Fast-Facts: Semantics Contents

Fast-Facts: SemanticsPDF ContentsExtra InfoRelated Pages6 Groups of Topics10 Skills & Topics

Table of Contents for

Fast-Facts Semantics Contents

Fast-Facts Semantics Contents is the place to remember book topics and locations. It is also a place for sharing and research. Enjoy!

  • Garden will teach you an easy and effective Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT & REBT) system.
  • Ego will help you to live sane in an insane world of competing ego stories.
  • Stiffer: Stoic Mind will teach you the STPHFR system to Gain a Stoic Mind.

Fast-Facts Semantics Contents and Benefits

Fast-Facts: Semantics Clear and Clean Your mind

Fast-Facts: Semantics on Inner Freedom

Fast-Facts Feelings Contents

Fast-Facts Semantics Contents and book cover.

Fast-Facts Semantics Contents

Notes on this Contents

  • This table of contents also serves as an index and outline for the book.
  • This table of contents is based on the paperback version.
  • The ebook version will have different and varying page numbers.
  • The book has eight pages for the table contents; however, the cover page takes up page one.

Fast-Facts Semantics Contents

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Fast-Facts Semantics Contents and Benefits

Fast-Facts Semantics Contents

Fast-Facts: Semantics book cover.

Fast-Facts Semantics Contents

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Fast-Facts Semantics Contents: Extra Info

Attach to Semantic Objects for the Worst (GS): 09-28-2024

  1. The more attached to semantic objects you are, the more you will protect and sacrifice for them.
  2. The more attached to semantic objects you are, the more dogmatic and rigid your thinking becomes.
  3. The more attached to semantic objects you are, the more you will lie and distort to make them appear good.
  4. The more attached to semantic objects you are, the more you want to repress and punish any criticism of them.
  5. The more attached to semantic objects you are, the more you will become like them: dead servants of darkness and destruction.

Semantics Can Destroy (GS): 09-30-2024

  1. Semantic objects are attachment.
  2. Semantic objects cause a lag in response time.
  3. Semantics begins with naming and ends with silence.
  4. Semantic issues are inevitable in a society with a written culture.
  5. A semantic object begins when words and meaning become more important than sensing and experiencing.
  6. When definitions, categorizations, language, semantics, words, and verbalizations become more important than experiences and feelings, then your culture is committing suicide.

What Place Does Thinking Hold?: 10-03-2024

  1. Once thought served sensing, now it serves itself.
  2. Current civilizations once served themselves; now, they often serve anything else.
  3. All great civilizations relied on thinking to develop and then on thinking to destroy themselves.
  4. Once a person’s thinking becomes more important than sensing or perceiving, you are free to destroy them.
  5. Once a person’s thinking becomes more important than their sensations (experiential evidence), you can educate, condition, and use propaganda news systems to make people believe anything that serves your power.
  6. Once thinking becomes more important than energy (blood, life force), you can capture people’s souls and freely use them for darkness, destruction, and death.

Direct Experience Is Where It’s At: 10-09-2024

  1. Face the internal state of mind at the first sign of error and mishap. That is where you will find the cause, not in witch-hunts, theoretical musings, psychological theories, or spiritual explanations.
  2. We demonstrate our irrationality when we choose to punish ourselves with another negative self-construction (semantic object) for choosing a negative self-construction that caused failure.
  3. Instead of examining the internal environment or the active semantic objects to find the cause of an error or mishap, we leave the immediate reality and get lost in verbal worlds and theories of what went wrong.
  4. When we fail, it is because we rely on semantic objects. We leave the direct experience of that failure, where the fault is clearly the responsibility of the active semantic objects, and, instead, rush into self-esteem games of guilt, shame, and protecting our pride.
  5. Being here now is most important when you are facing your internal actions and responses because running away from that reality into words is running away from the possibility of returning to living as your authentic self.

Words Alone Can Not Cut It: 10-18-2024

  1. Proving your words using only words proves your argument is empty of reality.
  2. Judging the truthfulness of words using only words is judging the wind to be the wind.
  3. Comparing the truthfulness of words using only words is comparing emptiness with emptiness.
  4. A criminal court does not accept words as evidence because words can only prove themselves.
  5. A common failing argument strategy is to compare the principles of the opposing argument with higher principles. Such arguments are dishonest because they do not consider the situation, the possibility of application, and the history of results of such applications, but only which sounds better, not does better.

Semantic Objects Must Fail: 10-19-2024

  1. Semantic objects fail with anything that is not past because they cannot contact the present.
  2. Semantic objects fail with anything that is not past because they cannot contain the present.
  3. Semantic objects fail with anything that is not past because they cannot respond to the present.
  4. Semantic objects fail with anything that is not past because they cannot have direct and immediate perception of anything.
  5. Semantic objects fail even with the past because more is always discovered about the past.

Semantic Objects Fail to Know: 10-20-2024

  1. Semantic objects are formed by claims to know.
  2. When semantic objects consult each other, the resulting advice will be foolish.
  3. Semantic objects are false claims to know because what is known is static, and life is not static.
  4. Claims to know prevent knowing because they prevent receiving and hosting knowing as one who does not know.
  5. Semantic objects often claim to know other semantic objects, and when such doubled objects are relied upon for action and decision-making, they cause accidents, disasters, and misfortune.

Semantic Objects Love Themselves: 10-22-2024

  1. Nothing matters to a semantic object but itself.
  2. Semantic objects are self-centered because they are self-referential.
  3. Semantic objects can only recognize the past because they are built out of the past.
  4. Semantic objects are closed-minded because they are recursive (must always return to themselves).
  5. When you are identified with semantic objects, you are self-centered and narcissistic because they are.

Semantic Objects Are Thinking Errors: 10-23-2024

This list of seven is based on Aaron T. Beck’s work.

  1. Semantic objects engage in “selective attention” because they only pay attention to information confirming their viewpoint.
  2. Semantic objects engage in “discounting” other points of view because they only give credit to their own point of view or supporting viewpoints.
  3. Semantic objects engage in “dramatizing” to inflate their own importance, relevance, needs, and demands.
  4. Semantic objects engage in “arbitrary inference” as a way to infer meaning by interpreting everything to support their point of view.
  5. Semantic objects engage in “polarization” by framing everything as either for or against their point of view.
  6. Semantic objects engage in “globalizing” by framing their irregular, specific, and unusual experiences as global and universal modes and experience models.
  7. Semantic objects engage in “personalizing” by framing everything as being about them personally because they consider themselves to be the center of the discourse and universe.

Fast-Facts Semantics Contents and Benefits

Fast-Facts: Semantics Clear and Clean Your mind

Fast-Facts: Semantics on Inner Freedom

Fast-Facts Semantics Contents

Related Pages

  1. Coping Skills
  2. Counseling Issues
  3. Discovery Demands 5TP
  4. Fast-Facts: Feelings
  5. Fast-Facts: Semantics
  6. Feeling-Intention Therapy (FIT)
  7. Games Ego Plays
  8. Garden (aka Garden Your Mind)
  9. Life Skills: 10 Mental Skills
  10. Planet Earth: Insane Asylum, 2nd Ed.
  11. Problem Solved! 3Rs
  12. Secret of Maturity, 4th Ed.
  13. Stiffer (aka Stiffer: Stoic Mind)

Fast-Facts Semantics Contents and Benefits

Fast-Facts Feelings Contents

Fast-Facts: Semantics book cover.

  • Read and master the life skill of acceptance using the best combination of CBT, REBT, & Stoicism.


  • Read and discover skills to improve every area of your life forever.

Life Skills: 10 Spiritual Skills

  • Read and discover the Christian way of life.

The Seventh Way, Second Edition book cover

Destroy Everything, Replace with Globalism

Globalism God book cover.

Fast-Facts Semantics Contents

6 Groups of Topics Menu

Fast-Facts Semantics Contents and Benefits

Fast-Facts Semantics Contents

Fast-Facts: Semantics book cover.

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


  • Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.


  • Read and discover skills to improve every area of your life forever.

Life Skills: 10 Spiritual Skills

  • Read and discover the Christian way of life.

The Seventh Way, Second Edition book cover

Destroy Everything, Replace with Globalism

Globalism God book cover.

Fast-Facts Semantics Contents

10 Skills & Topics Menu

Fast-Facts Semantics Contents and Benefits

Fast-Facts Semantics Contents

Fast-Facts: Semantics book cover.

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


  • Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.


  • Read and discover skills to improve every area of your life forever.

Life Skills: 10 Spiritual Skills

Destroy Everything, Replace with Globalism

Globalism God book cover.