Nothing About Nothing Contents

Nothing About NothingPDF ContentsExtra InfoRelated Pages6 Groups of Topics10 Skills & Topics

Table of Contents for

Nothing About Nothing

Nothing About Nothing helps you discover your authentic self and recognize, remove, and replace your ego.

  • Garden will teach you an easy and effective Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT & REBT) system.
  • Ego will help you to live sane in an insane world of competing ego stories.
  • Stiffer: Stoic Mind will teach you the STPHFR system to Gain a Stoic Mind.

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Nothing About Nothing: Discover Your Authentic Self

Nothing About Nothing book cover.

Nothing About Nothing: Contents

Notes on this Contents

  • This table of contents also serves as an index and outline for the book.
  • This table of contents is based on the paperback version.
  • The ebook version will have different and varying page numbers.
  • The book has eight pages for the table contents; however, the cover page takes up page one.

Nothing About Nothing

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Nothing About Nothing: Discover Your Authentic Self

Nothing About Nothing book cover.

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Nothing About Nothing

Extra Information After First Publication

3D: Daily Dose: 2024

You Are the Internal Vessel: 03-25-2024

  1. I am somebody because I am my internal vessel, and it exists in a unique space, place, and time; however, my vessel is identical to all others of the same make.
  2. I am something because I am my internal vessel, and it exists in a unique space, place, and time; however, my vessel is identical to all others of the same make.
  3. I am not a person, personality, ego, self-esteem, or self-constructions because they are all dead things and cannot function as vessels for more than themselves.
  4. My internal vessel, a concept that can be likened to a unique spaceship, never becomes what it entertains; however, we often deceive ourselves into believing that we become what we host to construct an ego sense of self.
  5. Performing some action does mean that action has to become a mental object or that we have to identify with that mental object as our being: we are not our performances.

Insults Prove Weakness: 03-27-2024

  1. You will not react to insults unless you own them and want to be somebody else.
  2. You will not match insults unless you believe them and require being somebody else.
  3. You will not respond to insults unless you purchase them and expect to be somebody else.
  4. You will not return insults unless you take them to heart and demand to be somebody else.
  5. You will not reply to insults unless you take them seriously and plan on being somebody else.

Know Yourself: 03-28-2024

  1. You want to know yourself; however, there is nobody to know inside you other than God.
  2. You want to know yourself; however, there is nobody to know inside you other than a living vessel.
  3. You want to know yourself; however, there is nobody to know inside you because you serve the One Self.
  4. You want to know yourself; however, there is nobody to know inside you other than the ego posing as self-constructions.
  5. You want to know yourself; however, there is nobody to know inside you, and that nobody is a living host designed to enjoy and share the One Self.

Nothing For Me Thanks: 10-10-2024

  1. Being nothing is the highest goal of being.
  2. Being nothing is the freedom to serve God.
  3. Being nothing is the original state of being.
  4. Being nothing is the remedy to the ego (self-esteem).
  5. Being nothing is how you pray and prepare to serve God.

End Spiritual Failure: 10-11-2024

  1. You must objectify nothing.
  2. You must claim nothing.
  3. You must try nothing.
  4. You must become nothing.
  5. You must appear as nothing.

Being Nothing Is Being: 10-12-2024

  1. Being nothing is being your natural and real self.
  2. Being nothing is being your innate and inborn self.
  3. Being nothing is being your original and organic self.
  4. Being nothing is being your authentic and genuine self.
  5. Being nothing is being your uncarved and unformed self.
  6. Being nothing is being your container and vessel nature self.

Nothing Is Your Point: 10-13-2024

  1. You must know nothing.
  2. You must do nothing.
  3. You must be nothing.
  4. You must live as nothing.
  5. You must accept nothing as your point.

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Nothing About Nothing: Discover Your Authentic Self

Nothing About Nothing book cover.

Related Pages of Free Information

  1. 5 Ego Problems Contain the Most
  2. Fast-Facts for Life Skills: 10 Mental Skills
  3. Fast-Facts for Life Skills: 10 Spiritual Skills
  4. Fast-Facts Self-Esteem & Ego
  5. Quotatoins on the Ego

Related Books

7 Books on Ego & Self-Esteem

  1. Garden
  2. Ego
  3. Journal Journey from Ego
  4. Games Ego Plays
  5. Secret of Maturity, 4th Ed.
  6. Stiffer
  7. Feeling Intention Therapy

7 Books on Spirituality

  1. Self: Who Am I?
  2. The Story of Life
  3. Spiritual Surrender’s Seven Steps
  4. Buddha Failed: 25 Reasons
  5. Life Skills: 10 Spiritual Skills
  6. The Seventh Way, Second Edition
  7. Jesus Speaks About Jesus

Nothing About Nothing: Discover Authentic Self

Nothing About Nothing book cover.

  • Read and master the life skill of acceptance using the best combination of CBT, REBT, & Stoicism.


  • Read and discover skills to improve every area of your life forever.

Life Skills: 10 Spiritual Skills

  • Read and discover the Christian way of life.

The Seventh Way, Second Edition book cover

Nothing About Nothing: Discover Your Authentic Self

Nothing About Nothing book cover.

Nothing About Nothing Contents

6 Groups of Topics Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.


  • Read and discover skills to improve every area of your life forever.

Life Skills: 10 Spiritual Skills

  • Read and discover the Christian way of life.

The Seventh Way, Second Edition book cover

Nothing About Nothing: Discover Your Authentic Self

Nothing About Nothing book cover.

Nothing About Nothing Contents

10 Skills & Topics Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.


  • Read and discover skills to improve every area of your life forever.

Life Skills: 10 Spiritual Skills

Nothing About Nothing: Discover Your Authentic Self

Nothing About Nothing book cover.