Objectifying, Claiming, Trying, Becoming, & Seeking Contain Most Problems
- Ego will help you to recognize, remove, and replace your ego: a.k.a. self-esteem.
“Evaluation of an individual tends to bolster the Establishment and to block social change. Since most societies are run by a limited number of ‘upper-level’ people who have a strong, vested interest in keeping them the way they are, self-evaluation usually encourages the individual to go along with social rules, no matter how arbitrary or foolish they are, and especially to woo the approval of the powers-that-be.” —Albert Ellis
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
1. Objectifying or Reifying People, Places, & Thoughts
- Objectifying is the original sin.
Objectifying is making people into objects.
- Objectifying is making living processes into objects.
- Objectifying is treating thoughts as physical realities.
- Objectifying is treating knowledge as if it was something that knew.
- Objectifying is treating thoughts as if they could know, do, or be something else.
- Objectifying is also recognized using other words: concretize, dehumanize, hypostatize, reify, thingify, and thought-things.
(For a greater understanding of objectifying, please read Stiffer: Stoic Mind.)
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
2. Claiming or Making False Claims of Abilities & Capabilities
“Discontent springs from a constant endeavor to increase the amount of our claims, when we are powerless to increase the amount which will satisfy them.” —Arthur Schopenhauer, The Wisdom of Life
- Claiming is a root problem that results in trying and becoming.
- Claiming is stealing.
- Claiming is trying to play God.
- Claiming destroys to make way for itself.
- Claiming is what you do after the fact if you were successful.
- Claiming is what you do when you are failing or making mistakes.
- Claiming is what must be avoided during the execution of any skill or talent.
- Claiming often will first try to destroy someone or something to make space for its claims, its lies.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
3. Trying, Working At It, or Planned Failure
- Trying is a form of claiming.
- Trying with ego is failing with ego.
- Trying with thinking is failing with thinking.
- Trying is relying on yourself instead of God.
- Trying is the excuse of ego for failing with ego.
- Trying is accepting failure and moving into failure.
- Trying is failing by relying on yourself instead of God.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
4. Becoming, Evolving, Improving, or Endless Progress
- Becoming is claiming in action.
- Becoming is pride in all its glory.
- Becoming is the cure that is worse than the disease.
- Becoming is the medicine that is worse than the sickness.
- Becoming is self-esteem devouring your heart, soul, and mind.
- Becoming is ego feeding on your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.
- Becoming is the delusions that you can evolve or develop your self.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
5. Seeking to Appear Good While Avoiding Appearing Bad
- Seeking is trying to look good in every situation.
- Seeking is trying to avoid looking bad or inferior.
- Seeking is trying to appear superior to others in any way possible.
- Seeking to appear good while avoiding appearing evil is the drive of ego.
- Seeking is the drive of self-esteem to always appear what it is not on the outside.
- Seeking often leads to masks, phoniness, pretensions, and hiding behind inner walls.
- Seeking is the motivation that drives people to waste their life on corporations and governments.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
5 Main Ego Problems to Overcome
- Table version of condensed information.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
- Surrender problems to God.
- Surrender self to God.
- Give all praise to God, and none to self.
- Rest in God.
- Wait on God.
- Really on God.
- Praise God, not humans.
Plan to Reduce Ego from the book Ego
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
Stop these Practices
- Stop turning living beings and processes into objects.
- Stop claiming any abilities or powers.
- Stop claiming to know, do, or be something.
- Stop trying to know, do, or be something.
- Stop trying to develop into something.
- Stop trying to become better or good.
- Stop trying to fix yourself and others.
- Stop becoming objects of mental and physical behaviors.
- Stop becoming concepts, images, things, and thoughts.
- Stop becoming experiences and memories as objects.
Compare to 5 Main Spiritual Failures
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
Start these Practices
- Praise Energy, God, and Spirit.
- Rest in Energy, God, and Spirit.
- Rely upon Energy, God, and Spirit.
- Wait upon Energy, God, and Spirit.
- Have faith in Energy, God, and Spirit.
- Have hope in Energy, God, and Spirit.
- Have charity for Energy, God, and Spirit.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
Related Pages of Free Information
- 3 Tests Show Self-Esteem Insane
- 5 Main Spiritual Failures
- 5 Moods of Self-Esteem & Ego (5TP)
- 5 Step Solution to Self-Esteem
- 10 Questions End Self-Esteem Games
- Are You a Being or an Experience?
- Ego Issues: Waiting Is the Answer
- Quotations: Trying
- Trying Is Planning to Fail
- Read and master the life skill of acceptance using the best combination of CBT, REBT, & Stoicism.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
6 Groups of Topics Menu
- 1. Pages by Topic
- 2. Fast-Facts by Topic
- 3. Quotations by Topic
- 4. Poems by Topic
- 5. Scripture by Topic
- 6. Websites by Topic
- Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.
- Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.
9 Skills & Topics Menu
- 1. Anger Skills & Topics
- 2. Blame Skills & Topics
- 3. Communication Skills & Topics
- 4. Coping Skills & Topics
- 5. Counseling Skills & Topics
- 6. Praying Skills & Topics
- 7. Recovery Skills & Topics
- 8. Responsibility Skills & Topics
- 9. Thinking Skills & Topics
- Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.
- Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.
- Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.