How Media & Politicians Lie: 8LS

Media Lies8 Lying SystemsStrategy 1 & 2Strategy 3 & 4Strategy 5 & 6Strategy 7 & 83D: Daily DoseRelated Pages6 Groups of Topics10 Skills & Topics

How to Lie & Make It Work for Your Politics: Use the 8LS

  • We’re All Insane! 2nd Ed. will teach you how to think better and saner.
  • Discover Games Ego Plays to learn more about the 5 Thinking Positions (5TP).
  • Catch the lies of the media by understanding the ever-repeating pattern of the 8LS.

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.


Table Version of the 8 Lying Systems

  • Click for a page on handling difficult people.

8 Lying Systems of Media

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.



The most common lie to make and promote is to equate the general concept, law, movement, politics, or position that you are against with specific unpleasant exceptions or marginal cases.

  • You want the exceptions or special cases to replace the other side’s general position in people’s minds.
  • You want people to think of your exceptions or statistically minimal realities whenever they think of the opposition’s general position.
  • You can always find unpleasant exceptions to any human concept, idea, law, movement, position, or political persuasion. There always have been such and always will be exceptions to what people think or say anything is.
  • Find the worst exceptions that you can and shout them around until the masses can only think of your concrete exceptions as proof against the abstract idea or general position of your enemy. Always exaggerate both the size and extent of the worst exceptions that you can find.
  • Whenever possible, use children or young women as models for your exceptions. If possible, show babies and little children bleeding, crying, starving, or wounded. If practical, show beautiful unmarried women being abused, discriminated against, or saying your slogans. Don’t be afraid to pose people for your photos or to photoshop your pictures. Don’t be afraid to use amateur actors for your videos. Plan and prepare your depictions.
  • The more exceptions, marginal cases, rare cases, or special cases that you can find and use, the better. Be sure to exaggerate them and to paint them in the worst possible light.
  • The better you become at recasting and reframing things, the better you can sway others to your views.

Give up all intellectual honesty and integrity by agreeing to the lie that a specific is a general. And do this repeatedly until your conscience is numb. Your goal is to defeat their idea and to promote yours; therefore, you only care about the result, not your methods.


Develop a general position to replace their general position. This is not your position; rather, it is a characterization, dumbing-down, minimization, and trivialization of their general position into a false and phony representation of it.

  • To start, simply pick known general ideas that people love or hate. Then contrast the opposition’s general position as being against one of the ones that the people love and being like or as one of the ones that people hate.
  • Show the most uncomplimentary pictures of your enemies that you can while showing the best-doctored pictures of your fans that you can.
  • The better you become at recasting and reframing things, the better you can sway others to your views.

Give up all intellectual honesty and integrity by agreeing to the lie that your general idea is the same as or is at least a fair representation of their general idea. And do this repeatedly until your conscience is numb. Your goal is to defeat their idea and to promote yours; therefore, you only care about the result, not your methods.

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.



Reduce the conflict and issue to one global issue that needs only be partially related if at all related to the problem. This way, you appeal to some global value or virtue that people know is true and cannot deny—as if it was what the problem was really about.

  • This technique is currently known as “virtue signaling,” but it has existed for centuries.
  • Reducing both sides of the issue into one abstract value is an effective trick that the non-reasoning, non-thinking, and parroting public will accept.
  • Promote the problem as one of the budget, democracy, economy, equal rights, fairness, freedom, health, humanitarian crisis, injustice, jobs, peace, starvation, taxes, or something suitable that will cloud all descriptions and understandings of the intricacies of the problem.
  • Use this global issue to cover all discrepancies and differences in the actual issues involved in the problem by reframing the problem under the rubric of one absolute principle.
  • This will effectively negate the conflicts inherent in the issue and make all the difficulties of the problem to disappear and become nonexistent.
  • If done right, both sides of the problem will disappear, and all that will remain is one undeniable principle, of course, choose a principle that supports your politically desired outcomes, which is why different political parties frame the same problem with different primary principles.
  • The better you become at recasting and reframing things, the better you can sway others to your views.

Give up all intellectual honesty and integrity by agreeing to the lie that your global value or absolute ideal is what the problem is really about. And do this repeatedly until your conscience is numb. Your goal is to defeat their idea and to promote yours; therefore, you only care about the result, not your methods.


Predict as many extreme problems and disasters as you can imagine from the implementation or continuation of their general position.

  • Compare their position to other real disasters in the past without any regard for even an accurate correlation between their current position and the positions in the past that actually did have disastrous consequences.
  • Keep equating their position with failed positions from the past.
  • The better you become at recasting and reframing things, the better you can sway others to your views.

Give up all intellectual honesty and integrity by agreeing to the lie that your predictions of disaster are true without having to prove or test anything or to deal with contrary evidence. And do this repeatedly until your conscience is numb. Your goal is to defeat their idea and to promote yours; therefore, you only care about the result, not your methods.

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.



You must promote your concrete exceptions and false generalization until the other side must defend against them.

  • Once the other side defends against them, then you automatically win—because they have legitimized your lies by defending against them as if they had substance.
  • Get them to fight against your lies whenever and wherever you can.
  • The more time and attention they give to your lies, the more true your lies become to the masses.

Give up all intellectual honesty and integrity by agreeing to your dishonest discourse, by never discussing the conflict, and by only challenging them to answer your falsehoods about them. And do this repeatedly until your conscience is numb. Your goal is to defeat their idea and to promote yours; therefore, you only care about the result, not your methods.


There will be smart people with information and reasons that disprove what you say, your exceptions, characterizations, predictions, lack of open discourse, and your position.

  • You will not be able to outtalk them or rationally defeat them. Instead, just call them names like a bigot, communist, crank, crazy, crony, elitist, extremist, fanatic, fascist, fool, fringe, hack, hippie, homophobe, hypocrite, ideologue, idiot, Islamophobe, lemming, loon, loser, lunatic, misogynist, moron, nitwit, nutjob, obstructionist, quack, racist, radical, scum, shill, socialist, thug, trash, troll, twit, wacko, white supremacist, xenophobe, and zealot. Snarking wins.
  • Attack the person’s associations, character, failings, foibles, group memberships, past history, religion, or anything but their ideas or reasoning.
  • Whenever possible, perform a character assassination on them and anyone supporting them or related to them in any way, including family and friends. Then spread the gossip far and wide.
  • If you cannot actually discredit them, then spread false rumors about them, what they said, and what they believe in order to create and increase doubt about them.
  • You can always misquote, misrepresent, and purposely mislead others about your enemies and what they believe, have done, and want to do.
  • Truth requires interest, perseverance, stamina, strength, and time. The masses are not interested in the labors of truth since their goal is easy pride and even faster stimulation. Therefore, you never need to retract a story unless you have to by law or to avoid a lawsuit. Your bad or false story will soon pass as the masses demand more and new quick fixes from their media sources. Just throw the masses some more bones. People prefer to chase bones than to chase down the truth.

Give up all intellectual honesty and integrity by agreeing to the lie that your name-calling is discussing the ideas and not an attack on free speech. And do this repeatedly until your conscience is numb. Your goal is to defeat their idea and to promote yours; therefore, you only care about the result, not your methods.

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.



In order for the 8LS to work, you must buy and own as many media outlets as you can in order to make them circulate and publish your lies until the masses regard your lies as the truth.

  • The news works like advertising, say it long and loud enough, and it becomes automatic and true. Say it dramatically enough, and people will pay attention.
  • You can also buy your way into media propagandizing with advertising money, contributions, donations, favors, and political favors.
  • Another option is to connect with powerful people who either own or influence what the media pumps into the minds and hearts of the masses. You must then get these powerful brainwashers to see the value of your 8LS. If they share political goals, then it should not be too hard of a sell.

Give up all intellectual honesty and integrity by agreeing to use advertising methods to brainwash the masses into your point of view. Study advertising methods until you are an expert at them, and your conscience is numb to using them. Your goal is to defeat their idea and to promote yours; therefore, you only care about the result, not your methods.


Never forget the important principle of silencing the opposition.

  • Develop and invent excuses for silencing and blocking the opposition and any open discourse.
  • Make what the opposition says politically incorrect so that social media owners will do your work for you by blocking them as haters or for being guilty of hate speech of some imaginary sort.
  • Get all the traditional and social media sources not only pumping out your dogma–but also limiting access to and exposure of the other side.
  • Above all, defeat free speech, free discussion, and free movement of ideas that show your position to be wrong and another position to be true.
  • Free speech is easy to defeat; just return to the name-calling strategy. Just call them names like a bigot, communist, crank, crazy, crony, elitist, extremist, fanatic, fascist, fool, fringe, hack, hippie, homophobe, hypocrite, ideologue, idiot, Islamophobe, lemming, loon, loser, lunatic, misogynist, moron, nitwit, nutjob, obstructionist, quack, racist, radical, scum, shill, socialist, thug, trash, troll, twit, wacko, white supremacist, xenophobe, and zealot. Since they are one of these names, then they should not be allowed to discuss or present their ideas at universities or on television and radio shows.
  • Free speech is easy to defeat on social media because social media is owned and controlled by corporations. These corporations are now in charge of what is newsworthy and what should be banned and silenced. Just convince Facebook, Google, Twitter, and others that your position is their position, and any other position is poison for everyone else. They will be more than happy to oblige by pushing your position and curtailing free speech whenever and wherever they can.
  • Remember, an informed audience might think for themselves and see your propaganda (8LS) for the lies and political-power seeking that it really is.

Give up all intellectual honesty and integrity by agreeing to silence opposing points of view while still claiming to be a champion of open discourse and free speech. Keep telling yourself the lies that you believe in open discourse and free speech until your conscience is numb to reality. Your goal is to defeat their idea and to promote yours; therefore, you only care about the result, not your methods.

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.


3D: Daily Dose: 2020

#Rule #Exception: 2020-08-21

  1. Exceptions to a rule prove that rule by demonstrating that the rule is generally true and has few exceptions.
  2. The game of deceivers is to argue that peculiar exceptions to a general rule disprove that rule; when, in fact, peculiar exceptions prove general rules.
  3. The rule that human beings have two legs is true despite the fact that peculiar exceptions do exist.
  4. The game of deceivers is to argue that a particular exception to a rule should either replace or nullify that rule.
  5. Posing a specific idea as a general idea is a trick of those who wish to destroy culture and morality for the sake of corporate-government enslavement.

#Fake #News: 2020-08-22

  • The news is not objective because—
  1. The news selects some political positions for focus while ignoring and minimizing other political positions.
  2. The news selects evidence that favors one political position and ignores and minimizes evidence that supports other political positions.
  3. The news selects stories that promote one political position while neglecting more important stories that promote contrary or different political views.
  4. The news selects historical events that favor one political position while ignoring and minimizing historical events that favor other political positions.
  5. The news selects accomplishments and results that prefer one political position while ignoring and minimizing accomplishments, achievements, and results that favor different political positions.

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.


6 Groups of Topics Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.

on Acceptance

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.

on Acceptance

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.


9 Skills & Topics Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.

on Acceptance

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.

on Acceptance

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.
