Postmodern Foolishness

PostmodernismFoolishnessThinking CannotRelated QuotationsRelated Pages6 Groups of Topics9 Skills & Topics

Postmodern Foolishness

Postmodern foolishness is exposed for believing in constructing reality through fantasy despite believing that truth is relative and not in things.

“Belief creates its own experience; therefore, such an experience is not true.” —J. Krishnamurti, The Collected Works of J. Krishnamurti, Volume V, p. 334

Postmodern Foolishness

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.

Postmodern foolishness is exposed for believing in constructing reality through fantasy despite believing that truth is relative and not in things. Book cover for Games Ego Plays.

Postmodern Foolishness

  • Since human thoughts and words cannot capture truth—there is no truth to capture.

Postmodern Foolishness

  • Since human thoughts and words cannot keep up with the truth, we need more of them constantly.

Postmodern Foolishness

  • The meanings of all truths are ever-shifting, for the postmodernist is caught in words that can never have or be the truth.

Postmodern Foolishness

  • There is no fixed truth because no fixed human thoughts or words can be relied upon as truth.

Postmodern Foolishness

  • He recognizes the absurdity of relying on human thought for truth but then tries to make that fault into a virtue by promoting babbling.

Postmodern Foolishness

  • Scribes proclaim that since their words lose their meaning as soon as they are spoken, you need them to keep speaking.

Postmodern Foolishness

  • We know there is no truth; therefore, what we know is not the truth but foolishness.

Postmodern Foolishness

  • There is no reason to listen to Postmodernism because of the same reasons Postmodernism attacks all other systems.

Postmodern Foolishness

  • Postmodernism does not recognize the obvious fact that its consciously constructed fantasies are still just fantasies.


  • To test the veracity of Postmodernism, get up in the morning and sit naked all day outside at either the equator or the North Pole.
  • Then think about what you like; the reality of the weather will have its way with you.

Postmodern Foolishness

3D: Daily Dose: 2020

#Postmodernism #Fails: 2020-02-22

  1. Postmodernism fails itself by attacking logic with logic.
  2. Postmodernism fails itself by attacking facts with facts.
  3. Postmodernism fails itself by attacking reason with reason.
  4. Postmodernism fails itself by attacking objectivity with objectivity.
  5. Postmodernism fails itself by attacking subjectivity with subjectivity.

An Anecdote about Abraham Lincoln

  • Abraham Lincoln once asked an audience how many legs a dog has if you count the tail as a leg.
  • When the audience answered “five,” Lincoln told them the answer was still four.
  • Why? Because the fact that you called a tail a leg did not change the fact that the tail was still a tail and not a leg.

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


Postmodern Foolishness

The Limitations of Thought

  • Click for a page on the limitations of thought.

Thinking Cannot but Energy Can

Postmodern Foolishness

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.


Postmodern Foolishness

Quotations Various Sources

Listed Alphabetically

“A book gives knowledge, but it is life that gives understanding.” —Jewish proverb

“A thing is a thing, not what is said of that thing.” —from the movie Birdman

“An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

“And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?” —James 2:1

“Belief creates its own experience; therefore, such an experience is not true.” —J. Krishnamurti, The Collected Works of J. Krishnamurti, Volume V, p. 334

“But this is only a form of the subjectivistic madness which is characteristic of most modern philosophy.” —Bertrand Russell, History of Western Philosophy

“Change your thoughts, and you change your world.” —Norman Vincent Peale

“Constructivists are pretend alchemists.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“Descriptions of food never satisfy the hungry.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“Do not mistake the signpost for the destination.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“Don’t just talk the talk–walk the walk.” —Aphorism

“Easier said than done.” —Aphorism

“Easy for you to say.” —Aphorism

“Empiricism has two forms: internal and external. There are also two forms of a fool: those that have faith only in internal empiricism (mystic) or those that have faith only in external empiricism (atheist).” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“Facts can’t feel.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“Facts can’t figure.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“Facts can’t fix.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“I don’t trust words; I trust actions.” —Aphorism

“I’m not sure I want popular opinion on my side–I’ve noticed those with the most opinions often have the fewest facts.” —Bethania McKenstry

“In Dewey, as in current science and ethics, there is a pervasive quasi-Hegelian tendency to dissolve the individual into his social functions, as well as everything substantial and actual into something relative and transitional.” —George Santayana

“If fifty million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.” —Anatole France

“In the pursuit of learning, every day something is acquired. In the pursuit of Tao, every day something is dropped.” —Lao Tzu

“Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.” —Bruce Lee, Martial Arts Innovator

“Knowledge does not do.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“Knowledge does not get it.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“Knowledge does not know.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“Knowledge has no intelligence.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“Knowledge is not it.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“Maya therefore does not mean that the world is an illusion, as is often wrongly stated. The illusion merely lies in our point of view, if we think that the shapes and structures, things and events, around us are realities of nature, instead of realizing that they are concepts of our measuring and categorizing minds. Maya is the illusion of taking these concepts for reality, of confusing the map with the territory.” —Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics, p. 88

“Negative thinking is the highest form of intelligence.” —Jiddu Krishnamurti, 1895-1986: Indian philosopher, Commentaries on Living, Second Series, p. 71

“Of all words yet spoken none comes quite as far as wisdom, which is the action of the mind beyond all things which may be said.” —Heraclitus

“Some blundering with what I set before you, try in vain with empty talk to separate the essences of things and say how each thing truly is.” —Heraclitus, Fragments

“Talking about it is not the same as doing it.” —Aphorism

“Talk is cheap.” —Aphorism

“The expressed is not the experienced.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“The finger pointing to the moon is not the moon.” —Zen saying

“The moment a man questions the meaning and value of life, he is sick, since objectively neither has any existence; by asking this question one is merely admitting to a store of unsatisfied libido to which something else must have happened, a kind of fermentation leading to sadness and depression.” —Sigmund Freud

“The proof is in the pudding, not the recipe.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“The recipe is not the cooking.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“The study of history is a powerful antidote to contemporary arrogance. It is humbling to discover how many of our glib assumptions, which seem to us novel and plausible, have been tested before, not once but many times and in innumerable guises; and discovered to be, at great human cost, wholly false.” —Paul Johnson

“The way in which we think of ourselves has everything to do with how our world sees us.” —Arlene Raven

“Things alter for the worse spontaneously, if they be not altered for the better designedly.” —Francis Bacon

“Things are not what they seem.” “Things are never what they look like.” “Things are not as they appear.” “Things are never what they first appear to be.” —Aphorism stated in many forms and styles

“Things never turn out the way you think they will.” —Aphorism

“Think you can, think you can’t; either way, you’ll be right.” —Henry Ford

“Though tight the net of words may bind, how surely truth slips out.” —Lao Tzu

“Thus the negative perception is the triumph of consciousness.” —Alfred North Whitehead, 1861-1947: British mathematician and philosopher

“Well done is better than well said.” —Benjamin Franklin

“When constructivists can think rocks into gold, then we should consider their theories and methods.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“When you ask for help building your house, do you want words or deeds?” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” —Isaiah 5:20

“You cannot plow a field by turning it over in your mind.” —Anonymous

“Revere those things beyond science which really matter and about which it is so difficult to speak.” —Werner Heisenberg

“The reality we can put into words is never reality itself.” —Werner Heisenberg

“We have to remember that what we observe is not nature in itself but nature exposed to our method of questioning.” —Werner Heisenberg

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


Postmodern Foolishness

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  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.

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  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.

Postmodern Foolishness

Postmodern Foolishness

9 Skills & Topics Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.

Postmodern Foolishness

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.

Postmodern Foolishness