Using M-M with Trauma Issues

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Supplemental Information for M-M

  • Breathe to Learn Mind-Move to Regain Your Center Quickly

Supplemental Information for M-M. This page contains an assortment of facts & information that is not in the current version of the book.

  • Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.

Supplemental Information for M-M

Supplemental Information: Mind-Moving (M-M)

Supplemental Information: Experience with Trauma

  1. The person feels stuck experiencing bad (stuck hurting and fearing).
  2. A person judges their responses to trauma as bad because they are not helping to get unstuck (no way out, trapped).
  3. A person judges themselves as being bad for responding to trauma badly. (I must be defective; therefore, I deserve this pain.)

Making Trauma Stick

  • In short, a person feels they deserve to be stuck hurting with no way out.
  • The person is stuck on it and with it by personalizing the trauma.

Supplemental Information: Experience with Traumatic Memory

  • A person might push or pull on the memory to try to improve it without success.
  • A person might try to change, control, or undo a memory without success.
  • A person feels negative stress from pushing and pulling on the memory without success.
  • A person might push or pull a memory into darkness (unconsciousness) to try to avoid or escape it.
  • A person might take the memory with themselves as themselves wherever they go.

Goals of Mind-Moving (M-M) with Trauma

  • De-energize traumatic memory.
  • Not change, control, or undo it.
  • Take energy out of it.
  • Stop putting energy into it.
  • No more trying to fix or end it.
  • No more identifying with it.
  • No more personalizing or making it about your selfhood.
  • Experiencing it while letting it go.

Results of Goals for Mind-Moving (M-M) with Trauma

  • No change in the problematic memory.
  • No energy in the problematic memory.
  • No identification with the problematic memory.
  • Surrender to Energy.
  • Surrender problems and problem memories to Energy.
  • Stop surrendering a problem to thought or darkness because that makes it worse.
  • Stop surrendering to authority, law, methods, or rules because that is the problem, not the solution.

Supplemental Information: Problem of Push & Pull

  • The problem pushes itself forward.
  • You push against it with positive or negative thoughts.
  • The problem withdraws or pulls itself inward.
  • You pull on it in another direction with positive or negative thoughts.

Solution of Push & Pull

  • The problem pushes forward, and you push it more forward into Energy.
  • Problem pulls in, and you pull it in more into Energy.
  • Push and pull into the light.
  • Pull identity out of the problem.
  • Push identity into being hosted (passive awareness).
  • Pull the problem into the light, and push your identity into your true self.
  • Push the problem under the Light.
  • Pull the problem under the Light.
  • Push the problem into the Light.
  • Pull the problem under the Light.
  • If the problem pushes itself over you, then push it into the Light.
  • If the problem pulls you into itself, then pull the problem into the Light.

  • Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.

Breathe Your Mind

Supplemental Information: Questions for the Client to Define the Dialectic

  • What are the two sides of my reactions to the memory (negative and positive)?
  • What do the two sides think about each other?
  • What roles and relationships exist between the two sides?
  • What do they want to do to each other?
  • What imagery is feeding and motivating the problem (two sides)?
  • What disaster predictions are motivating the problem?
  • What not-ing actions and ideas are reinforcing and maintaining the problem?
  • For more on no-ting, read Not because it explains how we do the opposite of what we want to do.

How & What Questions

  • What is the problem?
  • How is the problem stuck?
  • How can we get it unstuck?
  • What will it look like when it is unstuck?
  • How is it now between the two (negative and positive sides)?
  • How will it be when there is no conflict between pushing and pulling?
  • How do we get there from here?

Keep the Same Direction of the Problem

  • Accept the force of push or pull (for over or under) and add it to the force to redirect it to the Light.
  • If the problem pushes over you, then push it under the Light.
  • If the problem pulls you under, then pull it under the Light.
  • Match the force, but change the direction of the force to the Light.

Accept & Redirect Energy (ARE)

  • This exercise is like the Solutions Over Problems (SOP) exercise.
  • However, it makes the process more direct and explicit by focusing on the redirection of the energies of the problem to being under the solution instead of being over you.
  • Do you want to live under problems or your highest ideal or a higher power?
  • The ARE exercise drains the energy from the problem and refocuses you to being and living under the energy of your highest ideal or higher power.
  • See “Related Pages” for a link to more information.

Looping, Rumination, Stuck, & Trapped

  • Looping is most often the problem when people are feeling psychological distress.
  • Looping is the repeating of fear of pain and the pain of fear.
  • Looping is also talked about as obsessing.

Supplemental Information: Stomach Brain

  • Looping occurs when the stomach brain senses fear and sends this sense of fear to the lizard brain, which reacts to it with fight or flight (5Fs) and then sends this reaction back to the stomach brain, which senses this as fear and sends it back to the lizard brain.


  • Looping occurs when the heart-brain senses pain and sends it to the mammalian brain, which feels the pain and then sends the feeling back to the heart-brain, which then sends the sense of that pain back to the mammalian brain.

Supplemental Information: Pain & Fear

  • The pain and fear are related and about the same issue or event.
  • That is, the fear is of the pain, and the pain is the result of the fear.
  • The looping becomes stuck when the heart senses the stomach’s danger, and the stomach senses the heart’s pain, and the mammalian brain feels the lizard brain’s fear, and the lizard brain feel’s the mammalian brain’s pain.

Supplemental Information: Miscellaneous

  • We are naturally attracted to problems.
  • Admit it and move on. Admit it and detach.
  • Problems about problems will make you sick psychologically and physically.
  • What you serve is what you get; therefore, serve solutions.
  • Pride about knowing problems is a payoff for keeping problems.
  • Pride about trying to fix problems is a payoff for keeping problems.
  • Pride about knowing better than to have problems is a payoff for keeping problems.
  • Pride about knowing better than problems (for example, that problems are stupid) is a payoff for keeping problems.
  • Pride is self-defeating because pride chooses problems over solutions for the sake of claiming to know.

Supplemental Information: Consider this Exercise to Be Like Meditation

  • Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.

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10 Benefits of Mind-Moving (M-M)

  • Click for the book that teaches Mind-Moving (M-M)

Supplemental Information on M-M

  • Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.

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  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.

STIFFER Stoic Mind

  • Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.

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