Mind Is a Magnet

AttractionMagnetVisualizationPrayerRelated QuotationsRelated Pages6 Groups of Topics9 Skills & Topics

The Mind Is a Magnet

The mind is a magnet for what it focuses on. This is not a magical power but a form of prayer that is often natural and spontaneous.

“Whatever a person frequently thinks and reflects on, that will become the inclination of their mind.” —Buddha

  • Read and discover the best and most extensive observations on human thinking errors.

The mind is a magnet for what it focuses on. This is not a magical power but a form of prayer that is often natural and spontaneous. Book cover for "Planet Earth: Insane Asylum for the Universe."

The Mind Is a Magnet


  • The mind is a magnet.
  • The mind does not create reality; rather, the mind attracts reality.
  • Learn to dwell on the positive for more positive in your life.

Subconscious Prayer

  • The mind works like a magnet because of prayer.
  • Whenever you focus on anything, you subconsciously pray for it.
  • If you believe in what you are giving your time, attention, and visualization to, it will come into your life.

The Mind Is a Magnet


  • Every day for 30 days, spend at least five minutes thinking of elephants.
  • And before the 30 days are up, you will have an experience with elephants.
  • The experience can be a book, magazine, article, or TV show about elephants.
  • The experience can be visiting the elephants at the zoo or circus.
  • The experience can be simply seeing pictures of elephants.
  • But some experiences will involve elephants, no matter how isolated you are.

  • Read and discover the best and most extensive observations on human thinking errors.

Book cover for "Planet Earth: Insane Asylum for the Universe"

The Mind Is a Magnet


Visualization Works for 6 Reasons

  1. When you visualize, you might be praying in the right manner.
  2. When you visualize, you might accept a problem and cope better.
  3. When you visualize, you might accept a problem, and so problem-solve it better.
  4. When you visualize, you might commit to doing something positive for your goals.
  5. When you visualize, you might refocus from negative to positive goals and gain better results.
  6. When you visualize, you might gain confidence, think, feel, and act better, and thereby achieve better results.

Visualization Works But Not Because of Superstitions

  1. You are not superstitiously controlling the universe with your mind.
  2. You are not a god with superpowers whenever you want to use them.
  3. You are not superstitiously co-creating your reality with help from the universe.
  4. You are not a witch, warlock, magician, or a source of any supernatural powers.
  5. You are not more than just a transceiver; you are not a source because God is the only source.
  6. You do not have any ability or power to create anything because you can only receive and host creative energy.
  7. Human thinking is not magical, powerful, creative, changing, controlling, or a god-like energy transforming or remaking the world.
  8. Human thinking does not even influence anything despite the magical abilities Idealists, Postmodernists, Constructivists, New Agers, primitive societies, and primitive religions claim for human thinking.

  • Read and discover the best and most extensive observations on human thinking errors.

Book cover for "Planet Earth: Insane Asylum for the Universe"

The Mind Is a Magnet


“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” —Matthew 21:22

  • Ask Believing.
  • Prayer works in two simple steps, but only if you are single-minded.
  • Your heart, soul, and mind must be aligned for a prayer to work.
  • Right thinking without the right experience and right feeling will not work.

2 Steps

  1. You clearly ask for something by experiencing it in detail with your heart and mind.
  2. You simultaneously believe in the future reality of what you visualize.

  • Read and discover the best and most extensive observations on human thinking errors.

Book cover for "Planet Earth: Insane Asylum for the Universe"

The Mind Is a Magnet

Quotations Various Sources

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” —Philippians 4:8

“I persistently practice preferring the positive.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“Set your mind on a definite goal and observe how quickly the world stands aside to let you pass.” —Napoleon Hill

  • Read and discover the best and most extensive observations on human thinking errors.

Book cover for "Planet Earth: Insane Asylum for the Universe"

The Mind Is a Magnet

Related Pages of Free Information

  1. CBT, CT, & REBT Cognitive Psychotherapies: List Pages
  2. Constructivism—Pros & Cons
  3. Coping Skills: Free Help
  4. Counseling Issues: Free Help
  5. Ego & Self-Esteem Fast-Facts
  6. Emotional Responsibility: List Pages
  7. Exercises & Techniques: List Pages
  8. Feeling & Coping: Fast-Facts
  9. Law of Attraction & Visualization
  10. Meditation: List Pages
  11. Postmodern Foolishness
  12. REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy): List Pages
  13. Self-Esteem Issues: List Pages
  14. Thinking Skills: Free Help
  15. Unconditional Self-Esteem (USE): Defined

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.


The Mind Is a Magnet

  • Read and master the life skill of acceptance using the best combination of CBT, REBT, & Stoicism.


  • Read and discover the best and most extensive observations on human thinking errors.

Book cover for "Planet Earth: Insane Asylum for the Universe"

The Mind Is a Magnet

6 Groups of Topics Menu

The Mind Is a Magnet

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


  • Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.


  • Read and discover the best and most extensive observations on human thinking errors.

Book cover for "Planet Earth: Insane Asylum for the Universe"

The Mind Is a Magnet

9 Skills & Topics Menu

The Mind Is a Magnet

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


  • Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.


  • Read and discover the best and most extensive observations on human thinking errors.

Book cover for "Planet Earth: Insane Asylum for the Universe"