5 Ego Problems Contain Most Problems

5 Ego1. Objectifying2. Claiming3. Trying4. Becoming5. AppearingAll 5SolutionsStop TheseStart TheseRelated Pages6 Groups of Topics10 Skills & Topics

Objectifying, Claiming, Trying, Becoming, & Seeking Contain Most Problems

  • Ego will help you to recognize, remove, and replace your ego: a.k.a. self-esteem.

“Evaluation of an individual tends to bolster the Establishment and to block social change. Since most societies are run by a limited number of ‘upper-level’ people who have a strong, vested interest in keeping them the way they are, self-evaluation usually encourages the individual to go along with social rules, no matter how arbitrary or foolish they are, and especially to woo the approval of the powers-that-be.” —Albert Ellis

  • Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.

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1. Objectifying or Reifying People, Places, & Thoughts

  • Objectifying is the original sin.

  1. Objectifying is making people into objects.

  2. Objectifying is making living processes into objects.
  3. Objectifying is treating thoughts as physical realities.
  4. Objectifying is treating knowledge as if it was something that knew.
  5. Objectifying is treating thoughts as if they could know, do, or be something else.
  6. Objectifying is also recognized using other words: concretize, dehumanize, hypostatize, reify, thingify, and thought-things.

(For a greater understanding of objectifying, please read Stiffer: Stoic Mind.)

  • Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.

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2. Claiming or Making False Claims of Abilities & Capabilities

“Discontent springs from a constant endeavor to increase the amount of our claims, when we are powerless to increase the amount which will satisfy them.” —Arthur Schopenhauer, The Wisdom of Life

  • Claiming is a root problem that results in trying and becoming.

  1. Claiming is stealing.
  2. Claiming is trying to play God.
  3. Claiming destroys to make way for itself.
  4. Claiming is what you do after the fact if you were successful.
  5. Claiming is what you do when you are failing or making mistakes.
  6. Claiming is what must be avoided during the execution of any skill or talent.
  7. Claiming often will first try to destroy someone or something to make space for its claims, its lies.

  • Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.

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3. Trying, Working At It, or Planned Failure

  • Trying is a form of claiming.

  1. Trying with ego is failing with ego.
  2. Trying with thinking is failing with thinking.
  3. Trying is relying on yourself instead of God.
  4. Trying is the excuse of ego for failing with ego.
  5. Trying is accepting failure and moving into failure.
  6. Trying is failing by relying on yourself instead of God.

  • Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.

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4. Becoming, Evolving, Improving, or Endless Progress

  • Becoming is claiming in action.

  1. Becoming is pride in all its glory.
  2. Becoming is the cure that is worse than the disease.
  3. Becoming is the medicine that is worse than the sickness.
  4. Becoming is self-esteem devouring your heart, soul, and mind.
  5. Becoming is ego feeding on your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.
  6. Becoming is the delusions that you can evolve or develop your self.

  • Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.

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5. Seeking to Appear Good While Avoiding Appearing Bad

  • Seeking is trying to look good in every situation.

  1. Seeking is trying to avoid looking bad or inferior.
  2. Seeking is trying to appear superior to others in any way possible.
  3. Seeking to appear good while avoiding appearing evil is the drive of ego.
  4. Seeking is the drive of self-esteem to always appear what it is not on the outside.
  5. Seeking often leads to masks, phoniness, pretensions, and hiding behind inner walls.
  6. Seeking is the motivation that drives people to waste their life on corporations and governments.

  • Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.

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5 Main Ego Problems to Overcome

  • Table version of condensed information.

5 Main Ego Problems to Work On

  • Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.

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  • Surrender problems to God.
  • Surrender self to God.
  • Give all praise to God, and none to self.
  • Rest in God.
  • Wait on God.
  • Really on God.
  • Praise God, not humans.

Plan to Reduce Ego from the book Ego

7 Step Plan to Reduce Ego

  • Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.

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Stop these Practices

  • Stop turning living beings and processes into objects.
  • Stop claiming any abilities or powers.
  • Stop claiming to know, do, or be something.
  • Stop trying to know, do, or be something.
  • Stop trying to develop into something.
  • Stop trying to become better or good.
  • Stop trying to fix yourself and others.
  • Stop becoming objects of mental and physical behaviors.
  • Stop becoming concepts, images, things, and thoughts.
  • Stop becoming experiences and memories as objects.

Compare to 5 Main Spiritual Failures

  • Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.

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Start these Practices

  • Praise Energy, God, and Spirit.
  • Rest in Energy, God, and Spirit.
  • Rely upon Energy, God, and Spirit.
  • Wait upon Energy, God, and Spirit.
  • Have faith in Energy, God, and Spirit.
  • Have hope in Energy, God, and Spirit.
  • Have charity for Energy, God, and Spirit.

  • Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.

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Related Pages of Free Information

  1. 3 Tests Show Self-Esteem Insane
  2. 5 Main Spiritual Failures
  3. 5 Moods of Self-Esteem & Ego (5TP)
  4. 5 Step Solution to Self-Esteem
  5. 10 Questions End Self-Esteem Games
  6. Are You a Being or an Experience?
  7. Ego Issues: Waiting Is the Answer
  8. Quotations: Trying
  9. Trying Is Planning to Fail

  • Read and master the life skill of acceptance using the best combination of CBT, REBT, & Stoicism.

5 Ego Problems Contain Most Problems

  • Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.

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6 Groups of Topics Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.

5 Ego Problems Contain Most Problems

  • Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.

5 Ego Problems Contain Most Problems

  • Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.

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9 Skills & Topics Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


  • Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.


  • Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.

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