Beyond the Duality of Opposites

KnowledgeDualityContinuum3D: Daily Dose5 Levels of PerspectiveTwo BooksRelated Pages6 Groups of Topics9 Skills & Topics

Beyond the Duality of Opposites: Continuum Knowledge

Beyond the duality of opposites. Continuum Knowledge is a knowledge system that will help you think better and deeper.

“The magic move it to take the neutral position while supporting the positive position.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“The magic question is, ‘What is the neutral position?’” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

  • Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.
  • Beyond the duality of opposites can begin with learning the Five Thinking Positions (5TP).

Beyond the duality of opposites. Continuum Knowledge is presented as a knowledge system that will help you to think better and deeper. Discovery Demands 5TP book cover.

Beyond the Duality of Opposites

Duality of Opposites Is Necessary

  • The duality of opposites is necessary for such systems as knowledge, measurement, mathematics, science, electronics, electricity, and language. For instance, you define high in contrast to low.
  • For example, you measure literacy compared to illiteracy.
  • Problems and problematic systems such as ego, pride, hate, racism, intolerance, bigotry, nationalism, self-esteem, and self-talk also use the duality of opposites.
  • However, the duality of opposites easily and frequently ignores the necessary space in-between that is neutral.
  • See Triality: Move Beyond Duality for more information.

Beyond the Duality of Opposites

Duality of Opposites Escaped

  • The duality of opposites can be escaped by practicing mild, variable, vague dualism, or even non-dualism.
  • For instance, you can practice gratitude, forgiveness, tolerance, non-judging, unconditional acceptance, viewing things as unimportant, or practicing a oneness perspective (viewing all things as one or non-dualistically).
  • Such practices are often recommended when one has psychological problems because severe or extreme opposites invariably maintain mental problems.
  • For example, see Beck’s thinking errors.
  • However, the duality of opposites is best escaped by upgrading your thinking to triality.
  • See Triality: Move Beyond Duality for more information.

Beyond the Duality of Opposites

Continuum Knowledge (Duality of One)

  • What is not commonly recognized or understood is that an entirely different knowledge system exists from the dualism of opposites.
  • This knowledge system has been named “Continuum Knowledge” by Kevin Everett FitzMaurice.
  • This form of knowledge exists as an alternative to any dualism system that consists of opposites of knowledge or measurement.

Using a Single Principle

  • Continuum Knowledge uses one principle and follows one principle from its beginning form to its mature form along a continuum of forms.
  • The continuum can have as many points between the two ends as you can find, name, or locate.
  • You can also generate measurements on a continuum by comparing something’s beginning and endpoints; for example, you can measure empathy based on the degree and generalization.
  • No opposite to empathy is required for such measurements or comparisons.

Beyond the Duality of Opposites

Duality Still Used

  • Continuum Knowledge still uses duality as must all knowledge.
  • However, Continuum Knowledge uses a duality between one principle rather than a duality between two opposite principles.
  • A duality for one concept, value, or principle forms the continuum.
  • A duality of one (a continuum) will be formed by discriminating between features of the same value, such as beginning and end, lowest and highest, nascent and fully formed, beginner and master, or primitive and advanced.

  • Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.
  • Beyond the duality of opposites can begin with learning the Five Thinking Positions (5TP).

Discovery Demands 5TP book cover

Beyond the Duality of Opposites

5 Thinking Positions

  • The 5 Thinking Positions (5TP) provides an easy way to develop continuum knowledge.
  • Using The 5 Thinking Positions, you can easily develop five positions on a continuum for delineating any variable, principle, or value.
  • You can then use the same 5 Thinking Positions from those five positions to develop another five positions for each point until you have as detailed and extensive a continuum as you desire.

Beyond the Duality of Opposites

Continuum Knowledge Invalidates Platitudes

  • Continuum Knowledge invalidates many common understandings of the necessity for a duality of opposites.
  • For example, you do not need to have evil to know good.
  • You can know the good, the better good, the greater good, the higher good, and the greatest good.
  • By using Continuum Knowledge, you can know good without knowing evil.
  • Of course, you must give up platitudes such as “You cannot know happiness without sorrow.”
  • Because you can know happiness, better happiness, greater happiness, higher happiness, and the greatest happiness.
  • You can then cycle along that same continuum forever without finding all its points or becoming bored.
  • The continuum provides enough variation and potential that no opposites are needed.

Continuum Knowledge Instead of Opposites

  • When you understand how to use Continuum Knowledge, you are no longer trapped into always using dualistic opposites.
  • For instance, you no longer think everything is black or white or think with an “either-or” mentality.
  • You can often plan and prepare using Continuum Knowledge and focus on the positive and productive.

Beyond the Duality of Opposites

Not for Every Situation

  • Continuum Knowledge, like the duality of opposites, is not suited to everything and every circumstance.
  • Continuum Knowledge is not meant to replace or do away with the duality of opposites.
  • Continuum Knowledge provides you with a new tool and way of thinking to avoid the many pitfalls and traps of always using a dualism of opposites mindset when such dualism is not necessary or relevant.

  • Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.
  • Beyond the duality of opposites can begin with learning the Five Thinking Positions (5TP).

Discovery Demands 5TP book cover

Beyond the Duality of Opposites

3D: Daily Dose: 2020

#Limitation #Dichotomy: 2020-04-10

  1. The seductive power of the opposites closes our eyes to the concomitant realities that exist side by side with our dualities no matter how overarching we imagine our dualities to be; for example, integral versus non-integral wipes out everything else.
  2. The “subject and object” view of life is correct; however, this view does not include the greater part of life, which cannot fit into the categories of subject and object.
  3. The war of the rational versus the irrational is false because both positions require their opposite to exist (symbiosis) while simultaneously leaving out other viable systems of inquiry.
  4. The war of order versus chaos is false because both require the other (synergy) while simultaneously leaving out the impact of other forces that are ignored or unrecognized, such as creativity and virtue.
  5. People reject dualities that they do not like and embrace dualities that they do like; however, there are higher levels of thinking, such as trialities, the five thinking positions (5TP), continuum thinking, and continuum-thinking squared.

#Duality #Triality: 2020-04-17

  1. Duality is a delusion because every duality exists inside a triality.
  2. Duality is misleading because it ignores the necessary neutral position that exists along with every set of opposites.
  3. Duality leads to false conflicts because it fails to recognize the middle ground that triality makes self-evident.
  4. Duality is unnecessary for comparisons because comparisons can be made between related and similar things.
  5. Duality leads to false choices and options because it fails to recognize the array of choices and options between the opposites that make up a duality.

#Magic #Question: 2020-05-05

  1. The magic question is, “What is the neutral position?”
  2. This question is magical because it moves you out of duality and into triality, where conflicts and problems take on a new light.
  3. The magic move is to take the neutral position while supporting the positive position.
  4. The magic move is to stay neutral while feeding the positive position.
  5. This move is magical because it keeps you out of the conflict while allowing you to support the solution.

  • Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.
  • Beyond the duality of opposites can begin with learning the Five Thinking Positions (5TP).

Discovery Demands 5TP book cover

Beyond the Duality of Opposites

5 Levels of Perspective-Taking

  • Click for Fast-Facts on 5TP

5 Stages of Perfective-Taking

  • Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.
  • Beyond the duality of opposites can begin with learning the Five Thinking Positions (5TP).

Discovery Demands 5TP book cover

Beyond the Duality of Opposites

2 Related Books

  • Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.
  • Beyond the duality of opposites can begin with learning the Five Thinking Positions (5TP).

Beyond the duality of opposites. Continuum Knowledge is presented as a knowledge system that will help you to think better and deeper. Discovery Demands 5TP book cover.

Beyond the Duality of Opposites

Related Pages of Free Information

  1. CBT, CT, & REBT Cognitive Psychotherapies: List Pages
  2. Coping Skills: Free Help
  3. Counseling Issues: Free Help
  4. Developmental Stages (8) of Thinking
  5. Ego & Self-Esteem Fast-Facts
  6. Emotional Responsibility: List Pages
  7. Exercises & Techniques: List Pages
  8. Feeling & Coping: Fast-Facts
  9. Meditation: List Pages
  10. REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy): List Pages
  11. Self-Esteem Issues: List Pages
  12. Thinking Skills: Free Help
  13. Triality: Move Beyond Duality
  14. Unconditional Self-Esteem (USE): Defined

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.


  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


  • Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.
  • Beyond the duality of opposites can begin with learning the Five Thinking Positions (5TP).

Discovery Demands 5TP book cover

Beyond the Duality of Opposites

6 Groups of Topics Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.


  • Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.
  • Beyond the duality of opposites can begin with learning the Five Thinking Positions (5TP).

Discovery Demands 5TP book cover

Beyond the Duality of Opposites

9 Skills & Topics Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.


  • Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.
  • Beyond the duality of opposites can begin with learning the Five Thinking Positions (5TP).

Discovery Demands 5TP book cover