Stop Anger Choices

Anger SignalsAnger Choices FailAnger SignalsRelated Pages6 Groups of Topics10 Skills & Topics

Anger Signals Are Helpful But Not Directions

  • Breathe will teach you how to relax and regain self-control in just 4 seconds.

Stop Anger Choices: Listen to your anger, but then make your choices with your heart and mind. Stop relying on anger to choose your responses.

“He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.” —Proverbs 16:32

  • Click for diagrams and maps of how people control your mind and heart.


Stop Anger Choices for Your Responses

  • Listen to your anger, but then make your choices with your heart and mind.
  • Click for quotations on anger.

Stop Making Choices Using Anger & Rage

  • Click for diagrams and maps of how people control your mind and heart.


Stop Anger Choices: Anger Signals—Valued & Limited

  • Anger signals from your environment help you to stop pain and survive.
  • You want to pay attention to anger signals to locate pain and harm.
  • Often, anger signals from your heart and mind are imaginary and not worth your time.
  • Often, anger signals from your heart and mind are just about ego and pride.
  • You want to learn to stop making false anger signals and to value real anger (harm) signals.

Stop Anger Choices: Avoid Them

  • Anger choices are effective if instinctual, like swatting away a bug stinging you.
  • However, technically, that is not the anger making the choice but the survival instinct. And the survival instinct chose the “fight” response as the best option, not the anger.
  • Anger choices can be effective if they have been programmed over time for effectiveness, as a combat soldier might learn to do.
  • However, the anger will not be making the choices but only triggering them.
  • Anger choices are usually to hurt back, and this is not always practical, realistic, or warranted.
  • Anger choices based on ego pain, emotional hurt, and feelings of being slighted are nearly always foolish and counterproductive.

Stop Anger Choices: Use Your Senses, Feelings, & Thoughts

  • Anger should be relied upon mainly as a signal about pain and harm, not as a choice mechanism.
  • Use your heart and mind to find the solutions and responses that are the most appropriate.
  • You do not want to hit a five-year-old because they are kicking you or stepping on your toes.
  • You do not want to respond to insults with insults unless you are emotionally immature.
  • Use reason, logic, problem-solving, and coping to make your choices, not anger.

  • Read for a breathing technique to manage your stress and emotions.

Book cover for Breathe

Stop Anger Choices: 6 Groups of Topics Menu

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.

Stop Anger Choices