42 Modern Superstitions

Superstitions42 ModernRelated Pages6 Groups of Topics9 Skills & Topics

42 Modern Superstitions: How Many Do You Believe?

42 modern superstitions are exposed. Do better by recognizing, removing, and replacing (3Rs) them. Clean your mind today!

  • Read and discover how the problem of human thinking keeps the world insane.
  • 42 modern superstitions are dwarfed by the 193 thinking errors in this book.

42 modern superstitions are exposed. Do better in life by recognizing, removing, and replacing (3Rs) them. Clean your mind today! Book cover for "Planet Earth: Insane Asylum for the Universe"

42 Modern Superstitions

Definition of Superstition

  • A superstition is a belief held to be true without any experience, proof, or historical precedent to regard it as true.

42 Modern Superstitions

  1. Positive self-esteem is the solution.
  2. I am what I know, experience, do, or have.
  3. I can know by identifying myself with my thoughts.
  4. I can become good, and I can do good.
  5. I can control or develop myself into something.
  6. If I feel bad enough, then I will be and do good.
  7. My self is responsible for causing my thoughts.
  8. Damning and suppressing make evil into good.
  9. My feelings are out of my control.
  10. All I need to do is to release my feelings.
  11. People and events can cause my feelings.
  12. Chemicals, genes, and society control my mind.
  13. Victims have the right to act like perpetrators.
  14. If it should be, then it must be.
  15. I should not have to learn or practice anything.
  16. I can let people or things “get to me.”
  17. I am other people’s opinions of me.
  18. People are thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
  19. I have been, or I am glad, mad, or sad.
  20. Anger needs to be felt and can help cause good.
  21. I am self-esteem should have-, would have-, coulda-beens.
  22. I am self-esteem good or bad has-beens.
  23. I am self-esteem good or bad doings.
  24. I will be self-esteem should-, would-, could-bes.
  25. Life is and can be fair, and things can be equal.
  26. Politics can solve human problems.
  27. Human thoughts can control or change reality.
  28. Human thoughts are what they can only point to.
  29. Beauty is a measure of truth.
  30. Reified thoughts are reality and cause reality.
  31. Damning and demonizing help create good.
  32. Deifying and sentimentality are real and are good.
  33. Aliens are controlling or influencing our destiny.
  34. God has the same limitations that humans have.
  35. Nature made everything out of nothing for nothing.
  36. Life was created by destruction: Big Bang theory.
  37. Evolution is a fact and not just a fallacious theory.
  38. Scientists are rational, and science is objective.
  39. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle applies to life.
  40. Alternate universes are scientific facts.
  41. Butterflies can cause tornados.
  42. Matter controls, creates, or is over energy.

  • Read and discover how the problem of human thinking keeps the world insane.
  • 42 modern superstitions are dwarfed by the 193 thinking errors in this book.

Book cover for "Planet Earth: Insane Asylum for the Universe"

42 Modern Superstitions

Related Pages of Free Information

  1. 9 Superstitions of Counselors & Therapists
  2. CBT, CT, & REBT Cognitive Psychotherapies: List Pages
  3. Coping Skills: Free Help
  4. Counseling Issues: Free Help
  5. Ego & Self-Esteem Fast-Facts
  6. Emotional Responsibility: List Pages
  7. Exercises & Techniques: List Pages
  8. Feelings & Coping: Fast-Facts
  9. Meditation: List Pages
  10. REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy): List Pages
  11. Self-Esteem Issues: List Pages
  12. Thinking Skills: Free Help
  13. Unconditional Self-Esteem (USE): Defined

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.

Modern Superstitions

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


  • Read and discover how the problem of human thinking keeps the world insane.
  • 42 modern superstitions are dwarfed by the 193 thinking errors in this book.

Book cover for "Planet Earth: Insane Asylum for the Universe"

42 Modern Superstitions

6 Groups of Topics Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.

on Acceptance

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.

on Acceptance

  • Read and discover how the problem of human thinking keeps the world insane.
  • 42 modern superstitions are dwarfed by the 193 thinking errors in this book.

Book cover for "Planet Earth: Insane Asylum for the Universe"

42 Modern Superstitions

9 Skills & Topics Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.

on Acceptance

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.

on Acceptance

  • Read and discover how the problem of human thinking keeps the world insane.
  • 42 modern superstitions are dwarfed by the 193 thinking errors in this book.

Book cover for "Planet Earth: Insane Asylum for the Universe"