and methods that sound good but do harm. So please ignore the methods of BLM that are harming poor neighborhoods, getting more minorities killed, and ruining minority businesses where they are needed most. Please focus on feeling superior for supporting BLM. Thank you.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “We need more Benefit Corporations that have multiple goals in their articles of incorporation, not just one profit goal because goals of helping employees, the community, and the environment promote goodwill whereas profit-only corporations promote a high degree of internal sabotage.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “When you deny the contributions of Western culture and the white race to the world that covets their contributions above all others (e.g., Chinese & Arabs all want Western-looking cities & technology), you are responsible for feeding the flames of white supremacy that can only sow discord and division.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “When you notice that to produce, you need to get permission from those who do not produce anything; when you check that money flows to those who do not deal with goods but with favors; when you realize that many become rich by the bribery and for influence more than by your work and that the laws do not protect you against them, but on the contrary, they are the ones who are protected against you; when you discover that corruption is rewarded and honesty becomes a self-sacrifice, then you can assert, without fear of being wrong, that your society is doomed.” —Ayn Rand
- “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process, he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” ―Friedrich Nietzsche
- “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.” —Benjamin Franklin
- “Wokeism is a religion, but it is not infallible, an authority, or beyond scrutiny. It fears being exposed for what it is: unbalanced conjecture and pessimism.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Women falsely claim that a fetus is their body, so their choice. However, a fetus is another body. When a woman kills that other body, the woman does not automatically die, proving that it is not her body or choice.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Women have always been the main conditioners of society because women have been the ones raising children and teaching at the schools while men were out slaving for money for the home.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” —Buckminster Fuller
- “You too can be a Democrat. All you have to do is say that the reason (why) you are doing what you do is to help the poor and downtrodden. Don’t worry; it won’t matter when your policies actually make it worse for the poor and downtrodden.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “You too can be a Democrat. All you have to believe is that your intentions are all that matter, not your results.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
Politics and Government: ANARCHISM
The anarchist says that we need to stop government because people are mean.
- Apparently, the anarchists cannot see that they prove the need for government by suggesting that people are inherently mean and, therefore, will be even meaner without governmental controls.
- Ever heard of child labor? Ever heard of slavery? Ever heard of pillaging? Ever heard of rape and murder? How about environmental concerns or disasters? Does anyone but a pie-in-the-sky idealist think anarchy would not worsen things?
- The rule of gangs was never better than a bad government.
Politics and Government: Problem with Solution
“Communism exists to make people slaves of the state. Socialism exists to make people slaves of taxes. Capitalism exists to make people slaves of profit.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
“If you want to anger a conservative, lie to them. If you want to anger a liberal, tell them the truth.” —Teddy Roosevelt
- To simplify governments and styles of countries, think in terms of budget.
- Capitalism and the privatization of government services focus on the budget for the sake of profit. A government’s lack of a motive for keeping or even having a budget is often its problem.
- For example, the USA has no budget motivation or balanced budget but only increased debt and inflation.
- Conversely, Apple has the budget motivation of profit for stockholders, so has billions in the bank.
Politics and Government: Solution
- Government agencies get to keep current programs only if they stay on budget.
- Otherwise, programs are cut at the end of the year to make the budget work, with an additional penalty of receiving 5% less funding the following year.
- Government agencies that stay on a budget can expect to receive the same budget the next year, with the cost increase based on inflation but no more added to it.
- Government agencies that stay under budget can increase their programs and request additional funding for their new programs.
- They will also automatically receive the same budget with cost increases added for inflation with or without approved additional funding for new programs.
- Read to discover the best system of government ever invented.
- Read for the best breathing exercise in the world for your feelings and stress.
Politics and Government: Demonrats, a.k.a. Democrats
- Democrats plan to take all power from the people and give it to the government.
- Democrats plan to keep enlarging the government until it has all power and control, much like China.
- After all, who knows best but the government?
- Of course, if you want to destroy or ruin anything, history teaches that the surest way is to put the government in charge.
- Of course, the real goal is to put your followers, friends, family, cronies, contributors, etc., in positions of power and control.
- “Child sacrifice is the goal of the Democrat party. Murder your children for the Gods of career and corporate profit. Murder your children because women are not responsible for their actions. Murder your children to help the replacement of your race.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
“We will do good for the poor and working class another time because this is the time to take the money.” —AOC
Politics and Government: Democrats are the party of the elite, politically powerful, corporations, and the rich.
- Why? Follow the money, benefits, and results.
- The downtrodden, poor, lower class, and middle class all suffer at the hands of Democrat policies and laws.
- However, the elite, politically powerful, corporations, and rich benefit from Democrat policies and laws.
- The rich get richer.
- More Democrats become millionaires.
- Stop being fooled by slogans. Prove and test results.
- Source of wokeism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABWlyt2ldKw
- (1) Follow the money.
- (2) Democrats are the party of the rich and corporations.
- (3) Democrat politicians are still becoming millionaires.
- (4) Democrat elite are still getting richer.
- (5) Follow the benefits and results of Democrat policies and laws.
- (6) The poor are getting poorer.
- (7) The working class is getting poorer.
- (8) The middle class is getting poorer.
- (9) Democrat policies destroy the poor and downtrodden while making Democrats richer and more powerful.
- (10) Many programs and policies for the poor make the rich richer and the poor poorer.
- (11) Democrat results favor only the Democrat elite by increasing their wealth and power.
- (12) Democrats get results for Democrat corporate and political elites, not for the poor, lower class, middle class, or needy.
- (13) Stop believing slogans.
- (14) Democrats improve Black communities as little as BLM does.
- (15) Follow the money.
- (16) Blue states often prevent housing, education, and taxation equality. Here is the evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNDgcjVGHIw
- (17) Source of wokeism (Leftists Supremacists): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABWlyt2ldKw More https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQN4c3uN_tA
Politics and Government: Government Programs Destroy Communities
- Depends on how the so-called safety-net will work.
- “How” you do something is as important as doing it.
- Most government programs in one community exist in the Native American community, which happens to be the community with the most problems and chronic poverty.
- The second community relying the most on government programs is the Black community in big American cities, which happens to be the community with the second most problems and chronic poverty.
- Apparently, relying on government programs is the surest path to the destruction of a community.
- Who is for such programs? Oh, yeah, the Democrats who claim to serve the poor while actually destroying the poor.
- In fairness, just because it is a government program, it does not have to have bad results.
- Other countries manage to have effective government programs, but they are neither run by Democrats nor use programs designed by Democrats.
- Source of Wokeism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABWlyt2ldKw
Politics and Government: UNI-Party Still Exists, But Not All Belong
- For a long time, you could not tell the difference between millionaire Republicans and Democrats.
- And that is still true today for many.
- However, there remains a large number of Democrats who have gone flat-out insane because they seek the destruction of all ancient values.
- No matter what fools tell you, the only effective and valuable values are based on ancient values. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJzeK5aktBw
- Source of Wokeism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABWlyt2ldKw
“I am afraid that there is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well because as long as the disease holds out, they have not only an easy means of making a living but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public.” —Booker T. Washington
“Never vote for a democrat because they play to rule, not represent. Hopefully, this will change soon, and they will start serving the people instead of the corporations and war.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Democrats are anti-science because they refuse to test the results of their policies and programs. Democrats are anti-science because they refuse to examine all the evidence, facts, questions, and arguments. Democrats are anti-science because they refuse to view their policies and programs as experiments that must be proved or disproved based on their outcomes. Mandates are murder (suicides, drug overdoses, impaired auto accidents, anger, and rage violence, etc.).” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Democrats secretly believe that the ends (political goals for power) justify the means (destruction of the system). Democrats publicly believe that the means (failing social policies) justify the ends (worsened conditions for the poor and downtrodden). In other words, Democrats want it both ways without any responsibility for either way.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice Source of Wokeism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABWlyt2ldKw
- “Demonrats want all power to be electric (no gas stoves or cars) because then people will be easier to rule, regulate, and relocate for corporate profit and war. Their strategy is to use nice-sounding words because people can’t tell the difference between verbal and physical realities until they get hit in the face with physical facts.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Demonrats want to destroy the family unit because then people will be easier to rule, regulate, and relocate for corporate profit and war. Their strategy is to use nice-sounding words because people can’t tell the difference between verbal and physical realities until they get hit in the face with physical facts.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “How” you do something is as important as “why” you are doing it. Unless, of course, you are an activist, Democrat, or political fanatic.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- Source of Wokeism and Woke Virus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABWlyt2ldKw
- “If you already don’t trust the government, then why do you would you allow politicians to extend their power and control with more social programs?” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “If you can’t stand debate, then you can’t stand democracy.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “The Democratic Party, as the party of the Ku Klux Klan, did obvious damage to the Black community. The Democratic Party, as the party of progressivism, does more damage, but it’s disguised and so accepted. It is the Democratic Party that keeps the Black community murdering its babies and its boys murdering its boys. It has also robbed the Black community of its culture of success and replaced it with a culture of government entitlement. The only community, the Demonrats, have destroyed more thoroughly is the Native American community with even more government aid and programs.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “The biggest problem is when the government is too big. The next biggest problem is when the government is too small.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “The Democrat solution to crime is to recategorize it and not report it.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “To blame capitalism is to blame human nature because greed passes from human nature into capitalism, communism, and socialism; however, capitalism allows anyone to pursue greed, not just the rulers, as does socialism and communism.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Policies to ‘take from the rich and give to the poor’ have historically worked to take from the poor and give to the elite.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Progressivism and Globalism seek to dehumanize people in order to make people into exploitable widgets for corporate-government interests. People are dehumanized by removing their identity as a fetus, gender, family member, nation member, and traditional-value member.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “The Progressive and Globalist goal is to destroy society and replace it with government-corporations; thereby, making humans a commodity to be exploited.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “Socialism must fail because it is a system designed to steal and spend wealth, not to create wealth.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “You too can be a Democrat. Just become insensate.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- “You too can be a Democrat. All you have to believe is that your intentions are all that matter, not your results.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice Source of Wokeism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABWlyt2ldKw
- “You too can be a Democrat. All you have to do is say that the reason (why) you are doing what you do is to help the poor and downtrodden. Don’t worry; it won’t matter when your policies actually make it worse for the poor and downtrodden.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice Source of Wokeism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABWlyt2ldKw
Politics and Government: BENEFITISM
- Govern with benefitism, not communism, democracy, Islamism, or socialism.
- All forms of government have been corrupted by capitalism: profit first.
- Instead of profit first, put benefit first.
- Measure benefit according to the Earth, all species, people, society, peace, health, and all sane values other than monetary benefit.
- Corporations with better goals: Benefit Corporations
- The more the government finances a culture, the more the government destroys that culture.
- Complete government support equals complete destruction.
- Don’t believe it? Visit Native American reservations where everything is free and self-destruction is complete.
- Visit ghetto reservations where food and shelter are free, and self-destruction is constantly gaining.
- No sane group wants everything to be free for their own good.
Politics and Government: Wokeism
- All the best answers to why the left exists and why they intend to destroy the USA and the West.
- The real plot and purpose of the alt-left according to the KGB. Guess who is actually serving the Russian agenda? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABWlyt2ldKw
- Where did wokeism come from, and what is its purpose? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABWlyt2ldKw
- The backup to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGbFnAz2TeI
- Where did wokeism come from, and what is its purpose? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABWlyt2ldKw More information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQN4c3uN_tA&t=95s
- The backup to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGbFnAz2TeI More of the same: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9TviIuXPSE&t=137s
“At its heart, wokeness is divisive, exclusionary, and hateful. It basically gives mean people a shield to be mean and cruel armored in false virtue.” —Elon Musk, Babylonbee.com (December 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvGnw1sHh9M)
- Fact Checkers Are Fact Blockers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCOvFLlsjI4
- All the best answers to why the left exists and why they intend to destroy the USA and the West.
- The real plot and purpose of the alt-left according to the KGB.
- Guess who is actually serving the Russian agenda? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABWlyt2ldKw More: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQN4c3uN_tA
- Read to discover the best system of government ever invented.
- Read for the best breathing exercise in the world for your feelings and stress.
Politics and Government: Related Pages
- Cultures of Success Qualities
- Globalism God Fast-Facts
- How to Destroy Western World: External
- How to Govern Anything: The Book
- How to Govern Anything: How to Change or Save the World
- How to Govern Anything: How to Help or Save the Poor
- How to Govern Anything: Synopsis
- How to Govern Anything: Contents
- Read to discover the best system of government ever invented.
- Read for the best breathing exercise in the world for your feelings and stress.
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- 2. Fast-Facts by Topic
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Politics and Government: 9 Skills & Topics Menu
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- Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.
- Read to discover the best system of government ever invented.