Thinking Fast-FactsFast-Facts ListedFast-Facts TopicsFast-Facts BooksFast-Facts by Year6 Groups of Topics10 Skills & Topics
Fast-Facts Thinking Skills
Fast-Facts thinking skills will improve your thinking and awareness when practiced correctly and regularly. Start today!
- A complete system of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT & REBT) written for the average reader, discover Garden.
- Discovery Demands 5TP: The Evolution of Perspective
“Our emotions are the result of our beliefs.” —Lie Yukou
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- You may copy, print, and post the Fast-Facts below if you make no changes to them, their contents, remove the copyright notice, or charge fees to share them.
- These Fast-Facts are organized alphabetically by the title of the Fast-Fact.
- The numbering of the Fast-Facts starts at the top. Enjoy!
3 Other Collections of Fast-Facts on Thinking Skills
- 3Rs (Recognize, Remove, Replace): Fast-Facts
- 5 Thinking Positions (5TP): Fast-Facts
- REBT & CBT Fast-Facts
- Read for hundreds of questions about the nature of your thinking.
01. Fast-Facts 2016: 2 Options for Unwanted Thoughts
02. Fast-Facts 2017: 3Rs (Recognize, Remove, Replace) Applied to Thinking
03. Fast-Facts 2017: 4 Basic Thinking Errors of the Ukraine System
04. Fast-Facts 2017: 4 Main Insane Scripts of Self-Esteem
05. Fast-Facts 2017: 4 Stages of the Evolution of Perspective
06. Fast-Facts 2021: 5 Stages of Gaining Perspective
- This Fast-Fact wants you to develop the skill of perspective-taking.
- Discovery Demands 5TP is a book that will help.
- Stiffer: Stoic Mind is another book that will help.
07. Fast-Facts 2020: 5 Thinking Categories on the Nature of Things
- Make a distinction between five different areas to think or talk about the nature of things.
- For more information on styles of thinking.
08. Fast-Facts 2017: 6 Basic Styles of Thinking
09. Fast-Facts 2022: 6 Levels of Perspective
- This Fast-Fact is about understanding perspective-taking.
- This Fast-Fact is about learning to improve your perspective-taking.
- Information on the nature of perspective-taking.
10. Fast-Facts 2021: 6-Stage Development of Perspective
- This Fast-Fact is about learning the skill of perspective-taking.
- This Fast-Fact is about you learning how to see how other people see.
- Information on perspective-taking.
11. Fast-Facts 2017: 7 Lying Systems of Media
12. Fast-Facts 2017: 7 Thinking Errors from Cognitive Therapy (CT)
13. Fast-Facts 2021: 8 Keys of Detachment
- This Fast-Fact is about learning the skill of detachment.
- This Fast-Fact is about you learning how to detach from somebodies.
- Information on nobody and somebody.
14. Fast-Facts 2020: 8 Developmental Stages of Thinking.
- This Fast-Fact lists the eight stages that thinking can progress.
- This Fast-Fact can be understood as a challenge to think at higher levels.
- Information on the 8 stages of the development of thinking.
15. Fast-Facts 2017: 8 Thinking Skills for Uprooting Thoughts
16. Fast-Facts 2017: 9 Basic Thinking Errors
17. Fast-Facts 2019: 10 Positive Facts About Thoughts
- This Fast-Fact is about using thoughts for a better life.
- More help for understanding the nature of thoughts.
18. Fast-Facts 2017: 10 REBT Must Scripts for Ruining Your Life
19. Fast-Facts 2017: 11 Irrational Beliefs According to REBT
20. Fast-Facts 2021: 12 Ways to Detach from Somebodies
- This Fast-Fact is about how to end the domination of your life by somebodies.
- This Fast-Fact provides assistance to overcoming the abuse of somebodies.
- Information on nobody and somebody.
21. Fast-Facts 2018: Anxiety & Thought-Things Work Together
22. Fast-Facts 2017: Control What You Feed, Not What You Cannot Control
23. Fast-Facts 2018: Dualities Do Not Exist, Only Trialities Exist
24. Fast-Facts 2017: “Garden Your Mind” Provides a System for Improving Thinking
25. Fast-Facts 2018: General Semantics Helps to Keep Thinking Sane
26. Fast-Facts 2018: Knowing Is Self-Defeating Because It’s Unreliable
27. Fast-Facts 2021: Life-Things Are the Underlying Problem
- This Fast-Fact wants you to be aware of the underlying problem.
- We’re All Insane! 2nd Ed. is a book that will help.
28. Fast-Facts 2017: “Not” Is an Important Work About a Major Thinking Problem
29. Fast-Facts 2022: Nothing Known Exists
- This Fast-Fact is about understanding semantics and how it affects perception.
- This Fast-Fact is about learning about choosing experience over verbal realities.
- Information on the nature of knowing.
30. Fast-Facts 2022: Nothing Real Is Known
- This Fast-Fact is about understanding how semantics affects perception.
- This Fast-Fact is about learning about overcoming living in verbal realities.
- Information on the nature of knowing.
31. Fast-Facts 2022: Politically Correct Is Incorrect
- This Fast-Fact is about sticking to the truth.
- This Fast-Fact is about valuing truth over opinion.
- Information on perspective-taking.
32. Fast-Facts 2017: Quotations Can Indicate a Precedence in Thinking
33. Fast-Facts 2016: The Only Revolution Is to Overthrow Your Own Mind
34. Fast-Facts 2017: Thinking Cannot Do Anything
35. Fast-Facts 2018: Thinking Has Its Right Place
36. Fast-Facts 2019: Thinking Is Not It
37. Fast-Facts 2018: Thinking Needs to Flow to Be Useful
38. Fast-Facts 2021: Thinking Provides 2 Things
- This Fast-Fact is about the nature of thinking.
- This Fast-Fact is about learning to use thinking.
- Information on the nature of thinking.
39. Fast-Facts 2019: Thought As the Thing Is Thought As the Enemy
- This Fast-Fact is about understanding the problems caused by thoughts as things.
- More help for understanding thought-things.
40. Fast-Facts 2018: Thought Has Its Own Existence
41. Fast-Facts 2022: Thought Is Not It
- This Fast-Fact is about understanding the difference between thinking and reality.
- This Fast-Fact is about learning to improve your semantic skills.
- Information on the nature of thinking.
42. Fast-Facts 2016: Triality Is Reality
43. Fast-Facts 2017: “We’re All Insane” Is a Book About Thinking Sanely
44. Fast-Facts 2018: What Are Not Useful as Evidence or Facts?
45. Fast-Facts 2018: Methods to Keep Thinking from Ruining Tasks
- Read for hundreds of questions about the nature of your thinking.
Fast-Facts by Topic: Help You Feel, Think, & Do Better in Life
- Please note that these collections are incomplete and more can be found in the meme collections by year and in our books.
- The list is alphabetical.
- 1. 3Rs Recognize, Remove, Replace Fast-Facts
- 2. 5 Thinking Positions (5TP) Fast-Facts
- 3. Communication Fast-Facts
- 4. Ego Fast-Facts
- 5. Feelings & Coping Fast-Facts
- 6. Identity-Semantic Fast-Facts
- 7. REBT & CBT Fast-Facts
- 8. Self-Esteem Fast-Facts
- 9. Spirituality Fast-Facts
- 10. Thinking Skills Fast-Facts
- Read for hundreds of questions about the nature of your thinking.
Fast-Facts by Book: Online Topic Tables from Select Books
- Please note that these collections can be incomplete, and more can be found in our books.
- 1. Books Fast-Facts
- 2. 2 Perform Use 2-Minds: Fast-Facts
- 3. Christian Idols: Fast-Facts
- 4. Christian Scripture: Fast-Facts
- 5. Christian Sex: Fast-Facts
- 6. Globalism God: Fast-Facts
- 7. Life Skills: 10 Mental Skills: Fast-Facts
- 8. Life Skills: 10 Spiritual Skills: Fast-Facts
- 9. Rocket-Mind (R-M): Fast-Facts
- 10. Secret of Maturity, 4th Edition: Fast-Facts
- 11. Stiffer: Stoic Mind: Fast-Facts
- 12. Stress for Success, 2nd Edition: Fast-Facts
- 13. The Seventh Way, 2nd Edition: Fast-Facts
- Read for hundreds of questions about the nature of your thinking.
- Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.
Fast-Facts by Year: Various Subjects & Topics
- Please note that these Fast-Facts collections are incomplete.
- More can be found in our books.
- 2024: FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts
- 2023: FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts
- 2022: FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts
- 2021: FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts
- 2020: FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts
- 2019: FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts
- 2018: FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts
- 2017: FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts
- 2016: FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts
- 2015: FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts
- 2014: FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts
- 2013: FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts
- 2012: FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts
- 2011: FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts
- Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.
6 Groups of Topics Menu
- 1. Pages by Topic
- 2. Fast-Facts by Topic
- 3. Quotations by Topic
- 4. Poems by Topic
- 5. Scripture by Topic
- 6. Websites by Topic
- Read for hundreds of questions about the nature of your thinking.
- Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.
10 Skills & Topics Menu
- 1. Coping Skills & Topics
- 2. Problem-Solving Skills & Topics
- 3. Communication Skills & Topics
- 4. Recovery Skills & Topics
- 5. Anger Skills & Topics
- 6. Blame Skills & Topics
- 7. Thinking Skills & Topics
- 8. Responsibility Skills & Topics
- 9. Counseling Skills & Topics
- 10. Praying Skills & Topics
- Read for the best breathing exercises for your feelings and stress.
- Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.