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Writings, Quotations, & More on Self-talk
- Ego will help you to recognize, remove, and replace your ego: a.k.a. self-esteem.
“To be poured into without becoming full, and to pour out without becoming empty, without knowing how this is brought about–this is the case of ‘Containing the Light.’” —Chung Tzu
“It is the current philosophic and behavioral re-traumatizing that keeps the early disturbance alive in the present.” —Albert Ellis
“Self-talk is a conversation with nobody about nobody.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
3D: Daily Dose: 2016
#Mind #Noise: 2016-01-01
- Below the noise of your mind lives your being, which you rejected in favor of becoming things.
- Below the noise of your mind lives your being, which you ignore while pursuing self as concepts and images.
- Below the noise of your mind lives your being, which you think is too simple and childish for your grandiose dreams for self.
- Below the noise of your mind lives your being, which you despise in favor of claiming or trying to be something superior to others.
- Below the noise of your mind lives your being, which you rejected in favor of becoming an adult who pursues profit in self-esteem.
#Solutions #Remain: 2016-04-11
- Solutions remain solutions at all times.
- Solutions are an experience of positive energy.
- Solutions focus on increasing encouragement, faith, and hope.
- Solutions are not about ego, identity, personality, pride, or self-esteem.
- Solutions are directional, focused on a path, or linear, and neither loop nor get stuck.
#Ego #Self: 2016-04-16
- There is no ego or self-esteem self that is not a composited fabrication.
- There is no ego or self-esteem self that exists in the past, present, or future except in the imagination.
- There is no ego or self-esteem self that exists in the present without it being recalled, reimagined, or remembered.
- There is no ego or self-esteem self that exists in the present without it first being reactivated and reanimated from memory.
- There is no ego or self-esteem self that exists in the present without it being rebuilt, recreated, refashioned, reinitialized, or regenerated on the spot.
#Character #Reputation: 2016-04-18
- You are not your character even though it determines your life story.
- You are not your reputation even though it determines your friends and enemies.
- You are not your personality even though it determines how people react to you.
- You are not your opinions of yourself even though they determine your ego and self-esteem.
- You are not your measurements and ratings of yourself even though they determine how you feel about yourself.
#Will #Pleasure: 2016-04-21
- The will to power is ego.
- The will to superiority is self-esteem.
- The will to pleasure is body.
- The will to meaning is soul.
- The will to contact is heart.
#Self-esteem #Inferior: 2016-05-12
- If you serve self-esteem, then you are what you hate before you hate it.
- If you serve self-esteem, then you are what you mock before you mock it.
- If you serve self-esteem, then you are what you despise before you despise it.
- If you serve self-esteem, then you are what you rebel against before you rebel against it.
- If you serve self-esteem, then you are what you consider inferior before you consider it inferior.
#Stop #Start: 2016-05-13
- Stop believing in self-esteem and self-talk and start believing in self.
- Stop caring about self-esteem and self-talk and start caring about self.
- Stop having faith in self-esteem and self-talk and start having faith in self.
- Stop taking self-esteem and self-talk seriously and start taking self seriously.
- Stop hoping self-esteem and self-talk will have positive results and keep your hope for your authentic self and original nature.
#Corpse #Drag: 2016-05-14
- Stop beating the corpses of self-esteem.
- Stop punishing the corpses of self-esteem.
- Stop debating with the corpses of self-esteem.
- Stop dragging around the corpses of self-esteem.
- Stop trying to awaken the corpses of self-esteem.
#Management #Graveyard: 2016-05-15
- Self-esteem is zombie control.
- Self-esteem is graveyard management.
- Self-esteem is management of the living dead.
- Self-esteem is how to make the best acting and looking Frankenstein monster.
- Self-esteem is working as an undertaker to make the dead look alive and beautiful.
#Ego #Reduction: 2016-05-16
- Ego cannot become different from ego (self as thought).
- Ego will always be toxic because the ego cannot change.
- You can serve ego less, but you cannot make ego less ego.
- You can meditate for twenty years, but your ego will be the same as the day that you started.
- Ego reduction is about identifying with ego less and taking ego less seriously so that you give less time to the ego; however, it is not about making ego less ego.
#Self-esteem #Trouble: 2016-05-25
- Nothing in this world can trouble you more than self-esteem noise.
- Nothing in this world can trouble you more than self-esteem arguments.
- Nothing in this world can trouble you more than the chatter of your ego.
- Nothing in this world can trouble you more than the self-talk of your ego a.k.a. self-esteem.
- Nothing in this world can trouble you more than the inner courts, hearings, and trials held by self-esteem.
#Live #Die: 2016-05-28
- If you live for ego, then you will die for ego.
- If you live for pride, then you will die for pride.
- If you live for self-stories, then you will die for self-stories.
- If you live for self-images, then you will die for self-images.
- If you live for self-esteem, then you will die for self-esteem.
#Pride #Pleasure: 2016-05-29
- Pride provides ego pleasure.
- Ego pleasure provides excuses for every passion.
- Excuses provide permission to seek pride over peace and piety.
- Pride provides an exculpation for a life spent serving self-esteem’s penchants.
- Self-esteem provides an exculpation for a life spent in the destruction of persons as personalities.
#Self-esteem #Kills: 2016-06-02
- In order to rate the self, self-esteem first kills the self by analyzing it.
- In order to rate the self, self-esteem first kills the self by dissecting it.
- In order to rate the self, self-esteem first kills the self by classifying it.
- In order to rate the self, self-esteem first kills the self by objectifying it.
- In order to rate the self, self-esteem first kills the self by pigeonholing it.
#Measure #Self: 2016-06-03
- Self-esteem is the mummification of the self.
- Self-esteem is the practice of taxidermy upon the living.
- Self-esteem is the death of self as something and the disintegration of that thing into ever more things.
- In order to invent the self, self-esteem first kills your original self in order to stuff it with dead people’s bones.
- In order to invent the self, self-esteem first kills your original self in order to mummify it with things, thoughts, and traits.
#Right #Demand: 2016-06-11
- How is your demand to be right creating peace in your relationships?
- How is your knowing better than others encouraging them to love you?
- How is your always knowing everything working to make others admire you?
- How is your instance on being right helping your relationships to become more caring?
- Is it finally time to admit and realize that your claims to know are only serving your ego, pride, and self-esteem?
#Listen #Communicate: 2016-06-15
- People listen for parts to use to prove they’re superior, not to your meaning.
- People listen for parts to use to prove others are inferior, not to your meaning.
- People listen for parts to use to boost their self-esteem, not to your meaning.
- People listen for parts to use to defend their self-esteem, not to your meaning.
- People listen for parts to use to show how much they know, not to your meaning.
#Burden #Tangle: 2016-06-29
- Disburden your self from self-esteem.
- Disconnect your self from self-esteem.
- Disencumber your self from self-esteem.
- Disengage your self from self-esteem.
- Disentangle your self from self-esteem.
#Angry #Hurt: 2016-07-13
- Do you get angry at kindness or virtue?
- Do you get angry at compassion or love?
- Do you get angry at awareness or consciousness?
- You get angry at ego, pride, self-esteem, and shame.
- You get angry at ego danger, ego pain, ego threats, feelings of inferiority, hurt pride, and low self-esteem.
#Aware #Increase: 2016-07-18
- It is silly to cultivate awareness, because if you are alive, then you are aware.
- It is absurd to try to be aware because you cannot increase or decrease your awareness.
- When your awareness is attached to concepts and images of yourself, others, and life, then you appear to have less awareness.
- When you free your awareness from attachment to ego, self-esteem, and thought-things, then you appear to have more awareness.
- Ideas of attending, awareness, being present, focusing, meditating, and witnessing are just more attachments waiting to devour awareness.
#Aware #Awake: 2016-07-27
- Awake is when you sense without thought.
- Awake is awareness free of attachments to thought.
- Awake is having your awareness free of ego, self-esteem, and social-esteem.
- Awake is when your consciousness is not divided, multitasking, or split between sensing reality versus sensing thoughts as reality.
- Awake is having all of your awareness or consciousness available instead of some being compartmentalized or partitioned off by thought.
#Hold #Accountable: 2016-07-28
- Hold your self-talk accountable for the energy and time it demands.
- Hold your self-talk accountable for the style, tone, and words that it uses.
- Hold your self-talk accountable for the effects and results that it produces.
- Hold your self-talk accountable for accepting, coping, and problem-solving.
- Hold your self-talk accountable for detaching from your ego, pride, self-esteem, and social-esteem.
#Human #Not: 2016-08-02
- Human beings are not self-esteem.
- Human beings are not social-esteem.
- Human beings are not self-constructs.
- Human beings are not social-constructs.
- Human beings are not ego, pride, or shame.
#Thinking #Reasoning: 2016-08-24
- Why call it thinking when it is not a rational process but only ego feeding?
- Why call it thinking when it is not a rational process but only noise making?
- Why call it thinking when it is not a reasoning process but only ego serving?
- Why call it thinking when it is not a reasoning process but only the chatter of thought feeding itself?
- Why call it thinking when it is not a rational process but only thought replacing self for the sake of pride and self-esteem?
#Ego #Self-esteem: 2016-10-23
- Don’t be ego; be your true self.
- Don’t be self-esteem; be your natural self.
- Don’t be self-images; be your original self.
- Don’t be self-concepts; be your authentic self.
- Don’t be pride or shame; be your genuine self.
#Past #Present: 2016-11-09
- Let them live in your past without you.
- Refuse to live in your past with your accusers or detractors.
- Those who cannot accept and see your new behaviors and habits are often those who cannot do that for themselves.
- There are those who desire your continued failure and wrongdoing as a means of boosting their superiority complex a.k.a. self-esteem.
- Those who do not believe in recovery, redemption, rehabilitation, or forgiveness are often self-righteous bigots working for your failure.
#Know #Measurement: 2016-11-10
- The measurement is not the measured.
- Measurements are not forms of knowing.
- Measurement is not a form of knowing, but only a way to discover facts to manipulate.
- You can know a measurement, but that in no way indicates that you know what was measured.
- Measurement is technologically useful, but it is also misused for false claims and purposes such as by self-esteem.
#Shame #Social: 2016-11-12
- Shame is for society, and guilt is for self.
- Shame is for the strong to bear and the weak to flee.
- A sense of shame works positively like a sense of humility does unless it is ego-based shame.
- Shame needs to be under the highest ideals and virtues else; it serves ego, pride, self-esteem, and superiority.
- Shame and humility are necessary to keep one thinking well of others and praying for others rather than gathering pride to feed ego.
#Own #Self: 2016-11-14
- Own your self rather than self-esteem.
- Own your self rather than fame or fortune.
- Own your self rather than a career or a title.
- Own your self rather than a family or a house.
- Own your self rather than other’s good opinions.
#Greatest #Stupidity: 2016-12-07
- The greatest failure comes from not starting.
- The greatest loss comes from wasting your life on self-esteem.
- The greatest regret comes from not following your dreams and talents.
- The greatest misery comes from believing that others control your feelings.
- The greatest stupidity comes from not proving beliefs, ideas, opinions, and theories against all sources of information.
#Advice #Circumstance: 2016-12-12
- Advice is reason guiding despite ego demanding that problems continue.
- Advice is practical and useful and oblivious to the whining of self-esteem.
- Advice is a rational proposal to make the best of the worst or the good better.
- Advice is reason proposing solutions to problems that emotion would prefer to keep.
- Advice is dependent upon circumstances such that good advice for one is bad advice for another.
#Relationship #Issues: 2016-12-16
- If your self-talk is critical, then you will have relationship issues regarding criticism.
- If your self-talk is anxious, then you will have relationship issues regarding fear, trust, and worry.
- If your self-talk is negative, then you will have relationship issues regarding a lack of dreams, hope, and vision.
- f your self-talk is demeaning, then you will have relationship issues regarding depression, disrespect, and low self-esteem.
- If your self-talk is mean, then you will have relationship issues regarding arguing, controlling, dominating, and name-calling.
#Manage #Relationships: 2016-12-18
- Relationships are often about trying to manage someone else in order to manage yourself.
- Relationships are often about condemning and criticizing someone else instead of yourself.
- Relationships are often about trying to control someone else in order to control your emotions.
- Relationships are often about trying to fix someone else in order to fix your attitude and expectations.
- Relationships are often about trying to change someone else in order to change your self-esteem a.k.a. ego.
#Unreal #Pain: 2016-12-21
- Something might be emotionally and psychologically painful, but that alone does not make it real.
- Something might be emotionally and psychologically painful, but it might also be just ego paranoia.
- Something might be emotionally and psychologically painful, but it might also be just an ego fantasy.
- Something might be emotionally and psychologically painful, but it might also be just some self-esteem game.
- Something might be emotionally and psychologically painful, but it might also be just an imaginary ego conflict over inferiority and superiority.
3D: Daily Dose: 2017
#Choose #Forced: 2017-01-04
- You choosing to listen to negative self-talk, or are you just a victim?
- You choosing to listen to negative self-talk, or are you programmed to listen?
- You choosing to listen to negative self-talk, or are you being pressured to listen?
- You choosing to listen to negative self-talk and enjoying some perverse ego payoff while doing so?
- You choosing to listen to negative self-talk so that you can blame, damn, and whine about how others make you listen to it?
#Self-discipline #Overcoming: 2017-01-05
- Maturity begins with mature self-talk.
- Self-mastery begins with mastering self-talk.
- Spirituality begins with spiritualizing self-talk.
- Self-discipline begins with disciplining self-talk.
- Overcoming ego begins with overcoming self-talk.
#Kind #Compassion: 2017-01-07
- To be honest, make your self-talk honest.
- To be kind, make your self-talk kind to you.
- To be virtuous, make your self-talk virtuous to you.
- To be inspirational, make your self-talk inspire you.
- To be compassionate, make your self-talk compassionate to you.
#Effective #Outcomes: 2017-01-08
- The beginner starts with noticing the effects of their self-talk.
- The student makes their self-talk worse through control, trying, and suppressing.
- The adept makes their self-talk start to follow morality more and more through surrender.
- The teacher has their self-talk under virtue, not ego or self-esteem.
- The wise have their self-talk responsible for virtuous results.
#Listen #Hear: 2017-02-08
- You know what channel you are watching on TV, but do you know what channel you are watching in your mind?
- You know what channel you are listening to on the radio, but do you know what channel you are listening to in your mind?
- Experiment with asking your self-talk or thinking, “What did you just say? I didn’t hear all of it.”
- Experiment with asking your self-talk or thinking, “What do you want or intend? I am not sure I know.”
- Experiment with asking your self-talk or thinking, “What are you saying or thinking that I am or am not? I cannot tell who you think I am.”
#Desire #Poverty: 2017-02-12
- Desire poverty of self-images.
- Desire poverty of self-concepts.
- Desire poverty of self-talk.
- Desire poverty of self-stories.
- Desire poverty of self-scripts.
#Says #Self-talk: 2017-03-24
- Self-talk says that you are helpless and weak, which makes your self-talk, not you.
- Self-talk says that you are ignorant and stupid, which makes your self-talk, not you.
- Self-talk says that you are broken and defective, which makes your self-talk, not you.
- Self-talk says that you are inadequate and worthless, which makes your self-talk, not you.
- Self-talk says that you are and an outcast and unwanted, which makes your self-talk, not you.
#Story #Narrative: 2017-03-28
- What self-narratives and self-stories are you living in while you edit, criticize, and rewrite them?
- Where are your self-narratives and self-stories from the past that you no longer believe in or repeat in your self-talk?
- Who is living your self-narratives and self-stories from the past that you no longer believe in or repeat in your self-talk?
- Do your self-narratives and self-stories get stored in some mystical library, or do they just dissolve like all delusions and illusions?
- Yes, self-narratives and self-stories can be used to self-direct and self-motivate, but that does not make ego-stories necessary, real, sane, or spiritual.
#Mind #Delight: 2017-05-23
- Is your mind a delight or a burden?
- Is your outlook elevated or downcast?
- Is your attitude mending or sickening?
- Is your thinking uplifting or demeaning?
- Is your self-talk encouraging or discouraging?
#Cope #Redirect: 2017-06-05
- People cope with self-talk by turning its criticalness onto causes and politics.
- People cope with self-talk by turning its nagging onto those they live with.
- People cope with self-talk by turning its quibbling onto others through gossip.
- People cope with self-talk by turning its faultfinding onto the media, the news, and TV shows.
- People cope with self-talk by turning its carping onto other races, religions, or other self-righteous targets.
#Recognize #Self-Talk: 2017-06-06
- Recognize that self-talk is neither practical nor productive.
- Recognize that self-talk is your worst energy and time waster.
- Recognize that self-talk is talking about concepts, ideas, and images of human beings, but never human beings themselves.
- Recognize that self-talk is dehumanizing, because it talks about you as behaviors, comparisons, and things, not as a living being.
- Recognize that self-talk adheres to no consistent, logical, or rational processes; but, instead, follows chaotic, desperate, and erratic processes.
#Remove #Self-Talk: 2017-06-07
- Remove self-talk by strongly experiencing and feeling self-talk as being impractical and unproductive.
- Remove self-talk by strongly experiencing and feeling that self-talk is your worst energy and time waster.
- Remove self-talk by strongly experiencing and feeling that self-talk is talking about concepts, ideas, and images of human beings, but never human beings themselves.
- Remove self-talk by strongly experiencing and feeling that self-talk is dehumanizing because self-talk talks about you as behaviors, comparisons, and things, not as a living being.
- Remove self-talk by strongly experiencing and feeling that self-talk adheres to no consistent, logical, or rational processes; but, instead, follows chaotic, desperate, erratic, and foolish processes.
#Replace #Self-Talk: 2017-06-08
- Replace self-talk with practical and productive thoughts, feelings, and actions that are antagonistic to or in opposition to self-talk.
- Replace self-talk by investing your energy and time in your relationships, values, and your belief in the equality and universality of human nature.
- Replace self-talk by refusing to use concepts, ideas, and images of human beings; and, instead, to always honor all people as indescribable and unknowable beings.
- Replace dehumanizing self-talk by refusing to reduce any human being to behaviors, comparisons, things, or thoughts; and, by accepting all human beings but not all human behaviors.
- Replace self-talk’s inconsistent, illogical, and irrational processes with consistent, logical, and rational processes that are based upon evidence, experience, and results.
#Follow #Out: 2017-06-19
- Do not respond to self-talk.
- Do not defend against self-talk.
- Do not obey or submit to self-talk.
- Do not engage with or relate to self-talk.
- Follow out, hear out, meditate out, and thereby bring self-talk to its natural end.
#Object #Thing: 2017-06-23
- Self-esteem and self-talk treat your self as a thing.
- Self-esteem and self-talk view your self as an object.
- Self-esteem and self-talk regard your self as a doll or mannequin for clothing and reclothing.
- Self-esteem and self-talk consider your self to be a painting that is always in need of repainting.
- Self-esteem and self-talk believe your self to be a movie that needs continual editing and rewriting.
#Marionette #Puppet: 2017-06-24
- Self-esteem and self-talk treat your self as a marionette or puppet to be controlled.
- Self-esteem and self-talk treat your self as an effigy to be embarrassed and shamed.
- Self-esteem and self-talk treat your self as a voodoo doll to be tortured in order to make you behave better.
- Self-esteem and self-talk treat your self as a cartoon character that needs to be redrawn to conform to ever-changing standards.
- Self-esteem and self-talk treat your self as a print or portrait that needs to be modified to fit ever-changing demands and expectations.
#Thought #Thing: 2017-06-25
- Should self be reduced to things and thoughts for the sake of the machinations and manipulations of ego, self-esteem, and self-talk?
- Should self be reduced to behaviors and habits for the sake of the machinations and manipulations of ego, self-esteem, and self-talk?
- Should self be reduced to cartoons and movies for the sake of the machinations and manipulations of ego, self-esteem, and self-talk?
- Should self be reduced to concepts and images for the sake of the machinations and manipulations of ego, self-esteem, and self-talk?
- Should self be reduced to experiences and memories for the sake of the machinations and manipulations of ego, self-esteem, and self-talk?
3D: Daily Dose: 2020
#Fool #Stories: 2020-05-03
- A fool is someone who is lost in their self-stories.
- A fool is someone who interprets experience through their self-stories.
- A fool is someone who thinks their self-statues (self-images) exist anyplace but in their imagination.
- A fool is someone who thinks the world exists inside their self-stories and who treats everyone else as supporting characters.
- A fool is someone who thinks their self-scripts (self-concepts) are tools to be used to create their own Frankenstein monster in order to replace their natural self.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
7-Step Plan to Reduce & Remove Ego
- Click for ordering information on the book with the plan.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
Related Pages of Free Information
- Ego Issues: 5 Functions & Parts of Self
- Ego Issues: Be Container, Not Contents
- Ego Issues: List Pages
- Non-Doing, Rest & Return: List Pages
- Self-Esteem Issues: List Pages
- Self-Nature Issues: 3 Duties of Self-Realization
- Self-Nature Issues: Find Your Host Nature
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
- Read and master the life skill of acceptance using the best combination of CBT, REBT, & Stoicism.
6 Groups of Topics Menu
- 1. Pages by Topic
- 2. Fast-Facts by Topic
- 3. Quotations by Topic
- 4. Poems by Topic
- 5. Scripture by Topic
- 6. Websites by Topic
- Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.
- Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
9 Skills & Topics Menu
- 1. Anger Skills & Topics
- 2. Blame Skills & Topics
- 3. Communication Skills & Topics
- 4. Coping Skills & Topics
- 5. Counseling Skills & Topics
- 6. Praying Skills & Topics
- 7. Recovery Skills & Topics
- 8. Responsibility Skills & Topics
- 9. Thinking Skills & Topics
- Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.
- Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.