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Suggested Books for Reference & Exploration

Listed Alphabetically by Author

Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. Alcoholics Anonymous: The Big Book, 3rd Edition. Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., New York. 1939, 1955, 1976.

Aurelius, Marcus. Meditations. Various editions and translations are available.

Barna, George. The Second Coming of the Church. Thomas Nelson, Nashville. 1998.

Beck, Aaron T., Rush, A. John, Shaw, Brian F., and Gary Emery. Cognitive Therapy of Depression: A Treatment Manual. Guilford Press, New York. 1979.

Benson, Herbert. The Relaxation Response. Avon Books, New York. 1975.

Berlinski, David. The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions. Basic Books, New York. 2009.

Berne, Eric. Games People Play. Ballantine Books, New York. 1964.

Borcherdt, Bill. You Can Control Your Feelings! 24 Guides to Emotional Well-Being. Professional Resource Exchange, Sarasota, FL. 1993.

Bynner, Witter. The Way of Life According to Lao Tzu. Putnam Publishing, New York. 1944.

Capra, Fritjof. The Tao of Physics: Third Edition, Expanded. Shambhala, Boston. 1991.

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Living with Flow. Nightingale Conant, Niles, IL. 1994.

Dryden, Windy. Dealing With Anger Problems: Rational-Emotive Therapeutic Interventions. Professional Resource Exchange, Sarasota, Florida. 1990.

Duncan, Ronald and Miranda Weston-Smith editors. The Encyclopedia of Ignorance: Everything you ever wanted to know about the unknown. Pergamon Press, Elmsford, NY. 1977.

Ellis, Albert. “RET Abolishes Most of the Human Ego.” Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. 13:4, 343-348. 1976.

Ellis, Albert. Reason and Emotion in Psychotherapy, Revised and Updated. Carol Publishing, New York. 1994.

Ellis, Albert. How to Control Your Anxiety Before It Controls You. Carol Publishing Group, Secaucus, NJ. 1998.

Ellis, Albert. Feeling Better, Getting Better, Staying Better: Profound Self-Help for Your Emotions. Impact Publishers, Atascadero, CA. 2001.

Ellis, Albert. The Myth of Self-esteem: How Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Can Change Your Life Forever. Prometheus, Amherst, NY. 2005.

Ellis, Albert, and Windy Dryden. The Practice of Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET). Springer, New York. 1987.

Ellis, Albert, and Robert A. Harper. A Guide to Rational Living, Third Edition. Wilshire Book Company, North Hollywood, CA. 1997.

Ellis, Albert, and Raymond C. Tafrate. How to Control Your Anger Before It Controls You. Kensington Publishing, New York. 1997.

Epictetus. The Discourses of Epictetus. A series of informal lectures were written down by his pupil, Arrian, around 108 A.D. Of the original eight books, four books are extant. Various editions are available.

Epictetus. The Enchiridion of Epictetus. Lecture notes of his pupil, Arrian, were published around the time of Epictetus’s death. Various editions and translations are available.

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Self-Concept: The Enemy Within. PalmTree Publishers, Omaha, NE. (out of print) 1989.

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. The Seventh Way: How to Live Beyond Self-Concepts. PalmTree Publishers, Omaha, NE. (out of print) 1990. [In press 2021.]

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Beyond Thought and Feeling: Meditation and the Structure of the Ego. PalmTree Publishers, Omaha, NE. (out of print) 1990.

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Discover the Fundamental Patterns that Dominate Human Thinking & Social Behavior: SuperTherapy (ST) Level One Intensive. PalmTree Publishers, Omaha, NE. (out of print) 2000.

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Breathe. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2010. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple. Also available in print from Amazon. Buy Breathe

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Garden. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2010. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple. Also available in print from Amazon. Buy Garden

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Not. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2011. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple. Also available in print from Amazon. Buy Not

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Ego. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2011. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple. Also available in print from Amazon. Buy Ego

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Something For Nothing. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2011. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple. Buy Something For Nothing

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Anything Goes. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2011. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple. Buy Anything Goes

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Acid Test. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR, 2011. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple. Buy Acid Test

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Attitude Is All You Need! Second Edition. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 1997, 2011. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple. Also available in print from Amazon. Buy Attitude Is All You Need!

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. 3D: Daily Dose: 2005. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2011. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple. Buy 3D: Daily Dose: 2005

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. 3D: Daily Dose: 2003-4. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2012. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple. Buy 3D: Daily Dose: 2003-4

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Garbage Rules. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2012. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple. Also available in print from Amazon. Buy Garbage Rules

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Carl Rogers, Control Freak. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2012. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple. Also available in print from Amazon. Buy Carl Rogers, Control Freak

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. We’re All Insane! 2nd Ed.: Six Reasons Why You’re Insane. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 1991, 2012. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple. Also available in print from Amazon. Buy We’re All Insane! 2nd Ed.

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. How to Govern Anything: Ocean Government. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2012. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple. Also available in print from Amazon. Buy How to Govern Anything: Ocean Government

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. 3D: Daily Dose: 2006. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2012. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple. Buy 3D: Daily Dose: 2006

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. 3D: Daily Dose: 2007. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2012. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple. Buy 3D: Daily Dose: 2007

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. The Secret of Maturity, Third Edition. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 1989, 1990, 2012. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple. Buy The Secret of Maturity, Third Edition

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Stress for Success, 2nd Edition. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2013. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple. Also available in print from Amazon. Buy Stress for Success, 2nd Edition

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. 3D: Daily Dose: 2008. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2013. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple. Buy 3D: Daily Dose: 2008

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Self: Who Am I? FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2013. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple. Also available in print from Amazon. Buy Self: Who Am I?

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. 3D: Daily Dose: 2009. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2013. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple. Also available in print from Amazon. Buy 3D: Daily Dose: 2009

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Games Ego Plays. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2014. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Games Ego Plays

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Journal Journey from Ego. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2014. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Journal Journey from Ego

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Ego Playground. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2014. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Ego Playground

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. 3D: Daily Dose: 2010. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2015. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy 3D: Daily Dose: 2010

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. What’s Your Story? FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2015. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy What’s Your Story?

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. World Within: The Inner Life. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2016. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy World Within: The Inner Life

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Planet Earth: Insane Asylum for the Universe, 2nd Ed.. PalmTree Publishers, Portland, OR. 2016. Available for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Planet Earth: Insane Asylum for the Universe, 2nd Ed.

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Games Ego Plays, Revised Version. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2014, 2017. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. [Only the print version is revised.] Buy Games Ego Plays, Revised Version

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Secret of Maturity, 4th Ed.. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 1989, 1990, 2012, 2017. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Secret of Maturity, 4th Edition

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Discovery Demands 5TP. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2017. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Discovery Demands 5TP

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Problem Solved! 3Rs. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2017. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Problem Solved! 3Rs

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. The Story of Life. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2018. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy The Story of Life

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Stiffer. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2019. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Stiffer

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. 3D: Daily Dose: 2011. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2019. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy 3D: Daily Dose: 2011

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Spiritual Surrender’s Seven Steps. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2020. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Spiritual Surrender’s Seven Steps

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Feeling-Intention Therapy. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2020. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Feeling-Intention Therapy

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Nobody Speaks. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2020. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Nobody Speaks

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Mind-Moving (M-M): Healing’s Unifying Principle. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2021. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Mind-Moving: Healing’s Unifying Principle

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Nobody Speaks-2. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2021. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Nobody Speaks-2

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Buddha Failed: 25 Reasons. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2021. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Buddha Failed: 25 Reasons

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Life Skills: 10 Mental Skills. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2022. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Life Skills: 10 Mental Skills

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Life Skills: 10 Spiritual Skills. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2022. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Life Skills: 10 Spiritual Skills

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. The Seventh Way, Second Edition. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2022. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy The Seventh Way, Second Edition

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Sinners Anonymous: Group Rules, Second Edition. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2022. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Sinners Anonymous: Group Rules, Second Edition

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Sinners Anonymous: Group Rules, Second Edition. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2022. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Rocket-Mind (R-M)

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. 3D: Daily Dose: 2014. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2023. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy 3D: Daily Dose: 2014

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Christian Scripture. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2023. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Christian Scripture

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Christian Scripture. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2023. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Christian Idols

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Christian Sex. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2023. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Christian Sex

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. 3D: Daily Dose: 2015. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2023. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy 3D: Daily Dose: 2015

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. 3D: Daily Dose: 2016. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2023. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy 3D: Daily Dose: 2016

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Satan Stories. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2023. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Satan Stories

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. 3D: Daily Dose: 2017. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2023. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy 3D: Daily Dose: 2017

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Jesus Speaks About Jesus. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2023. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Jesus Speaks About Jesus

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. 3D: Daily Dose: 2018. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2023. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy 3D: Daily Dose: 2018

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. 3D: Daily Dose: 2019. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2023. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy 3D: Daily Dose: 2019

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. 3D: Daily Dose: 2020. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2024. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy 3D: Daily Dose: 2020

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. 3D: Daily Dose: 2021. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2024. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy 3D: Daily Dose: 2021

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. 3D: Daily Dose: 2022. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2024. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy 3D: Daily Dose: 2022

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. 3D: Daily Dose: 2023. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2024. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy 3D: Daily Dose: 2023

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. 2 Perform Use 2-Minds. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2024. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy 2 Perform Use 2-Minds

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Nothing About Nothing. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2024. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Nothing About Nothing

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Globalism God. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2024. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Globalism God

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Fast-Facts: Self-Esteem. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2024. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Fast-Facts: Self-Esteem

FitzMaurice, Kevin Everett. Fast-Facts: Self-Esteem. FitzMaurice Publishers, Portland, OR. 2024. Available worldwide in print and for computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers from Amazon. Buy Fast-Facts: Feelings

Frankl, Victor E. Man’s Search for Meaning: An Introduction to Logotherapy. Beacon Press, Boston. 1959, 1963.

Fromm, Eric. The Art of Loving. Harper and Row, New York. 1956.

Goldberg, Marilee C. The Art of the Question. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 1998.

Goleman, Daniel. Emotional Intelligence. Bantam Books, New York. 1995.

Gordon, Thomas. Parent Effectiveness Training: The Proven Program for Raising Responsible Children. Three Rivers Press, New York. 2000.

Hauck, Paul A. Overcoming the Rating Game: Beyond Self-Love, Beyond Self-Esteem. Westminster/John Knox Press, Louisville, KY. 1991.

Hedges, Chris. When Atheism Becomes Religion: America’s New Fundamentalists. Free Press, New York. 2008.

Hoff, Benjamin. The Tao of Pooh. Dutton, New York. 1982.

Hume, David. A Treatise of Human Nature. Edited by David Fate Norton and Mary J. Norton. Oxford Philosophical Texts. Oxford University, Oxford, England. 2000. Original publication 1739.

James, Muriel, and Dorothy Jongeward. Born to Win: Transactional Analysis with Gestalt Experiments. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. 1971.

Kapleau, Philip. The Three Pillars of Zen: Teaching, Practice, and Enlightenment. Beacon Press, Boston. 1967.

Kierkegaard, Søren. The Sickness unto Death: A Christian Psychological Exposition for Upbuilding and Awakening. Edited and translated by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong. Princeton University Press, Princeton. 1980.

Kierkegaard, Søren. Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing: Spiritual Preparation for the Office of Confession. Translated by Douglas V. Steere. Harper and Row, New York. 1938.

Kierkegaard, Søren. Works of Love: Some Christian Reflections in the Form of Discourses. Translated by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong. Harper and Row, New York. 1962.

Kierkegaard, Søren. Training in Christianity and the Edifying Discourses. Translated by Walter Lowrie. Princeton University Press, Princeton. 1967.

Kierkegaard, Søren. Attack upon “Christendom.” Translated by Walter Lowrie. Princeton University Press, Princeton. 1944.

Kierkegaard, Søren. Christian Discourses. Translated by Alas. Princeton University Press, Princeton. 1971.

Kierkegaard, Søren. Either/Or: Part I. Edited and translated by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong. Princeton University Press, Princeton. 1987.

Kohlberg, Lawrence. “Stage and Sequence: The Cognitive-Developmental Approach to Socialization.” In D. A. Goslin (ed.), Handbook of Socialization Theory and Research. Rand McNally, Chicago. 1969.

Korzybski, Alfred. Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics, Fifth Edition. The International Non-Aristotelian Library Publishing Company, Lakeville, CT. 1958. Charlotte Schuchardt Read.

Krishnamurti, J. [Jiddu]. The First and Last Freedom. With a foreword by Aldous Huxley. Harper and Row Publishers, New York. 1954. Krishnamurti Foundation.

Krishnamurti, J. [Jiddu]. Think on These Things. Edited by D. Rajagopal. Harper and Row Publishers, New York. 1964. Krishnamurti Foundation.

Krishnamurti, J. [Jiddu]. Freedom from the Known. Edited by Mary Lutyens. Harper and Row Publishers, New York. 1969. Krishnamurti Foundation.

Krishnamurti, J. [Jiddu]. The Flight of the Eagle. Harper and Row Publishers, New York. 1972. Krishnamurti Foundation.

La Rochefoucauld, François de. Collected Maxims and Other Reflections. Oxford University Press. 2007.

Laing, R.D. Knots. Penguin, London. 1970.

Loftus, Elizabeth F., and Doyle, James M. Eyewitness Testimony: Civil and Criminal. Lexis Law Publishers, New York. 1997.

Maultsby, Jr., Maxie C. Rational Behavioral Therapy. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. 1984.

Medved, Diane. The Case Against Divorce. Ivy Books, New York. 1993.

Mercer, Michael W., and Maryann V. Troiani. Spontaneous Optimism: Proven Strategies for Health, Prosperity and Happiness. Castlegate, Lake Zurich, IL. 1998.

Merton, Thomas. The Way of Chung Tzu. New Directions. New York. 1965.

Mills, David. Overcoming “Self-esteem”: Why Our Compulsive Drive for “Self-esteem” Is Anxiety-Provoking, Socially Inhibiting, and Self-Sabotaging. Pamphlet available from the Albert Ellis Institute for Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, 145 East 32nd Street, 9th Floor (Between 3rd & Lexington) New York, NY 10016 Ph:212.535.0822 Fax: 212.249.3582

Müller, F. Max (translator, 1879). The Upanishads, Vol. I. Dover Publications, Mineola, NY. 1962.

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm. Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future. Translated by R. J. Hollingdale. Penguin Books, New York. 1973.

Olney, Kathryn. “Can Violent Men Be Treated?” The Family Therapy Networker, January/February, pp. 12–13. 1994.

Page, Susan. How One of You Can Bring the Two of You Together: Breakthrough Strategies to Resolve Your Conflict and Reignite Your Love. Broadway Books, New York. 1997.

Peele, Stanton. Love and Addiction. New American Library, New York. 1975.

Plato. The Republic of Plato. (See Part II, Book IV, Chapter XIII). Translated, with Introduction and Notes, by Frances MacDonald Cornford. Oxford University, New York. 1941.

Rifkin, Jeremy. Algeny: A New Word—A New World. In collaboration with Nicanor Perlas. Penguin Books, New York. 1983.

Rosellini, Gale & Worden, Mark. Of Course You’re Angry. Hazelden, Center City, Minnesota. 1985.

Rogers, Carl R. On Becoming a Person: A Therapist’s View of Psychotherapy. Houghton Mifflin, Boston. 1961.

Russell, Bertrand. The Problems of Philosophy. 1912.

Russell, Bertrand. The History of Western Philosophy. 1945.

Schopenhauer, Arthur. The Widom of Life. Various editions and translations are available.

Seneca. Letters from a Stoic. Various editions and translations are available.

Siegel, Bernie S. Love, Medicine and Miracles: Lessons Learned about Self-healing from a Surgeon’s Experience with Exceptional Patients. Harper and Row, New York. 1986.

Stone, Douglas, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen. Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most. Viking Press, New York. 1999.

Szasz, Thomas, S. The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundations of a Theory of Personal Conduct (revised ed.). Harper and Row, New York. 1974.

Tavris, Carol. Anger: The Misunderstood Emotion. Simon and Schuster, New York, N.Y. 1982.

Tzu, Chuang. The Sayings of Chuang Chou [Tzu]. Translated by James R. Ware. The New American Library of World Literature, New York. 1963.

Tzu, Lao. Tao of Lao Tsze. Translated by Charles H. Mackintosh. The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, IL. 1926.

Tzu, Lao. The Way of Life: According to Lao Tzu. Translated by Witter Bynner. Putnam Publishing, New York. 1944.

Tzu, Sun. The Art of War. Translated by Thomas Cleary. Shambhala Publications, Boston. 1988.

Vernon, Ann. Thinking, Feeling, Behaving: An Emotional Education Curriculum for Children/Grades 1-6, Revised Edition. 2006.

Walen, Susan R., Raymond DiGiuseppe, and Windy Dryden. A Practitioner’s Guide to Rational-Emotive Therapy, Second Edition. Oxford University Press, New York. 1992.

Weinberg, Harry L. Levels of Knowing and Existence: Studies in General Semantics. Harper and Brothers, Publishers, New York. 1959.

Winn, Marie. The Plug-In Drug, Revised Edition. Penguin Books, New York. 1985.

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.


Suggested Books: Descriptions

  1. Description: 2 Perform Use 2-Minds
  2. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2003-4
  3. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2005
  4. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2006
  5. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2007
  6. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2008
  7. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2009
  8. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2010
  9. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2011
  10. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2014
  11. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2015
  12. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2016
  13. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2017
  14. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2018
  15. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2019
  16. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2020
  17. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2021
  18. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2022
  19. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2023
  20. Description: Acid Test
  21. Description: Anything Goes
  22. Description: Attitude Is All You Need! Second Edition
  23. Description: Breathe
  24. Description: Buddha Failed: 25 Reasons
  25. Description: Carl Rogers, Control Freak
  26. Description: Christian Idols
  27. Description: Christian Scripture
  28. Description: Christian Sex
  29. Description: Discovery Demands 5TP
  30. Description: Ego
  31. Description: Ego Playground
  32. Description: Fast-Facts: Feelings
  33. Description: Fast-Facts: Self-Esteem
  34. Description: Feeling-Intention Therapy
  35. Description: Games Ego Plays
  36. Description: Garbage Rules
  37. Description: Garden
  38. Description: Globalism God
  39. Description: How To Govern Anything
  40. Description: Jesus Speaks About Jesus
  41. Description: Journal Journey from Ego
  42. Description: Life Skills: 10 Mental Skills
  43. Description: Life Skills: 10 Spiritual Skills
  44. Description: Mind-Moving (M-M): Healing’s Unifying Principle
  45. Description: Nobody Speaks
  46. Description: Nobody Speaks-2
  47. Description: Not
  48. Description: Nothing About Nothing
  49. Description: Planet Earth: Insane Asylum for the Universe, 2nd Ed.
  50. Description: Problem Solved! 3Rs
  51. Description: Rocket-Mind (R-M)
  52. Description: Satan Stories
  53. Description: Secret of Maturity, 4th Edition
  54. Description: Self: Who Am I?
  55. Description: Sinners Anonymous: Group Rules, 2nd Ed.
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  62. Description: The Story of Life
  63. Description: What’s Your Story?
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  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.


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  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.


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  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.
