Thought As Ruler Is Failure

ThinkingFailure Ruler3D: Daily DoseRelated Pages6 Groups of Topics10 Skills & Topics

Thought As Ruler Is Failure

Thought as ruler is failure because thinking is last, not first, in the order of life. This page is about how we fail when we put thinking first.

“There are two ways to slide easily through life: to believe everything or to doubt everything; both ways save us from thinking.” —Alfred Korzybski, Polish-American founder of General Semantics (1879–1950)

Thought As Ruler Is Failure

  • Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.

Thought As Ruler Is Failure. Book cover for Discovery Demands 5TP.

Thought As Ruler Is Failure Accepted

  • Thought cannot lead or direct without causing failure because thought has no leadership capabilities.
  • Thought is for remembering, not directing.
  • Thought is for naming, not doing.
  • Trust in thought is trust in tragedy.
  • Facts convey thoughts, and thoughts covey directions on where to look for experience or more thoughts.
  • Nothing in a thought is that thought.
  • Energy causes thought, but thought cannot cause Energy.

Test Thinking by Relying on Thinking

  • Consciously rely on thoughts or self-images, and you will realize that they neither contain nor are a source of power.
  • Consciously rely on thoughts or self-concepts and realize they neither contain nor are a source of knowledge.
  • Consciously rely on thoughts or self-constructs and realize they neither contain nor are a source of intelligence.
  • Consciously rely on thoughts or self-concepts and realize they neither contain nor are a source for coping or problem-solving.
  • Consciously rely on thoughts or self-images and realize they neither contain nor are a source for ability, action, capability, creativity, or talent.

Thought As Ruler Is Failure

  • Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.

Thought As Ruler Is Failure. Book cover for Discovery Demands 5TP.

Thought As Ruler Is Failure

3D: Daily Dose: 2017

#Can #Thought: 2017-10-20

  1. Can thought learn by itself?
  2. Can thought think by itself?
  3. Can thought ever hear or see?
  4. Can thought understand by itself?
  5. Can thought do, know, or be anything by itself?

#Magic #Spells: 2017-11-04

  1. Because of self-esteem, you believe in mental-magical rituals and spells for changing your life.
  2. Because you believe in self-esteem, you treat your thoughts as if they were magical rituals capable of producing results.
  3. Because you believe in self-esteem, you treat your emotions like magical spells capable of causing results.
  4. Because you believe in self-esteem, you refuse to face the reality of your thoughts and feelings, capabilities, and limitations.
  5. Because you believe in self-esteem, you regard your thoughts and feelings as magical powers while simultaneously suppressing awareness of this paganism and primitivism.

Thought As Ruler Is Failure

3D: Daily Dose: 2018

#Thought #Thinking: 2018-01-05

  1. Thought convinced thinking both that it thought and was thought.
  2. Thought convinced language that meaning was in words, not experience.
  3. Thought convinced language that definitions were evidence and experience.
  4. Thought convinced thinking that frequency, intensity, and duration were the criteria for truth.
  5. Thought controlled language to say what it was thinking without meaning because meaning requires experience.

#Thought #Fail: 2018-11-28

  1. When you try to lead with thought, then you fail.
  2. When you try to lead as thought, you fail in extreme or fatal ways.
  3. When you follow the lead of thought, then you fail.
  4. When you follow the lead of thought about thought, then you fail perfectly.
  5. Thought cannot do because only Energy can do; therefore, when you put thought in charge, or first, you will find failure and mistakes at every turn.

#Know #Failing: 2018-11-29

  1. When you try to know what you are doing, you fail because you rely on thought to know.
  2. When you try to do what you are doing, you fail because you are relying on thought instead of Energy.
  3. When you try to be what you are doing, you fail hard because you are relying on thought to be you and to take action.
  4. Thought cannot know, do, or be anything but itself, and all claims to the contrary falsely credit thought that belongs to Energy.
  5. Stay under Energy and make claims for Energy, not human thought; that is, take no credit and give all praise to Energy.

#Blame #Thinking: 2018-11-30

  1. When you make blunders, errors, or mistakes, track down the thinking about thinking that causes them and resist the urge to falsely blame your identity.
  2. When you perform a foolish action, track down your reliance on thinking to do that action and blame that reliance rather than engage in self-esteem bashing.
  3. When things go wrong, look for your part by looking for when you tried to know, do, or be something to make it happen instead of engaging in useless ego putdowns.
  4. When things won’t work out or come together, look for signs that you’re trying to lead with or follow thoughts to get them done and blame that process instead of scapegoating your personhood.
  5. When things are getting worse instead of better despite your best efforts, look for your dependence and reliance upon thought instead of Energy to get them done and blame that method instead of attacking your being as some thing that it is not.

Thought As Ruler Is Failure

  • Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.

Thought As Ruler Is Failure. Book cover for Discovery Demands 5TP.

Thought As Ruler Is Failure

6 Groups of Topics Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.

on Acceptance

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.

on Acceptance

Thought As Ruler Is Failure

  • Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.

Thought As Ruler Is Failure. Book cover for Discovery Demands 5TP.

Thought As Ruler Is Failure

10 Skills & Topics Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.

on Acceptance

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.

on Acceptance

Thought As Ruler Is Failure

  • Read and master the life skill of perspective-taking using the best system ever: the 5TP.

Thought As Ruler Is Failure. Book cover for Discovery Demands 5TP.