Three Stooges Teach How To Fail

Failure3 StoogesOppositeNo-tingTryingRelated Pages6 Groups of Topics10 Skills & Topics

3 Stooges Are the Model for How We Fail

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.


How to Fail

Rely on Human Thinking to Do

  • The human way, flesh way, or thinking way can be understood as the way of The Three Stooges.
  • This page presents The Three Stooges Failure Model.
  • Examine and test for yourself if your relying on thinking for action does not cause failure.
  • Yes, rely on thinking for knowledge and memory, but not for action.

3 Stooges: Moe, Larry, & Curly

  1. Moe, Larry, and Curly (Shemp, Curly Joe) are the three people who made up the comedy team of The Three Stooges (Wikipedia).
  2. These three characters represent our three self-talk or thinking styles that operate together and as a system for failure.
  3. At times, these three styles seem to occur simultaneously, but they are distinct if you look closely or slow down your thinking enough to observe their separate actions.

Moe, Larry, & Curly: 3 Main Responses

  1. Moe represents the angry or mean response.
  2. Larry fits the anxious or worried response.
  3. Curly represents the responses of either pride or shame.

Moe, Larry, & Curly: 3 Response Variations

  1. Moe: doubt, damn, destruction, superior.
  2. Larry despair, blame, darkness, inferior.
  3. Curly: trying, whining, death, failing.

Moe Plays Stupid Anger

  • Moe takes the stupid response of reacting with anger.
  1. Anger is stupid because it cannot differentiate or discriminate.
  2. Anger is stupid because it cannot understand or empathize with others.
  3. Anger is stupid because it cannot surgically direct or pinpoint its responses.
  4. Anger is stupid because it cannot contain itself for when it would be appropriate or useful.

(Note: Anger can also trigger intelligent responses when it is not the basis of responding.)

Larry Plays Stupid Worry

  • Larry takes the stupid response of reacting with anxiety or worry.
  1. Anxiety is stupid because it focuses on itself instead of solutions.
  2. Anxiety is stupid because it drains energy needed for creative responses.
  3. Anxiety is stupid because it wastes time and energy that problem-solving needs.
  4. Anxiety is stupid because it prevents coping and living at peace with unsolvable problems.

(Note: Anxiety can also trigger intelligent responses when it is not the basis of responding.)

Curly Plays Stupid Pride (Knowing)

  • Curly takes the stupid or “knowing” response: pide.
  1. Pride is stupid because it knows instead of sees.
  2. Pride is stupid because it knows instead of experiences.
  3. Pride is stupid because it knows instead of examines and tests.
  4. Pride is stupid because it knows instead of adapts, adjusts, or accommodates.

(Note: Knowing can also trigger intelligent responses when it is not the basis of responding.)

Curly Plays Stupid Shame

  • Curly takes either the prideful or the ashamed (depressed) response.
  1. Shame is stupid because it takes mistakes personally.
  2. Shame is stupid because it predicts failure in the future.
  3. Shame is stupid because it does not learn from mistakes.
  4. Shame is stupid because it focuses on what went wrong instead of how to fix it.

(Note: Shame can also trigger intelligent responses when it is not personalized but socialized.)

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.


First Opposite of The Three Stooges: 3 Virtues

  • Compare to the doubt, worry (despair), and superiority actions of The Three Stooges.
  1. Faith
  2. Hope
  3. Charity

Second Opposite of the Three Stooges: 3Ls

  • Compare to the death, darkness, and destruction (3Ds) actions of The Three Stooges.
  1. Life
  2. Light
  3. Love

(Note: Darkness is also called covering, denial, hiding, suppression, and repression.)

Why Have The Three Stooges Failure Model?

  1. You can stop doing what is not working only when you know what it is that is not working.
  2. You can find and prove the model inside yourself and use your own experiences of it as your model.
  3. You can stop trying to make the failure mechanism (The Three Stooges) work since you know it can only fail.
  4. Looking for three ways of failing to indicate the single process of failing allows you to identify failing both easier and faster.
  5. Seeing your internal three-headed hydra monster as one process allows you to drop it as a whole instead of trying to drop it piecemeal and so forever.
  6. The model provides both the benefits of seeing the three parts of failure and the benefits of seeing the whole mechanism of failure: The Three Stooges.

What To Do When You Fail

  1. Find The Three Stooges Inside Yourself
  2. Switch Out of the Foolishness: Move Your Focus
  3. Engage Sane & Helpful Processes

Switch Channels, Not Try to Control Channels

  • You use better ways than The Three Stooges whenever you succeed.
  • Problem-solve, cope, and do what you know works from experience.
  • Stop trying and start flowing. Reset from trying to do—to amplifying doing.
  • Use the basic M-M exercise that works in 4 seconds from the book Breathe Your Mind.

This Model Works But the Complete Model Has 6 Roles

  1. Once you see The Three Stooges in yourself, then you will also see them in your relationships.
  2. The roles can be divided up between players and groups according to various conditionings, pressures, and rules.
  • The complete model of 6 roles and their variations can be found in the book Games Ego Plays.

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.


Do Opposite, No-ting, & Negative Prayer

  • Why does relying on The Three Stooges get you the opposite of what you want?
  • Why does relying on The Three Stooges get you anything at all?

8 Points to Ponder

  1. No-ting is explained in detail in Don’t Read This! (Not). Simply, when you try to negate or stop something, then you invariably reinforce or support that which you do not want.
  2. Often, the first response against The Three Stooges will be just another Three Stooges mindset trying to stop it.
  3. When you practice no-ting (negation), then you get the opposite of what you want.
  4. Trying to change or control things will likely reinforce and feed them, not reduce them.
  5. You get results only through positive or negative prayer. Prayer being direct requests to Energy.
  6. The Three Stooges uses negative prayer (no-ting) so increases whatever it is that it claims it is against.
  7. The Three Stooges also hides in darkness (suppresses) that which it claims to be against, but that is actually safeguarding the unwanted and allowing it to flourish in secret.
  8. You must switch from The Three Stooges, not change, control, end, or fix The Three Stooges.

  • All of the above explanations and understandings can be explored further on this website or in the books this website is selling.

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.


Stop Accepting Trying

  • Information on ways to fail.

you don't accept trying

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.


6 Groups of Topics Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.


  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.


9 Skills & Topics Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.


  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.
