Quotations by Topic: List of Pages

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Aphorisms, Quotations, & Sayings: List of Pages

“A quotation at the right moment is like bread to the famished.” —Talmud

“A short saying often contains much wisdom.” —Sophocles

“Any writer who is afraid to quote themselves should also be afraid to write.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“Mind over matter only mind doesn’t matter. Mind over matter, only mind is the matter.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

Citations for Quotations

  • Sometimes a page number is provided for the book that is referenced.
  • Some people object to this practice because different editions of books will often have different page numbers.
  • However, providing a page number, even when there might be different editions, provides a clue as to where to look for the passage in various book editions.

Quotation Trolls Exhibit Bad Faith

“People who take issue with quotations are generally people seeking to appear smart for knowing better than (pride) the quotation; however, such people appear foolish by demonstrating a lack of humility and the capacity to apply and relate the quotation to their own life.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“When you find examples in your life that fit the quotation, you learn. When you seek exceptions in life that don’t fit the quotation, then you play the fool.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“You will learn that most attacks on quotations are based on bad-faith arguments. The attacker simply will not use common sense and give the benefit of the doubt to the quotation’s meaning or intention.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

Quotations As Arguments

Quotations As Arguments

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.


Quotations to Inspire & Motivate You to Action

Listed Alphabetically
  1. 3D: Daily Dose: 2024
  2. 3Rs Recognize, Remove, Replace: Fast-Facts
  3. 5 Thinking Positions (5TP): Fast-Facts
  4. Abortion Is Murder
  5. Acceptance & Coping
  6. Acid Test
  7. Advice & Counsel
  8. Albert Ellis Quotations
  9. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) & Recovery
  10. Alone as Strength
  11. Anger, Rage, & Wrath
  12. Anxiety, Fear, & Worry
  13. Anything Goes
  14. Atheism & Atheists
  15. Attitude & Approach
  16. Balance, Duality, & Harmony
  17. Beginning Is Ending
  18. Blame & Complain
  19. Books: Fast-Facts
  20. Books of Aphorisms: List of Book Links
  21. CBT, CT, & REBT
  22. CBT & REBT: Fast-Facts
  23. Communication & Listening
  24. Communication: Fast-Facts
  25. Complain & Blame
  26. Constructivism & Postmodernism
  27. Coping & Feeling: Fast-Facts
  28. Coping with Difficulties
  29. Coping Statements & Phrases
  30. Correction Can Be Positive
  31. Counseling & Advice
  32. Courage & Cowardice
  33. Damning & Blaming
  34. Deduction: Sherlock Holmes: External
  35. Detachment & Attachment
  36. Do the Right Thing Anyway
  37. Do Unto Others
  38. Eastern Psychology
  39. Education & Schools
  40. Ego & Becoming
  41. Ego & Self-Esteem: Fast-Facts
  42. Emotional Responsibility (ER)
  43. Encouragement & Positive Thinking
  44. Enemies Can Be Useful
  45. Evolution Is Exploitation
  46. Expectations & Suffering
  47. Failure Is Learning
  48. Fast-Facts: List Pages
  49. Feelings & Coping: Fast-Facts
  50. Feminism & Women’s Movement
  51. FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett (3D)
  52. FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts: 2011
  53. FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts: 2012
  54. FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts: 2013
  55. FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts: 2014
  56. FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts: 2015
  57. FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts: 2016
  58. FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts: 2017
  59. FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts: 2018
  60. FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts: 2019
  61. FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts: 2020
  62. FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts: 2021
  63. FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts: 2022
  64. FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts: 2023
  65. FitzMaurice’s Fast-Facts: 2024
  66. Forgive to Be Forgiven
  67. Golden Rule of “Do Unto Others”
  68. Happiness & Happy
  69. Hate Others to Hate Self
  70. Humility Is Not Humiliation
  71. Identity-Semantic Fast-Facts Collection
  72. Irish Proverbs: External
  73. Islam Notable Non-Muslims: External
  74. Islam 1: 45 Free Memes of Authors A-F
  75. Islam 2: 38 Free Memes of Authors G-O
  76. Islam 3: 37 Free Memes of Authors P-W
  77. Judging Others Is Judging Yourself
  78. Kevin’s Books of Aphorisms
  79. Logic & Logical
  80. Maturity Is Responsibility for Emotions
  81. Meditation & Related Practices
  82. Miscellaneous #1 Long List
  83. Miscellaneous #2 from Reza Ganjavi
  84. Miscellaneous #3 Long List
  85. Miscellaneous #4 Long List
  86. Mistakes Make Great Teachers
  87. Negation or Invalidation
  88. Nondoing, Rest, & Return
  89. Odds & Ends
  90. One Human Nature
  91. Parenting, Leadership, & Management
  92. Politics & Government
  93. Poster-Picture Quotations: List Pages
  94. Postmodernism & Constructivism
  95. Pride Is Problem
  96. Question & Test
  97. Reading Books
  98. REBT & CBT Fast-Facts Collection
  99. Responsibility Is Key to Maturity
  100. School & Education
  101. Science Is Not Scientism
  102. Scraps: Notes & Partial Projects
  103. Scripture Topic: List Pages
  104. Secret of Life
  105. Secret of Maturity, 4th Edition: Fast-Facts
  106. Self-Esteem & Ego: Fast-Facts
  107. Self-Esteem Is Ego
  108. Semantics & Identity: Fast-Facts
  109. Semantics & Words
  110. Sherlock Holmes: External
  111. Simple Is Sure
  112. Solitude, Alone, & Introspection
  113. Something for Nothing
  114. Stand Up & Speak Out
  115. Stiffer: Sotic Mind: Fast-Facts
  116. Stoicism & Stoics
  117. Stress for Success, 2nd Edition: Fast-Facts
  118. Suffering Is Normal
  119. Test, Challenge, & Question
  120. Thinking & Thought
  121. Thinking Skills: Fast-Facts
  122. Transgender & LBGT Haters
  123. Trying Is Choosing to Fail
  124. Twitter Quotation Postings: 2015
  125. Twitter Quotation Postings: 2016
  126. Twitter Quotation Postings: 2017
  127. Twitter Quotation Postings: 2018
  128. Universal Human Nature
  129. Websites Quotations: List External Links
  130. Work Is Wonderful
  131. Worry & Anxiety

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.


6 Groups of Topics Menu: (This Is Section #3)

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.

Quotation Topics