Morning Reading Promotes Sanity

Promote SanityMorning ReadingRelated Pages6 Groups of Topics9 Skills & Topics

Morning Reading Promotes Sanity

Morning reading of prayers based on mental health principles. Do better now and enjoy life more. Reprogram yourself into sanity.

  • Read and discover the best system to drop your ego in favor of your authentic self.
  • Morning Reading will reinforce the teachings in this book.

Morning reading of prayers based on mental health principles. Do better now and enjoy live more. Reprogram yourself into sanity. Book cover for "Mind Your Ego."

Morning Reading Promotes Sanity

I Persistently Practice Preferring the Positive

  1. I compare myself to everyone as equal or the same—NOT as superior or inferior.
  2. I blame and damn my self-esteem thinking styles—NOT my self, others, or life.
  3. I test, try, and prove whether the spirits (thoughts) are of God or NOT.
  4. I resist all attempts to confuse the description with the described (thought-things).
  5. I replace the knowing-better-than self and others ego payoff (pride) with humility (dependence on God).
  6. I refuse to play or react to the game of shoulds as negative self-esteem (rebel or procrastinate).
  7. I refuse to play or react to the self-esteem game of pride or shame as self (ego-based self).
  8. I resist identifying myself as inferior (shame) or superior (pride) to others for any reason.
  9. I steadily switch my identity from my content (comparisons) back to my container.
  10. I flee with identity before giving identity to any comparisons of others (superior or inferior).
  11. I flee with identity whenever I cannot see what I am identifying with because of darkness.
  12. I esteem myself as the vessel, not doings, dones, beens, or bes (knowledge or memory).
  13. I control and switch what I can–my identity and attention—NOT my ego as self.
  14. I fast (bear and detach) from the pain of my ego being exposed to the light.
  15. I fast (keep my identity/seed from everything) until temptation passes.
  16. I fast (keep my identity from anything) until the inner attacks run out.
  17. I fast from trying to control, change, know, do, or be the contents (comparisons).
  18. I fast from trying to know the contents and instead rely on God’s knowing for and in me.
  19. I am the container. I fast (contain identity) from trying to become any contents.
  20. I switch stations, not try the impossible: to change, control, or convert stations (thoughts).
  21. I seek pleasure only as the container (true self) and never as the contents (ego).
  22. I control my feelings by controlling what I choose to take to heart (sense with the heart).
  23. I command and demand only in that rare instance when I have full control of the situation.
  24. I pray about my problems, concerns, and desires—NOT worry them, which is negative prayer.
  25. I handle stress by problem-solving (solution-seeking) and coping (accepting) with the unsolved.
  26. I lower the frequency, intensity, and duration of problems (and vice versa for solutions) as a victory.
  27. I serve to increase, magnify, and encourage love, forgiveness, mercy, faith, hope, and charity.
  28. I attend to good and simultaneously resist claims to know or be good. I remain dependent on Him.
  29. I give all credit, all praise, and all glory to God alone: the one good. I seek occasions to praise Him.
  30. I seek God’s highest will and understanding and not my or other people’s will at all.

  • Read and discover the best system to drop your ego in favor of your authentic self.
  • Morning Reading will reinforce the teachings in this book.

Book cover for "Mind Your Ego"

Morning Reading Promotes Sanity

Related Pages of Free Information

  1. 5 Main Spiritual Failures
  2. Coping Skills: Free Help
  3. New Testament: List of Links to Books
  4. Poems by Topic: Be Me
  5. Poems by Topic: Churchianity
  6. Poems by Topic: Fight the Good Fight
  7. Poems by Topic: “IF” by Rudyard Kipling
  8. Poems by Topic: Pray for Suffering
  9. Poems by Topic: Reflections
  10. Poems by Topic: Somebody Please
  11. Poems by Topic: Upside-Down
  12. Poems by Topic: Who is My World?
  13. Praying Issues: Free Help
  14. Scripture: Prayer & Praying
  15. Scripture Topic: List Pages

  • Read to discover a comprehensive understanding of the self.


  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


  • Read and discover the best system to drop your ego in favor of your authentic self.
  • Morning Reading will reinforce the teachings in this book.

Book cover for "Mind Your Ego"

Morning Reading Promotes Sanity

6 Groups of Topics Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.

on Acceptance

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.

Breathe Your Mind

  • Read and discover the best system to drop your ego in favor of your authentic self.
  • Morning Reading will reinforce the teachings in this book.

Book cover for "Mind Your Ego"

Morning Reading Promotes Sanity

9 Skills & Topics Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.

on Acceptance

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.

Breathe Your Mind

  • Read and discover the best system to drop your ego in favor of your authentic self.
  • Morning Reading will reinforce the teachings in this book.

Book cover for "Mind Your Ego"