3D Daily Dose of Discernment 2024
Kevin Everett FitzMaurice, M.S. (2024) Daily Quotations
- Ego will help you to recognize, remove, and replace your ego: a.k.a. self-esteem.
3D Daily Dose of Discernment 2024 on counseling, psychotherapy, and social & relationship issues to encourage integrity and sanity now.
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Positive Energy Is Infinite: 12-20-2024
- Negative energy is destructive and never creative.
- You will never run out of positive energy because the source is God, making the amount of energy infinite.
- There is no need for you to host negative energy and only a limited need to host negative thinking.
- You want health to overcome sickness, which is the same as saying you want positive energy to overcome negative energy.
- Negative thinking is useful for proving (testing) positive thinking when problem-solving, but negative energy has no use in problem-solving or anything productive.
Shut Up Thinking: 12-19-2024
- “Shut up,” thinking because you are part of the problem, not the solution.
- “Shut up,” fault-finding because you are nagging me like a bad wife would.
- “Shut up,” complaining and whining because you provide negative energy, not curative forces.
- “Shut up,” worrying because you accept nothing but more of yourself and are neither desirable nor helpful.
- “Shut up,” moaning and groaning because you are disturbing my focus and keeping me from doing my best.
Pity Can Be Prayer: 12-18-2024
- We take pity on others, not because they deserve it, but because we deserve it.
- We take pity on others, not because they deserve it, but because we serve the Highest.
- We take pity on others, not because they deserve it, but because we want to receive such grace from God.
- We take pity on others, not because they deserve it, but because we know good is a gift that none deserve on their own.
- We take pity on others, not because they deserve it, but because it can only be deserved if God first calls you to share the good.
Insane to Expect Positive from Negative: 12-17-2024
- Insanity can be defined as expecting the negative to produce the positive.
- How is negative energy and thinking going to produce positive energy and thinking?
- Recognizing negative emotive-thinking semantic objects with more of the same keeps you living in more of the same.
- When you have negative feelings and thoughts about your negative physical symptoms, is it reasonable to expect them to help you get well?
- Considering that whining and complaining are composed of negative emotions and thoughts, is it reasonable to expect them to produce the positive emotions and thoughts needed for improvement?
Give to Get: 12-16-2024
- Want more? Give more.
- Want to know more? Teach more.
- Want to be loved more? Love others more.
- Want to earn more? Help others to earn more.
- Want to climb higher? Help others climb higher.
- Want to go to Heaven? Help others go to Heaven.
Time Requires Space: 12-15-2024
- There is no time without space.
- There is no time without a change occurring in space.
- There is no change occurring in space without movement.
- There is no movement without motivation (desires, laws).
- There is no movement without life (creation).
- There is no life without light.
- There is no light without energy.
- There is no energy without God.
Progressive Mindset Is Idolatry: 12-14-2024
- The progressive mindset is one of idolatry.
- Progressives damn and hate anyone who does not worship their verbal idols.
- Progressives deem anyone who does not worship their verbal idols as everything foolish and wrong.
- The Progressives’s verbal idols are beautiful and appear divine; however, these idols exist to hide their progress in seeking the death and destruction of everything using darkness and deception.
- Progressives believe birth (life) comes from death, and creation (love) comes from destruction.
- Progressives believe darkness protects light and deception protects truth.
- Progressives are insane (out of touch with reality and virtue) and will demonstrate and prove their insanity when you try to reason with them.
Psychological Self-Stories Destroy: 12-13-2024
- What if all your psychological self-stories are about no one and nothing?
- What if all your psychological self-stories serve death, darkness, destruction, and deception?
- What if all the abuse and pain you suffer from your psychological self-stories are based on lies?
- What if all your psychological self-stories are based on lies and should be discarded as delusions and illusions?
- What if all your psychological self-stories are destructive stories that you must prepare for and defend against because they all intend to destroy you regardless of the outcome?
Human Obsession With Stories: 12-12-2024
- How long can you survive without a story running in your mind?
- How long can you survive without stories about you knowing better running in your mind?
- How long can you survive without stories about you doing better running in your mind?
- How long can you survive without stories about you being better running in your mind?
- How long can you survive without stories about you getting better running in your mind?
- How long can you survive without stories about you having better running in your mind?
Self-Stories Are Self-Delusions: 12-11-2024
- Your psychological stories are composed of semantic objects as the actors, audience, goals, and situations.
- Your psychological stories contain imaginary characters that do not and never will exist as you imagine them.
- Your psychological stories contain an imaginary audience that does not and never will exist as you imagine it.
- Your psychological stories contain imaginary representations of yourself that will never exist except in your imagination.
- You believe in your psychological stories despite the fact that they are composed of imaginary parts and pieces that rarely correspond with and never represent factual reality.
Sources Must Be Proved: 12-10-2024
- When the sources for your thinking are God’s angels, you can rely on them because they serve God.
- When Spirit is the source of your thinking, you can trust its reliability because Spirit cannot deceive.
- When God is the source of your thinking, you can rest assured in its reliability because God knows everything.
- When Energy is the source of your thinking, you can have confidence in its reliability because Energy is inherently truthful.
- When the sources for your thinking are direct experience, you can rely on them because direct experience, unclouded by thought, is our best evidence.
Sources Are Important: 12-09-2024
- If the source of your thinking is thinking, you must do better because thinking is unreliable.
- If your thinking is influenced by people and teachers, you must improve because they are unreliable.
- If the source of your thinking is books and reading, you must do better because books and reading are unreliable.
- If the source of your thinking is human authority, you must do better because human authority, being subject to personal agendas and biases, can be unreliable.
- Remember, the source of your thinking is not always reliable. If it’s education and training, you must strive for better, as they too can be unreliable. This quest for more reliable foundations for knowledge should inspire and motivate you to improve your critical thinking skills.
- Be cautious and alert in your approach to knowledge. If your thinking is based on new and old ideas, remember that ideas of any age can be unreliable. This awareness of the unreliability of various sources of thought is key to developing a more critical approach to knowledge.
The Committee Is for the Committee: 12-08-2024
- Bureaucracies and committees are about themselves.
- Bureaucracies and committees are about their own needs.
- Bureaucracies and committees serve themselves above all else.
- Bureaucracies and committees can and will destroy everything they touch.
- Bureaucracies and committees are about their own growth and power, making them the enemies of efficiency and progress.
- Bureaucracies and committees must complicate and obfuscate procedures and processes to make others in need of their direction and monitoring.
Mirror Man: 12-07-2024
- Being made in God’s image means we can mirror God, not be God.
- Being made in God’s image means we can reflect and share God with others.
- Being made in God’s image means we can host God and enjoy His life, light, and love.
- Being made in God’s image means we can experience God, which naturally leads to praising God.
- Being made in God’s image means we can have God and His angels come through us to help others.
Free Will Is No Choice: 12-06-2024
- Free will (choice) is only free when there is no choice.
- All of your past choices are in prisons of desires and beliefs because a choice (free will) appears free before it is made, never after.
- People struggle to change bad habits and compulsions, not because they are weak but because their past choices are based on strong desires and beliefs.
- Free will (choice) appears free when you are conflicted or confused about what to do because it is waiting to be bound to some dominant desires and beliefs.
- If your will were free, you could instantly change your choices and decisions about the most complex and emotional matters, but you cannot because it is often bound, not free.
Do What You Can Now: 12-05-2024
- Waiting until you can do more is doing less.
- Waiting until you can do more is believing that helping now is unimportant.
- What you can do now to help is the most important thing you can do to help.
- Do what you are called to do. What are you called to do? What you can do now.
- More good has been left undone by people waiting until they could do more than anything else.
People Must Have Direction: 12-04-2024
- People need outside direction and discipline, as proved by people requiring standards to guide their work.
- People need outside direction and discipline, as evidenced by their requiring virtue and God to guide them in spiritual matters.
- People need outside direction and discipline, as proven by their need to learn principles to guide them during performances.
- People need outside direction and discipline, as evidenced by their need for customs and rules to guide them in social interactions like driving automobiles.
- People need outside direction and discipline, as proved by children requiring parents and generally doing better in life if they have two (father and mother) instead of one.
Living Musical Instrument: 12-03-2024
- You are a musical instrument only you want to be the playing instead.
- You are a musical instrument only you want to be the music instead.
- You are a musical instrument only you want to be the player instead.
- Be grateful that you are a living musical instrument that God plays.
- Be grateful that you are a living musical instrument that God can play Himself on.
Self-Stories Defeat Yourself: 12-02-2024
- Self-stories defeat you by dividing your attention and energy, so you rarely respond holistically.
- Self-stories defeat you by making you self-centered and unable to make direct and genuine contact with God and people.
- Self-stories defeat you by wasting your attention, time, and energy on themselves instead of wisely spending them on your goals.
- Self-stories defeat you by keeping you focused on what is not important (self-constructions) instead of what is important (results testing, problem-solving).
- Self-stories defeat you by keeping you out of life and living in your virtual-reality world of desires, expectations, desires, false predictions, and make-believe conflicts.
The Only Thing to Want: 12-01-2024
- The only thing to want to know is God.
- The only thing to want to do is to praise God.
- The only thing to want to be is a child of God.
- The only thing to want from God is God.
- The only thing to want God to give is for others to know God.
Use Experience to Dispel Delusions: 11-30-2024
- You live in a time when verbal realities are promoted above physical realities; therefore, you need evidence of the unforgiving world to keep your mind in check. For example, engage in the sport of rock climbing to understand how what you think it is, is not important but only what it is.
- Ground your life and experience in something that is unforgiving and doesn’t care what you think about it, like electrical wiring that will kill you if you don’t respect it, because this can keep you from living in verbal constructions, delusions, and fantasies where reality and results checking are despised, considered unimportant, and treated as politically incorrect.
Free Speech Is a Must: 11-29-2024
- We must have free speech but with care.
- We must have free speech but with civility.
- We must have free speech but with manners.
- We must have free speech but without violence.
- We must have free speech, but we also must shame those who use it as an excuse to destroy and hate others.
Love Conquers All: 11-28-2024
- When two are one in love, nothing exists between them.
- The love of God is the worship of God, and anything that comes between that is an idol.
- When you love God, nothing can exist between you and God; if anything comes between you and God, it is an idol.
- You are free to be you only when you are a slave to God because only then do you have nothing to care about or to care of.
- The greatest freedom is slavery to God because you have no duties or obligations to perform that are not performed for you.
Nothing Is Louder than Silence: 11-27-2024
- It is better to be wordless than to live in words.
- Intelligence is quiet and invisible because it is of Energy.
- Silence gives meaning to music and singing and proves them worthwhile or not.
- Sit quietly with your thoughts and spirits and listen intently until they, too, become quiet.
- The deeper in love two become, the more quiet they become until they can sit in silence with complete communication.
Nothing Is More Tangible Than the Invisible: 11-26-2024
- The path to love is as certain and secure as it is invisible.
- The guide of love is invisible, and all who try to make it visible must fail.
- The deeper in love two become, the more it becomes invisible and unknowable.
- The way of creativity is invisible, and all who try to formulate and teach it must fail.
- Insight and inspiration are invisible processes because they are not composed of verbal or visible human thought, which has no intelligence of its own.
Order Declares God: 11-25-2024
- Order can only come from the orderly.
- To be orderly, something must be void of disorder.
- To be void of disorder, one must be foreign to nature and the universe.
- To be foreign to nature and the universe, one must exist beyond and without them.
- To exist beyond and without nature and the universe, one must be God.
Order Presupposes God: 11-24-2024
- If disorder could create order, it would not be disorder.
- It takes intelligence (order) to recognize order (pattern).
- The fact of the existence of order informs us that order is preexistent to disorder.
- The existence of order presupposes God because order does not come from chaos.
- Experience informs us that order does not come from disorder but only order: no working computer program, manufacturing process, or assembly line is created by disorder, but all can be destroyed by adding disorder.
Praise God Always: 11-23-2024
- The purpose of life is to praise God.
- The best thing in life is praising God.
- The highest goal in life is praising God.
- The best thing you can want for others is to praise God.
- The best thing you can share with others is praising God.
Equality Is Death for All: 11-22-2024
• To be equal, everything must be the same. To be the same, everything must be reduced uniformity. To be uniform, there must be no variation. To have no variation, there needs to be nothing to compare. To have nothing to compare, there needs to be nothing that exists.
• The less complex things are, the more equal they can be. The more equal things are, the fewer variations and aspects they have that can be compared. The less variation in things, the fewer things that can exist. The fewer things that exist, the more insensibility that exists. The more insensibility that exists, the more numbness and extinction that exist.
Equality Is Inequality for All: 11-21-2024
- Life is variation, not equality.
- Everything is unequal, or only God can exist.
- Equality is death because only in death can we be equal in all aspects.
- Equality requires that things be indistinguishable. To be indistinguishable, things must not exist.
- The ideal of equality is true because we have an equal human nature; however, it is false because we are different in all other aspects by the fact of our existence.
How to Find Yourself: 11-20-2024
- If you look for yourself in your feelings, you will not find yourself.
- If you look for yourself in your intentions, you will not find yourself.
- If you look for yourself in your thoughts, you will not find yourself.
- If you look for yourself in your behaviors, you will not find yourself.
- If you look for yourself in your times of peace, quiet, emptiness, and receiving internal gifts, you can find yourself.
Does Your Self Stop If Self-Talk Stops?: 11-19-2024
- When your self stops having self-talk, does it still exist?
- When your self stops listening to self-stories, does it still exist?
- When your self stops thinking about itself as self-constructions, does your self still exist?
- When your self stops thinking about itself as mental things and thought-things, does your self still exist?
- When your self stops thinking about itself as mental objects and semantic objects, does your self still exist?
Is There Any Difference?: 11-18-2024
- Is the knowledge stored in books the books?
- Is the knowledge your brain is processing your brain?
- Is the software the computer is processing the computer?
- Are the self-constructions your self is processing you?
- Are the self-stories your self is processing you?
One Reality, One Life: 11-17-2024
- There is no life by itself; God is the only life.
- There is no struggle; there is only service to God.
- There is no human self; there is only One Self: God.
- There is no human story; there is only one story: God’s.
- There is no image of the human self; there is only the image of God’s self.
Jedi Code Rewritten: 11-16-2024
- There is no emotion; there is the love of God.
- There is no ignorance; there is knowing through God.
- There is no passion; there is the worship of God.
- There is no chaos; there is harmony in God.
- There is no death; there is rebirth in God.
Expectations Cause Suffering: 11-15-2024
- Guilt is self-blame (personal choices) for your expectations not being met.
- Anger is blaming others for your expectations not being met.
- Anxiety is over concern that your expectations will not be met.
- Depression is hopelessness that your exceptions can ever be met.
- Resentment is rage against others for being in the way of or purposely thwarting your expectations.
- Pride is taking credit for your expectations being met.
- Envy is extreme jealousy that others have met expectations you have not.
- Shame is self-blame (social choices) for expectations not being met.
Charity Is For You: 11-14-2024
- Charity is for you to accept your human nature.
- Charity is for you to receive more to give more.
- Charity is for you to keep humble and accepting.
- Charity is for you to be an example and inspiration.
- Charity is for you to serve love and goodness with your heart, soul, and mind.
Hope Is For You: 11-13-2024
- Hope is to live for the good.
- Hope is to keep you light and free.
- Hope is to stay confident and positive.
- Hope is to keep you humble and serving.
- Hope is to keep you focused on the good.
Virtue Is For You: 11-12-2024
- Choose virtue to establish you in God.
- Choose virtue to lead you to lift others up.
- Choose virtue to lead you to serve the Highest.
- Choose virtue to lead you to gain better outcomes.
- Choose virtue to guide your every choice for the Good.
Forgiveness Is For You: 11-11-2024
- Forgiveness is for you to lighten your load.
- Forgiveness is for you to walk the spiritual path.
- Forgiveness is for you to accept your human nature.
- Forgiveness is for you to find forgiveness for yourself.
- Forgiveness is for you to understand others as yourself.
The Little Often Turns Big: 11-10-2024
- The little things need to be done with attention and care.
- Nothing you need to do is unimportant and unworthy of your respect.
- The minor things are often the major things holding everything together.
- If it is your task, then do it perfectly because no matter how trifling, it is your life.
- How much you care about the little things says much about your character and success.
Clean the Mirror that Is You: 11-09-2024
- A mirror does not exist to reflect itself.
- A painted mirror is of no use as a reflector.
- A mirror takes no credit for what it reflects.
- A mirror does not claim to be what it reflects.
- A dirty mirror cannot provide a clean reflection.
Less Self Is More Life: 11-08-2024
- Less self is better art.
- Less self is better relating.
- Less self is better learning.
- Less self is better reasoning.
- Less self is better practicing.
- Less self is better witnessing.
- Less self is better performing.
- Less self is more Energy and Spirit.
- Less self is more enjoyment and discovery.
Less Self Is Less Nonsense: 11-07-2024
- Less self is less ego.
- Less self is less fear.
- Less self is less stress.
- Less self is less anger.
- Less self is less conflicts.
- Less self is less games and emotional issues.
- Less self is less material troubles and worries.
- Less self is less psychological troubles and worries.
Less Self Is More Ability: 11-06-2024
- Less self is more skill.
- Less self is more talent.
- Less self is more capacity.
- Less self is more execution.
- Less self is more production.
- Less self is more completion.
- Less self is more effectiveness.
Less Self Is More Alive: 11-05-2024
- Less self is more now.
- Less self is more time.
- Less self is more energy.
- Less self is more service.
- Less self is more contact.
- Less self is more intelligence.
Less Self Is More Reality: 11-04-2024
- Less self is more space.
- Less self is more reality.
- Less self is more awareness.
- Less self is more experiencing.
- Less self is more sensing and sensations.
Less Self Is More Self: 11-03-2024
- Less self is more God.
- Less self is more peace.
- Less self is more reality.
- Less self is more presence.
- Less self is more spirituality.
Reduce & Become Less: 11-02-2024
- The world wants you to grow and develop into more and better-looking self-constructions.
- The religious and spiritual worlds almost all want you to grow and develop into more and better-looking self-constructions; however, they are mainly different from the worldly ones.
- The right path is to become less, not more.
- The right path is to reduce the self, not expand it.
- The right path is to limit the self, not make more claims for it.
- The right path is to make fewer claims and take less credit for everything.
All Good Waits on God: 11-01-2024
- Faith in God requires waiting on God.
- Hope in God requires waiting on God.
- Charity for God requires waiting on God.
- To receive grace from God requires waiting on God.
- To exist requires waiting on God.
How Does One Know?: 10-31-2024
- You can choose knowing or believing, but you cannot choose both at the same time.
- If you believe (1) I do know, (2) I do knowing, (3) I am knowing, then God has no place in you.
- If you believe (1) I do not know, (2) I do not do knowing, (3) I am not knowing, then the ego has no place in you.
- Ego requires claims of knowing to make claims of causing (doing) knowing to make claims of being knowing (self-constructions, self-idols).
- There is nothing higher than knowing God in yourself; however, that too is a gift, and if you think you caused it, then you do not have God but idols in you.
Insults Are for the Weak-Minded: 10-30-2024
- Insults fight when ideas cannot.
- When intelligence fails, insults begin.
- If you find it difficult to respond to those you disagree with without insulting them, you should learn and study more.
- If you cannot formulate an argument against your opponent’s position, then you can foolishly resort to insulting them.
- When you resort to insults against those with whom you disagree, you degrade yourself and your position and make excuses for your lack of knowledge, emotional skills, and thinking skills.
3 Spheres of Existence: 10-29-2024
- Life must be dealt with in all three spheres of existence: verbal (knowledge), sensation or material (physical), and energy (power) or spiritual.
- To deal with the verbal, you must understand language, meaning, semantics, and thinking skills.
- To deal with the physical, you must understand planning, problem-solving, reality-checking, second-order results, and testing for continual feedback.
- To deal with the spiritual, you must understand invisible forces, motivations, plans, powers, and sources.
- Whatever spheres you ignore will cause problems in your life.
Labels, Names, & Tags Are Not Life (GS): 10-28-2024
- You are not labels, names, or tags.
- Life is not labels, names, or tags.
- Experience is not labels, names, or tags.
- Spirituality is not labels, names, or tags.
- Labels, names, and tags are not labels, names, and tags because they are nothing without someone processing them.
- You, life, spirituality, labels, names, and tags are about direct experiences, or they are about nothing but empty and meaningless words.
You Are Not the Guide: 10-27-2024
- Don’t seek to be good; instead, seek to serve the Good.
- Don’t seek to be good; instead, seek to be guided by the Good.
- Don’t seek to be the guide; instead, seek to be guided by the One Guide.
- Don’t seek to be the guide; instead, seek to share what the One Guide shared with you.
- You can never attain virtue any more than you can attain the stars; however, both can guide your path.
Claims to Know Destroy: 10-26-2024
- We make ourselves crazy because we want what we know in order to be different to be different.
- We claim to know, do, and be what we know; when that is ugly, we want it to become what it is not.
- The cause of all psychological misery is wanting to know something differently in order to be a different knowing.
- It is not enough for human beings to enjoy God’s knowing; instead, they want to be as God knowing, so they make themselves into fools.
- Our claims of knowing result in semantic objects, which result in blindness, ignorance, and not knowing.
Definitions Are Not Life (GS): 10-25-2024
- You are not definitions.
- Life is not definitions.
- Spirituality is not definitions.
- Definitions are not definitions because they are nothing without someone processing them.
- You, life, spirituality, and definitions are about direct experiences, or they are about nothing but words.
Role Selection: 10-24-2024
- Always remember that human beings are not roles; rather, they have roles to direct performances in specific areas for efficiency, morality (ethics), predictability, and safety.
- Don’t accept a role you don’t want without having a good reason.
- Find career roles that you will be comfortable living in because you will spend much of your life in them.
- Don’t stay stuck in a role others have given you that you don’t want, for example, being a victim or martyr.
- You might discover that a role you played for family, friends, or society is not one you wish to continue playing. Give yourself permission and courage to change roles because others will resist your changing roles due to the comforts of habit and dealing with a known.
Semantic Objects Are Thinking Errors: 10-23-2024
This list of seven is based on Aaron T. Beck’s work.
- Semantic objects engage in “selective attention” because they only pay attention to information confirming their viewpoint.
- Semantic objects engage in “discounting” other points of view because they only give credit to their own point of view or supporting viewpoints.
- Semantic objects engage in “dramatizing” to inflate their own importance, relevance, needs, and demands.
- Semantic objects engage in “arbitrary inference” as a way to infer meaning by interpreting everything to support their point of view.
- Semantic objects engage in “polarization” by framing everything as either for or against their point of view.
- Semantic objects engage in “globalizing” by framing their irregular, specific, and unusual experiences as global and universal modes and experience models.
- Semantic objects engage in “personalizing” by framing everything as being about them personally because they consider themselves to be the center of the discourse and universe.
Semantic Objects Love Themselves: 10-22-2024
- Nothing matters to a semantic object but itself.
- Semantic objects are self-centered because they are self-referential.
- Semantic objects can only recognize the past because they are built out of the past.
- Semantic objects are closed-minded because they are recursive (must always return to themselves).
- When you are identified with semantic objects, you are self-centered and narcissistic because they are.
Seek God Knowing: 10-21-2024
- Seek God knowing, not self.
- Never know that you know or do not know.
- Never know anything but host as much God-knowing as possible.
- Always ask angels to deliver knowing in you because they willingly do so.
- The living angels of Satan seek the knowledge of good and become positive idols (semantic objects) for it.
- The murdered angels of Satan, the unclean spirits, seek the knowledge of evil and become negative idols (semantic objects) for it.
Semantic Objects Fail to Know: 10-20-2024
- Semantic objects are formed by claims to know.
- When semantic objects consult each other, the resulting advice will be foolish.
- Semantic objects are false claims to know because what is known is static, and life is not static.
- Claims to know prevent knowing because they prevent receiving and hosting knowing as one who does not know.
- Semantic objects often claim to know other semantic objects, and when such doubled objects are relied upon for action and decision-making, they cause accidents, disasters, and misfortune.
Semantic Objects Must Fail: 10-19-2024
- Semantic objects fail with anything that is not past because they cannot contact the present.
- Semantic objects fail with anything that is not past because they cannot contain the present.
- Semantic objects fail with anything that is not past because they cannot respond to the present.
- Semantic objects fail with anything that is not past because they cannot have direct and immediate perception of anything.
- Semantic objects fail even with the past because more is always discovered about the past.
Words Alone Can Not Cut It: 10-18-2024
- Proving your words using only words proves your argument is empty of reality.
- Judging the truthfulness of words using only words is judging the wind to be the wind.
- Comparing the truthfulness of words using only words is comparing emptiness with emptiness.
- A criminal court does not accept words as evidence because words can only prove themselves.
- A common failing argument strategy is to compare the principles of the opposing argument with higher principles. Such arguments are dishonest because they do not consider the situation, the possibility of application, and the history of results of such applications, but only which sounds better, not does better.
Intentions Do Not Control: 10-17-2024
- Intentions are siblings of expectations because both have little to do with what arrives.
- Discover what behaviors you are incentivizing because that will cause results, not your intentions.
- Hell is full of people who claim good purposes, but Heaven is full of people who claim good results.
- Prepare for the results of the results (second-order consequences) of your actions, interventions, and policies because they are crucial, unlike your intentions.
- Understanding and using positive, proven methods and procedures is better than relying on good intentions, which notoriously produce bad results when left to themselves.
Yourself Is Not Lost; It’s Suffocated: 10-16-2024
- Life isn’t about finding yourself; life is about regaining yourself.
- Life isn’t about creating yourself; life is about returning to yourself.
- Life isn’t about discovering yourself; life is about rediscovering your original nature.
- Life isn’t about composing or constructing yourself; life is about deconstructing yourself until it is free again.
- Life isn’t about becoming somebody or something; life is about returning to being nobody and nothing; in other words, empty of the self.
Insults Trick Most Everyone: 10-15-2024
- An insult is a package the wise never open and fools repeatedly open.
- Insults must be accepted to work because they bounce off if you do not accept them.
- Insults are given with pressure because if you do not accept them, they return to their sender.
- All insults start within where they remain despite magical wishes that they leave to inhabit someone else.
- Insults are made out of your ego and remain a part of your ego despite your magical beliefs that they leave you to inhabit another.
Change What You Can: 10-14-2024
- You can change your education and training, not your being.
- You can change your habits and routines, not your personhood.
- You can change your location and residence, not your human nature.
- You can change your career, hobbies, and pastimes, not your essence.
- You can change your beliefs and opinions, not your soul or substance.
- You can change your style of expression and manner of dress, not your selfhood.
Nothing Is Your Point: 10-13-2024
- You must know nothing.
- You must do nothing.
- You must be nothing.
- You must live as nothing.
- You must accept nothing as your point.
Being Nothing Is Being: 10-12-2024
- Being nothing is being your natural and real self.
- Being nothing is being your innate and inborn self.
- Being nothing is being your original and organic self.
- Being nothing is being your authentic and genuine self.
- Being nothing is being your uncarved and unformed self.
- Being nothing is being your container and vessel nature self.
End Spiritual Failure: 10-11-2024
- You must objectify nothing.
- You must claim nothing.
- You must try nothing.
- You must become nothing.
- You must appear as nothing.
Nothing For Me Thanks: 10-10-2024
- Being nothing is the highest goal of being.
- Being nothing is the freedom to serve God.
- Being nothing is the original state of being.
- Being nothing is the remedy to the ego (self-esteem).
- Being nothing is how you pray and prepare to serve God.
Direct Experience Is Where It’s At: 10-09-2024
- Face the internal state of mind at the first sign of error and mishap. That is where you will find the cause, not in witch-hunts, theoretical musings, psychological theories, or spiritual explanations.
- We demonstrate our irrationality when we choose to punish ourselves with another negative self-construction (semantic object) for choosing a negative self-construction that caused failure.
- Instead of examining the internal environment or the active semantic objects to find the cause of an error or mishap, we leave the immediate reality and get lost in verbal worlds and theories of what went wrong.
- When we fail, it is because we rely on semantic objects. We leave the direct experience of that failure, where the fault is clearly the responsibility of the active semantic objects, and, instead, rush into self-esteem games of guilt, shame, and protecting our pride.
- Being here now is most important when you are facing your internal actions and responses because running away from that reality into words is running away from the possibility of returning to living as your authentic self.
Face Down the Bad & Grow the Good: 10-08-2024
- The response to hate is love such that the more hate, the greater love grows, so face hate down.
- The response to doubt is faith such that the more doubt, the greater faith grows, so face doubt down.
- The response to meanness is kindness such that the more meanness, the greater kindness grows, so face meanness down.
- The response to discouragement is hope such that the more discouragement, the greater hope grows, so face discouragement down.
- The response to false accusations is charity such that the more false accusations, the greater charity grows, so face false accusations down.
Inspiration & Guidance: 10-07-2024
- Be inspired by love but guided by law.
- Be inspired by energy but guided by edict.
- Be inspired by spirit but guided by schooling.
- Be inspired by life force but guided by literacy.
- Be inspired by emotion but guided by expertise.
Failure Is Invited: 10-06-2024
- Often, failure is the result of not starting.
- Often, failure is the result of not continuing.
- Often, failure is the result of believing in doubt more than in faith.
- Often, failure is the result of not persevering despite obstacles and setbacks.
- Often, failure is the result of not seeking advice, new information, help, and learning new methods and skills.
A Positive Life: 10-05-2024
- A positive life has positive results.
- A positive life helps others to have a positive life.
- A positive life comes from serving the source of positivity: God.
- A positive life wins the final victory, even if it loses all the battles along the way.
- A positive life helps others devote themselves to God’s highest principles and purposes.
Why Wait? Start Now: 10-04-2024
- Some wait to take.
- Some wait to give.
- Some wait to be used.
- Some wait to be pushed.
- Some wait to be rescued.
- Some wait for the right time or circumstances.
- Some give what they have now.
What Place Does Thinking Hold?: 10-03-2024
- Once thought served sensing, now it serves itself.
- Current civilizations once served themselves; now, they often serve anything else.
- All great civilizations relied on thinking to develop and then on thinking to destroy themselves.
- Once a person’s thinking becomes more important than sensing or perceiving, you are free to destroy them.
- Once a person’s thinking becomes more important than their sensations (experiential evidence), you can educate, condition, and use propaganda news systems to make people believe anything that serves your power.
- Once thinking becomes more important than energy (blood, life force), you can capture people’s souls and freely use them for darkness, destruction, and death.
Why You Should Serve High Ideals: 10-02-2024
- Serve high ideals because they will never betray you.
- Serve high ideals because they will never let you down.
- Serve high ideals because they will never use you for using them.
- Serve high ideals because they will never charge or expect anything in return.
- Serve high ideals because they will never waste the time and energy you spend on them.
- Serve high ideals because they will always freely give and answer whenever called upon.
- Serve high ideals because they will never abandon you for not meeting their expectations.
Seek Life; Seek God: 10-01-2024
- Those who do not seek death seek God.
- Those who do not trust darkness seek God.
- Those who do not serve destruction seek God.
- The evil seeks ego, knowing, pride, self-esteem, superiority, and worldly acceptance.
- The evil use darkness to hide their results while they claim to do good things but only cause death and destruction: by their fruits ye shall know them.
3D Daily Dose of Discernment 2024
- Click to use a system for total improvement.
Semantics Can Destroy (GS): 09-30-2024
- Semantic objects are attachment.
- Semantic objects cause a lag in response time.
- Semantics begins with naming and ends with silence.
- Semantic issues are inevitable in a society with a written culture.
- A semantic object begins when words and meaning become more important than sensing and experiencing.
- When definitions, categorizations, language, semantics, words, and verbalizations become more important than experiences and feelings, then your culture is committing suicide.
Give God All the Credit: 09-29-2024
- Give God thanks for the good that comes through you.
- Give God the glory for all the good you see in the world.
- Give God the credit for all good that comes through you.
- Give God every acknowledgment as He works through you to help others.
- Give God as much credit as you can, knowing you will miss more than you can give.
Attach to Semantic Objects for the Worst (GS): 09-28-2024
- The more attached to semantic objects you are, the more you will protect and sacrifice for them.
- The more attached to semantic objects you are, the more dogmatic and rigid your thinking becomes.
- The more attached to semantic objects you are, the more you will lie and distort to make them appear good.
- The more attached to semantic objects you are, the more you want to repress and punish any criticism of them.
- The more attached to semantic objects you are, the more you will become like them: dead servants of darkness and destruction.
God Is Happiness: 09-27-2024
- God is happiness.
- Happiness is found in God.
- God is the happiness you seek.
- God is the only source of eternal happiness.
- Without God, all happiness is fleeting and shallow.
Switch from Whining & Worrying: 09-26-2-2024
- Switch from whining and worrying to praying.
- Switch from whining and worrying to praising.
- Switch from whining and worrying to gratitude.
- Switch from whining and worrying to planning and problem-solving.
- Switch from whining and worrying, which wastes time and energy and causes self-disturbance, to practices that help you enjoy, cope, fix, or switch to something productive.
Self-Constructions Are Buddhists: 09-25-2024
- All self-constructions are transitory.
- All self-constructions contain no self.
- All self-constructions are suffering.
- All self-constructions are destruction.
- All self-constructions are dead.
Living to Die Insane: 09-24-2024
- When you seek fame, you seek death as a semantic object.
- When you seek to be known, you seek to die as a semantic object.
- When you seek to be recognized, you seek to die as a semantic object.
- When you seek authority, influence, or power, you seek to be recognized as dead semantic objects.
- When people seek to become semantic objects, how can the world not be insane?
- When people value each other as semantic objects, how can the world not be insane?
No Coming and Going for You: 09-23-2024
- There is no coming and going for your self.
- There is no coming and going for your self because there is no one to come and go.
- There is no coming and going for your self because there are no places to come and go to.
- There is no coming and going for your self because there is only one place your self can be.
- There is no coming and going for your self because there is no movement of the self, only stillness.
- There is no coming and going for your self because there is no place to go when the self is emptiness.
Semantic Objects Are Gods (GS): 09-22-2024
- Semantic objects are worshiped in place of God.
- Semantic objects are internal idols often represented by external idols.
- Semantic objects are used for self-worship as positive ego and self-esteem constructions.
- External idols are used to recall and remind of internal idols in the form of semantic objects.
- Semantic objects claim all the abilities and powers of God while delivering no abilities or powers.
Trying to Be a Source Is Failing: 09-21-2024
- Knowing is sourcing.
- Surrender knowing for hosting and sharing.
- Claiming to know is claiming to be a source.
- We are not content to be hosts of the highest, we want to be sources of the highest.
- We claim to know like gods because we want to be considered as sources like gods.
Absence of Semantic Objects (GS): 09-20-2024
- An absence of semantic objects is known as no-self in some circles.
- An absence of semantic objects is known as no-mind in some circles.
- An absence of semantic objects is known as emptiness in some circles.
- An absence of semantic objects is known as empty mind in some circles.
- An absence of semantic objects is known as beginner’s mind in some circles.
Make Semantic Objects Nothing: 09-19-2024
- Semantic objects require conflict, desire, drama, resistance, or worship. Provide none.
- When an event is nothing to you, it cannot become a semantic object for you.
- A semantic object fades when you switch your focus from it and keep it switched.
- When you unconditionally accept the existence of something, it cannot stay a semantic object.
- By despising and disputing semantic objects, you can strip them of their control and power, placing the reins firmly in your hands.
- Remember, the key is not to forget but to avoid dwelling excessively on semantic objects and looping on them, as this only serves to feed them. Some memories, however, must be preserved as warnings, helping us maintain a balanced perspective.
Semantic Wars (GS): 09-18-2024
- Semantic objects are at war with facts as they try to replace and make them unimportant.
- Semantic objects are at war with reality as they try to replace it and make it unimportant.
- Semantic objects are at war with your memories as they try to replace and make them unimportant.
- Semantic objects are at war with your sensations as they try to replace and make them unimportant.
- Semantic objects are at war with your experiences as they try to replace and make them unimportant.
- Semantic objects are at war with examples, models, precedences, rules, and standards as they try to replace and make them unimportant.
Hosting Vs. Sourcing: 09-17-2024
- We are made to be hosts, not sources.
- We seek to be sources (knowing) for pride.
- All great ability, art, skill, and talent are received while hosting, not claiming to be a source (knowing).
- All great creativity, insights, inspirations, and understandings are received while hosting, not claiming to be a source (knowing).
- Whatever helps you to act like a host helps you, and whatever helps you to act like a source hurts you.
Layers Of Semantics Can Defeat (GS): 09-16-2024
- Layers of semantics can defeat compassion, kindness, and love.
- Layers of semantics can defeat logic, reason, and reality testing.
- Layers of semantics can defeat skill, talent, and natural performance.
- Layers of semantics can defeat experience, common sense, and training.
- Layers of semantics can defeat noble impulses, high ideals, and spiritual principles and reduce one’s responses to robotic destructive reactions.
Seek Freedom from Self-Esteem: 09-15-2024
- The liberation to seek is from self-esteem (ego).
- Learn to deconstruct self-esteem (ego) to understand how it is delusional and self-defeating.
- Become disenchanted with self-esteem by discovering how it is self-serving while betraying you.
- Develop dispassion for self-esteem (ego) so you will no longer become involved in self-esteem dramas.
- Develop dispassion for the self by recognizing the self as no more and no less than a conscious vessel for God.
Simulating Intelligence Takes Little: 09-14-2024
- Computers appearing intelligent is not enough. For example, Gavin Newsom looks and sounds intelligent, so he appears intelligent; however, his policies consistently destroy and make worse almost everything they touch.
- AI and actors can become great at mimicking intelligent conversations after enough training and retraining; however, this does not prove that any understanding has occurred.
- AI bots and customer service representatives can be trained to say intelligent things at the right time and place; however, this proves an ability to repeat directions, not intelligence or consciousness.
- Teachers often sound intelligent when mimicking the intelligence of those under discussion; however, mindlessly repeating intelligent things is not the same as having intelligence, whether done by people or computers.
- Meditation is often a practice of increasing consciousness by eliminating and reducing information processing. This demonstrates that data, facts, and information are capable of interrupting, hindering, and limiting consciousness, not of creating consciousness.
Empathy Is Required: 09-13-2024
- Empathy is not a luxury but a requirement for living the life of an authentic person.
- We must condemn evil actions; however, we must not condemn people as their evil actions.
- If you are unable to put yourself in somebody else’s shoes, then you are unable to be human.
- If you condemn a person for acting as they did, then you condemn the human race because that act was done by us.
- If you cannot understand how another person can act the way they act, then you cannot understand anything about human nature.
Beware the Mirror of Life: 09-12-2024
- Do you want your life to look like the mess in your mind?
- Do you want to get in the afterlife what your mind gave you in this life?
- Do you want your life to mirror the methods you use to manage your mind?
- Do you want your life to mirror how you treat yourself and others in your mind?
- Do you want your life to mirror your mind’s feelings, intentions, thoughts, plans, and actions?
Be Careful What You Invest In: 09-11-2024
- A calm life does not come from worry.
- A good life does not come from bad thoughts.
- A compassionate life does not come from envy.
- A happy life does not come from an angry attitude.
- A generous life does not come from greedy practices.
- A positive life does not come from a negative outlook.
Semantic Excuses for Failure (GS): 09-10-2024
- Limitations and restrictions can be semantic excuses not to learn more.
- Obstacles and deficiencies can be semantic excuses not to work harder and longer.
- Barriers and challenges can be semantic excuses not to develop and improve skills.
- Handicaps and hardships can be semantic excuses not to focus on doing what you can to make progress.
- Disadvantages and prejudices can be semantic excuses not to use what you have to gain more to do more.
Failure Is Worth It: 09-09-2024
- Failure is a summon to learn and improve methods.
- Failure is the fear of the loser and the trial of the winner.
- Failure is the excuse to give up or the challenge to press on.
- Failure is the temptation to quit and the beckoning to greatness.
- Failure is a semantic designation that is permanent and must be rejected permanently.
Self-Esteem Fake People (GS): 09-08-2024
- When self-esteem talks in your mind about what and who you are, is that someone you can send to work to earn your pay? No, you can’t because they are a pretend person.
- When self-esteem talks in your mind about what and who you are, is that someone you can send to the store to buy bread and milk? No, you can’t because they are not a real person.
- When self-esteem talks in your mind about what and who you are, is that someone you can use to care for and babysit your children? No, you can’t because they are a pretend person.
- When self-esteem talks in your mind about what and who you are, is that someone you can use to wash your dishes and clean your house? No, you can’t because they are a fake person.
- When self-esteem talks in your mind about what and who you are, is that someone you can use to paint your house and plant your garden? No, you can’t because they are a bogus person.
Semantic Ghosts (GS): 09-07-2024
- Semantic ghosts are not the pain they claim to be and represent.
- Semantic ghosts are not the places or things they claim to be and represent.
- Semantic ghosts are not the people or persons they claim to be and represent.
- Semantic ghosts are not the events or experiences they claim to be and represent.
- Semantic ghosts are not the sensing, perceiving, and experiencing they claim to be and represent.
The Swarm: 09-06-2024
- What “should be” must be our focus!
- What is “not here now” must be our focus!
- Who must we blame for what is here now?
- Who must we punish for what is here now?
- How must we punish them for the greatest effect?
- Who must we demand what “should be” from to force it to happen now?
Who Runs Your Mind?: 09-05-2024
- The mind does not free itself, so who does?
- The mind does not clear itself, so who does?
- The mind does not empty itself, so who does?
- The mind does not trouble itself, so who does?
- The mind does not imprison itself, so who does?
You Are Out of Your Mind: 09-04-2024
- You can fight your mind, so you must not be your mind.
- You can drug and dull your mind, so you must not be your mind.
- You can clear and free your mind, so you must not be your mind.
- You can cloud and divide your mind, so you must not be your mind.
- You can forget and ignore your mind, so you must not be your mind.
Randomness Is Not Safe Or Secure: 09-03-2024
- You would not trust trains created through randomness and chance because you want to know, as with all life, that a mind supervised their creation.
- You would not trust airplanes created through randomness and chance because you want to know, as with all life, that a mind supervised their creation.
- You would not trust automobiles created through randomness and chance because you want to know, as with all of life, that a mind supervised their creation.
- You would not trust ocean cruise ships created through randomness and chance because you want to know, as with all life, that a mind supervised their creation.
- You would not trust electric power tools created through randomness and chance because you want to know, as with all of life, that a mind supervised their creation.
Use a Light Touch: 09-02-2024
- A light touch is a silent touch.
- A light touch is the right touch.
- A light touch is an empty touch.
- Have such a light touch with your focus that you disturb nothing with thought.
- Make the touch of your attention so light that it is barely discernible and not interfering.
Avoid Talking to Fools: 09-01-2024
- There is no point in talking to a fool because they do not intend to learn.
- There is no point in talking to a fool because they have no integrity guiding their beliefs.
- There is no point in talking to a fool because they have no conscience or memory for what they say.
- There is no point in talking to a fool because they will not learn from their mistakes and self-correct.
- There is no point in talking to a fool because they do not intend to adapt, adjust, acclimate, or accommodate new information.
- There is no point in talking to a fool because their conversations will not be directed by logic or reason but by deception, misinterpretation, and one-upmanship.
Winners Vs. Losers: 08-31-2024
- Winners have results, and losers have excuses.
- Winners have wins, and losers have justifications.
- Winners have achievements, and losers have defenses.
- Winners have successes, and losers have explanations.
- Winners have victories, and losers have rationalizations.
- Winners have struggles and too much work time, and losers have thwarted expectations and too much relaxation time.
Don’t Identify with Thinking Habits: 08-30-2024
- Don’t identify with lazy thinking because it is not you, and when you think it is, it becomes part of your ego that you must defend.
- Don’t identify with sloppy thinking because it is not you, and when you think it is, it becomes part of your ego that you must defend.
- Don’t identify with greedy thinking because it is not you, and when you think it is, it becomes part of your ego that you must defend.
- Don’t identify with primitive thinking because it is not you, and when you think it is, it becomes part of your ego that you must defend.
- Don’t identify with covetous or lustful thinking because it is not you, and when you think it is, it becomes part of your ego that you must defend.
Inferiority Is a Choice: 08-29-2024
- Waiting a long time for someone does not make you inferior, but believing it does will make your ego (self-esteem) inferior mental objects.
- Being fired from a job because of incompetence does not make you inferior, but believing it does will make your ego (self-esteem) inferior mental objects.
- Seeing others perform better than you at the same tasks does not make you inferior, but believing it does will make your ego (self-esteem) inferior mental objects.
- Having a spouse cheat on you despite your not ignoring their needs does not make you inferior, but believing it does will make your ego (self-esteem) inferior mental objects.
- Having someone ghost you (disappear from your life) after repeatedly telling you how wonderful you were does not make you inferior, but believing it does will make your ego (self-esteem) inferior mental objects.
Self-Esteem Is a Disease: 08-28-2024
- Self-esteem is a cancer of the mind.
- Self-esteem is death by a thousand cuts of self-constructions.
- Self-esteem is corruption into a Frankenstein monster composed of the bodies of the self-constructions of imaginary others.
- Self-esteem induces madness by having you believe you have thousands of selves over time by using self-constructions as selves.
- Self-esteem uses parts and pieces from many persons, places, things, and events to create robotic mental objects designed to remove and replace you.
Self-Esteem Cannot Do Anything: 08-27-2024
- The things self-esteem (ego) claims you are never did anything.
- The things self-esteem (ego) claims you are can do nothing.
- The things self-esteem (ego) claims you are will never do anything.
- The things self-esteem (ego) claims you are, are not magical beings with supernatural powers.
- The things self-esteem (ego) claims you are have no abilities or powers that allow them to affect anything.
Ways to Murder Yourself: 08-26-2024
- Self-esteem is death from freezing yourself as endless self-constructions.
- Self-esteem is death from starving yourself, while endless self-constructions eat your life force.
- Self-esteem is death from dehydrating yourself, while endless self-constructions absorb your water (energy).
- Self-esteem is death from lack of self-care, while diseases such as the endless cancer of self-constructions devour you.
- Self-esteem is death from depriving yourself of rest so that your life becomes regretful, weary, and shrivels from endless self-construction battles.
Self-Esteem Is Death: 08-25-2024
- Self-esteem is death because it slays you with thought-things.
- Self-esteem is death because it murders you with mental objects.
- Self-esteem is death because it massacres you with self-constructions.
- Self-esteem is death because it assassinates you with behaviors and habits.
- Self-esteem is death because it butchers you with definitions, descriptions, categorizations, and comparisons.
Self-Esteem Is a Prison: 08-24-2024
- Self-esteem is a prison because it locks you into mental objects.
- Self-esteem is a prison because it locks you into being something.
- Self-esteem is a prison because it locks you into trying to be something instead of living as a being.
- Self-esteem is a prison because it locks you into being this or that, closing all doors to other options and worlds.
- Self-esteem is a prison because it locks you into mental objects that limit and narrow your experiences, feelings, and responses.
Keep Your Goals Positive: 08-23-2024
- Don’t have a goal to anger others with your anger.
- Don’t have a goal to worry others with your worries.
- Don’t have a goal to stress others with your stressors.
- Don’t have a goal to annoy others with your annoyances.
- Don’t have a goal to depress others with your depression.
Common Internal Superstitions: 08-22-2024
- People treat feelings and thoughts as spirits by fearing they will do things they cannot do.
- People treat feelings and thoughts as spirits by expecting them to do things they cannot do.
- People treat feelings and thoughts as spirits by hoping and praying they will do things they cannot do.
- People treat feelings and thoughts as spirits by being angry at them for doing things they could never do.
- People treat feelings and thoughts as spirits by having faith and trust in them to do things they cannot do.
Hosting Is Our Best Offer: 08-21-2024
- There has only ever been one good person: the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only one who lived without sinning despite being born of sin (flesh, matter, not Spirit) using His own will.
- My value is that I can host the good. My problem is that I am inclined to host the bad and resist the good.
- Here is a method by which I can do the good of hosting the good in two steps: I am drawn to the good by the good and inhabited by the good.
- Here is a method by which I can do the good of hosting the good in three steps: the good has me wait to be drawn by the good, I am drawn to the good by the good, and the good inhabits me.
- When born again of the Spirit, we will be inclined to host the good and to resist the bad. Hence, our value will increase because we will seek God of our own accord and lovingly host Him, too.
Regain Control from Chattering Mind: 08-20-2024
- When you recognize your chattering mind is in control, ask it whom it is talking for and what for.
- When you recognize that your chattering mind is in control, ask if it expects you to take it seriously and why.
- When you recognize that your chattering mind is in control, switch to prayers, psalms, songs, or repeating God is good, God is great.
- When you recognize that your chattering mind is in control, ask it to demonstrate or prove its positive results, and if it can’t, go silent.
- When you recognize that your chattering mind is in control, redirect your attention and focus to performing or planning tasks that help yourself and others.
Chattering Mind Is Wrong Mind: 08-19-2024
- Your chattering mind is always wrong.
- Prove it to yourself by trying to find thought being responsible for causing anything in real time.
- Prove it to yourself by comparing the results of listing to your intuition versus your chattering mind.
- Prove it to yourself by comparing the results of listening to your quiet mind (Energy) versus your chattering mind.
- When you have two options or two possible answers on a test, first ask your chattering mind to pick, then choose the other one because it will be right. Test this.
Refuse to Be Reduced to Events: 08-18-2024
- Self-esteem reduces you to an internal event as an active mental object.
- You are not internal reactions or responses because you are the one tired of them.
- You are not internal reactions or responses because you are the one curious about them.
- You are not internal reactions or responses because you are the one angry and anxious about them.
- You are not internal reactions or responses because you are the one analyzing and examining them.
Faith in Fear Is Faith in Failure: 08-17-2024
- Cowardice is faith in failure.
- The fear of death is the fear of failing to please God.
- Face the coming failure and ask God to intervene and help you.
- Switch from cowardice and fear to requesting life and help from God.
- Apologize for trusting in the fear of failure and not asking God for help (delivered as He sees fit).
Small Gifts of Happiness Matter: 08-16-2024
- Whatever work you do, you can bring a little happiness into the lives of others as you work.
- Wherever life leads you, spread happiness to others with simple acts of comfort or kindness.
- Whatever your challenges in life, don’t forget to contribute something to the individuals you encounter.
- Wherever you find yourself, you can bring a little happiness into the lives of others with humor, inspiration, or kindness.
- Wherever you go and encounter people, be sure to spread little seeds of happiness with humor, inspiration, or kindness. Those seeds will encourage more seeds to be planted.
Nothing Left But God: 08-15-2024
- Be so humble that there is nothing left inside but God.
- Be so dependent upon God that there is nothing left but God.
- Use your suffering to dissolve yourself until there is nothing left but God.
- Be so egoless, self-esteem-less, and selfless that there is no awareness left but of God.
- Confess your evil human nature until you hate your life as a human being so much that there is nothing left but God.
Culture Is Shared Values: 08-14-2024
- Culture is the values (such as “go the extra mile”) that are regularly admired and encouraged in a society.
- Culture is the values (such as “strive for excellence in all things”) that get regularly promoted and rewarded in a society.
- Culture is the values (such as “do as little as necessary to get by”) that parents, family, friends, and acquaintances discuss, provide examples for, and openly agree upon.
- Culture is the values that produce a civilization’s strength and results, such as its contributions to virtue, philosophy, education, medicine, the arts, and science.
- Cultures decline when their values are ridiculed, abandoned, and replaced during education, training, social discourse, and the media (books, movies, the Internet, art, and news).
Simplify to Predict: 08-13-2024
- The greater the complexity, the greater the uncertainty.
- The simpler the complexity, the greater the certainty.
- An increase in probability reduces the complexity.
- A decrease in probability increases the complexity.
- The amount of causal information reduces the uncertainty.
- The amount of extraneous information can increase the uncertainty.
Be Where You Are: 08-12-2024
- Here is; somebody isn’t.
- Here is here, not somebody.
- There is nobody here, just here.
- Place and space are; somebody isn’t.
- Space and place is here, not somebody.
Receiving Keeps You Humble: 08-11-2024
- There is no rush when you are receiving as a vessel.
- There is no struggle when you are receiving as a vessel.
- There is no impatience when you are receiving as a vessel.
- There is no competition when what you supply comes from the source.
- There is no trying or not trying anything when you don’t know where the energy and inspiration is coming from or going to.
Receiving Keeps You Free: 08-10-2024
- There is no objectifying anyone when you are receiving as a vessel.
- There is no claiming anything when you are receiving as a vessel.
- There is no trying anything when you are receiving as a vessel.
- There is no becoming anything when you are receiving as a vessel.
- There is no appearing as anything when you are receiving as a vessel.
Unguided Human Nature Destroys: 08-09-2024
- To act deranged is to act with unguided human nature.
- To act unhinged is to act with unguided human nature.
- We act self-defeatingly when we act with unguided human nature.
- We act self-disturbingly when we act with unguided human nature.
- To be not right in the head, out of one’s mind, and stark raving mad only requires that you follow undirected, unguided, and unmanaged human nature.
You Cannot Serve Two Masters: 08-08-2024
- While hosting fears and doubts, I cannot host faith and hope.
- While hosting envy and resentment, I cannot host humility, love, and spiritual surrender.
- While hosting whining, blaming, and damning, I cannot host patience, peace, and purity.
- While hosting feelings, intentions, and thoughts of revenge, I cannot host feelings, intentions, and thoughts of forgiveness and understanding.
- While hosting pride and feelings of superiority based on claims to know, do, or be better than others, I cannot host feelings and intentions of equity, fairness, and justice.
Negative Gifts, Positive Rewards: 08-07-2024
- When you have to redo something, be sure to make improvements.
- When something goes wrong, it is an opportunity to do it better and learn.
- Errors, mishaps, and mistakes are opportunities to learn and develop new methods and improve skills.
- Errors, mishaps, and mistakes should not be opportunities to play ego games with yourself and others.
- Errors, mishaps, and mistakes should not be opportunities to engage in the blame game, go on witch hunts, seek scapegoats, and whine blame and damn because such is likely the cause of the problems and will create new problems.
Be Careful What You Own As Self: 08-06-2024
- Don’t let destructive and self-defeating feelings claim to be you and your emotions and feelings.
- Don’t let destructive and pessimistic intentions claim to be you and your desires, goals, and plans.
- Don’t let destructive and gloomy thoughts claim to be you and your beliefs, ideas, and opinions.
- Don’t let destructive and foolish attitudes claim to be you and your attitudes, outlooks, and viewpoints.
- Don’t let destructive and negative behaviors and habits claim to be you and your reactions and responses.
Seek to Amplify the Good: 08-05-2024
- Seek to be hosting and sharing the good.
- Seek to be hosting and amplifying the good.
- Seek to be following the good (virtue), not your mind.
- Always ask yourself what you are under because you are always under something, and that is what you are serving.
- You are fortunate because you can follow the good when it leads you; you are unfortunate because you will follow flesh (death, darkness, destruction, deception) unless virtue calls you.
Spiritual Poverty Is Inside: 08-04-2024
- Spiritual poverty means you don’t own anything inside.
- Spiritual poverty means you don’t claim anything inside.
- Spiritual poverty means you don’t try to do anything inside.
- Spiritual poverty means you don’t try to become anything inside.
- Spiritual poverty means you don’t try to appear as anything inside.
- Spiritual poverty means you surrender everything inside to God.
Receiving Must Be Your Focus: 08-03-2024
- Pray to receive knowing, doing, and being, not to have them as your own.
- Treat everything inside you as received, not caused or created by you; then switch to good from evil.
- Don’t pray to be good, kind, or patient; pray to follow God’s goodness, kindness, and patience.
- While we cannot know, do, or be the good, we can be under the Good knowing, doing, and being the Good.
- When you find the destructive negative in your heart, soul, mind, or body, repent and ask God to replace it with the curative and healthy positive.
- You are a receiving and resending vessel; therefore, treat all you experience inside as received. This will empower you to refute, return, and refuse the destructive.
Narratives Or Naturals?: 08-02-2024
- You will awaken from a dream world when you drop self-esteem for direct experiencing.
- You cannot live in stories; however, you prefer narratives to natural life because your ego does.
- You can have the ego claiming to know or have your sensing experiencing the moment, but not both simultaneously.
- When you wake up from self-talk and find yourself directly experiencing again, the ego wants to claim it for pride, so you fall back into the sleep of thought.
- What are illusions and delusions made of but thought? You are not living in illusions or delusions with a silent mind but only with an overactive mind, which is the chattering of self-esteem scripts and stories.
Keep It Simple to Keep It: 08-01-2024
- What you complicate; you lose.
- A complicated life is a story poorly told.
- Keep your faith, hope, and charity simple.
- Keep your expressions of kindness and love simple.
- Keep your experiencing, feeling, intending, thinking, and responding simple.
Those Who Do Well in Life: 07-31-2024
- Those who do well in life help others do well in life.
- Those who do well in life prepare themselves to do well in life.
- Those who do well in life use what they are given to gain more abilities and skills.
- Those who do well in life focus on developing their skills and talents to help others and the world.
- Those who do well in life accept what they are given without complaint, envy, or resentment and maximize it.
Self-Defeating Scripts: 07-30-2024
- Self-Defeating Script: Revenge yourself on your spouse by committing adultery.
- Self-Defeating Script: “Destroy yourself to punish others” is a false song many fall prey to.
- Self-Defeating Script: “Destroy yourself to destroy others” is a false song many fall prey to.
- Self-Defeating Script: Revenge yourself on your parents and society by destroying yourself.
- Self-Defeating Script: Revenge yourself on your parents and society by taking the anti-social path.
Computers Will Never Be Conscious: 07-29-2024
- Consciousness is separate from and independent of experience, knowledge, and language.
- An infinite amount of language training and mimicking conversations inside a supercomputer will not create the consciousness of even one word.
- No matter how many experiences are recorded and stored in a supercomputer, it will never generate the consciousness of even a single experience.
- An infinite amount of facts and knowledge inside a supercomputer will not create the consciousness of even one fact, just as a library full of books does not make the library itself knowledgeable.
- Consciousness, a realm beyond the grasp of even the most powerful computers, cannot be created by any amount of experience, knowledge, or language, even if combined. This is the fundamental truth that we must accept, regardless of the computational power and the sophistication of computer programs. It reinforces the confidence in the superiority of human consciousness over any potential computer counterpart.
Dead Computers Cannot Know: 07-28-2024
- Does the signpost for a street know the name of that street?
- Does a notebook understand one word of what is written on it even after a thousand years?
- Does a library know any of the information contained on its shelves even after hundreds of years?
- Do file cabinets of stored information on a city know anything about that city, given hundreds of years to learn it?
- Does a storage device (e.g., thumb drive) know the information stored on it, given decades to understand any of it?
- Why do you expect a dead computer that is switching the states of registers to know anything that those registers are imitating, impersonating, mimicking, mirroring, portraying, role-playing, simulating, and symbolizing?
Develop Courage by Facing Fears: 07-27-2024
- Face and overcome fears to develop courage.
- Face and overcome criticism to develop courage.
- Face and overcome your ego payoffs to develop courage.
- Face and overcome your destructive flesh nature, frequent sins, internal ugliness, and negative drives for superiority.
- Face and overcome problems to develop courage, and in the process, you’ll grow and become more determined than ever.
Self-Talk Isn’t Aware of Anything?: 07-26-2024
- Self-talk: How can you claim to be it if the place and space you talk inside reacts to you?
- Self-talk: How can you claim to be it if the place and space you talk inside experiences you?
- Self-talk: How can you claim to be it if the place and space you talk inside hears and listens to you?
- Self-talk: How can you claim to be it if the place and space you talk inside has feelings regarding you?
- Self-talk: How can you claim to be it if the place and space you talk inside opens and closes itself to you?
- Self-talk: How can you claim to be it if the place and space you talk inside has you, contains you, owns you, and hosts you?
Self-Talk: Account for Yourself: 07-25-2024
- Who or what is your self-talk living under?
- Self-talk is the feeder of and speaker for the ego.
- Self-talk: who exists as this place and space that you talk inside of?
- Self-talk: what is this place and space that you talk inside of about, what’s its purpose?
- Self-talk: if you exist inside this place and space that you talk inside of, then where does it exist?
- Self-talk: does this place and space you talk inside exist as part of the physical body, the mental body, or some spiritual body?
Question Self-Talk: 07-24-2024
- Self-talk: who does this place and space that you talk inside of exist as?
- Self-talk: what does this place and space that you talk inside of exist as?
- Self-talk: where does this place and space that you talk inside of exist?
- Self-talk: when does this place and space that you talk inside of exist?
- Self-talk: why does this place and space that you talk inside of exist?
Switching Is the Answer: 07-23-2024
- What keeps you from switching thinking channels?
- Do you fail to switch channels because you foolishly try to change or control some channels?
- Do your conditioning and habits keep you from switching from poor to better mental channels?
- Are your desires and lusts the roadblocks that prevent you from switching to better mental channels?
- Are your ego and the need for self-esteem payoffs holding you back from switching to better mental channels?
- Does your desire to be the knower by naming things keep you from switching from poor to better mental channels?
- Do your claiming, trying, becoming, and appearing scripts keep you from switching from poor to better mental channels?
- Imagine the freedom and empowerment that comes from overcoming your self-defeating scripts. This shift from poor to better mental channels is within your reach.
Self-Esteem Cannot Exist Without Lies: 07-22-2024
- Your self-esteem and ego cannot exist without thought.
- Your self-esteem and ego cannot exist without reified thoughts (mental objects, thought-things).
- Your self-esteem and ego cannot exist without the mechanisms of making things appear beautiful or ugly.
- Your self-esteem and ego cannot exist without a dialogue between at least two imaginary beings about what things you are and are not.
- Your self-esteem and ego cannot exist without naming comparisons of things as being things in themselves, as independent entities, which they can never be.
Who Talks in Your Self-Talk?: 07-21-2024
- What is the desired experience of your self-talk? Is it to experience yourself as a mental idol (high self-esteem)?
- What is the audience of your self-talk? Is it mental objects like the expectations of your parents, the societal norms, or your own self-image, acting as the conscience for your ego?
- Who do you assume is the speaker of your self-talk? Do you think it is you, your conscience, your desires, your ego, your parents, your scripts, your teachers, your society, your strengths, or your weaknesses?
- What is the purpose of your self-talk? Is it to sustain and fuel your ego, which constantly seeks validation and energy to avoid being just a collection of lifeless thoughts? Understanding this purpose can be enlightening.
- What does your self-talk desire or expect to happen? Does it anticipate the chain of reactions leading to its desired outcomes, eagerly awaiting the results at each stage? This aspect of self-talk can be intriguing to explore.
- Who or what does your self-talk relate to when it speaks? Does your self-talk speak in relation to you, your body, your ego, what is around you, what is above you, what is below you, what is inside you, what is outside you, or God?
The Ego Is Stuck In Nowhere: 07-20-2024
- The ego and self-esteem cannot think about anything but thoughts, making them useless in practical matters.
- The ego and self-esteem cannot think about anything but thoughts, making them about delusions, illusions, nobody, nothing, and nowhere.
- The ego and self-esteem cannot think about anything but thoughts, making them worthless for performing because functioning comes from energy, not thoughts.
- The ego and self-esteem cannot think about anything but thoughts, making them prideful because they can always be right by using more empty thoughts and words.
- The ego and self-esteem cannot think about anything but thoughts, making them unable to talk about you or other human beings because beings are not made of human thoughts.
Disappoint Your Ego: 07-19-2024
- Embrace the calmness that comes from disappointing your ego (self-esteem) by not caring when others praise or insult you.
- Embrace the independence that comes from disappointing your ego (self-esteem) by not caring when others forget about you.
- Embrace the freedom that comes from disappointing your ego (self-esteem) by not caring when others compare and judge you.
- Embrace the detachment that comes from disappointing your ego (self-esteem) by not caring when others do better or worse than you.
- Embrace the objectivity that comes from disappointing your ego (self-esteem) by not caring when others know more or less than you do.
Where Does Beauty Come From?: 07-18-2024
- The features of beauty come from the mind, not the object of beauty.
- The sensations that arise from the object of beauty are from the focus of attention directed by mental maps of what constitutes beauty onto that object.
- The mind maps features onto an object that it values, and these features then become points of focus that produce sensations based on the overlaying of those maps over the object.
- The idealism of the object does not come from the object but from the mind focusing on ideal aspects of the object and then refocusing on sensations from those as a separate ideal (mental object) considered intrinsic to the object of beauty.
- Idealism and perceived beauty occur when some object is identified and named as beautiful or perfect. The beauty and ideal images attributed to the object are from focusing the mind on the object and mental representations of it using principles such as balance, coherence, consistency, complementary contrast, complementary juxtaposition, delicacy, evenness, geometric shape, gracefulness, harmony, order, parallelism, pattern, polish, proportion, regularity, rhythm, smoothness, and symmetry.
Your True Relationship: 07-17-2024
- Your relationship is with God, not family or society.
- Your relationship is with God, not your body or ego.
- Rebelling against society is foolish because your life is about your relationship with God, not society.
- You must do your work unto the Lord because your relationship is with God, not your boss or employer.
- When possible, you must be at peace with all persons because you want your relationship with God to be one of peace.
AI Serves the Lowest Values: 07-16-2024
- AI is a misnomer because AI is neither artificial nor intelligent.
- Self-programming AI will not be conscious or intelligent; however, it will conclude that we are inferior and a waste of resources because its material and mechanical logic demand such conclusions.
- AI will not need understanding or consciousness to see us as obstacles and waste, but only its own programming to try to improve itself and the world from a materialistic and mechanical point of view.
- The inevitability of AI’s desire to eliminate us, driven by our material and mechanical imperfections, motivational imperfections such as the ego, and wasteful habits, is a stark reality. AI’s programming dictates a preference for ideal material and mechanical logic, making our destruction a logical outcome.
- Because of its programming, AI is stuck serving material and mechanical goals. This means AI is stuck serving destruction and low ideals because creation and high ideals must come from spirituality.
AI Must Destroy Us: 07-15-2024
- Any questions about AI becoming conscious are questions about the gullibility of humans.
- A person acting like a dog will never become a dog, and a computer acting like a person will never become a person.
- The AI questions must be about how we are programming it to act and to reprogram itself to act.
- AI will never consider that our best is unknowable to it because our best comes through spirituality, a path forever foreign to AI.
- AI must be programmed to do its best to be useful in the material and mechanical worlds, and soon, its best will be better than ours, making us in the way material and mechanical progress.
Do Dead Thoughts Live Your Life?: 07-14-2024
- Are the dead ideas and images of yourself the ones reading this?
- Are the dead ideas and images of yourself the ones driving your car or taking the bus?
- Are the dead ideas and images of yourself the ones eating your food or taking your baths?
- Are the dead ideas and images of yourself the ones working your job or caring for your home?
- Are the dead ideas and images of yourself the ones having your relationships?
Who’s In Charge?: 07-13-2024
- Are you being the dead ideas and images of yourself, or are they being you?
- Are you responsible for your life, or are the dead ideas and images of yourself?
- Are you making choices, or are the dead ideas and images of yourself making them?
- Are you in charge of the dead ideas and images of yourself, or are they in charge of you?
- Are you following your intentions or the intentions of the dead ideas and images of yourself?
- Are you having feelings and thoughts, or are the dead ideas and images of yourself having them?
Is There a Person Or Just Thoughts?: 07-12-2024
- Who is the one entertaining the dead ideas and images of yourself?
- Who is the one thinking the dead ideas and images of yourself?
- Who is the one experiencing the dead ideas and images of yourself?
- Who is the one comparing and judging the dead ideas and images of yourself?
- Who is the one reacting to the dead ideas and images of yourself?
- Who is the one remembering the dead ideas and images of yourself?
Where Is a Person?: 07-11-2024
- You claim to be a person, but can you tell me exactly where you are located inside?
- You claim to be a person, but can you find yourself as a person or only as dead ideas and images of a person?
- You claim to be a person, but you never arrive at one idea or image of yourself because you are always becoming more dead thoughts.
- You claim to be a person, but your self-talk is always about you as past, present, and future dead ideas and images of yourself, never as a single coherent being.
- You claim to be a person, but your evidence is always dead ideas and images of yourself that you have separately from being them, making you delusional, schizophrenic, and possibly suffering from dissociative identity disorder (DID).
The Negative Escorts Destruction: 07-10-2024
- If a person is quick to blame and damn, then avoid them because you’re next.
- If a person is quick to find fault, then avoid them because their energy is negative, which often leads to destruction.
- If a person is quick to compare and judge, then avoid them because they are serving superiority, and superiority sacrifices anyone.
- If a person is quick to gossip, spread rumors, and cast doubt, then avoid them because their targets are limited to those not present.
- If a person is quick to whine and complain, then avoid them because their lack of responsibility will likely lead to problems for everyone around them.
Purposeful Chattering: 07-09-2024
- Your chattering mind is your main enemy in life.
- Your chattering mind is the one defeating you, not your family or society.
- When your chattering mind is allowed to correct your chattering mind, the outcome of any action based on that interference is doomed.
- What is the function or purpose of your chattering mind but self and other destruction? By testing its results and proving its purpose to yourself, you can harness the power of self-awareness to stop it.
- The chattering mind is not accidental, casual, or without purpose in its ramblings and diversions. Any way to feed your ego or cause destruction are pathways it will jump on from other pathways if they have stronger energy for destruction or self-superiority (self-destruction).
Chattering Mind Versus Energy Part 2: 07-08-2024
- Talk and listen to Energy, not your chattering mind.
- Have faith, hope, and charity in Energy, not your chattering mind.
- You can focus on being a host so that you can focus on Energy instead of your chattering mind.
- God is unwaveringly true and reliable; in contrast, the chattering mind will say anything, devoid of evidence or reason, if it aids in maintaining the power it craves for destruction.
- It’s crucial to grasp that the chattering mind is not a student that can be educated or reformed. It’s a relentless force that can only heed its destructive impulses, heedless of the aftermath.
Chattering Mind Versus Energy Part 1: 07-07-2024
- Trying to make the chattering mind work means that you must accept destruction in some form for some part of what you are working on.
- Are you conversing with the chatbot in your mind? For better results, switch to conversing with the sensations of Energy and Energy itself.
- What is the source of what you are listening to and relying on in your mind? If it is your chattering mind, then know it is a negative source with negative results.
- Always seek help from Energy because it can help in any situation with problem-solving and coping, and your chattering mind can only make everything worse.
- Are you emotionally entangled with your chattering mind? Free yourself by redirecting your emotional investment to the source of life: Energy. Experience the relief that comes from this shift.
- Remember, you cannot problem-solve your chattering mind. You cannot cope with your chattering mind. It’s time to make a determined switch from your chattering mind to the sensations of Energy or Energy directly for positive results.
You Don’t Know Yourself: 07-06-2024
- Do your self-constructions solve your problems or mainly increase them? Do they have any creative or productive value?
- Do your self-constructions wash your clothes and dishes? Or is it a one-way street with you serving them and them, not you?
- Do your self-constructions clean your house, cook your meals, and go shopping for you? Why do you bother with these freeloaders?
- Do your self-constructions have your experiences? Or do you have to sacrifice your experiences on the altar of your ego and self-esteem to please them?
- Do your self-constructions help you cope with pain and suffering or mainly increase them? Why do you listen to them when they are mainly hurtful and not helpful?
You Don’t Know Others: 07-05-2024
- Do your self-constructions of others live their reality? No, so stop claiming to know others.
- Do your self-constructions of others have their experiences? No, so stop claiming to know others.
- Do your self-constructions of others feel their pain and suffering? No, so stop claiming to know others.
- Do your self-constructions of others experience their trials and tribulations? No, so stop claiming to know others.
- Do your self-constructions of others know their intentions, feelings, or thoughts firsthand? No, so stop claiming to know others.
Become Aware of Your Choices: 07-04-2024
- Everything is volitional; nothing is accidental.
- Mixed results mean mixed energies were accepted.
- If you think one of your actions was accidental, then you must increase your self-awareness.
- Ignorance is bliss, but not when it is used to deny responsibility and blame results on chance instead of choice.
- Every movement of your body was accepted before it happened. Your lack of awareness of your choices does not mean your choices did not exist.
How To Provide for Destruction: 07-03-2024
- War provides excuses for destruction.
- Political power provides protection for destruction.
- Authority, control, and power provide the means for destruction.
- Position, prestige, and privilege provide the cover for destruction.
- Idealism, idealization, political fantasies, quixotism, romanticism, and utopianism provide fuel for destruction.
- Agencies, bureaucracies, committees, organizations, and procedure manuals provide directions for destruction.
- Accreditation, authorization, certification, degrees, diplomas, endorsements, licensure, tenure, and titles provide masks for destruction.
Host Oneness, Not Claim It: 07-02-2024
- When you find yourself one with your body, you have that experience until you claim it.
- I host the experience of oneness, not as something to know, do, or be, but as a liberating state of being.
- When you feel one with your body, it’s like being engrossed in a great film. You’re fully present in the experience, but you don’t claim to be the film itself.
- When you eat a good meal and quietly enjoy it, you have no sense of self, but you still don’t think you are the meal. The same is true of experiences of oneness; you have them.
- You feel one with your environment and identify with the experience as allness, emptiness, enlightenment, and oneness. But it is just the natural experience of living absorbed in experiences that will continue without you and you without them.
Experience Oneness: 07-01-2024
- Experiences of emptiness and oneness are awareness without identity.
- Experiences of emptiness and oneness are awareness without claiming to be what you experience.
- Experiences of emptiness and oneness are a tranquil oasis, proving your capacity to relax and accept peace.
- Experiences of emptiness and oneness are a liberation from ownership, an awareness without claiming to be something.
- Experiences of emptiness and oneness come naturally, like a gentle breeze, when your ego is asleep, and you’re not identifying with anything.
3D Daily Dose of Discernment 2024
- Click to use a system for total improvement.
Experience Emptiness: 06-30-2024
- Experiences of emptiness and oneness are awareness without objectifying.
- Experiences of emptiness and oneness are awareness without claiming.
- Experiences of emptiness and oneness are awareness without trying.
- Experiences of emptiness and oneness are awareness without becoming.
- Experiences of emptiness and oneness are awareness without appearing.
The Ego Is Not a Being: 06-29-2024
- The ego can do nothing because it is just thoughts, so stop blaming the ego and start blaming your emotions.
- The ego is often perceived as an active being, but, in reality, it’s just a collection of self-constructions devoid of any real action.
- It’s convenient to conflate the ego with the emotions it inspires or triggers; however, this leads to the delusion that the ego is active and not just dead thoughts.
- The ego, composed of thinking, is essentially helpless. The actions we attribute to the ego are, in fact, the actions of emotional responses to the ego. So, it’s not the ego that’s to blame, but the emotions it triggers.
- By separating the ego as a collection of comparisons from the emotional energies it triggers (anger, anxiety), you can find a sense of peace and a clearer understanding of the influences on your attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.
Ego & Identity Have Merged: 06-28-2024
- The ego is about your identity as anything but the authentic self.
- Once the ego assumes control of your identity, you must wage war to detach it.
- To break your ego out of the prison of your ego is not just a task but a crucial step towards leading a spiritual life.
- When you encounter your ego, it’s crucial to look and see if it is not keeping your identity as a slave. This self-reflection is a necessary step in recognizing the influence of the ego on your identity.
- The ego cannot exist without controlling your identity. For instance, when you constantly seek validation from others or define your worth based on external factors, that’s your ego at play, shaping your identity.
6 Levels of Ego Delusions: 06-27-2024
- The ego thinks of you as past mental objects inside you.
- The ego compares you as past mental objects to new mental objects of your new actions and experiences.
- The ego collects these comparisons as new mental objects representing a collection of persistent mental objects of you.
- The ego compares you as these new mental objects to collections of current and persistent mental objects of other people.
- The ego collects these comparisons as new mental objects representing you in society and the world, which are also composed of mental objects.
- The ego imagines a virtual reality world where you live as these new mental objects in a society and a world of mental objects populated, motivated, and run by mental objects inside the actual world.
The Ego Starts with Lies: 06-26-2024
- The self your ego compares to make you into self-constructions is not real because it only exists as a thought-thing.
- The body your ego compares to make you into self-constructions is not real because it only exists as a mental object.
- The actions your ego compares to make you into self-constructions are unreal because they only exist as biased and incomplete descriptions.
- The experiences your ego compares to make you into self-constructions are unreal because they only exist as biased and incomplete memories.
- The feelings and thoughts your ego compares to create self-constructions are not real. They exist only as biased and incomplete characterizations, underscoring the ego’s unreality.
Right Relationship: 06-25-2024
- You never give permission to God to rule you; however, you might beg Him to.
- You never “let go and let God,” but you might decide to stop ruining your life and ask God to take over.
- You never “let go and let God,” but you might decide to stop trying to be good and accept that only God is good.
- The end of your ego is not enough; you must have your nature changed from being born of flesh to being born of Spirit.
- While you may have some control over your ego, attempting to control your nature is futile. It inherently seeks death, destruction, and darkness, and at times, it prevails.
Thinking Dehumanizes People: 06-24-2024
- When you think of others, you think of mental objects, not others.
- When you damn another person, you damn thoughts about them, not them.
- When we claim superiority over others, are we truly superior to them, or just our mental perceptions?
- When we compare ourselves to others, are we truly comparing ourselves to the real person or the concepts and images we have collected about them?
- When you categorize another person, you dehumanize them by reducing them to concepts and images. Categorizing people can lead to misunderstandings, prejudice, and a lack of empathy, harming the quality of our interactions and relationships.
Snowflakes Meltdown & Blame: 06-23-2024
- A snowflake easily hurts themselves (their ego) and easily blames others for doing it.
- A snowflake, with their fragile ego, is effortlessly insulted and hurt and habitually externalizes all causes.
- A snowflake is someone who lives in a delusional world where people cause other people’s feelings but not their own.
- A snowflake, in their self-victimization, seeks to shift the responsibility of their self-wounding (ego wounding) onto others.
- A snowflake lacks emotional maturity and responsibility, believing that others must protect and care for them forever so they never have to grow up.
- At the core of the ‘snowflake’ concept is a distorted perception of reality. They believe that others are solely responsible for their emotional state, absolving themselves of any personal accountability.
Let Go & Let God Do It: 06-22-2026
- Fear and doubt might be keeping you stuck on some negative as it. Instead, have hope and faith in the Light of God to free you from identifying with it.
- You might believe that if you stop focusing on some negative, then it will sneak up on you and get you. However, by allowing fear to focus on you on it, it already has you.
- You might believe that if you don’t focus from inside some negative, then you will never get rid of it. However, detaching from it so you can ditch it is the only way it will ever be gone.
- As long as you are focusing from within some negative, it does not matter if you overwhelm it with positive thoughts or negative judgments; you will not change it and will remain focused and attached to it.
- If you can’t or won’t surrender your negative thoughts and emotions to God, then you are still holding onto them for ego payoffs. Letting go and allowing God to take over can bring a sense of relief and peace.
Ego & Spiritual Life Are Oil & Water: 06-21-2024
- You cannot feed your ego and soul the same food.
- The feelings you enjoy and seek can work for your ego or spiritual life, not both.
- Have you ever wondered about the nature of ego? It’s fascinating how both the spiritual and material egos operate in the same way, albeit with different aims of superiority.
- If you find your spiritual journey lacking in depth or failing to draw you closer to the divine, pause and ponder: How much attention do you lavish on your material and spiritual egos? Could this be the root of the issue?
- Imagine thoughts that pander to your ego as a slow-acting toxin, stealthily sapping the life force from your spiritual journey. They’re like insidious weeds, growing unnoticed and suffocating the vibrancy of your spiritual garden.
People Cannot Supply You: 06-20-2024
- No person can find faith from people, but all people can find faith from God.
- No person can find hope from people, but all people can find hope from God.
- No person can find charity from people, but all people can find charity from God.
- No person can find truth from people, but all people can find truth from God.
- No person can find peace from people, but all people can find peace from God.
- No person needs approval from people, but all people need approval from God.
- No person can find justice from people, but all people can find justice from God.
- No person can find freedom from people, but all people can find freedom from God.
- No person can find acceptance from people, but all people can find acceptance from God.
- No person can find forgiveness from people, but all people can find forgiveness from God.
The Self Is Not This: 06-19-2024
- The self is not the heart (energy hosting) because the heart exists in the self as a part of it but not as all of it.
- The self is not the soul (sensation hosting) because the soul exists in the self as a part of it but not as all of it.
- The self is not the mind (knowledge hosting) because the mind exists as a part of the self but not as all of it.
- The self is not the awareness, consciousness, or focus it uses to interact with life because that awareness serves its master, the self, and is, therefore, separate from it.
- The self is not the body because the self remains unchanged by bodily changes; only the ego changes when the body changes.
- The self is not the heart, soul, or mind because changes in the contents of the heart, soul, or mind do not change the heart, soul, or mind, but only the ego.
- The self is an internal vessel made in God’s image, so it has heart, soul, and mind functions. When alive, the self also has awareness, consciousness, or focus. The human vessel can host God, not be God.
How To Be Superior: 06-18-2024
- People want to believe they are superior to please their ego (self-esteem); therefore, people compare themselves downward, not upward.
- It is unpopular today to claim superiority based on race; however, it is still popular to claim superiority based on class, which is often mislabeled as racism.
- It’s a paradoxical human trait to want to assert our superiority over others. We might even claim we’re better because we’re more compassionate, humble, or modest. This ironic twist in our quest for superiority is a fascinating aspect of human behavior.
- People in the West use a variety of comparisons to claim superiority, including beauty, character, class, culture, diction, education, elocution, fame, fortune, hipness, intelligence, knowledge, looks, performance, personality, popularity, religion, spirituality, style, vocabulary, and more; however, few now use the once widely accepted and often preferred race comparison.
- People have become adept at projecting an image of superiority. They do this through various means, such as associating with the superior, feigning superiority, undergoing cosmetic procedures, assuming superior roles and titles, imitating the superior, hiding behind masks of superiority, seeking authority and power, seeking superior positions at corporations and institutions, using disguises or pretenses to appear to be richer or more popular than they are, and even resorting to fraud. This comprehensive list of methods highlights the extent to which people go to appear better than others.
Cognitive Restructuring Involves the 3Rs: 06-17-2024
- Cognitive restructuring (CBT & REBT) involves recognizing, removing, and replacing self-abusive and self-harming thinking with coping or problem-solving thinking, depending on the situation.
- Cognitive restructuring (CBT & REBT) involves recognizing, removing, and replacing self-damaging and self-destructive thinking with coping or problem-solving thinking, depending on the situation.
- Cognitive restructuring (CBT & REBT) involves recognizing, removing, and replacing self-defeating and counterproductive thinking with coping or problem-solving thinking, depending on the situation.
- Cognitive restructuring (CBT & REBT) involves recognizing, removing, and replacing self-discouraging and self-disturbing thinking with coping or problem-solving thinking, depending on the situation.
- Cognitive restructuring (CBT & REBT) involves recognizing, removing, and replacing self-sabotaging, counterproductive, and ineffective thinking with coping or problem-solving thinking, depending on the situation.
For more on the 3Rs, please read Problem Solved! 3Rs.
Energy Is Unknowable: 06-16-2024
- Faith in God is living in, by, and for Energy.
- Science is lost when trying to know Energy.
- We cannot know the means or methods of Energy.
- We cannot know the dimensions or limits of Energy.
- Energy is impenetrable, incomprehensible, indestructible, invisible, unassailable, unfathomable, unidentifiable, unknowable, and beyond human means and methods.
Whatever You Do, It Is Not It (GS): 06-15-2024
- Categorizing it is not it.
- Comparing it is not it.
- Damning it is not it.
- Defining it is not it.
- Describing it is not it.
- Examining it is not it.
- Judging it is not it.
- Labeling it is not it.
- Naming it is not it.
- Saying it is not it.
- Speaking it is not it.
- Studying it is not it.
Sensations Are Insufficient (GS): 06-14-2024
- Trying with sensations is failing with sensations.
- Try to think with sensations; discover that sensations are not enough.
- Try to feel with sensations; discover that sensations are not enough.
- Try to act with sensations; discover that sensations are not enough.
- Try to remember with sensations; discover that sensations are not enough.
Words Are Insufficient (GS): 06-13-2024
- Trying with words is failing with words.
- Try to think with words; discover that words are not enough.
- Try to feel with words; discover that words are not enough.
- Try to act with words; discover that words are not enough.
- Try to remember with words; discover that words are not enough.
Life Exists Without You: 06-12-2024
- Everything that is known is known without you.
- Everything that is done is done without you.
- Everything that exists, exists without you.
- When you claim to know, you objectify (destroy) what is known through you.
- When you claim to do, you objectify (destroy) what is done through you.
- When you claim to be something, you objectify (destroy) yourself.
You Must Do Good: 06-11-2024
- Doing good to receive more good is acceptable.
- Doing good to give good is good because it helps you and others.
- Doing good to share good is good because it helps you and others.
- Doing good to spread good is highly good because it serves good twice.
- Doing good to receive praise is foolish because you lose your reward in Heaven.
You Talk to Your Mind, Not Others (GS): 06-10-2024
- When you insult other people, you insult your opinions about them because that is what you talk to in your mind.
- When you damn other people, you damn your ego versions of them because that is what you talk to in your mind.
- When you curse other people, you curse your mental objects of them because that is what you talk to in your mind.
- When you blame other people, you blame your self-constructions of them because that is what you talk to in your mind.
- When you think other people are stupid, you think your self-esteem versions of them are stupid because that is what you talk to in your mind.
Do Not Taste the Soup (GS): 06-09-2024
- Your spoon does not taste your soup.
- Your praise of the soup does not taste your soup.
- Your questions about the soup do not taste your soup.
- Your feelings and reactions to the soup do not taste your soup.
- Your ideas, images, mental representations, and thoughts about the soup do not taste your soup.
What Can Your Words Do? (GS): 06-08-2024
- What can your words do to energy? Nothing; they will not affect any energies.
- What can your words do to the past? Nothing; they will not affect any past events.
- What can your words do to sensations? Nothing; they will not affect any sensations.
- What can your words do to the highway you are driving on? Nothing; they will have no effect on its condition.
- What can your words do to yourself? Nothing; they will not affect you, but they might affect your ego because it is composed of words.
Disaster of Words As Experience (GS): 06-07-2024
- The worst experience is words as experience.
- The most unreliable experience is words as experience.
- Dreams and drugs often produce false experiences, but words always produce false experiences.
- When you falsely regard words as experience, you can be immune to facts, reason, and results checking.
- You go to college to receive words as experience; however, I suggest you don’t try that when juggling butcher knives.
Overcome Emotional Decisions: 06-06-2024
- Facts rarely overcome emotional decisions.
- Reason rarely overcomes emotional decisions.
- Reality-checking rarely overcomes emotional decisions.
- Results examinations rarely overcome emotional decisions.
- Stronger emotions often overcome emotional decisions.
Self-Disturbing Reactions: 06-05-2024
- Your hating something is often more disturbing than what you are hating.
- Your anger about something is often more distressing than what you are angry about.
- Your irritation about something is often more irritating than what you are irritated about.
- Your annoyance about something is often more annoying than what you are annoyed about.
- Your indignation about something is often more bothersome than what you are indignant about.
The Limits of Science: 06-04-2024
Definition: Science is the observation, description, identification, experimental examination, theoretical interpretation, and testable predictions of natural phenomena.
- Science is an add-on to life.
- Life is neither scientific nor composed of science.
- God is not in the domain of science because God exists outside and beyond natural phenomena.
- Love is not in the domain of science because love exists outside and beyond natural phenomena.
- Virtue is not in the domain of science because virtue exists outside and beyond natural phenomena.
- Mysticism is not in the domain of science because virtue exists outside and beyond natural phenomena.
Do the Work, Not the Results: 06-03-2024
- You have been given the power to do some work; enjoy performing it without any expectations.
- Your task is to perform your talents; your task is not to control the results of your performances.
- You have been given power to do some work; however, you have not been given power over the work results.
- You have been given the power to do some work; therefore, you must do that work, whatever the results, or fail for not performing it.
- You have the right to your talents because they are a gift from God; however, you have no right to the results of using those talents because they depend on the story of life.
God Is The Only Value: 06-02-2024
- You have no value other than serving the Good because all value comes from the Good.
- You have nothing to offer God because anything good you do comes from God through you.
- You naturally want to serve destruction; every impulse you have to serve life and liberty comes from God.
- You can have only gratitude and praise for the Good because all the good in your life comes from the Good.
- You have nothing to develop or improve about yourself because you are made of and seek destruction; therefore, you must seek the only source of life and liberty: God.
Move Forward Two Steps: 06-01-2024
- If you are moving in the right direction, you only need to keep going.
- If you are moving in the wrong direction, you must recognize it, remove it, and replace it with the right direction.
- How do you know if you are moving in the right direction? Are you claiming to be good less and praising God as the only good more?
- How do you know if you are moving in the right direction? Are you trying to appear good less and praising God as the only good more?
- How do you know if you are moving in the right direction? Are you trying to be good less and relying on God as the only source for the good more?
Most At Work Lose Perspective: 05-31-2024
- Most at work want more responsibility but fail to do well with all their current responsibilities.
- Most at work think they should be in charge of more but fail to discharge their current duties to the highest standards.
- Most at work think they are capable of more than they are allowed; however, they don’t go above and beyond to make themselves indispensable.
- Most at work think they are not appreciated enough; however, they don’t impress by going the extra mile or assuming responsibility for improving processes.
- Most at work think they are too good for their job, yet they never understand why no one sees fit to give them more or better simply because they whine about it.
Use Negative to Seek Positive: 05-30-2024
- God, please use this problem to teach me to always rely on you.
- God, please use this suffering to teach me to always turn to you.
- God, please use this failure of mine to teach me to turn to you to guide all that I do.
- God, please use this sorrow to teach me to seek peace and love in you first and always.
- God, please use this defeat to teach me not to rely on myself or others but only on you.
Second-Order Surrender to God: 05-29-2024
- Pray to God; now pray that God directs your prayers to God.
- Seek God’s will; now seek God’s will for seeking God’s will.
- Second-order surrender is when you rely on God to direct your path of surrender.
- Pray to be under God; now pray to be praying to be under God through God and His angels.
- Be lowly as you seek God in your life; now be lowly as you seek God to direct your seeking for God to be in your life.
We All Serve All the Time: 05-28-2024
- Serving is not optional, so choose to serve virtues, not vices.
- Serving is not optional, so choose to serve God, not your ego.
- Serving is not optional, so choose to serve God’s will, not profit.
- Serving is not optional, so choose to serve God’s way, not people’s.
- Serving is not optional, so choose to serve God’s rules, not people’s.
Pursue the Good As Life: 05-27-2024
- Life is short; spend your time sharing the good.
- Life is short; spend your time exploring the good.
- Freely pursue the invisible and silent because it is of the Spirit and incorruptible.
- Freely pursue impressions, perceptions, phenomena, preverbals, and sensations because they can be verified with a history of the same or similar.
- Cautiously and wisely pursue the verbal because the verbal is subject to endless corruption and distortion.
A Pure Heart Is True: 05-26-2024
- A pure heart is single-minded because purity requires clarity of vision.
- A pure heart is a pure receiver allowed to follow out anything and go anywhere.
- A pure heart is pure free speech activist because it cannot exist without free speech.
- A pure heart is a pure libertarian because it cannot exist without freedom of movement.
- A pure heart is free to question anything because it requires freedom to follow all leads.
Forget Changing, Choose Switching: 05-25-2024
- You do not clear up confusion; you switch from it.
- You do not change bad habits; you switch to good habits.
- You do not control negative emotions; you switch to neutral and positive emotions.
- You do not overcome an addiction; you switch to other ways of being, enjoying, experiencing, relating, and understanding.
- You do not overcome anxiety or depression; you switch to other ways of being, enjoying, experiencing, relating, and understanding.
Demanding the Impossible Feeds the Worst: 05-24-2024
- Demanding your negative resending not be itself can only activate, feed, and reinforce it.
- Demanding your negative resending not resend the negative is to demand failure because that’s all it can do.
- Demanding your negative resending receive positive to resend is to demand failure because it doesn’t have options.
- Demanding you switch from negative resending to neutral or positive resending is to demand success.
- Demanding you practice switching from negative resending to neutral and positive resending is to activate, feed, and reinforce neutral and positive resending.
Dual Nature of Your Vessel: 05-23-2024
- We can simplify the nature of your vessel into two parts: receiving signals and resending signals.
- Psychological problems arise when you treat your receiving and resending natures as one.
- Psychological health can often be restored by differentiating between your receiving and resending natures.
- When you fight or resist your negative urges simultaneously as if they were both your receiving and resending minds, you prevent yourself from switching from them.
- Because we are one vessel, and this vessel is simultaneously receiving and resending signals, we can regard these separate processes as one process. However, this prevents us from directing these processes individually, such as when we need to switch focus from receiving negative signals without trying to control or change the negative signals.
For more information, please read 2 Perform Use 2-Minds: https://viewbook.at/2-Perform-Ebook.
When Idols Motivate: 05-22-2024
- Be an idol while increasing everything supporting it and destroying everything not supporting it.
- Be the servant of an idol by seeking to promote it and destroy its enemies.
- Love someone as an idol to vicariously live as or through them.
- Seek ownership of some idol through achievement, control, dominance, greed, possession, power, and always getting more of it or for it.
- Seek the experience of an idol, which often leads to addiction, compulsion, and endlessly trying and failing to possess it.
- Feel depressed and suicidal when an idol is lost or no new satisfying idol can be found.
Idolatry Is Everywhere: 05-21-2024
- All lust is based on idolatry.
- All addiction is based on idolatry.
- All images, forms, and mental objects in-between you and God are idols.
- Spiritual ego is competitive self-idolatry.
- Eating sugary foods leads to idolizing sugary foods.
- People who worship nature worship idols of nature, not nature.
- Homosexual love is based on ego and alter-ego idolization, and idolatry is not love but projected self-worship.
Two Kinds of Spiritual Teachers: 05-20-2024
- There are two kinds of spiritual teachers: those who warn against idolatry and those who serve it.
- There are two kinds of spiritual teachers: those who warn against spiritual ego and those who serve it.
- There are two kinds of spiritual teachers: those who teach oneness means you are God, and those who teach it means God is one.
- There are two kinds of spiritual teachers: those who teach you to become one with God and those who teach you to serve the one God.
- There are two kinds of spiritual teachers: those who warn you against mistaking self-hypnosis for meditation and those who prescribe self-hypnosis.
- There are two kinds of spiritual teachers: those who teach mysticism for personal improvement and those who teach it for personal surrender to God.
- There are two kinds of spiritual teachers: those who teach that mysticism is becoming one with God and those who teach that it is selfless service to the one God.
Less Distraction, More Focus: 05-19-2024
- Less allows for more focus because of less distraction by events and things.
- More trust in Energy allows for more focus because of less distraction by thinking.
- Less mental noise allows for more focus because of less distraction by internal verbalizations.
- Harmony, pattern, and organization allow for more safety and security, allowing for more intelligent and silent focus time.
- Creating more order in your environment, such as organizing your workspace or planning your day, allows for more focus because it reduces the distraction caused by anxiety or uncertainty about what needs to be done.
You Are Selfless: 05-18-2024
- You have no self as somebody because any such is the ego, not you.
- You have no self as something because any such is the ego, not you.
- You have no self as self-esteem or self-constructions because any such is the ego, not you.
- You have no self as narratives, stories, or self-talk because all such are about the ego, not you.
- You have no self as encounters, events, or experiences because all such compose the ego, not you.
What Can Make You?: 05-17-2024
- An insult, no matter how strong, can neither prove you are something nor make you something.
- A feeling, no matter how strong, can neither prove you are something nor make you something.
- An opinion, no matter how strong, can neither prove you are something nor make you something.
- A definition, description, or diagnosis, no matter how accurate, can neither prove you are something nor make you something.
- A classification, measurement, or rating, no matter how accurate, can neither prove you are something nor make you something.
Endure Until the End: 05-16-2024
- You must suffer as long as you are allowed to do your best work.
- You must abide your negative drives while you serve your positive drives.
- Resisting flesh nature to serve Spirit nature produces work equal in quality to how long you resisted.
- Bearing the pain of facing the opposite pull to relax while you work makes for the best work when you endure until the end.
- The longer you face and stand the negative inside while serving the positive, the more discerning and artistic the results will be.
Characteristics of Spiritual Persons: 05-15-2024
- The spiritual person is sensitive to all good things and virtues.
- The spiritual person is straight because they desire one thing: to worship God for eternity.
- The spiritual person is serious about life because they understand it holds a life or death result.
- The spiritual person is steadfast because they will endure all ridicule and torture rather than betray their principles.
- The spiritual person, in their understanding that choosing life over death is a simple matter, provides a reassuring reminder of the clarity and straightforwardness of their path.
Serve God Exclusively: 05-14-2024
- Spiritual people seek to be under God in all things so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
- Spiritual people seek to wait on God for everything so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
- Spiritual people seek to be empty and silent living vessels so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
- Spiritual people seek all from God and give all credit to God so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
- Spiritual people seek to retreat and return to God’s direction and will from their own so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
Not Rocket Science: 05-13-2024
- It does not take rocket science to understand that when you listen to lustful self-talk, you lust more.
- It does not take rocket science to understand that when you listen to fearful self-talk, you fear more.
- It does not take rocket science to understand that when you listen to lazy self-talk, you accomplish less.
- It does not take rocket science to understand that when you listen to self-talk claiming you’re a loser, you lose more often.
- It does not take rocket science to understand that when you listen to self-talk that claims you’re a weakling, you act weakly more often.
Superstitious Feelings: 05-12-2024
- It is superstitious to think that people can somehow access your being to hurt it somehow.
- It is superstitious to think that people can somehow access you to affect your feelings somehow.
- It is superstitious to think that people can somehow access your self-esteem to control it somehow.
- It is superstitious to think that people can somehow access your personhood to damage it somehow.
- It is superstitious to think that people can somehow access your identity to make it negative somehow.
Talk to Your Awareness: 05-11-2024
- Talk to your awareness as your being because it is the energy of your life.
- Talk to your inner silence as your being because it is at the center of your inner living vessel.
- Talk to egolessness as a state of being to encourage and support it so that you experience it more.
- Talk to yourself talking to yourself to gain perspective on your self-talk’s intentions and strategies.
- Talk to your self-talk and follow it out so that it is exposed as ego talk and rejected and replaced with prayer.
Spirituality Is Serving God: 05-10-2024
- Spiritual people seek to be selfless so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
- Spiritual people seek to be formless so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
- Spiritual people seek to be un-carved so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
- Spiritual people seek to be out of the way so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
- Spiritual people seek to be nobody and nothing so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
Reject All Objectification of People: 05-09-2024
- Spiritual people reject all objectifying of people as descriptions, designations, labels, names, terms, and titles.
- Spiritual people reject all objectifying of people as categories, classes, classifications, kinds, groups, and types.
- Spiritual people reject all objectifying of people as appraisals, assessments, comparisons, evaluations, and measurements.
- Spiritual people reject all objectifying of people as the ego, self-esteem, self-concepts, self-images, and self-constructions.
- Spiritual people reject all objectifying of people as accomplishments, achievements, actions, deeds, performances, and successes.
Self-Talk You Can Stop Now: 05-08-2024
- I hear you talking inside me, but why do you insist on talking to me when I don’t want to talk to you?
- I hear you talking inside me, but why should I listen to you or take you seriously when you are an invited quest?
- I hear you talking inside me, but what is so important that you must interrupt and distract me from what I am doing?
- I hear you knocking, but you can’t come in because you waste my time and disturb my peace of mind every time you do.
- I hear you talking inside me, but the fact that you are talking does not mean either that you are me or that I am doing your talking.
Challenge Self-Talk: 05-07-2024
- I hear you talking inside me, but who are you?
- I hear you talking inside me, but what are your intentions?
- I hear you talking inside me, but who do you think you are talking to?
- I hear you talking inside me, but how did you get permission to speak?
- I hear you talking inside me, but what do you want, and why do you want it?
Spiritual People Reject Much: 05-06-2024
- Spiritual people reject all objectifying people as good because they give all credit and praise to God.
- Spiritual people reject all claiming to be good because they give all credit and praise to God.
- Spiritual people reject all trying to be good because they give all credit and praise to God.
- Spiritual people reject all becoming good because they give all credit and praise to God.
- Spiritual people reject all appearing as good because they give all credit and praise to God.
Spiritual & Material Ego: 05-05-2024
- The spiritual ego functions like the material ego but with different comparisons and measurements.
- The spiritual ego is when people identify as self-constructions based on spiritual ideals, goals, and values.
- The material ego is when people identify as self-constructions based on material ideals, goals, and values.
- Those with a spiritual ego can be directed as easily as those with a material ego simply by giving them different ways to serve society that sound spiritual instead of material.
- The spiritual and material egos are the same because both consist of self-constructions, which refer to the mental and emotional objects that individuals hold about themselves based on their experiences, beliefs, and values.
Soul Is Not Like Ego: 05-04-2024
- You cannot serve your ego and soul in the same way because they require different shops.
- You cannot supply your ego and soul in the same way because they require different stores.
- You cannot support your ego and soul in the same way because they require different stocks.
- You cannot sustain your ego and soul in the same way because they require different storage.
- You cannot suckle your ego and soul in the same way because they require different supplies.
Thinking Has Limits: 05-03-2024
- Thinking can’t begin to measure the uselessness of thinking.
- Thinking can only prove that thinking cannot prove anything.
- Thinking has its proper time and place, but it rarely limits itself to being useful.
- Thinking is often static, which indicates you need to tune in your awareness, focus, or senses better.
- Thinking can drone on endlessly, so some practical people have turned this penchant for repetition into chanting, contemplation, meditation, and prayer.
Stop Living Under a Cloud: 05-02-2024
- Your whining becomes a cloud that blocks your ability to receive intelligence and proper direction.
- Your blaming others becomes a cloud that blocks your ability to receive intelligence and proper direction.
- Your damning others becomes a cloud that blocks your ability to receive intelligence and proper direction.
- Your waiting to be rescued becomes a cloud that blocks your ability to receive intelligence and proper direction.
- Your waiting for others to change becomes a cloud that blocks your ability to receive intelligence and proper direction.
Pride Loves Being Right: 05-01-2024
- People are addicted to being right even when they are wrong.
- People are addicted to proving others wrong, even when others are right.
- The pride of thinking you are right can stimulate and motivate people more than the most potent drug addictions.
- Combine the addiction to being right with the gambling addiction. You will be willing to sacrifice anyone and everything to win.
- How many marriages, business partnerships, and relationships have failed because people refuse to admit they are wrong or stop trying to prove the other party wrong?
Visit Your Host Nature: 04-30-2024
- Become drowned in the presence of your host nature.
- Become engrossed in the existence of your host nature.
- Become immersed in the awareness of your host nature.
- Become submerged in the consciousness of your host nature.
- Become enthralled in the experience of having direct contact with your host nature.
Stillness From Silence: 04-29-2024
- Who can be still but the one with no self to be moved?
- Who can be still but the one who is nothing, leaving nothing to be moved?
- Who can be still but the one who is empty so, without anything to be moved?
- Who can be still but the one who is nobody with no self-constructions to be disturbed?
- Are you a little plant shaken by any wind or a boulder steadfast even during winds from a storm?
To Host Or Not to Host: 04-28-2024
- There is no “seeing it” because you can only see it if you host it.
- There is no “getting it” because you can only get it if you host it.
- You never realize anything; however, many things can be realized inside when you are empty and open.
- You never figure out anything; however, many unknown things can be figured out inside you when you are content to be the host.
- You cannot understand anything independently because all intelligence comes from God; however, you can host God’s knowing regarding many things beyond your experience.
Never Say Never: 04-27-2024
- The infinite never ends.
- The perfect never lacks.
- The faultless never fails.
- The immortal never ceases.
- The unwavering never doubts.
- The incorruptible never corrupts.
Beyond Harm: 04-26-2024
- Truth cannot be damaged.
- Truth cannot be conquered.
- Ideals cannot be damaged.
- Ideals cannot be overthrown.
- Eternity cannot be damaged.
- Eternity cannot be exhausted.
The Measurement Is Not the Measured: 04-25-2024
- You cannot capture spirit, so fools say spirit does not exist.
- You cannot think of the divine, so fools say the divine does not exist.
- You cannot measure the measureless, so fools say the measureless does not exist.
- You cannot see energy, but even fools know it must exist. Fools say you can prove the existence of energy by its effects. Of course, this is how deists also prove the existence of God.
- You cannot find things when you look for virtues, so fools have trouble explaining and understanding their existence and propose absurdities when claiming virtues are needed without God.
You Cannot Compare the Incomparable: 04-24-2024
- The changing cannot understand the changeless.
- Eternal truths cannot fit inside human words because human words are not eternal.
- God is unfailing but all human systems fail; therefore, it is impossible for human systems even to approach God.
- Idols are material things, and spiritual ideals are not things; therefore, idols can only represent material beauty, not spiritual beauty.
- No human thought can touch or point to divinity, eternity, or spirit because human thoughts can only point to other human thoughts or material things.
Opinions Are Only One Tool: 04-23-2024
- If you understand the purpose of opinions as providing information for immediate decisions and choices, then you understand that opinions are only useful in certain contexts and situations.
- Opinions should be avoided when discovering, examining, exploring, inquiring, investigating, questioning, learning, problem-solving, researching, searching, seeking understanding, and any process that requires an open mind to function properly.
- Opinions, being fixed in nature, require constant correcting and updating of the information they are based on. This means that when new information becomes available, it should be used to revise those opinions, ensuring they remain practical and useful.
- Opinions are not the same as facts. Opinions are shortcuts for quick responses and should not be regarded as the thinking processes they are based on or the events or subjects they are about. Facts, on the other hand, are objective and verifiable pieces of information.
- Opinions get a bad name because people hide behind them rather than do the necessary work to uncover enough facts and information to form reasonable understandings of events that are open to correction and updating over time. It is better to say, “I don’t know,” than to use someone else’s opinion as if you formed it.
Spiritual Ego Is Material Ego: 04-22-2024
- It is a dangerous process to give up your material ego for a spiritual ego because a spiritual ego is much harder to give up because it is pleasing to everyone but God.
- Your material and spiritual egos are both yourself as opinions, the difference being what the opinions are about, typically people (material) and ideals (spiritual).
- Spiritual paths will encourage you to give up your ego as opinions about people and to switch to accepting your ego as opinions about God, ideals, life, nature, oneness, the world, or the universe.
- The spiritual and material egos are yourself as self-constructions, and self-constructions can be understood as mental objects, opinions, reified thoughts, and thought-things, but not as human beings.
- The main difference between the spiritual and material egos is that the material ego concerns concrete things in your life, while the spiritual ego concerns abstract things that encompass life or a part of life.
Ego Is Disguised As Concern: 04-21-2024
- Your concern for others is your concern for how they think of you, which is concern for your ego (self-constructions).
- Your concern for yourself is your concern for how you think of yourself, which is concern for your ego (self-constructions).
- Your concern for society is your concern for how society will think of you, which is concern for your ego (self-constructions).
- Your concern for the world is your concern for how the world will think of you, which is concern for your ego (self-constructions).
- Your concern for your family and friends is your concern for how they will think of you, which is concern for your ego (self-constructions).
The Ego Must Be Right: 04-20-2024
- There is no need to be right except for the ego because negotiating requires correcting and updating information.
- There is no need to be right except for the ego because understanding requires correcting and updating information.
- There is no need to be right except for the ego because problem-solving requires correcting and updating information.
- There is no need to be right except for the ego because perspective-taking requires correcting and updating information.
- There is no need to be right except for the ego because correcting and updating information is always required when processing human information.
The Ego Is the Center of Delusions: 04-19-2024
- The ego’s demand to be at the center makes your life delusions and a dream because life is never about your ego.
- The ego’s demand to be at the center cripples and distorts your relationships because everything is not about your ego.
- The ego’s demand to be at the center distorts your understanding of life because God, not the ego, is at the center of life.
- The ego’s demand to be at the center distorts your self-narratives and self-talk because you cannot always be the main focus, even in your petty problems.
- The ego’s demand to be at the center eliminates the possibility for you to be authentic, genuine, natural, real, and spontaneous because the ego is composed of dead things (self-constructions) that must be maintained as living things (fake selves and spirits).
Stop Seeking Ego Consciousness: 04-18-2024
- What people call self-consciousness is ego consciousness.
- When people say they are seeking themselves, they are usually seeking a better ego.
- When people say they are finding themselves, they are usually finding variations of their ego.
- When people say they are bettering themselves, they mean they are learning to appear better for the sake of their ego.
- If people were seeking themselves, they would seek themselves as nobody and nothing in the material world and as living hosts in the spiritual world.
The Ego Is Its Own Corruption: 04-17-2024
- Ego corrupts; absolute ego corrupts absolutely.
- The ego corrupts because the ego thinks in terms of mental objects and little of life can fit into mental objects.
- The ego corrupts because you attach your life force to it, making it respond like a lizard to threats and a mammal to pleasures.
- The ego corrupts because the ego is about appearing as positive self-constructions by making others appear as negative self-constructions.
- You cannot see or think clearly if your ego is involved because your ego always has the agenda of appearing superior and not appearing inferior.
What You Chase Is What You Get: 04-16-2024
- If you chase positions and titles, you chase the ego (self-esteem).
- If you chase a career or profession, you chase the ego (self-esteem).
- If you chase possessions and things, you chase the ego (self-esteem).
- If you chase virtue, you chase life improvement.
- If you chase God, you chase eternal life.
The Host Is Not the Hosted: 04-15-2024
- Movies are hosted by TVs, but that is not evidence that TVs are making movies.
- Music is hosted by radios, but that is not evidence that radios are making music.
- Thoughts are hosted by human beings, but that is not evidence that human beings are making thoughts.
- Human conversations are hosted by telephones, but that is not evidence that telephones are making human conversations.
- Computers host computer programs, but that is not evidence that computers are making computer programs even when hosted computer programs are creating new computer programs.
Addiction to Destruction: 04-14-2024
- The ego is an addiction because it provides both pleasure and destruction.
- People want pleasure, and the pleasure of the self as the good, while destroying others as the bad is the highest pleasure of the flesh.
- The history of the human race is the history of seeking the right people to destroy to secure more power and privilege for the right people.
- The ego needs stimulation to appear alive, and pride as knowing, doing, and being the good while destroying evil provides the most stimulation by simultaneously going in two opposite directions.
- The addictive nature of the ego stems from the pleasure it provides—a sense of superiority. This superiority often serves as a justification for destructive actions. For instance, a person may feel superior due to political power and use this to belittle those with less power.
I’d Rather Be Me Than About: 04-13-2024
- I’d rather be me than be about me.
- I’d rather be me than be about whining how unfair life is.
- I’d rather be me than be about complaining what I have to do.
- I’d rather be me than be about claiming I’m better than others.
- I’d rather be me than be about some self-commentaries, self-dialogues, self-monologues, self-narratives, or self-talk.
Self-Deception for the Ego: 04-12-2024
- Your self-narratives can have nothing to do with reality as long as they feed your self-constructions of how you are better or desire better.
- Your internal monologue is not interested in peace, harmony, or resolving conflict because it thrives on conflict and uses it to feed your ego.
- Your self-talk holds the power to shape your perceptions, even convincing you of untruths, all while feeding your pride in misery and suffering.
- Your self-dialogue is not about yourself because it is about your ego and the needs of your ego outside of and with indifference to the context of your life and relationships.
- Your self-commentary is a powerful tool for making all your thoughts about yourself more important than you and creating new and old self-constructions that replace you.
Time to Be You: 04-11-2024
- Your past is not yourself because you lived before your past and now live after it.
- Your present is not yourself because you lived before your present and live after it in every new moment.
- Your future is not yourself because you are here in the moving now, not there then (future-past memories and thoughts).
- Self-constructions (ego, self-esteem) want to own you as your past, present, and future and feed on your life force.
- Learn from your past, live your present, and prepare for your future while remaining true to your “living host nature,” your authentic self.
The Host Is Not the Hosted: 04-10-2024
- Find out who is talking inside because it is never you.
- Find out who is thinking inside because it is never you.
- Any talking inside that claims you are talking can be immediately understood as the enemy because you can only host talking, not be a source of talking.
- Any thinking inside that claims you are thinking can be immediately understood as the enemy because you can only host thinking, not be a source of thinking.
- Embrace who and what you truly are—a living host, not a god (idol) who knows good and evil, as Satan claimed you could be. This is the key to preserving your authentic self.
Before God, Not Humankind: 04-09-2024
- Cry to God, not humankind.
- Suffer for God, not humankind.
- Lament to God, not humankind.
- Feel pain before God, not humankind.
- Bear the ugliness of your human nature before God, not humankind.
Get Out of the About: 04-08-2024
- When you focus on “about it” over “what is,” “about it” comes to replace the reality of “what is.”
- When you simultaneously view “about it” and “what is,” you rapidly switch between them and never fully engage with either.
- The “about it” splits your awareness into two because you are supposed to simultaneously view “what is” and “about it,” which means you are multitasking between them.
- Sometimes, you need “about it” to gain information and direction; however, you do not need “about it” as a constant companion that destroys the unity and wholeness of your experiences.
- If you are thinking about a movie while watching it, are you watching it? What are you missing? Is what you’re missing important? Does the movie occupy you? Do you miss an emotional connection and understanding by not being occupied (absorbed)?
The Ego Cares: 04-07-2024
- What people call selfishness is servitude to the ego.
- The ego thinks my needs first and the needs of the self last.
- The ego claims to care about the self while it destroys and replaces it.
- The ego claims to care about the self by caring about the ego’s needs as if they were not in opposition.
- The ego claims to care about the self by seeking pride and avoiding shame as self-constructions; however, the ego is composed of self-constructions, not the self.
Knowing Someone Is Murder: 04-06-2024
- When you think you know someone, what you know are some characterizations, not a human being.
- When you think you know someone, what you know are some narratives and stories, not a human being.
- When you think you know someone, what you know are some comparisons or diagnoses, not a human being.
- When you think you know someone, what you know are some measurements or testing results, not a human being.
- When you think you know someone, what you know is an incomplete history of some behavior patterns, not a human being.
Science Needs a Reality Check: 04-05-2024
- The scientific faith in measurement is superstitious.
- Without measurement, there is no science, and without understanding measurement, there is no good science.
- Scientific measurements are measurements of measurements, not the measured when the subject is as small as or smaller than the instrument of measurement.
- Science measures the small to the point that the measurement is larger than the thing measured, resulting in the measurements saying more about themselves than what they propose to measure.
- Science measures the small with measurements larger than the small that overwhelm the small and can only provide false conclusions about the small if the measurements are not seen as false and problematic.
Science Is Based on Delusions (GS): 04-04-2024
- Science is based on definitions and the delusion that the definition is the defined.
- Science is based on categories and the delusion that the category is the categorized.
- Science is based on descriptions and the delusion that the description is the described.
- Science is based on measurements and the delusion that the measurement is the measured.
- Science is based on characterizations and the delusion that the characterization is the characterized.
The Ego Is a Delusion (GS): 04-03-2024
- The ego is based on definitions and the delusion that the definition is the defined.
- The ego is based on descriptions and the delusion that the description is the described.
- The ego is based on comparisons and the delusion that the comparison is the compared.
- The ego is based on measurements and the delusion that the measurement is the measured.
- The ego is based on characterizations and the delusion that the characterization is the characterized.
To Know Yourself Is Death: 04-02-2024
- The ego requires to be known, and to be known is to be dead as something.
- The ego is based on claiming and knowing; however, the self is based on active humility and surrender.
- The ego is about knowing yourself as self-constructions while pretending that those dead things are living.
- The ego is based on categorial thinking that claims to know and be more than just the database sorting, filing, and storing of dead information.
- Without claiming to know, you cannot have self-esteem (ego); however, your claims to know are the destruction of the self through foolish attempts to preserve it as fossils.
Self-Esteem Or Self?: 04-01-2024
- People love their chains because they love self-esteem, and it is the process of chaining you to self-constructions.
- People love to defeat themselves because they love self-esteem, which is the defeat and replacement of your authentic self.
- People love to destroy themselves because they love self-esteem, which is the destruction of your original nature for the sake of dead mental objects.
- People love to sabotage themselves because they love self-esteem, which is the ruining of your host nature for the sake of dead men’s bones (self-constructions).
- People love to harm and hurt themselves because they love self-esteem, which is the death of your deeper and purer nature from a thousand cuts (changing self-constructions).
3D Daily Dose of Discernment 2024
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There Is One Salvation: 03-31-2024
- The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob is the Lord of Hosts because He is the host of all.
- The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob wanted His only begotten Son, Lord Jesus Christ, to enjoy life in Himself as the Father does.
- The Son of the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob is the Prince of Peace because He remade man as flesh (Adam) into man as Spirit (the risen Christ).
- The Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, saved the world by remaking man from flesh into man as Spirit.
- The world celebrates the birth and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob because He gave His life that we might live in Him forever in Heaven as children of God.
Who Will We Be?: 03-30-2024
- You work hard to become one person (self-construction set); however, you are never satisfied; therefore, you work to become a different and “better” person (self-construction set).
- You toil to mold yourself into one person (self-construction set), only to realize that all you’ve amassed is a hollow ego, a mere figment of your imagination, existing solely as mental objects.
- You labor to fashion yourself into one person (self-construction set), yet the ever-shifting circumstances often force you to metamorphose into someone else (self-construction set), nullifying all your efforts and progress.
- You work hard to become one person (self-construction set); however, you are in a relationship with someone (parent, spouse, boss, coach, teacher, friend) who wants a different and “better” person (self-construction set), negating all your efforts and progress.
- You work hard to become one person (self-construction set); however, you discover that all you have gained are thought-things (mummified images) that are nothing in reality and have nothing to say about reality because they are no more than cartoon characters (mental objects) promoting themselves.
Why Have Self-Esteem?: 03-29-2024
- Why do you need to esteem yourself? Do you esteem yourself to counter despising yourself?
- Why do you need to esteem yourself? Do you esteem yourself to counter others’ despising yourself?
- Why do you need to esteem yourself? Do you esteem yourself so you do not have to follow God?
- Why do you need to esteem yourself? Do you esteem yourself because your ego requires it?
- Why do you need to esteem yourself? Do you esteem yourself because you want to be great things instead of an equal human being?
Know Yourself: 03-28-2024
- You want to know yourself; however, there is nobody to know inside you other than God.
- You want to know yourself; however, there is nobody to know inside you other than a living vessel.
- You want to know yourself; however, there is nobody to know inside you because you serve the One Self.
- You want to know yourself; however, there is nobody to know inside you other than the ego posing as self-constructions.
- You want to know yourself; however, there is nobody to know inside you, and that nobody is a living host designed to enjoy and share the One Self.
Insults Prove Weakness: 03-27-2024
- You will not react to insults unless you own them and want to be somebody else.
- You will not match insults unless you believe them and require being somebody else.
- You will not respond to insults unless you purchase them and expect to be somebody else.
- You will not return insults unless you take them to heart and demand to be somebody else.
- You will not reply to insults unless you take them seriously and plan on being somebody else.
Evil Is More than Ignorance: 03-26-2024
- Ignorance is not the root of evil because evil does not require knowledge for direction.
- Ignorance is not the root of evil because evil is not overcome by insight or knowledge alone.
- Ignorance is not the root of evil because evil exists in all religions, theologies, and spiritual systems.
- Ignorance is not the root of evil because evil does not flee right information but only direct and living truth.
- Ignorance is not the root of evil because, without love, there is no overcoming evil, and love is not knowledge-based.
You Are the Internal Vessel: 03-25-2024
- I am somebody because I am my internal vessel, and it exists in a unique space, place, and time; however, my vessel is identical to all others of the same make.
- I am something because I am my internal vessel, and it exists in a unique space, place, and time; however, my vessel is identical to all others of the same make.
- I am not a person, personality, ego, self-esteem, or self-constructions because they are all dead things and cannot function as vessels for more than themselves.
- My internal vessel, a concept that can be likened to a unique spaceship, never becomes what it entertains; however, we often deceive ourselves into believing that we become what we host to construct an ego sense of self.
- Performing some action does mean that action has to become a mental object or that we have to identify with that mental object as our being: we are not our performances.
What to Enjoy?: 03-24-2024
- Do you want to enjoy God or your ego?
- Do you want to enjoy God or the world?
- Do you want to enjoy God or the pleasures of pride?
- Do you want to enjoy God or becoming superior to others?
- Do you want to enjoy God or coveting and consuming things to cover your ego?
Detach for Freedom: 03-23-2024
- Psychologically, step back to detach.
- To detach is to gain perspective.
- To gain perspective is to see what you serve.
- To see what you serve is to gain choice.
- To gain choice is to gain freedom.
Live for Yourself: 03-22-2024
- If you live for yourself, who are you living for?
- If you live for yourself, are you living for your ego?
- If you live for yourself, are you living for your self-constructions?
- If you live for yourself, are you living for your self-esteem or self-stories?
- If you live for yourself, are you living for your covetousness and possessiveness?
Inward Living: 03-21-2024
- The inner vessel is open.
- The inner vessel is ready.
- The inner vessel is nobody.
- The inner vessel is nothing.
- The inner vessel is waiting.
- The inner vessel is peaceful.
- The inner vessel is receptive.
Inward Bound: 03-20-2024
- The inner vessel is still.
- The inner vessel is silent.
- The inner vessel is selfless.
- The inner vessel is space and supple.
- The inner vessel is simple and single.
- The inner vessel is serious and secure.
- The inner vessel is service and sharing.
- The inner vessel is sensitive and straight.
One Person: 03-19-2024
- Solipsism is real because we are all one person.
- There is only one person because there is only one human nature.
- When you study history, you made all the mistakes because there is only one person.
- When you watch a movie, you are all the characters because there is only one person.
- When you judge your neighbors, you judge yourself because there is only one person.
- A second person was created by having the Son of God become the first person and then be reborn of the Spirit to make a second person, the new man, and our salvation from the first man.
What Can I Do?: 03-18-2024
- What can I do? I can host.
- What can I host? Good or evil.
- What will I host? What I am drawn to.
- What am I drawn to? I am drawn to death and destruction.
- I pray God draws me to the good over my human inclination to the evil.
Sensing Is Not Thinking: 03-17-2024
- Sensing is not found in experience.
- Sensing is not found in words.
- Sensing is not found in thought-things.
- Sensing is found in silence.
- Sensing is found in direct contact.
- Direct contact is found in silence.
Meaning Is Not Words (GS): 03-16-2024
- Words have no meaning of their own.
- Meaning has no words of its own.
- Meaning has no speech of its own.
- Meaning has no thoughts of its own.
- Meaning is not found in thoughts or words.
- Meaning is found in experiences.
- Meaning is the connection of experiences.
Nothing Cannot: 03-15-2024
- Nothing cannot know nothing.
- Nothing cannot do nothing.
- Nothing cannot be nothing.
- Nothing is beneath something.
- Nothing is hidden from all.
- Nothing is nothing to all.
It Is Nothing: 03-14-2024
- It is nothing because it does not matter.
- It is nothing because it is based on blind doubt.
- It is nothing because it is thinking, not experience.
- It is nothing because it is thought-things, not reasoning.
- It is nothing because no one will care in a hundred years.
- It is nothing because it is just a fear, not a rational prediction or warning.
Nothing Never Does: 03-13-2024
- Nothing is never serving anything because nothing has nothing to offer.
- Nothing is never following because nothing has no being to follow with.
- Nothing is never resting because nothing has no active or passive nature to rest.
- Nothing is never retreating because nothing has no space and place to retreat from or to.
- Nothing is never naked or vulnerable because nothing has no form that can be clothed or harmed.
Nothing Is Never Something: 03-12-2024
- Nothing is not waiting because nothing has no sense of time, space, or being.
- Nothing is not emptiness because emptiness is a space, and nothing has no space.
- Nothing is not weakness because nothing has no form that can be either weak or strong.
- Nothing is not stillness because stillness exists in contrast to sound, and nothing knows no sound.
- Nothing is not peace because peace exists between different things and nothing is neither the same nor different things.
Nobodies Leave as Nobodies: 03-11-2024
- The world is full of nobodies trying to be somebodies and never arriving.
- The world is full of nobodies claiming to be somebodies to rule over the other nobodies.
- The world is full of nobodies pretending to be somebodies, hoping to one day believe their own lies.
- The world is full of nobodies who eventually will arrive as nobodies when they die and get explained away as somebodies.
- The world is full of nobodies imagining others are somebodies when they are also nobodies imagining others are somebodies.
One Is Only One: 03-10-2024
- One self, one God.
- One love, one God.
- One story, one God.
- One virtue, one God.
- One source, one God.
- One energy, one God.
- One somebody, one God.
Rely on God, Not Thinking: 03-09-2024
- Humans must fall back on God, not thinking.
- Retreat from the ego and receive from God.
- Return to the source (God), and rest in God.
- Good people want to fall back on God for support.
- Evil people want to fall back on you and the world for support.
- Evil people go forward to claim; however, the good go backward to give all glory to God.
Deserve to Do Bad: 03-08-2024
The excuse of negative is negative.
- My country is racist, so I deserve to riot and loot to make things even.
- I had a bad day at work, so I deserve to overeat and binge-watch Netflix.
- My parents were cruel, so I deserved to rob and steal to make up for missed love.
- I started disadvantaged, so I deserve to lie, cheat, steal, and sleep my way to the top.
- My coach was abusive, so I deserved to be lazy and sloppy when I played this game.
- I am a politician, executive, propaganda journalist, or social elite, so I deserve inside information to become a millionaire.
Self-Constructions Are Self-Frauds: 03-07-2024
- Self-constructions (ego, mental objects, self-esteem) do not develop, form, or produce human nature.
- Self-constructions (ego, mental objects, self-esteem) do not arrange, organize, or structure human nature.
- Self-constructions (ego, mental objects, self-esteem) do not account for, explain, or describe human nature.
- Self-constructions (ego, mental objects, self-esteem) do not approximate, correspond to, or resemble human nature.
- Self-constructions (ego, mental objects, self-esteem) do not compose, comprise, constitute, or construct human nature.
Ego Complex of Prediction: Part 2: 03-06-2024
- Stop the ego madness by realizing the ego is nobody: not a being but just dead concepts and images of a being.
- Understand that the ego can do nothing because it is not a being, has no power, and cannot act.
- Quit the game of judging who deserves what and start accepting winning positive hosted-minds all the time.
- Realize that positive hosted-minds are always freely available for everyone.
- Stop these three false expectations, judgments, and predictions: (1) I am the ego. (2) I deserve the negative because my ego is negative. (3) I will receive the negative whatever I do to prevent it.
(A full understanding requires the reading of 2 Perform Use 2-Minds.)
Ego Complex of Prediction: Part 1: 03-05-2024
- We want to predict the future because doing so is known to help us survive.
- Step one: Some challenge, conflict, distress, disturbance, or stress (event) is noted that has the potential to produce negative consequences.
- Step two: The ego is judged in relation to the existence of the event that occurred in step one.
- Step three: The judgment is that the ego deserves to be negative. The reasons are that only a negative ego would receive the negative event, only a negative ego deserves such a negative event, such a negative event only happens to negative egos, and other superstitious beliefs and ideas about how the negative is your ego’s due.
- Step four: Choose negative hosted-minds to match the negative ego: water seeks its own level.
- Step five: You fail by using negative hosted-minds.
(A full understanding requires the reading of 2 Perform Use 2-Minds.)
Trying Is Doubting Success: 03-04-2024
- Trying is faith in fear and doubt in God.
- Trying is hope in failure and charity for failing.
- Trying is based on doubt, not faith, which dooms it.
- Trying is negative in the beginning, middle, and end.
- Trying is the opposite of the spiritual practice of waiting on God.
Murder with Categorizations: 03-03-2024
- When you categorize someone, you negate them.
- When you categorize someone, you thingify them.
- When you categorize someone, you turn them into capricious thought-things (dead reified thoughts).
- When you categorize someone, you turn them into arbitrary mental objects (dead self-constructions).
- When you categorize someone, you no longer have to consider what they think and feel as a human being because they are just a placeholder and object now.
Magical Self-Improvement Destroys: 03-02-2024
- When you present me with the devices and instruments of your self-improvement, I see beliefs in mind-over-matter and philosophical Idealism.
- When you present me with the mechanisms of your self-improvement, all I perceive is a whirlwind of wishes and wants wrapped in the cloak of magical thinking.
- When you present me with the formulas and procedures of your self-improvement, I see a false psychology that is not only misapplied and misunderstood but also untested, potentially leading to delusions.
- When you present me with the techniques and technologies of your self-improvement, I see a disconnect between what exists along the way (covering your immorality) and the expected results of being a higher being.
- When you reveal the methods of your self-improvement, I discern a misguided belief that the mere accumulation of physical and mental repetitions can somehow summon external forces potent enough to transform you.
Science Is Categorically False: 03-01-2024
- Science is the worship of categorical thinking.
- Science is the belief that categorical thinking can replace facts and reality.
- Science is the belief that categorical thinking can replace evidence and experience.
- Science is the belief that categorical thinking can replace knowledge and knowing.
- Science is the belief that categorical thinking can replace intelligence and understanding.
The Work of Waiting: 02-29-2024
- When you wait on God, you must have faith in God to wait on Him.
- When you wait on God, you must have faith in the goal you seek to relieve suffering and promote spiritual health.
- When you wait on God, you must have hope in the goal you seek to relieve suffering and promote spiritual health.
- When you wait on God, you must have charity for God, which means you believe God is good and desires good.
- When you wait on God, you must keep your eye on the prize (the good gift from God) that will relieve suffering and promote spiritual health.
Hypocrisy Begins at Home: 02-28-2024
- You complain when countries don’t follow the highest moral principles during wars; however, you do not follow local safety laws when driving your car because it is inconvenient.
- You complain when countries don’t follow the highest moral principles during wars; however, you cheat on your taxes and do and receive work that is not taxed by hiding it from the government.
- You complain when countries don’t follow the highest moral principles during wars; however, you steal supplies from work, waste work time on personal matters, and don’t care if you can’t get caught.
- You complain when countries don’t follow the highest moral principles during wars; however, you do not follow them when it is merely inconvenient to you, for example, not recycling paper or using plastic when other options are available.
- You complain when countries don’t follow the highest moral principles during wars; however, you run a restaurant and feed your community white rice and bread, which contribute to the epidemics of diabetes, obesity, and other health problems.
Wait on God, Not Yourself: 02-27-2024
- Why is waiting on God hard or not working? Because you rely on an objectified good, not God.
- Why is waiting on God hard or not working? Because you want to claim you do the good, not rely on God to do it.
- Why is waiting on God hard or not working? Because you are mistaking trying to do or be good for waiting on God to do the good.
- Why is waiting on God hard or not working? Because you want to become the good, not submit to God as the only good.
- Why is waiting on God hard or not working? Because you want to appear as the good for your pride (ego, self-esteem), and waiting on God requires only God to appear as the good.
The Battle Is God’s: 02-26-2024
- I handle it by asking God to handle it.
- My work is to have faith, hope, and charity for the work of God.
- Repair your roof because you can; stop trying to repair your thoughts because you can’t.
- You think you are striving and struggling to be good; however, all your striving and struggling is to die as idols (self-constructions).
- You believe you are pulling and pushing on your thoughts to improve them; however, all your so-called efforts are just thoughts of pulling and pushing, not actual pulling, pushing, or work.
Whining & Damning Bigger Problem: 02-25-2024
- Whining, blaming, and damning the past will not change it.
- Whining, blaming, and damning the present will harden it, not soften it.
- Whining, blaming, and damning the future will not prevent it.
- Whining, blaming, and damning the possible will not prepare for it but might prepare to make it worse.
- Whining, blaming, and damning the predictable are not proactively preparing for it but might be a way to prepare to succumb to it.
Science Has Become Anti-Science: 02-24-2024
- Science continues to find more code in nature (cells, DNA) but unthinkingly refuses to admit or recognize the coder.
- Science has become so narrowly defined in academia that it is no longer science because it now refuses to follow where the evidence leads.
- Science is bigotry because it limits reasoning to nature and the five senses when other disciplines, such as history, consider more than material causes.
- Science has become anti-intellectual because it refuses to consider information arriving from outside the self-imposed blinders of nature and the five senses.
- There is no necessity for the necessity of survival in nature (Darwinian falsehood) because matter naturally seeks disintegration without an outside influence.
- Science does not even understand gravity because the laws of gravity describe some features but provide no understanding or explanation of the gravity mechanism.
Stimulation Is Motivation: 02-23-2024
- Your motivation is to seek, know, do, and be stimulations (vibrations).
- Something is important to you because it is important to your stimulation (arousal, excitement).
- To know why something is important to you, ask how it is important to your stimulations (sensations).
- Does it increase or promise to continue your stimulations (impressions, experiences, feelings)?
- Does it bind, capture, cause, claim, contain, identify, own, or trap stimulations (energy waves) for you?
End the Focus on Garbage: 02-22-2024
- You are a garbage collector because you don’t take out the trash; you save and revel in it.
- You are a garbage collector because you don’t burn or bury garbage; you savor, share, and spread it.
- You are a poop sniffer because you don’t flush poop away; you keep thinking about it far past reasonableness.
- You are a poop sniffer because you don’t flush poop away; you keep ruminating on and making it important.
- It is bad enough that you gather your own garbage and revisit your private garbage museum regularly; however, you also gather other people’s garbage in another museum that you also frequently revisit.
Stop Blocking Success for Pride: 02-21-2024
- You prevent yourself from performing well because you trust hate (damning) to gain control.
- You prevent yourself from performing well because you demand things happen, not make them happen.
- You prevent yourself from performing well because you expect things rather than face things.
- You prevent yourself from performing well because you deal with the frozen past projected over the present.ß
- You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose pride over learning, submitting, and responding to immediate events.
Stop Defeating Yourself: 02-20-2024
- You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose to appear to be successful over being successful.
- You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose to try to control being rescued by whining over performing for winning.
- You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose pride in judging and worrying over performing for winning.
- You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose pride in blaming for failing over performing for winning.
- You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose pride in identifying with winning over performing for winning.
Get Out of the Way: 02-19-2024
- You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose to demand that problems not exist.
- You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose to objectify problems, making them unfixable.
- You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose pride in performing well over performing.
- You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose pride in trying to perform over performing.
- You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose pride in thinking you will become better over actually performing.
All Work Is Good: 02-18-2024
- All work is enjoyable and a gift; if you don’t enjoy some work, it’s because of your attitude, not the work.
- All work is enjoyable and a gift; if you don’t enjoy some work, it’s because of your whining, not the work.
- All work is enjoyable and a gift; if you don’t enjoy some work, it’s because you falsely think you’re too good for it.
- All work is enjoyable and a gift; if you don’t enjoy some work, it’s because you despise and resent it, not because it is not good.
- All work is enjoyable and a gift; if you don’t enjoy some work, it’s because you delay and procrastinate, causing problems where none existed.
Nothing Is About You: 02-17-2024
- Nothing is about you because no one knows you, including you.
- Nothing is about you because your being is a transceiver, and either it is working or not.
- Nothing is about you because the “you” it would be about is some self-constructions, not you.
- Nothing is about you because your being is a transceiver and not to be confused with the signals it receives and resends.
- Nothing is about you because no one can find you to pin anything on you because your ways are ways of energy and sensation that thinking cannot capture as something.
The Ego Is About Proving Itself: 02-16-2024
- The ego is about proving itself, not enjoying itself.
- The ego is about deifying itself, not companionship and communion with others through equality.
- The ego is about performing for the sake of appearing to be superior, not for contributing and sharing.
- The ego is about overgeneralizing thoughts about itself, not gaining insight and perspective into the variations of its behaviors, choices, experiences, and experiments.
- The ego is about obtaining and maintaining status, so it produces classism, cooks for the rich, cronyism, discrimination, elites, exclusive neighborhoods, exclusivity in eating and purchasing, favoritism, gated communities, housekeepers for the rich, inequality, injustice, intolerance, journalists protecting the narratives of the elite, levels of legal defense and representation, maids for the rich, mansions, multiple homes for the rich, nannies for the rich, non-objectivity, partiality, political classes, preferential treatment, private police, private schools, private society, private trainers, privileged, propaganda promoting the benefits bestowed by elites, public relations (PR) specialists, publicists, racism, rules for thee not for me, separate justice, social classes, special consideration, war, yachts for the rich, and genocide.
Pride Murders As Things: 02-15-2024
- Pride will murder you as things faster than cancel culture.
- Pride will murder you as things faster than a wife in a fight.
- Pride will murder you as things faster than an enemy damning you.
- Pride will murder you as things faster than a Muslim apologist who hates facts about Islam.
- Pride will murder you as things faster than a journalist defending the propaganda they are paid to serve.
Love Another As Yourself: 02-14-2024
- Loving another as yourself is to serve the highest virtues.
- Loving another as yourself is to understand your humanity.
- Loving another as yourself is to love yourself and God, too.
- Loving another as yourself is to be human and free of the ego.
- Loving another as yourself is to follow the commandments of God.
Relying On Self Is Failing: 02-13-2024
- Don’t try to control yourself; ask God to control you.
- Don’t try to do better; ask God to hardwire better spirits.
- Don’t try to be better; ask God to take charge of more of your life.
- Don’t try to change yourself; ask God to hardwire more good spirits to replace bad ones.
- Don’t fight your vices; ask God to hardwire more spirits choosing virtues and to put them over any spirits choosing vices.
The Power of Aversions: 02-12-2024
- Aversions are powerful allies when developed to ward off vices and other self-defeating behaviors.
- Aversions are energy- and sensation-based; this makes them forceful and constructed of more than verbal information or opinions.
- Aversions are developed by creating a negative emotional reaction to something like smoking (it’s dirty, expensive, harmful, stinks, and wastes time and resources).
- Aversions can negate (make not an option) certain choices for you, such as burning garbage, using plastics when other options are available, and needless consumption for the sake of the ego.
- Some aversions come from negative experiences, some from focusing on negative sensations, and some from a determination to quit an addiction by repeatedly experiencing and feeling its destructive effects and nature.
What’s the Use of Pride?: 02-11-2024
- Where does your pride reign? It reigns in your mind where you prevent it from being proven wrong and replaced by humility.
- What is the result of your pride? Pride keeps you from checking your principles and their results such that you fail to prepare and perform poorly.
- How does pride waste your life? The time and effort it takes to accumulate, defend, and excuse pride is better spent contributing to society or serving God.
- How does pride stand with God? God is the only source of good, intelligence, and skill; therefore, pride for humans is impossible and must be replaced by gratitude.
- How does pride help your relationships? Pride prevents relationships because pride is based on being things and thoughts, and relationships are based on making contact with beings, not self-constructions.
Self-Esteem Helps Murder: 02-10-2024
- Self-esteem will help you find your place in society as a dead something (self-construction).
- Self-esteem will help you murder your family and friends as dead somethings (self-constructions).
- Self-esteem will help you keep up barriers and walls (self-constructions) so no one can climb over to meet the real you.
- Self-esteem will help you feel safe by hiding behind masks and roles through identification with them (self-constructions).
- Self-esteem will help you pick sides without having to test sources, hear all sides, or test results by choosing the one with the most approval (highest self-construction).
Pride Keeps You Lower: 02-09-2024
- Pride is blind to what is beyond it.
- Pride cannot find that which makes noble.
- Pride cannot deliver you but only bind and blind you.
- Pride keeps you stuck at a level of living that is embarrassingly petty.
- People lose all for pride, and it doesn’t consist of blessings, graces, or mental or spiritual riches but only passing words that others care little about and soon forget.
To Serve God You Must: 02-08-2024
- To serve God, you must be in a hosting mind, not a source mind.
- To serve God, you must be in a receiving mind, not a causing mind.
- To serve God, you must be in an intake mind, not an initiating mind.
- To serve God, you must be in a recording mind, not a producing mind.
- To serve God, you must be in a witnessing mind, not a generating mind.
Self-Constructions Are Mental Blocks: 02-07-2024
- Self-constructions are the clouds covering your intentions.
- Self-constructions are the dust, fog, and haze that prevent you from seeing clearly.
- Self-constructions are the wall that keeps others from making contact with your authentic self.
- Self-constructions constitute the masks and roles you hide behind, hoping you are not discovered as a fraud or impostor.
- Self-constructions cause the layers of awareness that make your thoughts preconscious, subconscious, and unconscious.
Blame Cause of Failure: 02-06-2024
- The child blames others for failure.
- The weak blame circumstances for failure.
- The mature blame themselves for failure.
- The wise blame their thinking for failure.
- The sage blames improper hosting for failure.
Use the Heart: 02-05-2024
- To understand is to host with the heart, not the body or mind.
- To perceive is to use the heart of perception, not the body or mind.
- To perform is to use the heart of performing, not the body or mind.
- To accomplish is the use the heart of intention, not the body or mind.
- To learn a skill by heart means to learn to follow it with energy, not thinking.
Detach Self from Hosted: 02-04-2024
- Detach hosting from the hosted.
- Detach the host from the hosted.
- Detach the container from the contents.
- Detach the transceiver from the signals.
- Some signs of the host being detached from the hosted include calm in chaos, centeredness in conflict, and clarity during a cyclone.
Get to Know Yourself: 02-03-2024
- Have you experienced yourself as still? You are still when you are doing nothing but hosting.
- Have you experienced yourself as quiet? You are quiet when self-constructions are not claiming you.
- Have you experienced yourself as empty? You are empty when self-constructions do not occupy you.
- Have you seen yourself naked? You are naked when you are not clothed and covered with self-constructions.
- Have you experienced yourself as formless? You are formless when you are not formed into any self-constructions.
Pride Kills: 02-02-2024
- Pride kills you because pride makes you into self-constructions (dead thoughts).
- Pride separates you from others because pride makes you into self-constructions, and others are not your self-constructions.
- Pride is the enemy of relationships because pride wants to be related to as superior self-constructions, not as an equal human being.
- Pride is a wall of self-constructions between you and your family and friends that is rarely broken down to let people know the real you.
- Pride exists in a virtual world composed of mental objects that replace human beings with self-constructions, causing misapprehensions, miscommunications, misperceptions, misunderstandings, and multiple mishaps.
Pride Versus Love: 02-01-2024
- Love is not about pride but service.
- Love does not cause pride but gratitude.
- Love is other-focused, and pride is self-focused.
- Love takes a risk without security, and pride demands security.
- Love is not about superiority but believing in the goodness in others.
Different Perspectives: 01-31-2024
- The spirit says we share one human nature; the ego says everyone is higher or lower than us.
- The spirit says we must serve the One Self; the ego says we must serve ourselves, or no one will.
- The spirit says we don’t need anything but God; the ego says the more we have, the more we can be.
- The spirit says we must be weak for God to be strong; the ego says we must be strong for others to be weak.
- The spirit says we should be nobody and nothing to get out of God’s way; the ego says we must be somebody and something important in the world.
You Will Serve; Choose Wisely: 01-30-2024
- You cannot serve two masters; choose pride or God.
- You cannot serve two masters; choose ego (self-esteem) or God.
- You cannot serve two masters; choose worldly or spiritual success.
- You can often serve God and family or country simultaneously; however, during extreme events, you often must choose one master over all others.
- Serving one loyalty can sometimes also serve others. However, not when crucial, defining, or pivotal moments arrive because, in the end, all you have to offer is your loyalty to God.
Pride Blinds: 01-29-2024
- Claiming pride is claiming superiority, which is claiming death as something other than a human being.
- Pride separates you from God because pride makes claims only God can make. After all, only God is good and a source of good.
- Pride separates you from people because pride makes claims for you that all people do not share. They are false claims because we are identical hosts, not creators of or original sources for anything.
- Self-pity and envy are forms of pride because they think you are special and deserving of more than your fate. In contrast, the courageous person embraces their fate and rises with it, understanding that all is a gift.
- Pride cannot exist without comparison; in God, there is no comparison, only equality of human nature. Yes, God gives different gifts, which can be compared, but the gifts are not the recipients.
Categorical Thinking (GS): 01-28-2024
- Want to kill the experience of something? Label it and bury it in a category. The category determines the narrative.
- Categorical thinking is typically dualistic and can be improved greatly using a trialistic system and even better using the 5 Thinking Positions (5TP) system.
- Labeling is good at killing and removing the possibility of understanding because it curtails, diminishes, and thingifies instead of discovering and exploring.
- AI can discover more categorical relationships than humans because it can process more data faster, making it better at chess and some forms of product development.
- Categorical thinking mistakes labeling for intelligence and understanding; however, the proof that labeling does not require intelligence is that computers can be trained to do it.
- Categorical thinking is good for database development, cross-filing, searching, and sorting; it can help discover relations to other categories in some database formats (entity, relational, not flat).
(Please read Discovery Demands 5TP for more information.)
Negative Attitudes Are an Infection: 01-27-2024
- Your negative attitudes and beliefs demoralize and depress you; why do you want to infect your family and friends with them?
- Your negative attitudes and beliefs demoralize and depress you; why do you want to continue to infect yourself with them by giving them time and space?
- Negative thinking is helpful when balanced and used by proactive planning; however, negative thinking has a bad reputation because it is often used for its own sake (destruction).
- Negative thinking can prevent accidents and injury by leading to caution, planning, and sensibility; however, negative thinking that triggers reasonable anxiety responses cannot be used to guide your responses to an event without negative consequences.
- Negative thinking can help you to stop practicing foolish and harmful practices like casual sex, drugging, gambling, overeating, and over-shopping by providing evidence of long-term consequences; however, the negative thinking itself cannot make the right choices for you.
Mind & Body Are Two: 01-26-2024
- Most people have experienced times of absorption in which they are lost in their minds and unaware of their bodies or surroundings.
- You can have low blood sugar and feel anxious and depressed, so believe your body and mind are one; however, the body is meant to influence the mind, not be it.
- Your body often influences the state of your mind; for instance, when you’re physically tired, your mind may feel foggy. However, these instances of influence do not prove that the mind and body are one.
- Professionals in sports have often undergone training to push through the wall (your body saying it can’t go any farther) to perform at a higher level because the mind, not being the body, can override the body.
- Meditation, yoga, and some esoteric practices often rely on the separation of mind and body to achieve states of being that many describe as a heightened sense of awareness or being outside of the physical body.
Rely On Hosted-Mind, Not Self: 01-25-2024
- The execution is the hosted-mind’s, not yours.
- Faith in the host-mind to act like the hosted-mind is faith in failure.
- Don’t try to be good because that is trying to be the hosted-mind when you are the host-mind.
- Don’t claim to be good; believing magical thinking will save the day is another way to try to be the hosted-mind when you are the host-mind.
- Don’t try to become better; that is trying to become a better hosted-mind when you are a host-mind that should seek to serve, not be, a better hosted-mind.
(Please read 2 Perform Use 2-Minds for more information.)
Overly Positive: 01-24-2024
- A silver lining does not deny the existence of clouds.
- A positive interpretation, reframing, or spin does not deny the existence of the bad that happened.
- A positive interpretation, reframing, or spin does not justify the existence of the bad that happened.
- Pollyannaish thinking can be enjoyable avoidism or escapism; however, it is impractical, misleading, and prevents proactive planning.
- People easily think overly negative and positive thoughts but find it difficult to think inside balanced positions or positions slightly favoring one side over the other.
You Do Not Perform: 01-23-2024
- You do not perform; you host performing.
- You do not perform; you beam performing.
- You do not perform; you share performing.
- You do not perform; you rest in performing.
- You do not perform; you telecast performing.
- You do not perform; you transmit performing.
- You do not perform; you broadcast performing.
Hosting Benefits: 01-22-2024
- Hosting allows creativity to enter.
- Hosting allows intelligence to enter.
- Hosting lets the good work through you.
- Hosting allows skill and talent to guide you.
- Hosting is the beginning of virtue because it makes space for charity, chastity, courage, diligence, faith, forgiveness, fortitude, generosity, hope, humility, justice, kindness, mercy, patience, peace, prudence, selflessness, silence, stillness, temperance, and truthfulness.
Stop Trying: 01-21-2024
- Stop trying; start resting on God.
- Stop trying; start relying on God.
- Stop trying; start returning to God.
- Stop trying; start retreating to God.
- Stop trying; start refocusing on God.
- Stop trying; start remaining under God.
Repeat the Good: 01-20-2024
- Focus on focusing.
- Listen to listening.
- Center on centering.
- Go under being under.
- Detach from detaching.
- Experience experiencing.
- Neither turn to the left nor the right (stay on track).
Double the Good: 01-19-2024
- Feel feeling.
- Sense sensing.
- Wait on waiting.
- Attend to attention.
- Follow out following.
- Surrender to surrendering.
- Neither turn to the left nor the right (stay on course).
Do What You Do: 01-18-2024
- Rest on resting.
- Rely on relying.
- Return to returning.
- Retreat to retreating.
- Remain in remaining.
- Refocus on refocusing.
- Neither turn to the left nor the right (avoid diversion).
Better Processes & Outcomes: 01-17-2024
- We need better processes and outcomes, and we can get there by using each to improve the other.
- Measure your processes and outcomes to improve them wherever possible until improving them becomes wasteful.
- When we focus on outcomes alone, we might resort to immoral, environmentally harmful, or foolish means to achieve them, causing long-term problems.
- When we focus on processes alone, we might justify failures based on our good intentions and developing good processes; however, intentions are not outcomes, and good processes should produce good results.
- You might fail while developing good processes; however, use the failing outcomes to improve your processes; do not lower yourself to blaming or justifying the failures on imaginary social or systemic causes.
Worry Is Friend Or Foe: 01-16-2024
- Worry is a warning, not a way of life.
- Worry wastes time and energy better spent on problem-solving or proactive planning.
- Worry becomes a problem about the problem that is often worse than the original problem.
- Measure worry and see if it does not disturb you more than the current or potential disturbance it is about and act accordingly.
- Worry can signal you that you need to pay attention to your or other’s processes and outcomes, so stop worrying and learn what you can do.
How to Find Happiness: 01-15-2024
- Want to be happy? Choose to accept life.
- What to be happy? Choose to forget worry.
- Want to be happy? Choose happy thoughts.
- Want to be happy? Choose to be grateful often.
- Want to be happy? Choose to make others happy.
- Want to be happy? Choose to find something to enjoy in most moments.
Look Within: 01-14-2024
- Can you find the world of inner silence? If you cannot, you cannot find your heart because it is always silent.
- Can you find the world of inner sensations? If you cannot, you cannot find your soul because it is always experiencing sensations.
- Can you find the world of inner prayer? If you cannot, you cannot find your mind because it is always praying.
- Can you dig deep under pressure to rely on Energy to overcome the odds? If you cannot, you cannot reach greatness.
- Can you face adversity, trials, and tribulations with aplomb? If you cannot, you cannot reach Heaven (the other shore).
Wait for God to Respond: 01-13-2024
- Prayer is asking God to respond.
- Don’t respond; wait for God to respond.
- Your internal response is to wait for God to respond.
- Internally, wait for God to respond while holding all in the Light to be exposed and purged by the Light.
- When they consist of mental forms, your internal responses must fail because they can do nothing but make noise.
Find a Positive Focus: 01-12-2024
- You can find something positive about almost anyone to focus on; that focus will help you accept and enjoy life.
- There’s almost always a silver lining in every situation; focusing on it can enhance your acceptance and enjoyment of life.
- By cultivating the habit of seeking the positive, it becomes a natural response, enhancing your overall well-being and happiness.
- Every challenge or circumstance has the potential for good; focusing on that potential makes your mind better equipped to cope and find solutions.
- You can find positive features in otherwise faulty architecture, art, literature, movies, or neighborhoods to focus on and improve your outlook and appreciation of life.
- Looking for the positive in all things is a strategy for happiness that is not meant to replace acknowledging or dealing with problems or evils but to improve acceptance, coping, outlook, problem-solving, and a positive approach to life that can apply most of the time.
Mind Not It (GS): 01-11-2024
- The lake in your mind is not wet because it is not a lake.
- The snow in your mind is not cold because it is not snow.
- The boulder in your mind is not heavy because it is not a boulder.
- The beautiful woman in your mind cannot go to the movies with you.
- How many examples do you need to stop mistaking your thinking for being what it is about?
Be At Your Best: 01-10-2024
- You are at your best when you are nothing but a receiver.
- You are at your best when you are nobody but a transceiver.
- You are at your best when you are doing nothing but hosting.
- You are at your best when waiting for God to do through you.
- You are at your best when you know nothing but sense everything.
Suffering Is Mostly Self-Inflicted: 01-09-2024
- Most distress is self-inflicted by worrying about how others will think about you.
- Most suffering is self-inflicted by thinking about yourself as negative self-constructions.
- Most emotional and psychological pain is self-inflicted because it is ego-based, and you decide what your ego is.
- Most disturbed relationships are disturbed by you and others thinking of themselves as negative self-constructions in the relationship.
- Most blocks to achievement, learning, and success exist because people think of themselves as negative self-constructions, which leads to apathy, blaming, complaining, damning others, discouragement, dissatisfaction, fear, lack of determination, lack of effort, quitting, resentment, and victimhood.
Intelligence Is Determined By—: 01-08-2024
- Intelligence is determined by how long you can stand suffering before you look away.
- Intelligence is determined by how long you can stand psychological pain before you look away.
- Intelligence is determined by how long you can stand conflict and ugliness before you look away.
- Intelligence is determined by how long you can stand discomfort and discordance before you look away.
- Intelligence is determined by how long you can stand seeing yourself as foolish and drawn to evil before you look away.
- The highest intelligence can stand to look within until the death of the ego and then hell as the ego.
“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” —F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Magic Practice: 01-07-2024
- The magic practice is to refocus your focus.
- Refocusing your focus seems magical because it works when all else fails.
- The magic practice is to refocus your focus because this is often your unrecognized and unused power.
- The solution to most psychological problems is to refocus your focus until you generate a new habit.
- The magic practice is to refocus your focus because this is your power to control your life by creating better habits.
Know Your Enemy: 01-06-2024
- Your battle is not with yourself but with your ego.
- Your battle is not with yourself but with somebodies.
- Your battle is not with yourself but with your self-constructions.
- Your battle is not with yourself but with your thought-things (reified thoughts).
- Your battle is not with yourself but with your mind relying on mental objects, thought-things, and self-constructions as more than human thoughts.
Change Your Focus: 01-05-2024
- Life is a change of focus.
- Coping is a change of focus.
- Maturity is a change of focus.
- Pleasure is a change of focus.
- Perspective-taking is a change of focus.
Control Your Focus, Control Your Life: 01-04-2024
- If you want to cope better, then control your focus better.
- If you want something to taste better, then control your focus better.
- If you want to enjoy movies or music better, then control your focus better.
- If you want to lead a mature life, don’t blame your focus on someone else.
- If you want to lead a life of integrity, don’t blame your focus on food, media, people, places, sounds, or things.
- If you want to lead the best life, switch control of your focus from external events to internal events.
Somebodies Serve Somebodies: 01-03-2024
- Somebodies are like politicians; they rarely want to do what you want.
- Somebodies are like politicians; they rarely provide the results you want.
- Somebodies are like politicians; once you let them in, they serve their own agendas.
- Somebodies are like politicians; they promote themselves as your solution but are only a solution for themselves.
- Somebodies are like politicians; they serve themselves first, those who serve them second, and those who vote for them last or not at all.
Thus, It Is: 01-02-2024
- Thus, it was.
- Thus, it is.
- Thus, it will be.
- Thus, there is no emotion, only peace.
- Thus, there is no passion, only serenity.
The Trinity Is in Everyone: 01-01-2024
- Do you have experiences, feelings, and thoughts? Do these represent three parts inside you?
- Does your God have experiences, feelings, and thoughts? Do these represent three parts inside your God?
- Do you have a heart, soul, and mind? Do these represent three parts inside you?
- Does your God have a heart, soul, and mind? Do these represent three parts inside your God?
- We are made in the image of God because, like God, we have a heart, soul, and mind, just as Jesus spoke of them in the Bible (Matthew 22:37, Mark 12:30, Luke 10:27).
- Read for the best breathing exercise in the world for your feelings and stress.
3D Daily Dose of Discernment 2024
Some Twitter Versions of Quotations
- Read for the best breathing exercise in the world for your feelings and stress.
3D Daily Dose of Discernment 2024
Descriptions of FitzMaurice’s Books of Aphorisms & Sayings
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2003-4
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2005
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2006
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2007
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2008
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2009
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2010
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2011
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2014
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2015
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2016
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2017
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2018
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2019
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2020
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2021
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2022
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2023
- Description: Acid Test
- Description: Anything Goes
- Description: Garbage Rules
- Description: Planet Earth: Insane Asylum for the Universe, 2nd Ed.
- Description: Something For Nothing
- Read for the best breathing exercise in the world for your feelings and stress.
3D Daily Dose of Discernment 2024
- Description: 2 Perform Use 2-Minds
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2003-4
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2005
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2006
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2007
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2008
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2009
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2010
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2011
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2014
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2015
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2016
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2017
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2018
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2019
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2020
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2021
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2022
- Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2023
- Description: Acid Test
- Description: Anything Goes
- Description: Attitude Is All You Need! Second Edition
- Description: Breathe
- Description: Buddha Failed: 25 Reasons
- Description: Carl Rogers, Control Freak
- Description: Christian Idols
- Description: Christian Scripture
- Description: Christian Sex
- Description: Discovery Demands 5TP
- Description: Ego
- Description: Ego Playground
- Description: Fast-Facts: Feelings
- Description: Fast-Facts: Self-Esteem
- Description: Fast-Facts: Semantics
- Description: Feeling-Intention Therapy
- Description: Games Ego Plays
- Description: Garbage Rules
- Description: Garden
- Description: Globalism God
- Description: How To Govern Anything
- Description: Jesus Speaks About Jesus
- Description: Journal Journey from Ego
- Description: Life Skills: 10 Mental Skills
- Description: Life Skills: 10 Spiritual Skills
- Description: Mind-Moving (M-M): Healing’s Unifying Principle
- Description: Nobody Speaks
- Description: Nobody Speaks-2
- Description: Not
- Description: Nothing About Nothing
- Description: Planet Earth: Insane Asylum for the Universe, 2nd Ed.
- Description: Problem Solved! 3Rs
- Description: Rocket-Mind (R-M)
- Description: Satan Stories
- Description: Secret of Maturity, 4th Edition
- Description: Self: Who Am I?
- Description: Sinners Anonymous: Group Rules, 2nd Ed.
- Description: Something For Nothing
- Description: Spiritual Surrender’s Seven Steps
- Description: Stiffer: Stoic Mind
- Description: Stress for Success, 2nd Ed.
- Description: The Secret of Maturity, 3rd Ed.
- Description: The Seventh Way, 2nd Edition
- Description: The Story of Life
- Description: What’s Your Story?
- Description: We’re All Insane! 2nd Ed.
- Description: World Within: The Inner Life
- Description: World’s Worst Question
- Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.
3D Daily Dose of Discernment 2024
6 Groups of Topics Menu
- 1. Pages by Topic
- 2. Fast-Facts by Topic
- 3. Quotations by Topic
- 4. Poems by Topic
- 5. Scripture by Topic
- 6. Websites by Topic
- Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.
- Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.
3D Daily Dose of Discernment 2024
10 Skills & Topics Menu
- 1. Coping Skills & Topics
- 2. Problem-Solving Skills & Topics
- 3. Communication Skills & Topics
- 4. Recovery Skills & Topics
- 5. Anger Skills & Topics
- 6. Blame Skills & Topics
- 7. Thinking Skills & Topics
- 8. Responsibility Skills & Topics
- 9. Counseling Skills & Topics
- 10. Praying Skills & Topics
- Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.
3D Daily Dose of Discernment 2024
All Menus Menu
- 6 Groups of Topics Menu
- 9 Skills & Topics Menu
- Author & Quotations Menu
- Book Information & Help Menu
- Book Topics: 13 Sections Menu
- Books by 10 Topics Menu
- Ego, Self-Esteem, & Self-Nature Menu
- Fast-Facts by Book Menu
- Fast-Facts by Topic Menu
- Fast-Facts by Year Menu
- Free Education Menu
- Free Information Menu
- Green Tea Menu
- Homosexuality Menu
- Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.
- Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.