Worry & Ego: Worry Is Not Responsibility
- Ego will help you to recognize, remove, and replace your ego: a.k.a. self-esteem.
Worry and ego are explored as a team that serves the ego. Worry provides ego payoffs. Worry is not magic or prayer; worry is a game of ego.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
Worry & Ego: Worry Is Not Care
- Worry is negative programming.
- Worry and ego make a deadly team.
- Worry is negative prayer and planning.
- Worry is negative expectation and intention.
- Worry pretends to be a victim, but it is only a perpetrator.
- Worry pretends to care, but it only cares about being right.
Worry & Ego: Worry Isn’t Responsible
- Who made you responsible for life so that you must worry about life?
- Who gave you power and authority over life that you must worry about life?
- Just who do you think you are that your worry is so powerful, potent, and important?
- Just who do you think you are that your worry has the power and magic to change events?
- Just who or what do you think you are that you cannot risk or afford to stop worrying?
Worry & Ego: Worry Is Judgmental
- You cannot worry without judging.
- You won’t compulsively worry without pride in being right.
- You won’t compulsively worry without thinking you know better.
- You won’t compulsively worry without pride in your ability to judge.
- You won’t compulsively worry without pride in your ability to know good and evil.
- Practice having worry without worry and ego working together.
- Worry is trying to become good by playing the judge.
- Worry’s goal is to maintain the judge’s role for your identity.
- Worry sacrifices reality, time, and energy to playing judge because it serves ego addiction.
- Worry is an addiction to pride, to knowing better than self, others, and life for the sake of ego.
- Worry is one way to play the game of knowing better than others or life and having pride as the knowledge of good.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
Quotations Various Sources
Listed Alphabetically
“A day of worry is more exhausting than a day of work.” —John Lubbock
“Doubts are more cruel than the worst of truths.” —Moliere
“Everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.” —Robert Louis Stevenson
“Fear to let fall a drop and you spill a lot.” —Malay proverb
“If you suppress grief too much it can well redouble.” —Moliere
“No human thing is of serious importance.” —Plato, The Republic
“Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.” —Albert Camus
“Some people are making such thorough preparation for rainy days that they aren’t enjoying today’s sunshine.” —William Feather
“The greatest griefs are those we cause ourselves.” —Sophocles
“There is only one meaning of life: the act of living itself.” —Erich Fromm
“When shall we live if not now?” —M. F. K. Fisher
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
Related Pages of Free Information
- 3 Tests Show Self-Esteem Insane
- 5 Main Spiritual Failures
- 5 Moods of Self-Esteem & Ego (5TP)
- 5 Step Solution to Self-Esteem
- 10 Questions End Self-Esteem Games
- Are You a Being or an Experience?
- Ego Issues: Waiting Is the Answer
- Quotations: Anxiety & Worry
- Quotations: Trying
- Trying Is Planning to Fail
- Read and master the life skill of acceptance using the best combination of CBT, REBT, & Stoicism.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
6 Groups of Topics Menu
- 1. Pages by Topic
- 2. Fast-Facts by Topic
- 3. Quotations by Topic
- 4. Poems by Topic
- 5. Scripture by Topic
- 6. Websites by Topic
- Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.
- Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
10 Skills & Topics Menu
- 1. Coping Skills & Topics
- 2. Problem-Solving Skills & Topics
- 3. Communication Skills & Topics
- 4. Recovery Skills & Topics
- 5. Anger Skills & Topics
- 6. Blame Skills & Topics
- 7. Thinking Skills & Topics
- 8. Responsibility Skills & Topics
- 9. Counseling Skills & Topics
- 10. Praying Skills & Topics
- Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.
- Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.